Sean (9 page)

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Authors: Desiree Wilder

BOOK: Sean
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“I leave some of my clothes and shoes here,” she explained. “I decided to take some of them on our trip.”

“Mmm, sounds sexy,” I smiled. “I can’t wait.”

We took some cookies to Carl at the hotel. His shift was just ending and he was heading home for a barbeque. He said his grandkids would be thrilled when he showed up with them. He kissed Brynn on the cheek and gave her a hug. She was glowing. She thrived on giving and it was an attractive quality.
I should give more.

We had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in the hotel.
We sat at a little table by the window and it was romantic. Soft lighting, soft music and a soft, beautiful woman in front of me, it was rich. We talked about our trip and the concerts we were going to see. I was so thankful to be sharing that with her. Watching her enjoy herself filled me up. I hadn’t missed out on much, if anything, while I was growing up, but she’d missed out on a lot and it was unfair.

When we got back to my place
, I grabbed some things and we headed for the roof. I laid out a blanket and we watched the sun go down. Brynn snuggled up to me and I held her tightly as she sighed over the beautiful colors. It was another romantic moment and I was content sharing it with her.

“I brought you some sparklers,” I told her.

“You did!” She sat up excitedly.

I handed her two. She held them out to me and I lit them. I took a couple of pictures of her as she twirled them and wrote her name in the air. She laughed and asked me to
join her. I did and it took me back to twirling sparklers on the lawn with my brother and sister when we were kids.

We heard booms in the distance and knew the big fireworks show was beginning. We snuggled up on the blanket again and kissed while we waited. We
pulled away from each other and looked up to the explosion in the sky. It was just like in the movies. Actually, it was even better, because we didn’t have that thing looming over our relationship like all the couples in the movies did. We were honest and open and we were accepting of each other for who we were.

“Ohh, look at that one,” Brynn pointed. She was enjoying the show.

“Those are my favorite,” I said as I watched the fire fall in squiggly lines.

“I can’t pic
k a favorite,” she said. “They’re all so pretty.”

I reached my phone out and snapped a picture of the two of us. I wanted to remember that moment on the roof with her.
It was nice to be living in a romantic comedy and not just watching one. I stood and took a picture of Brynn on the blanket looking up to the sky. Her smile was sincere and so was the kiss I gave her when I sat back down next to her.

“Thank you,” she whispered as she kissed my neck and ear.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

When we got back to my place I could tell Brynn was anxious to get to bed. I knew we had to be up early too, but I talked her into hav
ing a red, white, and blue Bomb Pop popsicle with me first.

“I haven’t had one of these in years,” she said as she slowly pushed it between her lips and sucked as she pulled it back out. I fidgeted.

“Mmm, do that again and we may not finish these before I take you to bed,” I said.

She raised her eyebrows and did it again, very slowly, closing her eyes even. When she pulled it all the way out, she even licked the tip, smiling. “Why don’t we just take them to bed with us?” She was on to something, and I was all in.

We kept our eyes on each other as we licked our popsicles and undressed. Her mouth was bright cherry red from the frozen treat and her tongue was cold as I sucked it into my mouth. She backed away from me and leaned her head back as she touched her popsicle to her chin and slowly ran it all the way down to her landing strip, where the melted ice pooled and dripped. I dropped to my knees and caught it with my mouth. She moaned with delight as I followed the trail with my tongue, which was slowly warming against her sweet tasting skin.

We stuck our pops in each other’
s mouths and I fidgeted as I watched her try to keep mine from dripping. The red and blue stickiness escaped her lips and ran down her chin as she pulled hers from my mouth and dropped to her knees. She bit off a piece of hers and chewed it, but didn’t swallow before she had my cock in her mouth.
It was cold, but hurt so good as she sucked and swallowed. As the overflow escaped her, it ran down and I shuddered as it hit my balls and dripped to the floor.

She sat on the bed and leaned back as I touched her nipples with my dripping
popsicle. She moaned and her nipples swelled as they responded to the iciness. I knelt in front of her and she put her feet on my shoulders as I softly teased her clit with the cold and then the warmth of my tongue. I bit off the last of what I had and let it run free on her as I licked, sucked, and rubbed all around her clit and opening.

She pushed me with her feet and was on top of me in a second as I fell back onto the floor. She was dangerously close to being fucked for the first time as she rode my cock against her clit. It made me nervous and I had to sit up and reposition her.

