Read Seared by Desire Online

Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal romance, #magic, #fire, #vampire romance

Seared by Desire (14 page)

BOOK: Seared by Desire
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Lucian,” she called softly, unwittingly drawing the monster
ever closer to the surface with her kind words and nearness. “Is
something wrong?”

Nothing is wrong, just get up, get dressed and get

I can’t leave you Lucian. We have a deal remember? What
happens if I leave and Seraphina comes out? It’s too

Isn’t there someway you can tell when she’s coming? Some sort
of signal?” It was getting harder and harder not to simply turn and
sink his fangs into her neck. He would never have thought it
possible but his bride needed protection and all he was doing was
endangering her further.

She used to tell me when she was about to go off, she used to
give me a countdown but I think she’s in a bit of a mood. She
didn’t say a word yesterday and look what happened, I turned into a
human candle without even a moment’s notice.”

A mood?” he repeated the word carefully, certain that he’d
misheard her.

Yes, she acts like a spoilt child so I think ‘mood’ is a very
appropriate word.”

It’s a risk we’re going to have to take for a few

No Lucian, it isn’t. I can wear what I wore yesterday if it
means keeping this under control.”

He threw his hands into the air in exasperation. “You’re

Maybe, maybe not. I’m whatever the situation calls for.” She
was already moving trying to locate her clothes. “And look,” she
crowed triumphantly. “The maids have already taken care of the
problem. See, a clean new dress.”

She pulled the long blue garment over her head, relishing the
sensation of silk as it rubbed against her skin. Never had she felt
such luxurious material against her body and she briefly wondered
if they’d made a mistake. Silk was for royalty, for leaders, for
those with power, it wasn’t for a simple sword maker like
Well Lucian hasn’t said anything
and he’s their leader, as long as he says it’s okay then no one
will get into trouble.
“What do you
think?” she spun gracefully, trying to display the best features of
the dress.


The dress she wore was a light shade of blue, decorated with
intricate gold patterns stitched into the fabric. Her eyes were
aglow with joy, the rich colour she wore only serving to further
highlight the vitality in the vivid orbs. Her skin was flushed with
life rather than the heat of her flames and the deep red of her
curling hair called to him as though it were the blood he so
desperately needed. His gums ached at the reminder, throbbing
painfully with each slowing heartbeat. His pulse was weak and so
was his body, if he didn’t feed soon, his body would shut down in a
frantic attempt to preserve him until sustenance arrived. But it
was in that interim, between hunger and unconsciousness, that he
was most dangerous, the need to feed bringing the monster beneath
his skin ever closer to the surface.

Scowling, he turned his back to her and dressed quickly,
thankful that his fangs had receded. Her hand was back within his
the moment he was ready to leave causing his scowl to deepen even
as his heart warmed at her actions.

She really will be the death of me.

He strode purposefully out of the room, intent on resolving
the issue of his troublesome bride, he should have known better.
The instant he was out in the corridor he was inundated with
requests for assistance, questions about the war effort, encouraged
to attend another meeting where Gareth and Russell could air their
differences. Time continued to pass and through it all, Sara stayed
at his side, her hand never leaving his. The monster was edging
closer to the surface with every second he was near her without
fresh blood in his veins. The meeting was boring, he’d heard all of
their arguments before but as he stood, preparing to calmly tell
them what was going to happen, his control slipped, the monster
raising its head in anticipation.

I’ve had ENOUGH of your petty squabbling!” he shouted, his
eyes aglow with a menacing red. With his free hand, he lifted the
table from the ground tossing it into the air as he hissed at all
those present, his fangs bared, dripping with thirst.

A moment of stunned silence passed as those gathered tried to
make sense of Lucian's actions.

You have not fed my Lord.” Russell’s softly voiced words were
not a question. There was only one thing that could make Lucian
lose his temper so easily. He was so strong, the pillar of their
species, that it was often hard to remember that he had weaknesses,
that the burdens he bore both internally and from being a leader
were so much heavier than anyone could ever imagine. Only one as
old as Lucian could lead them, force warring factions to unite, but
only one as old as he was as susceptible to the dark urges that
filled vampires.

Lucian's head fell into his hand, shame filling him.

You must feed my Lord,” Gareth added.

I am aware of that.”

There are humans in the manor that would be more than willing
to see to your needs.”

I know that too. I would have tried to feed earlier but it
seems that nothing can get done around here without my personal
input on the matter.”

We didn’t know my Lord,” a faceless voice

That’s why you’re not leader. I know the feeding patterns of
everyone here, if you weren’t so caught up in your own ambitions
then you would have realised that I’m famished.

Well we know now,” Gareth supplied. “Lord Lucian, please, go
and feed.”

I will be back as soon as I can.” He moved, readying to leave
the room and Sara scrambled from her chair ready to follow him, her
hand linking easily with his. “Sara, you can stay here.”

No Lucian, this is the most dangerous time. She usually makes
an appearance about now; I can’t afford to be away from you. Don’t
worry, I won’t do anything to interrupt you. I didn’t know you were

And you weren’t meant to.

I’m not changing my mind on this Lucian.”

Stubborn,” he grumbled under his breath, pulling her quickly
from the room and into the corridor.

His steps were quick, his strides long and Sara’s shorter
legs struggled to keep up as he led her through the twists and
turns of the corridors to a small brightly lit room. The room was
richly decorated with fine wall hangings, thick carpets and a large
roaring fire to keep the woman inside the room warm. She stood as
soon as Lucian entered, rolling her head from side to side as
though in preparation.

