Read Secret Kiss Online

Authors: Melanie Shawn

Tags: #romance, #Contemporary

Secret Kiss (27 page)

BOOK: Secret Kiss
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His entire body tensed at her words. He breathed through his nose as he continued rocking against her sex. Her panties grew wetter as her inner muscles began pulsing with release.

Then his body stopped moving. His fingers stopped massaging her butt and pulling her into him.

“That’s not what I wanted to talk about,” Adam rasped.

“Okay.” She believed him. She really did.

“I needed to tell you—”

“No.” She stopped him. “It can wait.”

After the emotional roller coaster she’d been on the last few hours—thinking this wasn’t going to happen, then thinking it was, only to question whether it
, then circling back to the beginning of the ride and thinking it wasn’t—she still felt strapped to the ride. Like she was at the top of the drop—the drop she wanted to plunge down more than she wanted to breathe. Talking could take her on a loop-de-loop she didn’t want to go on. She just wanted to fall. She wanted to fall with Adam. Because she knew he would be there to pick her up.


She heard the warning in his voice, but she shook her head. “No. All that matters to me is right now. Tonight. I just want you, Adam. Please.”

Never before had Jane begged to be with a man, and she couldn’t imagine she ever would again. But tonight…somehow, tonight would be worth pleading for.

She moved her hand between their bodies and stroked Adam’s thickness. “Can we please just be together tonight, even if it’s not real? For just tonight, can it be real?”

As a deep, tortured groan rumbled in his chest, she found herself being carried across the room with purpose. Next thing she knew, she was being lowered to the bed at the same time that her dress was being pulled off over her head. It was all happening so fast that it was a blur. Once she was freed from the confines of her dress, Adam was at the end of the bed, stripping his shirt and his pants off.

With a boldness borne from the fact that tonight was all she had, she sat up and moved to where he was standing. On her hands and knees before him, wearing only her bra and underwear, she took full advantage of the fact that he’d removed his pants and boxers and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. When she felt the weight, her core tightened deliciously with need.

She’d never actually taken a man in her mouth before. Disaster #3 had wanted her to, but she hadn’t been able to bring herself to. It had seemed so…intimate. She’d held a penis before, but she’d never sucked one. Her mouth watered at the small bead of moisture on his tip. She wanted to taste him.

Going with her instinct, she leaned forward and licked the tiny drop. It tasted sweet, and she wanted more, so she flattened her tongue and licked again.

“Fuck,” Adam hissed. “You really are going to kill me.”

“Oh, sorry. I’ve never…” She sat back on her heels and looked up at him. If she was going to do this, she wasn’t going to hold back. What was the point? “I’ve never done this, so if that was bad—”

“You’ve never given head before?” Adam asked in disbelief.

She shook her head and her hair brushed over her shoulders.

“And no one had ever gone down on you before last night?”

She continued shaking her head.

“But you weren’t a virgin?” he asked slowly.

Jane laughed a little. “No. I wasn’t a virgin. But I can count the number of guys I’ve been with on one hand.” She figured that might give him glimpse into her experience—or lack thereof.

“How did you not…” He was at a loss. “Who the hell were these guys you were with?”

She shrugged. “The wrong ones. Obviously.”

He stood, his erection proudly jutting out, but his hands were at his sides. Looking down at her, he breathed in through his nose and out through his mouth. Something was going on behind his aqua stare, but she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Had she said something wrong? Should she have kept her mouth shut?

“You weren’t doing it wrong. It felt good. Too good,” Adam spoke deliberately, his deep voice washing over her.

“Oh, okay. Good.” A broad smile pulled at her lips as she brushed her hair off her face and secured it behind her ear.

As she nervously licked her lips, his pupils dilated as he slowly blinked. It was so empowering to see the effect she had on him. Empowering and arousing.

Her body was vibrating with anticipation as she leaned forward and covered his plump head with her lips. Her hand held him at his base as she moved her head down, pulling him deep into her mouth. Her tongue ran along his shaft, and she licked his smooth skin as she sucked him down. When she took him as far as she could, she pulled back. Then her hand followed the path of her lips, easily sliding up his wet shaft.

After several more pumps, Adam threaded his hand in her hair and guided her movements, his fingers spreading across the back of her head, tangling in her hair. Each tug on her scalp caused small shocks of tingles to explode between her legs. She squeezed her legs together as the carnal ache grew in intensity, her thighs quivering under the sensual strain.

Jane couldn’t believe how good giving Adam pleasure felt. She loved the feeling of his hard column of flesh in her mouth. She loved his taste, his scent, his hand guiding her head to pump himself in and out of her mouth.

He swelled even larger, more rigid, and then his body surged against her tongue. Fevered anticipation whipped through her as she began moving her head faster, squeezing her hand tighter. She wanted all of him. She wanted to taste him, feel him explode in her mouth. But just as she was bracing for that to happen, she was lifted up and laid on her back.

She was going to protest, but her words were cut off when the bed dipped and her legs were spread wide. The urgency and passion in Adam’s eyes as he pulled the lace covering her mound to the side were almost enough to send Jane up and over the peak.

His finger slid against her folds, spreading her arousal up and down her center. The way he touched her, so gentle yet commanding, caused every nerve ending in her body to come alive. Not just in the intimate area where his fingers stroked, but his touch also sent tingles down her legs, up her torso, and down her arms, pushing her to the edge of orgasm.

Before she reached her release, Adam slipped her panties off and moved over her. In one driving thrust, he entered her possessively. Framing her head with his arms, he filled her to the hilt and stilled for a moment. His body started to move as he deftly removed her bra so that there were no barriers between them.

“Oh, yes. Yes,” she whimpered at the exquisite fullness of his body deep inside her.

