Secret Worlds (419 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Hamilton,Conner Kressley,Rainy Kaye,Debbie Herbert,Aimee Easterling,Kyoko M.,Caethes Faron,Susan Stec,Linsey Hall,Noree Cosper,Samantha LaFantasie,J.E. Taylor,Katie Salidas,L.G. Castillo,Lisa Swallow,Rachel McClellan,Kate Corcino,A.J. Colby,Catherine Stine,Angel Lawson,Lucy Leroux

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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In less than a minute, Boaz returned followed by a thin woman with graying hair. Her black dress made her complexion appear paler than she really was. When my eyes met hers, she quickly looked down and did not look at me again.

“Eve, this is Mariel. She will be your personal servant while you are here and will get you whatever you need, whenever you want it.”

Mariel nodded vigorously.

“No, really,” I said. “I can take care of myself.” Poor Mariel looked as if one more task might make her collapse.

“I wasn’t asking.”

Before I could argue, Boaz was across the wooden-floored foyer with his hand on another doorknob. “I will return soon. Mariel, feed her whatever she desires.”

She jerked at the sound of her name, and then Boaz was gone.

I waited for her to say something, but she continued to stare at the ground. Her right hand was shaking. “Don’t worry about dinner. I’m really not hungry. Could you just show me to my room, please?”

“Boaz said to feed you,” she murmured.

“I know what he said, but I’m not hungry. It’s been a long day, and I just want to lie down.” My tone was sharper than I intended, probably a side-affect from using magic.

Mariel wrung her hands together and bit her lip.

I placed my hand on her shoulder but removed it when she flinched. “It will be all right. I will tell Boaz I didn’t need you. Really, don’t worry. But I would love your help tomorrow, if that’s all right with you?”

For the first time, she looked at me, her gray eyes vibrating within her sockets. I tried not to stare, but the constant shifting of her beady eyes was something I had never seen before.

Mariel nodded slightly. “Right this way.”

I waited a second before following after her. Maybe she was overworked. Having servants wasn’t common, but for families high up in the supernatural world, it was expected. And many times, as I had seen with my parents, those servants weren’t always treated the best. If this was the case with Mariel, then I needed to get out of here as soon as possible. I didn’t want to substitute one bad for another.

Upstairs, more paintings of night landscapes hung on the walls. Some were cities lit up by the moon, others were forests painted in the night sky, and a few were black and white photographs. There weren’t any day scenes and not a single one was of a person. This unsettled me, but I still wasn’t sure why.

Mariel stopped in front of a wooden door at the end of the hall. She hesitated before opening it, revealing a room slightly smaller than mine at home, but decorated much nicer. The one item I focused on the most was a built-in bookshelf that took up most of one wall. It must’ve held hundreds of books.

I turned to comment on how nice this was to Mariel, but she had already slipped out the door. I sighed and surprised myself by wishing Boaz was here. At least he was someone to talk to. I flopped to the bed, groaning and tightening my jaw. He had made me use magic, more than I ever had before.
It was to save your life
, I reminded myself. Was that so bad?

Turning my head on the pillow, I noticed a door on the other side of the bookcase. Because of the bookcase’s immense size, it would’ve been hidden from me as I walked into the room, but from the bed’s angle, I couldn’t miss it. I stood up to investigate.

Inside was a closet, more like a room with how big it was, filled with some of the nicest clothing I’d ever seen. I walked among them, my fingers trailing their soft fabrics. At the back of the room, an open doorway led to a marbled bathroom. In the center, four black columns surrounded a massive tub.

I walked over and turned it on; water shot out of a gold, snake-shaped faucet. While the tub filled, I returned to the closet to admire a row of designer dresses. I couldn’t help but wonder who they were for. Boaz probably had one, if not several girlfriends, and most likely the dresses were for them. I grimaced, thinking of the kind of women Boaz associated with. They were probably women just like my mother—cold and calculated.

A red dress with a line of diamonds around the waist caught my eye. I bravely pulled it off the rod and held it against my body. It looked like it would just barely fit. The material felt like silk but much softer, almost like cashmere. I smiled and returned it. After my bath, I would try it on—just for a minute.

The warm water, the clothing, and a room full of books were a welcome distraction from the fact my parents had tried to kill me. But I had survived, and now I was free from their wrath. I sunk farther into the bathtub until my head was covered by water. Soon I would be starting a new life all on my own. I surfaced and smoothed back my wet hair with a smile on my face.

I could’ve stayed in the tub all night if it hadn’t been for the red dress, which lured me out prematurely. I dried off completely, including my hair, before I slipped it over my head. Its soft material was like warm breath all over my skin. I twirled into the bedroom and stopped in front of a mirror, gasping in surprise. I looked regal and confident, two things I’d never felt before.

Is this what freedom felt like?

A knock at the door had me frantically glancing around, trying to decide if I had time to change. “One minute!”

I snatched the bathrobe from off the bed and was about to pull it on when the door opened. Boaz stepped into the room. He had showered and changed his clothes into dark pants and a gray V-necked sweater.

