Read Secret Kiss Online

Authors: Melanie Shawn

Tags: #romance, #Contemporary

Secret Kiss (31 page)

BOOK: Secret Kiss
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Adam had remained quiet for her entire speech, but now, she really wished he’d say something. Anything.

Now, it was Jane’s heart’s turn to pound rapidly, and it was.

As if reading her mind, he said, “Can I talk now?”


Before she’d even gotten the short, one-word answer out, Adam’s mouth was on hers, claiming her with a savage intensity in a kiss so passionate, so raw, so consuming, so fiercely possessive that it stole Jane’s breath away. This kiss was an action that definitely spoke louder than any words could.

In one swift movement, he tightened his hold around her waist and swept her off her feet. His arms cocooned her as he moved through the house, his powerful legs taking large strides down the narrow hall. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as her heart leapt in her chest. When his soft yet forceful lips covered hers and his wet tongue slowly explored the recesses of her mouth with a demanding mastery, she returned his kiss with equal enthusiasm and need.

Once they’d entered his room, he lowered her to the bed with the strongest arms she’d ever known. As the mattress dipped beneath her, their joining grew tender in a smoldering heat. His tongue traced her lips with tantalizing domination somewhere between soft and firm. The gentle massage sent currents of desire racing through her. There was a dreamy intimacy to their kiss, and Jane felt transported to another world—one only the two of them inhabited.

She was only vaguely aware of Adam moving beside her, his mouth never leaving hers as the constricting pencil skirt she’d been wearing since this morning was being slipped down her body. Her mind barely registered the feeling of her shirt being unbuttoned and removed as she drank in the sweetness of his kiss. It wasn’t until he broke their kiss and pressed his lips to her jaw, then lower, showering attention down her neck, that she realized that his lips and tongue were sending new spirals of ecstasy through her.

His large hands roamed every inch of her body in lust-arousing exploration. Slowly. Worshipfully. First tracing the outline of both her bra and her panties before moving down her legs and back up again. His touch was light and painfully teasing as his hand brushed over her belly, across her ribs. Her body trembled at the attention.

On a sharp intake of breath, Adam hissed, “I want to memorize every line, every curve, every inch of you.”

Jane tried to be patient and let him get his fill. But when he finally cupped her breast, which was still encased in her silky material, her back instinctively arched. She pressed her fullness into his palm, needing to feel more.

Adam breathed out as he eased the silken cup of her bra to the side and leaned down. His lips covered her taut nipple with tender possessiveness. As he suckled her into his mouth, his tongue tantalized her tight bud, which swelled with urgency. She lay panting, her chest heavy as his mouth worked her breast. Then his hand slipped beneath her panties.

When his fingers began stroking her, jolts of pleasure radiated from her core. His suctioning mouth enveloped her breast completely. His teeth nibbled her taut nipple as his hardened tongue rapidly flicked over it, causing tingles to careen down her spine. She gasped as his thick finger pressed inside her and his thumb caressed her clit. That was the last thing she was aware of before she shattered into a million shiny stars. Waves of pleasure throbbed through her as she gasped in sweet agony. The pleasure he was giving her was pure and explosive.

The world slowly came back to focus. Opening her heavy lids, she saw that Adam had removed not only her panties and bra, but his own clothes as well. He was making his way up her body, peppering kisses along her legs. She tried her best to relax and enjoy his oral exploration, but an urgency filled her.

She needed more; she needed to
more. A passion unlike any she’d ever felt overcame her, and with a boldness only Adam had ever inspired in her, she acted on it.

When he started kissing her shoulder, she slid out from beneath him and pushed his shoulders so he lay flat on his back. Then, straddling him, she moved her damp core against his rigid erection. With one hand she braced herself on his muscled chest while the other held his length against her feminine core as she rolled her hips, sliding her folds up and down his steel-hard shaft.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” Adam moaned before he sucked in a breath through clenched teeth.

His descriptive words and tormented groan spurred her on. Large hands covered her thighs as his fingers dug into her flesh, sending a rush of liquid heat to her core.

As Adam’s touch flexed, working up and down her thighs they began quivering under the pressure and friction.

She let herself go, giving herself complete permission to explore the carnal side of her nature Adam had awakened.

She stopped thinking. Stopped analyzing. All she did was feel and act on those feelings.

No matter what happened in the future, what they shared tonight would be worth it. Being with Adam for any amount of time was worth it.


Jane on top of him, his manhood in her hand as she rubbed against him, manipulating his rod to pleasure herself, was the hottest, most erotic thing he’d ever seen. Not to mention, it felt incredible. The insistent press of her body sliding up and down his straining erection, spreading her wetness from base to engorged tip, caused his balls to tingle with pent-up release as they pulled up with tightening need.

“Oh…that feels so good,” Jane breathlessly moaned as her head fell back, her hair cascading over her perfect breasts.

Adam could feel her body pulsing as she began to grind against him. Every muscle in his body was flexed, every fiber in his being alive with the fiery, heated arousal that was racing through his veins. When she surprised him by flipping their positions, he had no idea what to expect, but this was far past his wildest dream.

Every movement she made sent him to a higher dimension. It took all of his concentration not to explode and every ounce of self-control not to take control. Not that he didn’t feel amazing—he did. Too amazing. She was bringing out primal urges in him so powerful that his entire body was vibrating.