He proceeded to pump in and out of her in rhythmic strokes. “I needed to be inside you when you came.” His rough voice sounded far away as Jane concentrated on the hot, sweet feeling of him sinking into her again and again. “I want to feel you come.”

“Yes!” Jane cried out as her inner walls clamped down around his rock-hard member.

His pace quickened, and he lifted her knee higher, tilting her hips up. The position allowed him to drive even deeper into her, and that was all it took to send her up and over the edge.

“That’s it. Come for me,” he said against her ear, and Jane’s body shattered with release.

Pulsating waves of pleasure crested through her as her body milked him. Each time she thought she’d reached her peak, Adam would take her higher, soaring to physical heights she hadn’t even known her body could achieve. Finally, after the last shudder of release, she opened her eyes to find him staring down at her with a look of affection she would, if she didn’t know better, classify as love.

But she did know better. This was just tonight. Not love.


“You are so unbelievably sexy.” Adam breathed slowly, trying to control his body’s response to Jane’s orgasm. He was also doing everything in his power not to tell her what he was feeling. That he loved her. “So tight and so wet.”

Clenching his jaw, he rested on his elbows and ran his hands through her hair, loving the feeling of the silken strands slipping between his fingers. Jane seductively bit down on her lower lip. He knew she didn’t mean it to be seductive; it just was. Everything she did was. She was the most naïvely sensual person he’d ever met.

Her breasts pressed against his chest as he hovered over her, the hardened tips of her nipples rubbing enticingly against the hairs on his chest. Her skin, slick with perspiration, slid against his as her head fell to the side. Leaning down, he pressed his lips to the side of her neck, just below her jawline. Kissing her, licking her, even gently biting her before running his tongue over the area he’d just sensitized.

She writhed beneath him as her soft, breathy moans filled the air. Every movement she made, every sound that fell from her lips, every taste of her sweet skin stimulated him, sending him closer and closer to completion.

Her hands roamed his back, her fingernails raking his skin as she whispered how good he felt inside her, how good he made her body feel. Adam continued lavishing attention on the sweet spot he’d wanted to suck since the day he’d seen her out in the garden as she rolled her hips up, matching his strokes in an erotic dance, not holding back. She was giving her all to him, and he loved her even more for that.

In and out, he moved in measured, insistent strokes. When her hips started shaking and her body arched up, he increased his tempo. Delving farther with each rhythmic push, he pounded into her body as she dug her nails into his back. The sting of her grasp shot straight to his groin, and his balls pulled up. He knew he didn’t have much longer.

It just felt so good. Skin to skin. Their bodies moving in perfect harmony together. No barriers.

Just before he reached his climax, he pulled out and pumped his shaft twice before coming on her stomach in a mind-blowing release that had him seeing stars. When he opened his eyes and looked down, Jane’s limbs were lying limply beside her and her hair was covering her face, which was still off to the side. Her naked body was sprawled out beneath him, his seed pooling below her belly button. And again, all he could think was,

When she lifted her head and brushed the hair from her face, he knew that a cleanup was in order.

“Stay there,” he instructed as he went to the bathroom to wet a washcloth.

While waiting for the water to warm up, Adam looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize who he saw in the reflection. The man staring back at him looked calm, satisfied, fulfilled.

For the first time, he’d just had unprotected sex with someone other than Alexis, and he wasn’t panicking. His mind wasn’t racing with all the statistical probabilities of an unplanned pregnancy. He wasn’t doing a mental rundown of every STD he could’ve contracted.

This was Jane. It was right. Even though he probably should’ve checked with her first before going bareback.

After making sure the water was a comfortable temperature, he wet the cloth, and when he stepped back into the room, he saw that Jane was staring down at her stomach.

“I didn’t use a condom,” he said, stating the obvious as he took two strides to the bed.

“Yeah, I figured.” She grinned, her eyes still cast down.

“I’m sorry.” Adam felt like an ass because he wasn’t really sorry. He had loved feeling Jane.
feeling her.

She looked up at him, a slight blush on her cheeks. “I’m on birth control, so you don’t have to worry.”

“I wasn’t,” Adam answered.

As he sat down and wiped the towel over her midsection, he had to admit that he felt a little disappointed. Which was ridiculous. He’d sworn that, after what he had gone through with Alexis, he was done wanting children. Apparently, he wasn’t.

Not that he wanted a child in the general sense. But the thought of Jane pregnant with his baby… Damn, that might have been the most perfect thing he could ever think of.

She placed her hand over his and tried to take the towel away. “You don’t have to do—”

“Yes, I do.” Adam didn’t release his grasp. “You’re not good at letting people take care of you, are you?”

Lowering back down, she shook her head slightly. “I’m just used to taking care of myself.”

Yeah, he was going to change that. She was his, and he was going to take care of her for as long as she’d let him. She just didn’t know it yet.

He set the towel beside the bed after she’d been cleaned up and took a moment to take in Jane lying naked before him.

Her dark hair was fanned out around her face, her golden eyes surrounded by thick, inky lashes, her pink lips swollen from when she’d practically taken him down to his knees. Then her body…
Her full breasts were tipped with dark-pink buds. Her waist dipped before flaring out to full, round hips. She looked like a Renaissance painting come to life.

“Adam?” Her hoarse whisper broke the silence. She had no idea how sensuous she sounded.

“You’re so damn beautiful.” His voice was tender, reverent.

Wanting to see more of her, he ran his hands down her thighs and spread them apart. Her sex was swollen and looked well loved.

“Oh, I don’t think I can… I think it’s too soon,” Jane stuttered as she pushed up on her elbows.

BOOK: Secret Kiss
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