Lucian pulled Sara in behind him, sitting her down on a
comfortable cream chaise. “Sit here. I’ll be as quick as I

My Lord.” The unknown woman bowed low, pulling her long
blonde hair away from her neck and exposing the soft skin to
Lucian's gaze.

Lucian eyed the skin, quickly finding fault.
Too pale,
And it’s probably not as soft as
He could feel his bride’s eyes on
him, watching him as he moved and nervousness began to fill
She’s probably never seen a vampire
feed, what will she think of me after this?
Though hunger wracked him, his fangs remained small and
useless within his mouth; he couldn’t do this in front of her. She
would misinterpret the way he held the woman’s body close to him,
might become jealous of the way his mouth moved so sensuously over
her skin. No, she had to leave.

Groaning, he turned back to her. “Sara, I want you to wait

Why? I told you I wouldn’t interrupt.” The words left her
mouth though inside she was seething for some unknown reason.
Lucian wasn’t hers but she couldn’t help but resent how his eyes
had wandered over the other woman’s body, hot and hungry.
Why won’t he look at me that way?

Sara, I’m not going to ask you again. Please, wait outside.
If you feel Seraphina coming then just call out to me and I’ll be
out in seconds.”

She reluctantly admitted that his words made sense. “Fine,”
she huffed, clearly unhappy with the new arrangement. She walked
slowly out of the room, closing the door softly behind her and
leaning against it with a sigh.

Now that he was alone with the donor, Lucian pulled her body
close, instructing his fangs to lengthen so that he could take the
sustenance her body ought to provide. His mouth hovered over her
skin, his breath touching her skin but his fangs didn’t lengthen.
The donor in his arms felt cold against him, the scent of her blood
stale in comparison to the woman just outside the door. He could
smell the richness of his bride’s blood, could almost imagine the
exotic taste of her on his tongue as he moved against her, touching
her body to draw out soft moans of satisfaction. Groaning, he
thrust the donor away from him, striding out of the

That was quick,” Sara commented as soon as Lucian exited the
room. He grabbed her arm dragging her down the familiar path to the
bedrooms and her words died, replaced by splutterings of
indignation. He forced her into his bedroom, finally releasing the
almost bruising grip he’d had on her arm.

Stay here.” He turned to leave but she grabbed him

Why Lucian? What’s going on?”

I can’t feed with you nearby.” He began pulling away from
her, trying once again to leave.

Why? I didn’t say anything. I didn’t do anything. Why can’t
you feed with me around? Or if it really comes down to it why can’t
you feed from me?” He groaned at her innocently voiced question.
“You said you don’t kill as you feed so why not?” She pulled the
collar of her shirt to the side exposing her deliciously beautiful

His eyes were drawn irresistibly to it, wanting nothing more
than to sink his fangs and drink her as he thrust into her body.
The rapid beating of her pulse drew him and he moved closer towards
her unable to stop himself.
Down this road
lies madness,
he cursed.
Just one taste, one taste and I’ll be
He yanked her against him and
this time his fangs had no trouble appearing. He breathed deeply,
taking her scent into his lungs, licking her skin gently to prepare
her for his bite, she shivered slightly and he smiled, pleased that
his bride enjoyed his attentions. His mouth was open, his fangs
dripping with need before he realised what he was doing.

Damn it Sara,” he cursed, throwing himself away from

What Lucian? I haven’t done anything.” She placed a hand
gently on his forearm.

You drive me crazy.” He sounded amused rather than infuriated
by that fact.


He moved then, pulling her against him, lowering his head and
pressing a desperate kiss against her lips. She stood stunned for a
moment before groaning in pleasure at the feel of his lips against
hers. Reality was even better than imagination and her eyes
fluttered closed to better savour the sensations he was drawing
from her. She felt warm, her body hot, flushed with an intimate
heat as her hands delved into his hair pulling him closer against
her and preventing him from escaping should the wrongness of their
actions suddenly come rushing back to him. She needn’t have

Lucian was in heaven, her body soft and pliant against him,
her reactions to his kiss causing him to groan in pleasure. He ran
his tongue against the seam of her lips intent on entering the
cavern of her mouth. She was surprised by the move and her lips
remained closed. A low rumble of frustration rose from his chest as
Lucian pulled her closer, tightening his grip so that it was
difficult to draw breath. She gasped and he took the opportunity to
slip his moist tongue into her mouth, curling it around her own.
His hands began to roam her body, running over the soft curve of
her arse and cursing the layers of clothing between them. Her
tongue moved against his, hesitantly at first but she quickly
learned how he liked to be kissed. She moved into his mouth, her
tongue moving over one of his elongated fangs. The sharp tooth
nicked her skin and a drop of blood fell onto his tongue. The taste
of her was better than he’d ever hoped for, rich, exotic,

He forced himself to stop kissing her but continued to hold
her close. A single droplet of blood wasn’t enough to bind his
strength to his bride’s blood but soon he wouldn’t be content to
stop at that teasing taste. Already he wanted more.

Sara, I can’t do this. I can’t seem to control myself around
you. I don’t want you to see me feed and I can’t feed with you
nearby, you drive me to distraction.” Already he was revealing more
than he’d intended.

I’m going to guess that you feel something towards me after
that kiss or am I wrong?”

You’re right but I can’t afford to feel what I feel Sara. The

You have to have something for yourself Lucian, your life
can’t revolve around the war forever.”

BOOK: Seared by Desire
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