Seared by Desire (18 page)

Read Seared by Desire Online

Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal romance, #magic, #fire, #vampire romance

BOOK: Seared by Desire
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How did you find me?” she mumbled against Lance’s warm

I have people watch you during the day and they tell me what
you’re doing while I have to sleep. You spend all day in here with
him, where else would you be?
“I have my

Lucian, you know that I can’t stay here right?”

I won’t let you leave me Sara and where would you go if I

But Lucian,” she protested. “I can’t stay, I’m putting your
people in danger.”

They’re stronger than you think. No one is going to die
except for you if you do something stupid. Sara you know that you
can’t leave me without Seraphina taking over. I’m the only one that
can help keep you alive.”

I can’t risk it Lucian. The fire elementals are ruthless,
they’ll never let me go.”

And neither will I.
“I can be just
as ruthless when I put my mind to it.”

You shouldn’t have to be Lucian. You’re a good man and a
wonderful leader, I can’t be the reason you fall.”

I’m not going to fall Sara.”

Lucian, I’m not worth the trouble. I’m nothing to you. Just
let me go.” Her voice began to waver. “I’ve had a good
These past days have been the best
of my life.
“I’m prepared to go if it
means your people will be saved. No one will miss me

Damn it Sara!” he cursed loudly, spinning her round to face
him. His strong fingers dug into her skin painfully but any protest
she might have made died in her throat when she saw the wild,
almost crazed look in his glowing red eyes. “What do you do to

Lucian’s lips crashed against her own, a low groan slipping
from her lips as sizzling heat filled her. His grip slackened for a
moment as he pulled her against him. She gasped when she felt his
hardness pulsating against her stomach, the knowledge that she had
pulled such a reaction from him making her stomach flip
frantically. She flicked her tongue experimentally at the seam of
his lips and was rewarded when Lucian's soft lips parted, his hot
tongue twining with hers.

She was on fire. Her entire body was hot, her breasts ached
and the secret place between her thighs throbbed. She needed more.
Her movements were limited but she clutched at his chest,
desperately trying to get closer as the reason for wanting to leave
him slipped away when confronted by the intensity of the kiss.
Their tongues duelled, alternating between gentle forays and all
out battles for dominance. Sara’s lungs burned from a lack of air.
She was beginning to feel light headed as the kiss continued
depriving her of vital oxygen but she didn’t want to let him go
even to take a breath. Her hands rose to his neck, trying to keep
him close but he pulled away as though he’d been burnt.

Sara panted heavily, confusion evident in her gaze as she
tried to understand what had made Lucian withdraw from her embrace.
His fingers gently touched the pale skin of his neck and he cursed
when he pulled them away finding rich red blood on his

Sara,” he growled. “What have you been doing to yourself?”
Taking her hands within his own, he examined her palm swearing when
he saw the deep gouges against her flesh.

Sara stuttered, unsure of exactly what to say. His brows were
drawn tightly together in disapproval at the abused skin but he was
licking his lips almost hungrily, his now sharp fangs peeking out
from his lips as he spoke. “I, I, I –”

How many ways do you think you can tempt me before I simply
give in? I’m only a man and you tear away my control.
“You have to take better care of yourself,” he
scolded, tearing a strip from his shirt and wrapping it around her
bleeding palm.


I can forgive you as long as you give up this idea of you
leaving me.”

But Lucian…”

That’s enough Sara. You don’t really want to leave
And I don’t want you to leave
“I’ll deal with the Malachites and
then return to speak with your people. If necessary I’ll tell them
you died, they won’t know any better. Now, go inside and pack.
We’re leaving tonight.”

You shouldn’t be doing this for me Lucian. Endangering your
people for a woman you barely know? It doesn’t make

Life is a lesson in things that will never make sense, all we
can do is walk our own path and see where it leads.” His hands on
her shoulders, he guided her to the door, whispering in her ear
before gently pushing her out, “Your path lies with mine. Walk it
together with me.”

She stumbled, turning around only to find that Lucian had
disappeared. Hiding in the shadows, Lucian watched as she turned
her head in search of him, wishing he could go to her but knowing
he couldn’t. His eyes were locked onto his blood soaked fingers and
though he cursed himself, he brought one to his lips, groaning as
her taste exploded on his tongue. A string of curses left his lips
as he wiped the rest of her blood onto his clothes before he looked
at his tempting bride once again. His deep set frown disappeared,
turning into a smile when he saw her walking back towards the main
part of the manor, her spine straight, her head held high. She was
a law unto herself his tempting little bride.

Lucian was right Sara decided. To leave him was to sentence
herself to death and her heart ached at the thought of leaving him
behind. She was drawn to him like a moth to a flame and didn’t want
to be responsible for putting more of a weight on his already
burdened shoulders. She couldn’t spend the rest of her life
Not if I want to spend it with
The thought came out of nowhere;
stunning her with just how right it felt to say those words. She
wanted to stay with Lucian. Her entire life she’d been searching
for a place to call her own and she’d found it the moment they’d
first touched, she wasn’t going to give him up now. But if she
truly wanted to be with him she would have to prove to his people
that she wasn’t a threat to them, that her presence would be
beneficial to them. Her eyes wandered to the stone walls of the
manor, an idea forming as a smile emerged on her face.

she called hesitantly
only to be met with silence.
she called again.
Stop acting like a spoilt child and talk to

she answered

Why won’t you talk to me? It’s important. It involves lots
and lots of burning…


Yes Seraphina, lots and lots of burning. Fire everywhere. Are
you sure you don’t want to talk to me?

