Seasons of Fate (8 page)

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Authors: Avery E Greene

BOOK: Seasons of Fate
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‘Hey don’t blame me, I told you to pace yourself. I swear to God I told her to calm down but she was determined to try every drink she could. The only thing I could do was make sure nobody messed with your drinks, and let me say Lys every guy in that bar last night had their eyes glued to your arse.’ I burst out laughing at John’s comment, Lys buried her head in a pillow and just cringed.

‘Lys, you don’t need to be embarrassed, you’re gorgeous. You’re the only one that doesn’t see it, and I know things have been difficult,’ I paused to make sure my point was made before carrying on ‘but men were bound to look, you said yourself that we should have some faith that things can get better, maybe this trip can give you a chance to explore a bit.’

John nodded in agreement. I looked down at Lily who looked bored so I poured her some cereal and we all sat down to eat. After breakfast Lys decided she would take Lily for the day and give me a break, which I was grateful for but also because it meant I would have time with Mason. So once everybody had their plans for the day we got ready and set off. Mason pulled me toward his car before telling me where we were going.

   ‘I want to show you my studio. Its not too far away and then we can grab some lunch.’

I didn
’t respond apart from entwining our hands, he saw this as a yes. We made the short trip in no time at all, we pulled into the car park and walked toward Mase’s private studio and his place when he needed solace. We walked inside and he turned on the lights. It looked just as I expected, a booth set up with earphones and mics, and then a giant board with all the buttons needed to finely tune the perfect track. Mase tried to explain certain buttons but I was useless so I asked him to sing to me instead. He seemed almost embarrassed but asked me to come sit with him, and said

’What’s your favourite song?’

I had no idea, I mean I had never really thought about it. I loved all types of songs but my favourites were from movies, one came to mind, with the most amazing lyrics but I wasn
‘t sure what it was called. Mase actually knew the track but not all the words so asked me to choose something else. I wasn’t sure so I asked him to choose for me. He picked up his guitar and started to strum the cords creating the most beautiful music, he added the words and all I could do was watch in awe. Wow his voice was stunning, God knows why he wasn’t singing anymore but that had to change. Without realising tears had  formed in the corners of my eyes threatening to fall. I couldn’t help it, he sang with such emotion, it just drew you in.

‘Why are you crying pretty girl?’

‘Your amazing Mase, you have to start singing again. You have such an amazing voice.’ he wiped away my tears then said

‘When I started singing it was for me, when I started to get recognition for my music, that stopped and it began to be for the industry and everybody but me, which is why I withdrew, but being with you inspires me. You make me want to sing for me again, can you understand that?’

‘Yea I get it, but promise me you will always sing, your voice needs to be heard.’ After a couple more tracks, we left to get something to eat. Mason took me to one of his favourite Italian restaurants, called Mario‘s. We shared some pasta and talked about all manner of things, the past, the present and what dreams we both had for the future. I was amazed at how similar our wants for the future were. Mason paid the bill and we walked back to his car.

‘Do you want to come back to my place? It’s not far.’

I wasn
’t sure what to say, but agreed. I mean he had already told me he wouldn’t pressure me although at this stage I was starting to feel like I wanted more. We parked in an underground car park, and walked toward the elevator where he tapped in his code. The doors closed and we stood in silence. I’m not sure what either one of us was thinking but the atmosphere was like a cloud surrounding me, before I could voice my concerns the doors opened directly into a lobby with double doors. Mase led me out and opened the doors.

   When we walked in I was overwhelmed by the size of his place. I mean, I wasn
’t a stranger to the extravagance money bought you but this was different. The main lounge was large but felt so homey, it was warm and filled with all things Mason. The kitchen was just off to the right and although open plan it integrated into the room allowing for privacy when required. Mason’s kitchen was fitted with every kind of gadget you could think of and probably a dream to cook in. He showed me the rest of his place, the bathroom, a cinema room as he called it, his office, a small music studio he had built in and then last of all, the bedrooms. There were three bedrooms, but I only saw the master suite. The room was totally him, but not overly male. It was warm and inviting, I walked around his room taking everything in, he had a huge bed in the middle of the room, a massive walk in closet and an en suite, which was bigger than my old bedroom. His bathroom had everything in it including a huge bath, and a shower to die for with enough room for about ten people. I walked back out and Mase was sitting on his bed.

‘Hey, this place is amazing, no wonder you never want to leave. I could live in your bath alone.’ I laughed out loud and he smiled back but it didn’t reach his eyes.

‘This place has become my safe haven, I would never need to leave and I rarely do but…. now all I want to do is spend time with you.’ 

He was so serious that I walked to him and he pulled me onto his lap, it was so comfortable that I sighed and said

   ‘I love spending time with you, but I don’t want to disappoint you and I’m afraid when you get to know me you’ll see all my flaws, that terrifies me.’

‘Do you really think that I care about your past? When I look at you all I see is…. my future.’ Oh My God, how do I respond to that?

‘Babe, you could never disappoint me, everything you went though has made you who you are now, and you’re amazing. You don’t need to worry about anything else, especially sex. We talked about this and I’m happy walking at your pace, whatever you want love.’

I was so awed by this beautiful man that I missed his endearment of love, but that wouldn
’t be the last time he said it. He gave me a tight hug and then kissed my forehead before grabbing my hand and walking us back to his lounge.

‘I’ll get you a cup of tea, and we can just talk if you want?’

