Seasons of Fate (10 page)

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Authors: Avery E Greene

BOOK: Seasons of Fate
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   ‘Love, I can feel you, you feel amazing, so warm, you’re so tight around my cock, are you close?’ I couldn’t speak.  ‘I want to see you come again, just let go.’

With his words I tumbled over the edge, the feeling was euphoric, within seconds of my climax I felt him stiffen and release inside me, he continued to move until he had nothing left, spent he lay completely over me catching his breath. Our chests pushed together while we came down from our high and then our eyes locked, the look he gave be was almost awed when he finally spoke he said

   ‘I love you angel, so much. Are you alright?’

‘Are you kidding, that was, wow, I have no words.’ After a pause I said ‘Thank you, for umm…. for understanding me and making that one of the most incredible moments of my life. I love you.‘

He smiled and kissed me before pulling out. It stung a little but not in a bad way. He helped me up and we went into the bathroom to clean up before getting back into bed. I moved closer to Mason and he curved his body around mine pulling me against him before we fell into a blissful sleep.

Chapter 8



   When I woke up it was a bright beautiful day in the city. I turned over to stretch and came face to face with a sleeping Mase. He looked so peaceful, so trying not to wake him I moved to the edge of the bed and got up, walking to the bathroom I was hit with an amazing flashback of the night before. Our discarded clothes lay all over the bedroom floor. I closed the bathroom door and just stared at myself in the mirror. I didn’t look any different but I felt different. I finally understood what it felt like to give yourself to somebody who loves you in return. It was an amazing feeling and I never wanted to give it up. I took care of business and decided to take a shower, I let the hot water rush over my body and just relaxed. I started thinking about everything that had happened, every conversation we’d had, including the marriage and kids talk. We hadn’t used any protection last night and I hadn’t even thought about it until now. I wasn’t worried at all but I would need to discuss it with Mason. Just because I thought I couldn’t get pregnant wasn’t a reason to put Mase in an awkward position. While I drifted in my own head, I hadn’t realised that Mason was already behind me, I jumped when I felt his hands circling my waist.

‘Oh my god, you scared me.’

‘I’m sorry I didn’t mean to, I just thought a shower would be nice.’ He laughed at his words then said ’Morning baby, did you sleep ok?’

‘Yea, I slept great. You were so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you.’

‘Well I’m ok being woken up by you, but I don’t mind the shower either.’

His sly grin had me tingling all over so I kissed him but before things could get too heated I pulled back so I could tell him what I
’d been thinking about before he made me jump.

‘I kind of need to talk to you before I forget.’ His mouth curled up but he nodded to continue ‘I know we didn’t really discuss it and I kind of got lost in the moment last night but, we didn’t use any protection.’ I let that hang in the air before saying

‘I’m sorry I know we talked a little about things but I really have no idea whether my accident will be a problem or not and the last thing I want to do is trap you.’ Now he just looked pissed

‘Ok stop. I remember what you said about your accident and I know we didn’t use anything last night but I have no regrets about that. If you want to use protection then I’m ok with that but I’m not worried about being trapped. I love you, besides I don’t make a habit of having unprotected sex, so you don’t need to worry, I’m clean. Being able to feel everything with you was incredible.’ He really was amazing.

‘I didn’t realise it could feel like that, and I’m not worried about being protected with you, I know you wouldn’t hurt me I just wanted to make sure you knew everything.’

He smiled that smile and the conversation was forgotten. We used the shower to our advantage and once again Mase introduced me to the pleasures of his body, and what a body it is, I mean hello, he
’s gorgeous. Muscles in all the right places, a six pack that your tongue can just glide over and the perfect V, wow, trailing down to the most perfect cock. I hadn’t really had time to explore last night but I wanted to now, I have never had the opportunity and never really wanted to but with Mason things were so different. He made me want things, he made me feel like I could have anything. So I leaned in and kissed his chest using my lips and tongue to taste his perfect body, I moved downwards using my hands to guide my movements. He stayed as still as he could but his moans of pleasure spurred me to try what I had wondered about for a while, I had read lots of erotica over the years hoping to understand the draw of sex but it never had until now. Putting my mouth around a guys dick was not really something I ever imagined but I was wrong about so many things perhaps a blow job was one of them, so using my fingers first I ran a line down his shaft, feeling its textures before looking up into Mason’s eyes, he seemed worried so I smiled and blushed before kneeling down and taking him into my mouth. It was a little strange at first and the automatic reaction was to gag but then I used my tongue to lick up and down. Just like the rest of his body, he tasted intoxicating and the thought of making him come made me want to go faster and suck harder. Mason let out a string of curses and moans, which I knew meant he was enjoying what I was doing. I started to move a little faster making him jump in my mouth, he started to shake with the restraint, he was trying to hold on, so I used what little knowledge I had gained over the years and moved to his tip sucking as hard as I could. He seemed to swell before hardening even more and then I felt his shiver before he released into my mouth. I hadn’t given much thought to the last part but as surprises go, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. He took a large breath before grabbing my arms and yanking me to my feet, before I knew what was happening he crushed his lips to mine using his tongue to open my mouth, I of course gave him what he wanted and our tongues melded together.

