Secret Pleasures (27 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Howe

BOOK: Secret Pleasures
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“I am far from a grown woman,” she said when the servant backed away with a bow
“But I want to rectify that situation in a manner of my own choosing.”


Ivy sipped her sherry

“I mean to seduce Robert
I’d like for you to help me
Please, Ivy.

The girl’s sincere gaze forced Ivy to
back in her chair

Suddenly, Ivy was not at all sure if she should encourage Arianna
There might be tender hearts involved here.

Arianna’s gaze had locked again on Robert
Ivy turned to find Darien staring boldly, feasting on Ivy with a lustful gaze that showed no signs of restraint
Robert, who must have accidently met Arianna’s desperate gaze, abruptly turned and showed her his back.

“Does Robert know of your desire?” Ivy picked up the cards
She dealt them each a hand, to give Arianna something to do besides gape at Robert
“Men don’t usually need much encouragement beyond that.”

Arianna’s wobbled sigh alerted Ivy to the fact the girl held back tears

“I did indeed tell him in no uncertain terms.

Arianna lowered her voice, placed the cards in front of her mouth
“I told him that I want him to be my first lover.

Her swallowed sob tore at Ivy’s heart
“He claimed to have no interest, brushing off our acquaintance as no more than a light flirtation.”

“A light flirtation can lead to the most interesting peccadilloes.

Ivy really did not want to encourage Arianna, but she could not stand for her to think herself rejected
Though, Robert no doubt had very good reason for keeping his grandfather’s bride-to-be at arm’s length.

“For you, perhaps.

Arianna studied Ivy’s face, then dropped her gaze to the crimson gown’s low neckline and Ivy’s impossible-to-ignore attributes

“Don’t underestimate your appeal, Arianna
Men fall helplessly and hopelessly for the innocent, as well
Especially if the girl in question is hiding a bit of the wicked underneath.”

“I can assure you I am not what I appear, Miss Templeton
I usually wear spectacles and have a full grasp of anatomy
Not only of the skeletal and musculature system, but of the vascular, as well.”

“I had no idea.

Ivy blinked, not sure what to make of her confession
Her grasp of academia was not exactly what she meant

“And you would also be scandalized to know

Music filled the room and Ivy quickly turned to find Darien at the piano again
Ivy could not pull herself away from watching him play
The wrinkles around his face and eyes softened
He glanced to her as if drawn by her gaze on him
Their eyes locked, instantly warming Ivy’s insides
He stared another moment, passion building in his gaze as the music’s tempo increased
Heat curled in Ivy’s sex forcing her to cross her legs
not bother
with a fan
tonight, but now
wished she had
Her face burned
She turned back to Arianna
Tonight she and Darien would thoroughly make amends
They had too little time left together to waste

“You were saying something about scandalizing me before I was rudely distracted?

Even Ivy’s voice had grown husky
She cleared her throat, amazed what Darien could do to her with just a smoldering glance
“Do go on.”

“Perhaps not scandalize, but shock.

Arianna had obviously watched her and Darien’s exchange
Her shoulders sagged and she picked at the fingers of her lace gloves
“Disgust would probably be a better word
I should not have mentioned it at all
My mother says no one with any breeding would be interested in my morbid hobby.”

Ivy snapped herself out of her dreamy trance
“Now I must know
Morbid hobby
My dear, you are indeed hiding something fascinating under that pristine exterior.”

Arianna pulled a pale pink ribbon from her hair
“This is all my mother’s doing
I look ghastly in white
Usually I don’t bother with anything but dark colors, brown and dark blue
It doesn’t show blood.”

Arianna met Ivy’s gaze
“Should I go on?”

Ivy nodded, took a bracing gulp of sherry.

“I have dissected over a hundred cadavers
I studied at
Guy’s Hospital
That’s where I met Robert
I volunteered as a nurse when I wasn’t studying. Robert was ministering to the sick.
Of course I could not attend classes with the men
but I was allowed private tutors, and shall we say, a use of the facilities
Once I mastered the written material, I was granted access to the


Arianna shrugged
“Forgive me
You must be appalled.”

“No, not at all,” Ivy swallowed, realizing she entirely underestimated Arianna Maddox
“And Robert knew of your interests?”

“He encouraged them,” she said passionately

“But now he seems to think me merely an annoying child.”