“Oh yes, yes, yes.” Jane’s hips thrust her wet center against him as her stomach muscles clenched and she cried out.

Her nails dug into his chest as her fingers tightened, and she contracted in aftershocks. Liquid heat covered his throbbing dick, and Adam was consumed with an all-encompassing need to be inside her wet sheath.

Just as her breathing began slowing, he moved his hands to her waist, gripping her firmly. He had a fleeting thought that he should wait for her body to fully recover, but it quickly passed. With one hand, he lifted her up easily and then took himself in the other.

Positioning his thick head at the seam of her sex, his jaw clenched as her opening pulsed in invitation. Looking up, he saw that her eyes were still shut and her breathing was still coming in pants.

“Jane,” he growled. He wanted to make sure she was ready, but he didn’t know how much longer he could wait.

Making a soft sound of acknowledgement, Jane opened her heavy lids, revealing glossy, honey-colored eyes. Awareness dawned on her beautiful features. As her stare moved to where their bodies were aligned, she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, sat up straighter, and slowly slid down his rock-hard dick.

He watched with a hungry intensity as his straining flesh disappeared into her tight sheath, her body clamped so tight around him that sweat broke out on his brow. With his hand gripping her hips, he moved her up and down in a steady rhythm. Each time she rose, his shaft glistened more with her juices.

They moved together in erotic harmony. Their bodies were in perfect sync. Giving. Taking. Thrusting. Accepting. The energy between them grew more and more charged every time she sank down on him. His eyes stayed trained on her body as she rode him, her rounded breasts bouncing, her thighs spreading farther and farther apart to give him complete access to her body.

Adam wanted to take her with him when he went up and over the edge, but he couldn’t hold off much longer. He cupped her face, and her eyes lifted to his as he traced her lips with his finger. Then, pushing the tip of his finger between her lips, he instructed, “Suck.”

At his gruff command, she sucked his finger with her hot, wet mouth and her sex also started sucking his throbbing member as her inner walls spasmed around him. He moved his finger in and out of her mouth, loving the feeling of her tongue licking him. She never broke eye contact as he pulled his finger from her lips and moved it to where they were intimately joined.

The first touch of his moist fingertip to her swollen pleasure nub caused her to cry out. With featherlight touches, he stroked her there as he filled her completely. His heart pounded wildly in his chest as involuntary tremors of climax began to overtake him. He held on to her hips and his finger continued teasing the hood of her sex as his body shuddered in ecstasy. He was flooded with pleasure as he rode out the longest, hottest orgasm he’d ever experienced.

When he pushed into Jane’s sweet, tight body once more, a primal groan of satisfaction ripped from deep in his soul as a rush of warm liquid covered his hand and length, flowing like warm honey over him. Jane’s thighs squeezed together as her body milked him. Once she’d collapsed on top of Adam’s chest, he held her while she shuddered again and again uncontrollably.

When her body finally relaxed against him, she shivered. He’d left the windows open, and he now noticed a chill in the air. He pulled his comforter over them both, keeping her body tangled with his.

Jane sighed softly as she snuggled her face against his chest and he ran his fingers through her hair. Closing his eyes, Adam kissed the top of her head, memorizing the feeling of her body weight on him.

Tomorrow, he would leave. He understood her hesitation to put their cards on the table. She didn’t know what he knew—that she was his and he was hers. But he would return and then he and Jane would face whatever this was.

He wanted more with her. He wanted everything.

Chapter 26

apping her pen against the top of her desk, Jane bit her lip while she waited for her computer to boot back up. It was nine on Monday morning. So far, her day had consisted of oversleeping thanks to the full bottle of wine she’d had last night, spilling coffee all over herself, and having to go home to change only to get a flat tire on her way back to the office. And, now, she’d barely pulled her e-mail up when it had decided to restart because of newly installed updates.

For the life of her, she couldn’t remember why Mondays were her favorite day of the week. Waiting for the reboot, her eyes gravitated towards the empty desk across the room. Adam’s desk. The desk he’d only occupied for a couple of weeks, but now, she couldn’t imagine a time when he hadn’t.

It was the same when she was home. All weekend, she’d stared at the house across the street. Adam’s house. Since he’d left on Friday, even though she had two very lively and active houseguests and he hadn’t even lived with her, her house had somehow felt empty.

Which was exactly what the office felt like. Empty. Lonely.

And the house and the office had nothing on how Jane’s heart felt. Adam had left a hole there so big that, if he didn’t come back or if he did but his marital status hadn’t changed, she wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to fill it. To mend it. She might be left with a gaping, unhealable hole in her heart.

“Good morning!” Nikki enthused as she and Mike came through the door.

“Morning.” Jane tried her best to put on a brave face. Her friends didn’t need to deal with the fallout of her heartbreak. And she was a professional. She had a job to do, and she wasn’t going to let her personal life affect that. “Are you two available for our morning meeting?”

Nikki paused on her way to the kitchen and turned to Mike. The two of them exchanged a “look” and then Nikki waved her hand.

“Oh, we don’t have to do that. Why don’t we just take it easy today, get back in the groove of things. You know, we’ve been gone so much lately. We’ll catch up and then meet later this week after… We’ll see what’s what.”

BOOK: Secret Kiss
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