Second Sunrise Cowboy (Second Chance Book 8) (19 page)

BOOK: Second Sunrise Cowboy (Second Chance Book 8)
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Outside, she followed the fence and stepped up to the gray mare that stuck her head over the top rail. “Hi there, pretty.” Dakota smiled. “I have something for you.” She held up one of the carrots.

The mare sniffed her offering and finally took it from her, chomping it. When the carrot was gone, the mare nuzzled her nose against Dakotas’s hand.

“I did right by bringing a gift, huh?” The last time she’d been around a horse was when she was little and went to a friend’s birthday party at a farm. What she knew about horses and cows could fit inside a thimble. But she wanted to learn more. She scratched the mare behind the ears, then moved further down the fence.

A black stallion stood proudly, eyeing her inquisitively. Dakota’s stomach popped into her throat. He was a big boy and intimidating. She approached him slowly. “Hi there, fellow.” He wasn’t kicking the ground or snorting loudly so she guessed he didn’t mind her presence. She held up the last carrot and dangled it.

The horse didn’t take her offering as quickly as the mare did. Maybe he didn’t like her. Disappointment washed over her. He blinked and stamped his front hoof. Was he trying to tell her something?

Stepping closer, she held the carrot higher and he looked more eager. Holding it above the rail, he finally took it and chomped it. “Are we friends now?”

He stared at her. She wanted to touch him, rub his long, pretty mane, but fear held her steady. “If I’d brought you sugar, I bet you would have liked me more.”

“Sugar is always better,” a deep voice said from behind her.

Dakota whirled and found Cash standing a few feet behind her, his tall, muscular body silouetted by the sun. He tipped his hat in greeting and all memories of last night bombarded her brain cells. Her knees weakened and she grabbed the fence, but when the stallion nuzzled her fingers she jerked away, a squeal barreling up her throat.

A grin spread Cash’s lips, a glint in his eye. “Looks like he wanted a taste of sugar after all.”

She blushed and felt the heat cover her flesh. Taking a step away from the fence, he didn’t bother stepping aside to let her pass. He stayed there, watching her. Wow, he looked good this morning. He hadn’t shaved today and had a thin layer of scruff…and she knew exactly what a five o’clock shadow could do to her pale, sensitive skin. She had the markings to show for his kisses.

Meandering closer, she stopped until her boots met his, looking up at him.

“You uncomfortable around Clover?” he asked.

“Clover? Is that the stallion’s name?”

He nodded. “Becca named him.”

“I didn’t know you were back from dropping her off at school already.” She suddenly felt the need for explanation.

His gaze held hers, his eyes twinkling. He leaned closer and did what she’d wanted. He kissed her. It was hot, passion-filled, and more intense than the morning sun shining down upon them.

She melted against him, clinging to his shoulders, digging her fingers into the cotton material of his shirt. He gathered her up, wrapping his brawny arms around her waist. He smelled so good.

He broke the kiss and she whimpered. He grinned. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m not finished yet.”

There was that endearment again. He lifted her into his arms and she clutched her arm around his neck. “Where are we going? What are you doing?”

“Somewhere I can do more than just fantasize about that body of yours.”

“But-but, all of the hands are here…is there a place like that?” Her voice shook. She wasn’t against his idea at all, but the thought of others seeing them did funny, awkward things to her insides.

“Trust me, darlin’. I know where all of the workers are.” He kissed her neck and nuzzled his beard against her aching flesh. Moisture gushed in her panties. After last night, experiencing more orgasms than she had in years, she still wanted him—right here, right now.

“I’d like to give you an up close and personal view of our hay loft. Sound appealing?” His eyes gleamed.

She shivered in delight. “I’ve never seen a hay loft before.”

“Then you’re up for it?”

“Question is, are you up for it?” she teased.

“Oh, sweetheart, I’ve been up since the moment you looked at me with those expressive eyes,” he admitted.

“Wow, Cash, you’re actually loosening up, flirting. This is monumental.”

“Something about last night, whoo-wee, I’m a new man this morning.”

The man pushed all of her buttons, but what was life without someone challenging? Boring. That’s what it was. She felt his muscles bulge against her side as they moved into the barn and past the cows. Once they reached the end, he put her on her feet. “I’d carry you up, but can’t promise no one will get hurt.” She looked up the ladder, grabbed hold of the rung, and gave it a good tug. “What? You afraid it’ll break?”

She shrugged. “Never hurts to check. Remember, I’m like a fish out of water when it comes to a ranch.”

He laughed. “You’ve already made a few best friends.”

“I don’t think Clover has quite warmed up to me yet.”

“He will warm up to you, and then you and I will take a ride on him.” He pushed his hat back on his forehead.

“Ride? On Clover?” Her throat constricted. “Carrots are one thing, riding is a whole different thing.”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” He threaded his fingers through her hair and lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her deeply. Her knees weakened. “Want to check out the hay loft now?”

“I so want to check out your hay loft.” She wagged her brows.

“After you, darlin’.” He pointed at the ladder.

She started climbing, aware of Cash’s presence right underneath her and the fact that her bottom was two inches above his face. She stopped and looked down at him. “Slow down. I can’t climb that fast.”

“Sorry. The view is mesmerizing.” His eyes sparkled.

Her chest tightened. Nothing like getting a compliment from a sexy man.

Reaching the loft, Dakota crawled across the hay strewn floor and watched while Cash maneuvered his powerful body up next to her. The loft was huge. The entire area was bigger than her apartment back in the city. Hay bales lined each wall, two bales deep. She inhaled and got a strong whiff of straw. It was a nice scent.

