Secret Pleasures (28 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Howe

BOOK: Secret Pleasures
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“A few pews have wood rot and there is a leak in the ceiling
The stained glass is broken
but I suppose it is passable if you care to visit the sanctuary.

Robert ignored Darien, who glared at Maddox from his side.

“I hope you have a uniform or robes for the ceremony.

Maddox eyed Robert’s perfectly tailored black eveningwear as if he wore beggar’s rags.

“I have
all the appropriate
I assure you, I am quite capable of performing your daughter’s ceremony.”

Henry nodded, not noticing

or caring

that Robert practically ground out his words
Mrs. Maddox, on the other hand, paled considerably
She no doubt knew where her daughter’s true affections lay.

“Very well, then
There has been a change in plans.

Maddox cleared his throat and Darien realized that Henry was ignoring him, too.

“Oh, no, Henry,” Mrs. Maddox cried
“The printer will not have time to make any further changes to the program.”

“Better that than not to see your daughter properly married
The wedding will take place tomorrow.”

Robert’s face reddened and his lips paled.

“But Arianna’s dress needs two more fittings, at least.

Mrs. Maddox’s agitated voice rang like a bell over the sudden hush that fell over the room.

“I don’t give a bloody damn about the dress
I have had enough putting up with this riff-raff.

He nodded at Darien and then jerked his head in Ivy’s direction
“Arianna will be Lady Westhaven before noon tomorrow and that’s the end of it.”

There was a sob from a gaming table and to Darien’s shock, he discovered Lily wrapping her arms around Arianna
Robert’s gaze was pulled in their direction
He blinked, then turned stiffly back to Maddox
For the briefest of moments, Darien thought Robert was going to punch Maddox in the face.

Maddox must have thought so, too, because he braced himself
When Robert stood motionless, his face completely blank, Maddox sneered then strode away to pour himself a drink.

Robert remained frozen in place, no doubt hearing Arianna’s soft cries in the far corner
Mrs. Maddox had slipped in
the chair recently occupied by Lily
Melodic female chatter and wide satin skirts surrounded Arianna
The women closed ranks, blocking the miserable bride from further speculation

Darien poured himself a whiskey, his first one tonight, and eyed Maddox
When Maddox could no longer ignore Darien’s obtrusive presence, Darien toasted his nemesis
“Weddings are such joyous occasions.”

“How would you know?

Maddox slammed back the contents of his glass.

“True that the Blackmores haven’t been very successful in the matrimony arena in recent years
Except for my dear sister, who eloped, but I suppose that doesn’t count
It was rather a scandal.”

Maddox returned to filling his glass
His dismissive glance to Darien proved he found his person of no consequence, much less worthy of conversation.

“Which leads me to wonder why you’re so damned determined to break into our ranks, Henry
There are less troublesome nobles for someone of your prestige and style to align yourself with.

Darien studied Henry’s finely tailored suit and expensive boots
“Your eldest daughter was engaged to Philip for perhaps a month at the most
He’s been dead for ten years
You are
man of business, Maddox
When is it time to call that small investment of time a bust
It was an accident


Maddox actually had the bravado to laugh
“Philip enjoyed the lads a bit too much
That was his real downfall.”

“What the hell are you saying?

Darien took a step toward Henry, but only advanced enough to pin Maddox against the bar.

Maddox did not seem intimidated in the least
In fact, he leaned against the bar and gazed up at Darien in a relaxed manner.

Robert was suddenly behind Darien

“Just what everyone else has been saying for years.

Maddox grinned.

“Which is?

As much as Darien wanted to wipe the smile off of Maddox’s thin lips, he’d waited too long for someone to speak openly about what happened to Philip.

“Which is that your father did not shoot your brother in a hunting accident
but in a fit of rage.”

Robert tried to pull Darien away but he flung off his grip.

“Westhaven caught him with his male lover under this very roof,” Maddox continued
“And his stark raving mad younger son could not tolerate the truth so he invented talk of murder to hide his shame.”

“I’m not ashamed.

Darien shook his head and tried to return Maddox’s sickly smile, but his mouth was too dry
“Nothing could ever make me be ashamed of Philip.”

“You disgust me.” Maddox’s
faltered. “Philip would be ashamed of you
So run along and play house with your whore
and all will be well
You can keep your miserable little crofter’s hut and bugger your sheep to your heart’s content.