She purred and Sara knew that she’d won.

Yes Seraphina, lots of burning, are you


Do you remember the fire I started around New Kennington


Do you know how long it burned for?


Days. Days are good. The fire elementals, how did you trap
them inside? Why couldn’t they escape?

I’m the strongest.

So their flames couldn’t do anything when our fire was

No. Burn now?

No, not yet. In a few minutes I promise.
Her gaze was again drawn to the walls of Lucian's manor, her
belief in her plan solidifying. “I really hope this works,” she
muttered to herself.
Come on Seraphina;
let’s get to work.

Her stride was determined as she approached one of the many
walls that made up Lucian's home. Placing her hands directly
against the cold stone, she let Seraphina’s power well within her,
bolstering the strength of her flame. Heat poured from her palm
into the masonry, draining Sara of strength but imbuing the stone
with her power and vitality, a sure defense against the inevitable
damage the fire elementals would try to inflict. Certain that the
stone would withstand any fiery onslaught, Sara pulled back to
examine her work. There was a red glow to the stone now, a sure
sign that it had been tempered by a fire elemental’s flame. She
smiled, pleased with her work before a groan slipped past her lips.
She had done one wall but the manor was vast, her work far from

We’d better get to work then Seraphina.

Heat, fire, burn,
the spirit

Sara rolled her eyes at its words but continued on
regardless. Her strange movements attracted the attention of the
manor’s residents as they packed their belongings at Lucian's
command but none dared approach her. Her trip from one end of the
manor to the manor was considerably lengthened because of her own
waning strength. Each time she forced the stone to accept her heat,
she felt a little more fatigued until by the end of her journey she
was swaying on her feet, struggling desperately to remain upright.
Nevertheless, she smiled at her work, proud that she had at last
done something to help Lucian. The entire manor now seemed to glow
an eerie red, every stone protected and defending the home

The lawn was filled now with horses, people and luggage. She
wasn’t sure how long she’d been at work but it must have been a
long time. She turned to look at the stables, debating whether or
not she had the strength to reach Lance when the ground seemed to
rush up to meet her. Her legs buckled beneath her, the strength in
them finally drained. Sara blinked rapidly, confused by the new
angle in which she was viewing the world. She could see people
watching her curiously, unsure of whether or not to lend her a
hand. Taking the decision out of their hands, she pushed herself
up, willing her arms to take her body weight. There was one more
task to complete. She staggered, seemingly drunk towards the
stables, determined to reach Lance.

Lance,” she called weakly. “Lance!” she called louder this
time, intent on summoning the horse to her side. “Lance come

She was dimly aware of the clattering of hooves but her head
was spinning and she knew that she was going to end up with more
bruises before the night was through. She sighed, resigned to her
arse once again coming into contact with the hard earth but a
strong pair of arms caught her before she could complete her

Sara what are you doing?” Lucian scolded, pulling her closer
against him. “What happened to you?”

Her words were slurred as she looked, dazed, into his dark
eyes. “I’m protecting the manor.”

How? By making yourself sick?”

No. You’ll see. Are we ready to leave?”

Lucian threw a dark glance at those gathered around him,
silently scowling. How could they not have helped her when she was
in such clear need? “Yes.”

That’s good. Where’s Lance?”

If you mean the horse, he’s currently trying to attack me,”
he chuckled, narrowly avoiding the horses’ nose as it tried for
what seemed like the hundredth time to knock him off his

That’s nice. Can you help me mount him?”

Why would I do that?”

It’s all part of the plan Lucian. Just help me get up and
then make sure the lawn is clear of people.”

Sara, whatever you’re planning, stop it. You can’t even

Please Lucian, I have to do this. I’ve already done half the
work I just need to finish up. I want to help protect your home so
that the people here have something to come back to. Please

I’ll never understand,” he grumbled, placing her atop Lance’s
wide shoulders. “I must be going insane.”

Thank you Lucian.”

Be careful Sara.”

I will be.” She spurred Lance into action, gripping the reins
tightly to stop herself from falling off. From behind her she could
hear Lucian's loud voice demanding that everyone move away from the
manor. She could feel their body heat moving further and further
away from her as they rushed to obey Lucian's command. When she was
certain that there was a safe distance between her and the nearest
potential victim, she ground Lance to a halt, urging his body to
the ground so that she could dismount easily.

Stay here Lance, I’ll be back in a minute.”

Her steps were slow and unsteady as she approached the manor.
She spared a fleeting glance for Lucian, her blue eyes
automatically meeting his even in the large crowd. Smiling, she
turned back to her task letting Seraphina’s power wash over her.
Her body was aglow, the fire covering her entire body in an intense
blue flame. Setting her feet apart, she braced herself for what she
was about to do.

Seraphina, this fire will only hurt fire elementals. Only
fire elementals.


Not until you agree that everyone else will be safe from the

she sighed.
Only fire elementals hurt.


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