Did I want to talk? Or did I want to get more personal? I mean kissing Mason was like an outer body experience and made me feel things that I never thought I would. So we talked for a while, then I decided to take the lead and leaned in to kiss him. He returned the kiss and moved so I was sitting on his lap, it started off slow but turned passionate and before I knew it we were lying down on his sofa, with no room between us, up until this moment it was the most erotic experience I
’d had, and I wanted more. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, he didn’t hesitate. I moved my hands down his back and under his shirt. I felt his excitement and it sent tingles all over my body, to places lying dormant. He moved back slightly and pulled me up with him, his fingers caressed my neck and shoulders, I shivered at his touch so he pulled away. I tried to slow my breathing but didn’t have time to consider why before I smashed my lips to his again, Mase used his tongue to massage my lips and then pushed inside feeling the contours of my mouth. The feeling was incredible and I started to feel warm all over. He continued to kiss me and move his hands over my skin, the warmth started to spread down toward my core. Without realising it I was moving over him, a natural instinct I think, my body was trembling, I wanted something more, but I wasn’t sure what. I never saw it coming, I mean I had never experienced an orgasm before, only read about it. This was something different and made me feel like I wanted to explode. I wasn’t sure what to do about the feelings I was having, but before I could over think it, Mason turned my face toward him and said

‘Don’t be afraid, just let go. I promise it’s meant to be this way.’

So I did, and I shattered from the inside out. I saw stars before my eyes rolled back in my head. I held Mason close just to know he was still there, not knowing how long we were sat there before reality came bursting in and I realised, that Mase had given me my first orgasm.

   ‘Are you alright, love?’ I finally looked up and those amazing blue eyes were looking at me with a worried expression.

‘I’m, I’m….I’m sorry I wasn’t sure what was happening, was that ok?’

‘Are you kidding me? That was amazing. I have never seen something so beautiful. Thanks for trusting me enough to give you that.’

Was he serious? He just drove me to the point of madness, giving me my first consensual sexual experience and he
’s thanking me, what the fuck?

‘You must think I’m completely stupid, I mean I didn’t know… know it felt that way. I should be thanking you.’

‘Sweetheart, that’s how it should always be, when you care about somebody. Anything that happens between us will always be beautiful, and I plan on seeing that look on your face repeatedly.’

When he laughed out loud I knew my face must have said something I hadn
’t so I just smiled back. Afterward we lay down and kissed some more although it was rather more PG rated and before I knew it sleep overtook me.

Chapter 7



   I woke up the next morning, lying across Mase, in his enormous bed. He was sound asleep and looked so peaceful, I studied him for the longest time. Taking in all the contours of his face, neck, shoulders, and the muscles in his stomach, which gave way to a perfect V peeking out below his boxers. He had a sprinkling of soft hair over his chest, which was the same dark colour as his head. His eyelids flickered like he was dreaming. He was so beautiful, I wondered what he saw when he looked at me. I mean, boring brown wavy hair, brown eyes, average height, and build. I wasn’t gorgeous and underneath the clothes I was scarred and covered in stretch marks. Not exactly what most men look for in a woman, but perhaps there was the exception to that rule, and a handful of decent men really were looking for a woman with inner beauty before looking at the outside. Maybe I had gotten lucky meeting Mase, and fate did have a hand in it. Humm something to think about I guess. At that moment he started to stir and pulled me closer to him.

‘Good morning sweetheart.’

‘Morning babe, did you sleep alright? I assume you carried me in here last night. Sorry I was flat out.’ Laughing he leaned over and kissed me

‘Yea I did carry you in here last night, you were so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you, and I always sleep great when we’re together. Maybe I should just keep you here with me.’ I don’t think he even realised what he had said until I stopped and just stared back at him.

‘That’s a nice thought, but you know we have to go back soon. I have been trying not to think about it but the reality is that we live in the UK.’ 

His smile vanished at my words.

   ‘I know we haven’t talked about it, I know your only here on vacation but I was hoping you may consider staying, for a while at least. You haven’t decided on a place to move to as yet and with a bit of time I may be able to come with you. I don’t want to be away from you again so soon.’ He was so sincere, and I didn’t really want to leave him. This relationship was not something I had ever planned for and now I was confused about what I should do.

‘I’m going to be honest, I can’t imagine leaving you behind, I never planned to fall for anybody, but I couldn’t help it with you. You’re everything I want and never thought I could have, but we’re from different worlds. I mean you’re famous, and I’m nobody and as much as I love you, it would be selfish of me to jeopardise your career. You would resent me eventually for making you leave your family and everything you know, I can’t do that, I wont. You belong here, and we belong back home.’

I finished my rant and didn
’t even realise he was smiling at me.

‘You love me? I mean that’s what you said, right?’ Oh My God, did I really say that? I had never uttered those words before.

‘Yes, I… I love you.’ His smile was huge.

‘I love you too, so nothing else matters. I don’t care about being here or with you in the UK, I can do my job from anywhere, as for my family they only want me to be happy, and I won’t be without you and Lily by my side. I know it seems quick but I have wanted to tell you for a while now I just didn’t want to freak you out.’ With a tearful smile I leaned in to kiss him and said

‘We can work that out later, let’s just be happy.’ We snuggled for a while before finally getting up, I showered first while Mase got breakfast ready. When I came into the kitchen he was hard at it.

‘Wow I didn’t know you could cook, it’s nice.’ He smiled at me and I sighed, he could literally take my breath away with that smile.

‘Yea, my mom showed me a few things when I moved out so I could at least make myself breakfast, but I have to say I enjoy cooking, it’s kind of like therapy.’

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