“So is that why you are agreeing to the marriage?”

“I have no choice
If Robert had true feelings for me perhaps

Arianna lowered her head
“But he claims he does not.”

Ivy glanced in Robert’s direction to catch him staring at Arianna
His frown mirrored Arianna’s obvious unhappiness.

“I would wager that he was not completely honest with you
Men are not always willing to admit the secrets of their hearts.”

“Robert has his reasons for denying having any affection for me
He does not wish to dishonor his family.

Arianna took a small sip of her sherry and winced
“I didn’t realize the earl and he were related
Or that his family depended upon grandfather’s good will for their sustenance.

“I am afraid that is true.

Ivy reached her hand out and covered Arianna’s
“Neither of you shall be the first to have had to make such a sacrifice.”

“As you made such a sacrifice.”

Ivy instantly stiffened against the reminder of a wound that would never heal
Arianna pulled her hand away.

“Forgive me, Ivy
I did not mean to overstep the bounds of our friendship
I should not have assumed

“I made my choice and do not regret the path I chose.

Ivy tried to smile against the chill she knew crept into her voice every time she spoke of her broken engagement to Darien.

“I did not mean to offend
It’s just that, well

your prior relationship with Lord Blackmore is common knowledge, more like legend, really
But here you are together and I so want to have a little time with Robert
It does not seem like too much to ask.”

“No offense taken, Arianna
Let’s make a vow never to fear revealing ourselves to each other
With whom else are we to share our sorrows?

Ivy laughed as Arianna laid her hand on her heart and held up her left hand in a solemn pledge
Truly touched by the girl’s sincerity, Ivy was more tha
a bit humbled by her obvious admiration.

“I vow, Ivy

We shall always be frank with each other.”


Ivy took Arianna’s hand in a firm shake, a gesture which would seem less odd to curious onlookers, something Ivy had never been able to avoid
“So, back to Robert
We both suspect he refuses you for honor’s sake.”

“Yes, Robert is honorable, isn’t he?

Arianna's gaze was still sad, but her mouth tightened
She squared her shoulders
“Which is one of the reasons I can’t stop myself from loving him
Please, Ivy
He won’t have me after I’m married like any other normal aristocrat, so I must persuade him to be my lover before
My mother claims losing one’s virginity is not pleasant, but after the marriage night it will become tolerable
When I am with Robert Fitzgerald I can’t imagine the act to be anything so bland.

Arianna pressed a hand against her flushed cheek
“Tell me I’m wrong.

“You’re not wrong.”

“When he’s near, the sound of his voice makes me crave things that once shocked me
As I said, I have a full grasp of anatomy
I know the workings of the human body.”

“All right, Arianna.

Lily snuck up behind them and both Arianna and Ivy jumped
“I have a couple of fat sheep waiting for their fleecing.”

They followed Lily’s gaze to a matching set of white-wigged matrons both dressed in eggplant colored gowns
The ladies smiled sweetly in their direction
One of the women shuffled expertly, jeweled rings glistening on every finger

Henry Maddox walked into the room
His scowl deepened when he spotted Ivy and Arianna sitting alone together
Arianna immediately sat back in her seat and dropped her gaze
Henry paused as if he meant to march in their direction and scold Arianna
Instead, he turned and walked toward Robert who stood on the far side of the room with his sister and father

Ivy reached for Arianna’s hand under the table
She could not let the girl face her marriage bed with thoughts of anatomy books and tolerability dancing in her head.

“Do not fear
I will help you in your quest.”



Darien stood from the piano the moment Henry Maddox headed directly for his nephew
Instead of hopping over the piano bench, his first impulse, Darien skirted the obstacle, intending to put himself between the two men.

“You are to perform the wedding
Is that correct?

Maddox rudely assessed Robert from head to toe.

That is correct.

Robert agreed flatly.

Mrs. Maddox rushed to stand beside her husband.

“This is Reverend Fitzgerald
He is
Fitzgerald’s son, and nephew to the earl
He has recently been made a bishop so we are honored to have him join us tonight.”

“Yes, yes.

Henry Maddox shook off his wife’s grip
“I know who he is
He looks fresh from the nursery but if he’s ordained I suppose he’ll do
I heard you were opening the church on the grounds. Is it done?”

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