Ivy stood and watched Darien from across the room
She had taken several steps in their direction
but hung back, obviously concerned
Darien would accomplish nothing here
And he would not risk upsetting Ivy in public
Not again
He had to prove to her that she could depend upon him
Flying into a blind rage over a rumor he already knew would not accomplish that.

“So shall you be at the hunt tomorrow?

Darien said, shocked and somewhat pleased with himself for sounding so reasonable in the face of Maddox’s hostility.

Maddox poured himself another scotch
Darien noted that the usually sober Henry Maddox swayed on his feet.

“Your father could not be bloody talked out of riding with his band of merry old men at morning’s first light
The earl loves to kill small rodents and run with his hounds,” Henry said with disgust.

“Then I shall see you at dawn where I hope we have a chance to speak on this subject again.

Darien bowed and went to collect Ivy as he imagined a gentleman who cared not to upset his lady might.

Maddox followed their every move from a red-eyed haze of hatred
At the moment, he appeared to hate everything in his sight
Truly, it was a wonder Henry was so set into marrying into a family he clearly despised.

“I am known to be a good shot, too, Lord Blackmore,” Maddox slurred upon their exit.

“I shall look forward to the hunt then.

Darien paused to bow
He strolled out the door with the beautiful Ivy Templeton upon his arm, enjoying being the heir to Westhaven for the first time since the position had been rudely thrust upon him.


my life, my family, my very identity.




Arianna tried to control her shivers while Ivy tightly laced the gown’s satin corset
The carriage’s wheel hit a rut and nearly knocked them both off the seat
A lantern swung, casting light over
bare arms and thighs
The gauze
rose-colored skirt hardly covered her backside
Despite the warm summer night, a draft tickled Arianna’s secret folds
She shuddered and tried to keep her knees together

“Mind the road, driver.

Ivy beat on the roof of the carriage
“Dressing for seduction is a delicate thing.”

A panel slid open in the carriage’s wall
“Might I be of assistance?” Lord Blackmore called from the driver’s seat
“I should think a male perspective could add much illumination to the subject.

Though he could not gawk at them while he handled the
, Arianna clutched her hands over her breasts
Surely Lord Blackmore was not serious about evaluating her appearance
Even allowing Robert to witness her in nothing but gauze

meant to seduce

unnerved her
Honestly, she was not sure she would be able to drop her cloak at all.

“Just drive more carefully, Darien
You are not hauling sheep to market.

Ivy stood and shut the panel.

Ivy landed on the opposite seat when Darien unexpectedly sped up

“Oh, you have goose bumps.

Ivy studied her creation in the wavering light cast by the lantern
Arianna followed her gaze to the deflated gauze at the top of the bodice, little cut out slots covered by sheer cloth where her breasts should be
“Let me finish the lacings. We shall bundle you in your cloak while we change your stockings.

“I put on a fresh pair before I snuck from my room.

Arianna forced her arms by her sides
Ivy had gone to great lengths to help her tonight
and she didn’t want to act like a shy schoolgirl

“You must wear the ones designed for the gown
They are as sheer as the skirt
And do not worry about returning them
If they accomplish their purpose, the silk will be properly ruined afterwards
As will you.

Ivy’s laugh was sweet and wicked like liqueur-laced chocolate
A flavor she did not appreciate fully until now.

“Lord Blackmore must think I’m a terrible wanton

Arianna broke off her words, not wanting to offend Ivy, the only actual fallen woman she knew
The sort of woman most mothers preached against seemed so much more appealing than cold duty and chaste resignation
“I know they have their differences, but I
supposed to marry his father.”

“Exactly why we have no time to waste
Drastic measures had to be
. I
tonight or never
Darien is too much of a gentleman to allow us to go traipsing around in the dark alone.”

Arianna had been told otherwise and Robert’s infamous uncle made her nervous
No matter how many dead men she had sliced from sternum to groin, live men could still be terrifying.

“I fear my union with Robert might be never unless you can give me the secret to a man’s desire before we reach the rectory.”

“I think this gown should do the trick.

Ivy settled on the seat next to Arianna

“I fear I do not quite fill it out.

Arianna stared down at the loose fabric that gapped open
clearly reveal
her dark nipples.

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