“Sean, I want you,” she whispered against my neck as she continued her quest for the sensation she wanted so badly.

“I want y
ou, Brynn, but right now, I’m way beyond the making love point.” We were too far past how I wanted it to be for her first time.

“I need to feel you, please,” she begged.

“You’ll be satisfied in a minute, I promise.” I kept her on my lap and reached one hand around her ass and gave her dripping wetness an inch of my thumb. Her nipple was in my mouth as she took my cock into her hand and stroked me, letting my tip massage her clit.
Very clever.
She knew exactly what she needed to come, and she wasn’t afraid to get it for herself. I loved that. She put her other hand on the back of my head and brought me harder against her chest. She rocked her hips and quickened her hand around my cock. I felt her start to stiffen and I wanted to come at the same time.

She moaned and threw her head back. She had my cock tight against her as I came and she looked down smiling when she felt it on her skin. “Mmm,” she said.

“You like that?” I asked when I caught my breath.

“I do
.” She grinned.

“You’re naughty,” I told her. “It’s such a turn on.” I kissed her softly. “We really need to go shopping when we get back from our trip. In fact, we should’ve gone today, but I didn’t think about it.”

“Shopping for what?” she asked.


“Sex toys?” she asked hopefully. I nodded. “Oohhh, I can’t wait.”

“Me neither,” I said. “Wanna jump in the shower before bed?”

She looked down at my mess on herself. “Sure, I’m just gonna rinse off though. I want to shower in the morning. I have a really hot date to prepare myself for.” She winked at me.

I put my hands on her neck and kissed her softly. “Wrap your legs around me,” I told her. I stood and took her to the shower. She kept her legs around me as she kissed my neck and scratched my back. “That feels really good,” I said.

“If you could only have my lips or my hands, which would it be?” She looked into my eyes, smiling.

“Hmm, that’s a tough one,” I told her. I thought about it for a bit as I looked at her beautiful face. “As much as I love it when you touch me, I love kissing you even more, so I’d have to pick your lips.”

“That’s nice,” she kissed me and released her legs. She washed her body quickly and I checked her stitches. They were healing nicely.

As soon as we hit the sheets we fell asleep
in each other’s arms.









Chapter 6



I woke up alone.
I listened, but didn’t hear Brynn in the bathroom. I got up and checked it out. She hadn’t been in the shower yet. She wasn’t in the kitchen. I noticed the guest bathroom door was shut.

“Brynn?” I knocked on the door.

“Good morning,” she said. “I decided to use this bathroom so I wouldn’t wake you. Go shower and I’ll be ready when you are.” She talked through the door.

“Is everything okay? You don’t want to open the door and kiss
me good morning?”

“I do, but I don’t want you to see me until I’m ready. I’m very excited about my first vacation, though, and I’ll be kissing you a lot in the next three days, don’t worry.”

“Okay.” I chuckled. “I’m excited, too. I’m headed to the shower.”

I finished packing my toiletries after I showered and decided on what to wear. I was glad I’d expanded my wardrobe to include some less-than-preppy clothes when I
’d shopped for the Hairball concert. I put on the Levi’s with the rips in the legs and a Daughtry t-shirt that fit snug in the chest and around my biceps. I mussed my hair a little more than usual and threw my leather jacket in my suitcase.

I put some water on and patiently wai
ted in the kitchen for Brynn. When she walked out of the bathroom I swear I went weak in the knees. Her blonde hair was wavy and bounced as she walked and her makeup was sensual and sexy like it was the night I picked her up at Sashay. She had tight, slightly ripped jeans on with the bottom four inches folded up, showing her glowing, tanned legs down to her black ankle boots with four inch heels. The black half leather, half lace vest she wore had a plunging neckline and stopped short of her belly button, showing off her toned, tanned abs.

“My god, Brynn.
” I stared.

“Holy shit
, Sean. You look sexy as hell.” She pushed her body up against mine and kissed me like she hadn’t seen me in days. Her lips were soft and she smelled fantastic. I hadn’t smelled that scent on her before and it was turning me on even more. Her heels lifted her lips so much closer to mine and she used her new height to lean into me in all the right places.

“I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off you for a second,”
I told her.

That’s what I was hoping for. All you and me, all weekend.”

“I like the sound
of that,” I told her as I ran my hands up her bare, sexy arms. I put them into the arm holes of her vest and up on her shoulders. I smiled wickedly as I realized she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“That’s right,” she said. “All for you.”

