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Authors: Cheryl Howe

Secret Pleasures (41 page)

BOOK: Secret Pleasures
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He bowed, suddenly, remembering himself
“Forgive me, madam
Lady Westhaven is sorely missed by the household.

Arianna suddenly stood from a bench seat tucked into one of the windows, no doubt alerted by their presence
Before Ivy could respond to the butler’s comment or thank him for his assistance, he bowed once again and disappeared down the hall
She turned back to Arianna
Her expression urged Ivy to rush to her side.

Arianna must have seen the distress her tear-stained face caused and wiped at her eyes
“He has a fever.”

Ivy nodded with understanding
“May I see him?”

“His mother is with him now.

Arianna directed Ivy to the closed door closest to where they were standing
“Go in
I’m sure Mrs. Fitzgerald would welcome the company
I’ll hold Melody.”

can be

Ivy gripped her daughter, irrationally afraid someone would steal her from her and lock her in one of the mansion’s many rooms
How would Ivy ever find her again?

Both she and Arianna stared down at Melody’s wide, happy eyes

The door abruptly opened

“He’s asking for you, Arianna.

Lily Fitzgerald blinked at Ivy standing next to Arianna
She rubbed her weary features.

Ivy adjusted Melody to her shoulder and rearranged her blanket to cover her face
Introducing Melody to Darien’s sister had not been a concern until now

“He’s awake.

Arianna’s obvious excitement caused Lily to smile sadly, and blink back what Ivy now realized were tears.

“No, he’s delirious.

Lily’s voice was rough but steady
“He’s mumbling your name
I think your presence might calm him.

Arianna strode to the door without a backward glance.

Lily watched Arianna disappear into the room, then stared at the closed door with a frown that drew down her entire face

“Ivy, I fear

he turned to face Ivy, really looking at her for the first time since she exited her son’s

you’re holding a baby?

She came to stand beside Ivy and slipped the blanket away from Melody’s face
She studied her in wide-eyed fascination.

“She is beautiful. May I hold her

Lily Fitzgerald’s tired eyes flooded with her unshed tears.

Ivy sighed and handed her Melody
How could she not if it would distract Robert’s mother from her sorrow for even a moment.

“She looks so much like Darien
Why did no one tell me?

She cradled Melody, rocking her in her arms, laughing and crying simultaneously
Melody’s expression changed with each of her aunt’s wavering emotions

“Under the circumstances, I thought it best to let her existence remain a secret.

Ivy would allow Lily to choose whichever unfavorable circumstance she wished.

She must be part of the family
She must.

Lily cradled Melody closer to her breast
“My mother would have loved to have held Darien’s child
She never had the opportunity to hold any of mine
What is her name?

You must be exhausted, Lily
Allow me to take her from you
She’s frowning
That’s the face she makes when she’s soiled her diaper.

Ivy gently took the baby back.

“Melody,” Lily sang, proving she had not been neglected in inheriting her mother’s musical ability
“Lady Melody Blackmore
What a perfect name
Who thought of it
You or Darien?

“A mutual friend, though inspired by Darien’s musical gifts, of course
Oh, dear
Do you smell something odorous
If you would be so kind to direct me to a room, I’ll change her.

Ivy reached for Melody
“This might not be the best time to make introductions.

“This little one has the scent of springtime but let’s see for sure.

Lily whisked Melody from Ivy’s grasp and sat on the bench window seat
She laid Melody on her lap, unwrapped her blanket and buried her face into her belly
“She’s clean and dry
What a beautiful child
You’ve done such a fine job, Ivy.”

Melody giggled and a healthy blush stained her cheeks and limbs
Ivy noticed she had put on more weight
Despite her discomfort, Ivy could not help but be proud of her contribution to Melody’s vibrant health

“What a charmer you are.

Melody’s grin widened at her aunt’s coaxing
“She’s got that mischievous look in her eyes, like Darien
Melody will bring so much joy to this family
I just know it.”

“I don’t think every member of the family will agree.”