I was lost in his kiss before I realised he was lifting me up, I slipped my legs around his waste holding on tight, I immediately felt his erection, wow again, he moved his hips and thrust inside me with no effort. The feeling was amazing but different to last night, I assumed that last night was classed as making love, but this, well this was what I assumed people called fucking, and it was hard, fast and hot as hell. I could feel my body tingling all over so I started to recognise the signs of my orgasm climbing, just waiting for the final push, before I knew it I was calling out his name and free falling around him, Mase continued to pound into me making my release last longer, and then with a final blow I felt him come with all the strength he had left. I didn
’t let go and we remained locked together panting, when I finally looked into Mason’s eyes they were sparkling and his smile was ever present. He pulled out and let me slide down his body not letting go until I could hold myself up.

   I stood on my tip toes and kissed him, before turning around for some body wash, using my hands I lathered up his torso and washed him, before he returned the favour. When we were finished Mase wrapped me in a warm fluffy towel and carried me into the bedroom. We lay together for a while just being together. I was so relaxed that I started to drift and before I knew it I was being woken up with kisses all over my face, it was so cute I just couldn
’t help giggling.

‘Your so cute when your sleeping, I couldn’t help but kiss your all over’ Laughing I looked up at him, he just looked so happy.

‘Baby, I love you. Last night was, well amazing, and this morning, wow I have never felt anything like it.’

‘Sweetheart, I’m sorry if I was a bit, well rough this morning but I wasn’t expecting you to, well you know.’ He blushed then carried on ’I kind of lost all sense of myself, but just so you know it was incredible’.

Ok so this was a first, a guy telling me that my oral skills were great, I have to admit it made me feel good. I mean for somebody who didn
’t really have a clue how to please a guy I must have done something right.

‘Mase, I had no idea what I was doing, I just, well I just wanted to make you feel good. You were so patient and gentle last night that I wanted to give you something back, although I’m not even sure I did anything right.’

‘Oh believe me you did everything right, trust me.’

‘Ok, I guess.’ Laughing I turned to move away but he stopped me

‘Baby, don’t do that, don’t walk away. I’m telling you the truth. I feel different and it’s because I’m in love with you. It means more, so like I said, last night and this morning were incredible’.

I suppose I didn
’t have much choice but to believe him after all he was so sincere. We cuddled for a few more minutes before getting dressed. It was time to get back to my responsibilities and I was missing Lily like mad.


We drove back to the hotel, and walked hand in hand into the suite. Lily was drawing at the table. Lys and John were sat watching TV.

‘Good morning guys.’ I said with a smile on my face, Lily stood and literally flew into my arms.

‘Mummy I missed you.’

‘Oh baby I missed you too. Mase and I came to pick you up so we could spend the day together, would you like that?’

‘Yeah, that would be nice. Mase, can you help me put my shoes on?’

‘Of course Princess as long as that’s alright with your mom?’

‘No problem, I’m sure she wants to show you her new clothes.’

They walked off together and disappeared into the bedroom before I was ambushed by my friends.

   ‘Ok hun you can spill now, their gone.’ I blushed and tried not to make eye contact but there was no use trying to hide anything.

‘What? We had a really amazing evening.’

‘Don’t be coy, did you have sex?’

‘Oh my God, Lys. Why would you ask me that?’

‘Because you have the biggest smile on your face and let’s face it you’re glowing. Isn’t she John?’

‘Well you are glowing sweetie. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s about bloody time you found somebody who makes you feel safe and loved. Sleeping with him doesn’t make you a bad person.’

‘I know that John. It’s just that, well, he’s amazing and I don’t want to jinx this. We talked about loads last night but the problem is Lily and I will need to go back to the UK soon, what do we do then?’

‘Well its not like he isn’t able to travel, I mean hello, he’s a millionaire with a private jet he can come over whenever.’

‘What? How do you know that?’

‘Umm well we kind of….Googled him and lets just say he is not short of cash. Haven’t you wondered about that?’

‘No, he told me he had money but that’s none of my business and it’s definitely none of yours. I can’t believe you did that.’

‘Hey we’re sorry but we are leaving soon and we wanted to make sure we knew who you were with before going back.’

‘Ok, I guess I can understand that. When were you planning on leaving?’

They both looked at each other and then Lys said

   ‘Well actually our flight is tomorrow, once we made sure you were safe and spent some time with Lily we knew you were in good hands so we decided to go back. Obviously we have a few loose ends to tie up before you come home and decide where we’re going to settle down.’

‘What? You mean your both moving with us?’

I couldn
’t believe it, my selfless friends coming with me and both starting from scratch ‘Oh my God guys, I’m so happy, thank you I know its going to be tough to start again but we will have each other. I have already made inquiries into different properties and areas so by the time we’re ready to return we should have a new place.’

Neither said a word and when I stopped to look up I realised they were staring behind me, when I turned Mason was stood there with Lily. He didn
’t say anything but the look on his face showed hurt and a little confusion.

‘Lily fetch your jacket so we can get going.’ She turned around and left the room. My friends made a speedy exit leaving me alone with Mase.

‘I didn’t know you had already decided to go back so soon.’

‘I haven’t yet. We still have some time on our visas but I have to look for a place so when we do leave we have somewhere to go back to. I’m sorry you had to hear it like that. My intention was to talk to you first so we could plan together, it was thoughtless of me to blurt it out like that.’

‘No, it’s not your fault. I just assumed that things may be different now. I was wrong.’

The hurt look didn
’t leave his face so tears sprung to my eyes and before I knew it I was throwing myself at him.

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