We had time for a quick cup of tea as we double checked that we had everything we needed. As I followed Brynn to the cab, I double checked how fucking sexy she was and how unbelievably she moved, even in heels. We made out all the way to the airport and held hands all the way through check in and up to security. It felt so right and I hadn’t been that happy in a very long time. I snapped a lot of pictures and made the one of her in front of the boarding gate my wall paper. It was a full body shot and she had the tip of her finger in her mouth, just for me.

“Ready to board
your first airplane?” I asked.

“Yes!” Her excitement was contagious.

I took her hand and watched her soak it all in. When she sat in her window seat, she was glowing. We leaned toward the window and watched all the action on the runways. It was funny, even though I’d flown a lot, it was different with her. I noticed what she was noticing, and some of it was new to me, too. Her eyes grew wide and she squeezed my hand as we taxied down the runway. She turned her head toward the window as we lifted off and I just watched her. I hoped she wouldn’t get motion sickness.

“Look out there,” she said. “Look how fast everything is disappearing.”

I leaned toward the window again. I could feel her heart beating as my body leaned up against hers. My face was behind her ear and I whispered to her. “I’d rather look at you.”

She smiled and squeezed my hand. “I’m flying,” she whispered.

“Yes, you are. How do you feel?”

“Free,” she said. “
I feel free and proud…and thankful.”

I smiled at her
, knowing it meant a lot to her to be funding her vacation through her hard-earned fun money. “That’s my girl,” I told her.

We played cards as we fought to keep our hands to ourselves
, and before we knew it, we were on the ground again for our short two hour layover before our next flight. We had a light lunch and looked through a couple shops before we boarded again. We’d be there in a few hours and I was looking forward to seeing the place I’d heard so much about from Gia. I was also looking forward to seeing her and making sure she was doing okay.

“You still here?” Brynn must’ve noticed my disconnection.

“Nowhere I’d rather be,” I told her with a genuine smile. It was true. I loved being with her and she made me feel something great. I hadn’t been thinking of Gia much at all since I met Brynn and that was good. I was hopeful that the connection between Brynn and I would keep growing stronger and I’d be able to put my feelings for Gia where they belonged, in the friendship-and-nothing-more category.

“Me too,” she said as we lifted off. “I love that part. It’s forceful and takes my breath away, kind of like you.”

“Exactly like you,” I told her. “Ever heard of the mile-high club?” I raised my brow.

She giggled
. “Just kiss me.”

We kissed and sat back
, staring at each other. We were falling for each other and we knew it. It felt easy and honest. She was so open with me, telling me things that most women her age would never tell someone they’d just started dating. I knew she was fresh out of therapy though, and she was used to telling her stories. I hoped she’d always be open with me.

We watched out the window as we descended into the city. It was really beautiful and Brynn was in complete awe as she took it all in. I tried to imagine what she was
feeling; being away from the only city she’d ever known her whole life. Flying for the first time with someone she’d only known for a short time. I was proud of her for coming. She was very bravely stepping out of her comfort zone. I kissed her on the back of her neck and took a deep breath of her intoxicating scent.

“Ready to start our adventure?” I whispered.

“Yes,” she whispered, not taking her eyes off the newfound city. We landed smoothly and she finally turned to face me. Her eyes were glossy and she took a deep breath. “I’m a little overwhelmed,” she admitted.

I squeezed her hand. “It’s a new place for me
, too,” I told her. “We get to experience it together, how cool is that?”

“Very,” she said, squeezing back.

I saw Gia immediately when we entered the airport. She looked amazing, of course. I ran up and hugged her as I spun her around. She screamed and laughed as only she could, making my heart beat fast. As soon as I released her, she grabbed Brynn.

“Holy shit
, Brynn,” she held her at an arm’s distance. “You look hot!” She turned to me with wide eyes. “Spoiled rich kid with the hottest chick in the place. You’re one lucky man-child!” Brynn’s face turned pink as Gia hugged her.

“Yes, I’m very lucky,” I said as I winked at Brynn. “Ethan, good to see ya
, man,” I shook his hand and introduced him to Brynn.

“We met very briefly in California,” Ethan said as he reached out his hand to Brynn. “Good to see you again
, Brynn.”

“Good to see you
, Ethan,” she said as she shook it. “Thanks for picking us up. I can’t wait to see The Lock.”