Cash stood up and dropped down on a bed of hay, waving her over.

She did as requested, sitting beside him. “Is this naturally made or do you bring all of your women here?” She made it sound as if she were joking, but a sliver of jealousy made her stomach turn.

“Neither. Becca comes up here and plays sometimes.”

She started breathing again. “Well, you have a very nice hay loft. So you won’t be missed?”

He shrugged. “They’ll fend for themselves. Tucker is out on the property today and he can handle any arising issues, while I handle the arising we have here.”

Her core throbbed. “I bet you don’t give up the control of this land often.”

He stretched his legs, leaning against another bale of hay. “I haven’t found any reason to. And maybe I felt guilty for being the jerk I was after Rebecca died.”

She laid her hand on his knee. She had no clue how it was to lose a spouse, but losing a loved one she understood all too well. She lost her father six years ago, then her mother a year later. She could understand the void. Seeing his sadness, she wanted to comfort him. Wanted to assure him everything would be okay, he just needed to let go, but would she come off as selfish? After all, everything she felt now made everything personal. She wanted him to move on, with her. “You seem better,” she said.

“It took me a long time, but I think I’m heading on the right track.”

“I know you’ve heard this many times before, but time has a way of healing the deepest wounds.” She swallowed.

He nodded. “Yeah, I’ve heard that a time or two.” He sighed. “I have liked having you here. I appreciate everything you’re doing.”

“I like being here.” She crawled beside him. “I like being around you and Becca, having you as family. She’s such a sweet child.”

He tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear. The gesture was sweet, but what was sweeter was the way he looked at her. After what they’d shared, they were so much closer. And it happened so fast.

This was all real. Not a dream or a fantasy. She was here in the hay loft with Cash. What more could a girl want than to be with the man who made her excited?

“I wanted to let you know that I found a painter, and someone who’ll come in and carry out the trash.”

She blinked. “Really? That was fast.”

“I know how much this means to you,” he said.

She played with the hem of her shirt. She couldn’t admit, not yet, that she had fallen for him. “I’m so thrilled to see what tomorrow brings.”

“I also got another call from Kennedy.”

“Have you two worked out a solution regarding Becca?” she asked.

He shrugged. “Hell, I’m at a loss. I can see how she can add to Becca’s life, but what if I’m wrong?”

“Nothing can hurt by giving it a try.”

He took her hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing her knuckles. “I can’t get over how fast things have come between us. I’m wanting you near me every second of every day.”

Her chest filled with something indescribably warm. “It feels right.”

“Yes, it does.”

She heard the shuffling of the cows below them.

He brought his hand to her stomach and slowly moved downward to her bare thigh, making a circle with his finger. Her body warmed.

She leaned against him as his hand traveled up her hip, along her side, around to her breasts where her nipples beaded. She sucked in a deep breath, electrified at the feeling of his touch. Everything suddenly fell into place. Delores knew this would happen long before it did. Her aunt realized Dakota and Cash would work together, she truly believed that.

His thumb skidded over her nipple and she moaned, dragging her thoughts back on track.

He brought his hand back to her inner thigh and skimmed his finger along the hem of her shorts, slipping the tip under the material, teasing her flesh.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

His finger grazed her most sensitive part and dizziness overcame her. “I’ve never known a man like you before.”

It seemed like he touched every part of her, leaving a trail of scorching heat.  Bending her head back on one shoulder, she stared at him through her half-lowered lids. “I like this hay loft. A lot.”

“This is going to be my new favorite hiding place.” He removed his hat and laid it to the side, then covered her body with his. She moved to her back, enjoying his weight and the way he caged her against the hay-covered floor.

Desire dissipated any fear of getting a broken heart. He wouldn’t hurt her, not Cash. A man who was loving and caring, who’d opened his home to her, who was opening his heart.

He had no idea how much power he had over her, how much she wanted him. He had her heart in the palm of his hand.


Cash realized they were moving way too fast, but for the life of him, he couldn’t do anything but continue down this path of sweet emotion.

He kissed her neck, her chest, and the edge of the shirt that dipped over the mounds of her breasts. He pulled the material lower, licking the flesh that the bra didn’t cover and rolled his tongue around the satin covered nipple. She moaned and arched her back, and he gently nibbled in reward. Her breathing became heavier and her fingers dug into his scalp. “I want you so bad, sweetheart.”

He unzipped her shorts, the sound of the teeth loud in the loft. He growled and the sound vibrated his own ears. He tugged the denim, dragging them down her hips, her thighs, and calves to her boots. She kicked them off, tossing them to the side.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he stood. He toed off his boots, kicking them next to hers, and removed his jeans. The belt buckle thudded against the flooring as he dropped it to the side. He stood above her, looking at her, realizing his rigid length had pushed through the hole of his boxers.

“You’re sexy,” she whispered.

He pulled the T-shirt over his head and held it in his hand. She skipped her gaze over him and he touched his hard cock. She was spread out before him and his mouth salivated. Everything about the woman could be described as sexy. Sexy arms. Sexy stomach. Sexy legs. And sexy intelligence. He liked a smart woman.

His stomach fluttered with urgency. Making love two days in a row. He was on a roll.

The desire he saw in her eyes scorched him, wrapped around him, seeping into his pores.

And then she did something that pounded his heart. She lifted her hand and motioned for him to come to her. He brought his shirt over and laid it down on the bed of hay. “This will keep your skin from getting sore.” The shirt was large enough that it covered most of the space for her body.

She removed her own shirt, adding it to the bed. “Now we both will have protection.”







BOOK: Second Sunrise Cowboy (Second Chance Book 8)
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