“I could take her to Ireland.

Lily tore her gaze away from Melody to glance up at Ivy
“Raise her as my own
No one would know the difference
Darien will eventually be the earl whether he likes it or not
He could be her escort into society as any father would.

“She’s my daughter, and I don’t intend to give her up.

Ivy stiffened.

“But she’s a Blackmore
She must be raised according to her birth
She must meet the right people.”

“She’s illegitimate,” Ivy said desperately.

“But that’s not how it has to be, you know
I can arrange everything so no one is the wiser.”

She is Darien’s daughter also
I don’t think he would wish to be separated anymore than I.

Ivy was finally relieved that she had actually told Darien the truth.

“And you two will introduce her to the world as a bastard when it does not have to be so
Do you think that’s fair to your child?”

Ivy shook her head
“I think the love of her parents is more important.”

“Do you
Is that something you learned over the years
I would have wagered otherwise.”

Ivy could not find the words to argue
She just wanted Melody back in her arms.

“I won’t give up my daughter.”

“But you said you believed in the power of love
And love for a child is something one would do anything for
I think you’ve already discovered that.

Lily handed Ivy her daughter
“She is lovely, and I know you will do what is in her best interest
We all are doing what’s in our loved
one’s best interest
Henry Maddox is a formidable man who can cause everyone in this household

Lily stood
“Excuse me
I must fetch some cool water and fresh clothes for Robert
Perhaps now would not be the best time for Robert to meet his cousin, but when he wakes, I know he will be as happy as I to make her acquaintance.”

Lily did not wait for her response, just opened one of the many doors facing the hall and disappeared by what Ivy glimpsed as a back staircase.

Ivy gathered Melody’s blanket around her, proceeding the way she came
She would march out the front door and never return
Ivy would sail to America alone before she would let anyone
Melody away from her.



Dawn crept beneath closed, heavy velvet curtains, signaling the end of Darien’s all-night vigil
The candles burned low and the fire had ebbed in the grate
Darien stood and stretched
His father had not
and he feared he never would.

The sense of hollow loss was surprisingly acute
He’d not learned the truth from his father
His passing would not dull that old hurt one bit,
but would
just heap more on top
Darien had convinced himself that his father had become dead to him long ago
Too late, he discovered he was wrong.

Darien needed to find Ivy and Melody and take them home
asked a servant who’d delivered more wood to keep the fire roaring hot, to find them a room for the night
Knowing the well-oiled workings of the staff, he was sure the butler had put them in his old suite of rooms
Even though his childhood apartment was finer and larger than Darien’s current stone dwelling, he wanted his family to be under his own humble roof

His father remained still, his sheet hardly rumpled
Darien paused by the bed to grip his father’s hand before he left
Thank God it was still warm.

His father’s eyes flickered
, and it seemed to take him an
long time to focus on Darien.

“How are you feeling?” Darien asked, as if his father’s appearance didn’t answer that question for him

“Darien,” he mumbled
“There is something you must know
About Philip.”

“I’m listening.

Darien pulled the chair closer to the bed, sick to his stomach that he had forced this issue today

His father opened his eyes, struggled to lift his head then collapsed against the pillows
“We’re alone?”

“We are alone
What can I get you
Some water?”

“Philip, he

” his father whispered
Tears leaked from his eyes and wound down the lines etched in his shrunken skin
“He hung himself.”

“What?” Darien blinked

All kinds of freakish mishaps happened on working farms
His father must not mean what Darien thought
Philip would never do himself in
That would be something one would expect of Darien, the weaker brother
The dark horse of the family.

“It happened like that man said
Collin Jacobson.

His father spat the name
Though his fierce gaze showed his venom, the right side of his face
“We found them together and I said he was dead to me
Not my son.”

His father’s slur thickened the faster he spoke
He paused to catch his shallow breath
Tears streamed unchecked down his face
Darien found a towel
He gently wiped tears from his father’s cheek and chin.

BOOK: Secret Pleasures
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