Ethan and Brynn walked toward the baggage claim as he told her about the place and
what to expect over the weekend. Gia and I walked behind them, arm in arm, and chatted about what we’d done on the Fourth. As I listened to her, I glanced away for one second, and I couldn’t help but notice all the eyes on my girlfriend. She was standing in front of Ethan, laughing at some story he was telling her and she had the attention of every man around us.

“Jesus, you’re going to be busy this weekend,” Gia
said as she noticed what I had. “I’m used to seeing her as a sweet, shy little girl, not a sexy vixen. She must have the men at Sashay eating out of her hand. I wouldn’t leave her alone too long at The Lock, if at all.”

“I don’t plan on it,” I said.
I walked up and put my hand on the small of her back and kissed her cheek.

“Ethan was just telling me about the fireworks show
they’ve planned for after the concerts tonight,” she said with a beaming smile.




We had an early dinner in the city before we headed north to The Lock. I couldn’t wait to get Brynn alone, so it was a long two hour drive for me. There was conversation and laughing all the way, but ever since I saw her in a different light at the airport, all I could focus on was how much I wanted to touch and kiss her. She watched out the window, asking questions about this and that, really taking in as much as she could of her new surroundings, and there I was, ignoring everything around me, but her.

She seemed oblivious to my addiction, but kept ahold of my hand as she sat right up against me in the back seat of Gia’s Camaro.

Finally Ethan pulled up outside a cozy looking little cabin not far from a massive crowd of vehicles and people. He said they were still coming into the campground and that he expected to be full all weekend. Brynn was wide-eyed as she stepped out of the car and gasped at the sight of it all. Gia pointed out the entrance to the campground, the main gate to the arena, and her and Ethan’s place, not far from ours.

“Ethan saved you the best cabin,” she said as she put her arm around him. “You’re close to us and the gym and the main entrance.”

Brynn and I thanked them as we all walked toward the cabin. There was a little porch with perfectly trimmed bushes and beautiful flowers surrounding it. Two rustic rocking chairs sat upon it, next to a little matching table with a vase of wildflowers in the middle. Ethan sat Brynn’s suitcase on the porch and handed me the keys.

“We’ll leave you two to get settled,” he said as he took Gia’s hand. “Give us a call when you’re ready to wander and we’ll show you around.”

Brynn and I gasped when I opened the door to the cabin. It was one big room, besides the private bathroom, and it was awesome. The focal point was definitely the king sized log bed with the sheer canopy that draped beautifully square above it and all the way to the floor around it.

To the ri
ght was the kitchen, all oak, plaid, and warm with a little bar surrounded by four stools. To the left was a brown leather loveseat with matching chair, dark oak coffee table, and flat screen TV. The windows had plaid curtains with oak blinds and the floors were oak with several huge rugs scattered about. It was cozy, romantic and perfect.

I shut the door and grabbed Brynn. She hopped up into my arms and wrapped her legs around
me, giggling. “I’ve wanted to be alone with you for the last five hours at least,” I told her.

…” She smiled. “Well, now you are. So show me what you’ve been thinking about all that time.”

I locked the door and carried her with me as I shu
t all the blinds and then to the bed. I found the opening in the canopy and softly put her down. I stood back and looked at her. I grabbed my phone and took a picture. She was as beautiful as I’d ever seen her.

“Come here.” S
he patted the bed beside her.

I climbed in and we had ahold of each other, kissing passionately and grinding against each other immediately.

“Sean,” she whispered. I looked at her, holding her face in my hands. I knew what she was going to say. “This would be the perfect place to make love. I want it to happen while we’re here. Please say you’ll do that for me.” She was right. It would be perfect, and I couldn’t say no to her anymore.

“Yes, Brynn,” I told her. She smiled and hugged me. “I was a fool to think I c
ould resist you for a month. Right now, however, we need a quicker release. What would you like me to do to you right now?” I hoped she’d tell me, specifically. That was such a turn on.

She stood on the bed, heels and all, straddling my legs. I put my hands behind my head and gazed up at her, in awe.
She watched me as she not only told me, but showed me.

“I want you to touch me
here,” she said as her hand traveled across her stomach. “I want to feel your tongue and your lips all around here.” She traced her belly button several times with her finger.
Yes, I want to do that.
I licked my lips and swallowed. “Then,” she said as she pulled her jeans open with one swift yank, exposing just a hint of her black lacy panties. “I want you to touch me here.” Her fingers went down into her panties and her head went back as she touched herself.
I sat up, but she looked back to me, lifted her leg, and pressed one of her sharp heels against my chest, pushing me back down.

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