I pressed the robe against me, trying to hide the red gown. “I said give me a minute.”

“My mistake, I thought you said ‘Come in’.”

“Sure you did.” I took a tentative step back.

His eyes narrowed. “What are you hiding?”

I sighed and dropped the bathrobe. “I’m sorry, but I just wanted to try it on. It’s so beautiful.”

Boaz eyes widened, and his eyebrows lifted. “It’s not the dress that’s beautiful. It’s you. The dress only compliments what you already have.”

“Regardless,” I said, turning toward the bathroom. “It’s not mine. I shouldn’t have tried it on.”

Boaz frowned. “Of course it’s yours. All of this is: the room, the clothing, and most importantly…” He took my hand before I could stop him and pulled me toward a dresser. “These are yours.”

Boaz pulled open the first drawer. Lying on black velvet were all kinds of jeweled necklaces. Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires twinkled in the light.

I shook my head. “I don’t understand.”

Boaz closed the drawer and opened another one. It was filled with gold and silver rings, all of which were adorned with the same exotic jewels. “These belong to you. I bought them to show my devotion.”

Boaz moved to open a third drawer, but I stopped him. “I don’t want all of this, Boaz. It’s too much.”

He laced his fingers through mine. “It’s not enough. You deserve more.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t accept them.” I let go of his hand and stepped away.

The corners of his mouth turned up, and he said, “Then earn it.”


“Let me teach you to use your powers.”

My shoulders sagged. I’d let my guard down. Boaz was just like my parents and wouldn’t quit until magic was a part of me. “I know how, but I don’t want to. Don’t you understand?”

“But this is what I want in return for all that I give you. I want to help you become the greatest witch the world has ever seen.”

“Why does it matter?”

“Because I can’t stand to see your potential wasted. You’re like a thoroughbred stallion that’s never ran a race. I must know what you’re capable of.”

“I’m not a dog trying to learn a trick.” I moved to the bed and sat down, exhausted. It hurt to even think.

“Learn from me, Eve. I beg you.”

I shook my head. “I’m sorry, I can’t. Anything but that.”

“Now it’s my turn to ask—why?”

“I don’t like the way it makes me feel or what it does to the world around me. Everything goes dark.”

Boaz knelt in front of me on one knee. “Did you ever consider that the world might naturally

“Then why don’t I see darkness now, when I’m not using magic?”

He pursed his lips and then said, “How about if I help you to control magic so you can do small things like controlling fire, moving objects, and growing flowers? You would like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Don’t patronize me.”

“I’m not, love. Just learn a few things that will protect you and others if need be. It won’t change the world around you, I promise. Besides, you’ve already used your abilities, so what does it matter?”

Crap. He was right. Or maybe I was just tired. “I don’t know.”

“We’ll start out slow. If you feel it’s too much, then we’ll stop.”

It sounded harmless enough. Before vowing not to use magic, I would sometimes use it. It still had the same bad side effects, but I managed to keep it under control then. Why couldn’t I do it again, especially with the help of someone? Someone who wouldn’t force me to use it.

“Fine, but you must promise to stop when I say.”

“Deal.” Boaz held out his hand for me to shake.

I moved to accept it, but stopped. Something inside whispered that I was making a pact with the devil. I searched his eyes, but they revealed nothing.

He sensed my reluctance. “I
, love, everything will be fine.”

I reached out, but when my fingers touched his open palm, dark images flashed through my mind like a lightning storm. They were of torn bodies, decayed flesh—shocking violent visions beyond anything I could ever imagine. Recoiling in fear, I tore my hand away and scrambled back to the bed, no longer caring about hurting the dress.

“What is it?” Boaz’s eyebrows raised in what looked like genuine concern.

He took a step toward me, but his movements only made me scurry farther away until my back hit the thick headboard.

“Eve, please. Tell me what’s wrong.”

I couldn’t answer as I was holding my breath, hoping it would keep me from screaming.

“I’m afraid I’ve been inconsiderate,” he said. “You’ve had a rough day, and here I am pestering you. I apologize if it seemed like I was rushing you to use magic. We’ll take it at your pace, all right?”

I nodded weakly, finally taking in some air. The graphic images slowly faded. Looking at Boaz now, at his kind expression, I wondered if all the recent events had finally taken their toll. I relaxed and forced a smile. “You don’t need to apologize. It’s just been a long day.”

Boaz moved to be near me at the front of the bed. He reached out and smoothed my tussled hair away from my face. This time when he touched me, I saw nothing.

“Get some rest and sleep in if you would like. In my home, you can do as you please,” he said.

“Why are you being so kind?”

Boaz stopped caressing my hair and let his hand drop to my bare shoulder. His fingers gently traced the length of my arm. His eyes met mine, and they burned with an intensity that made me stop breathing again. He didn’t answer. He didn’t need to. His eyes said it all, yet I struggled to understand.

My lips parted, and my body tingled. I breathed in air that suddenly felt electric. An indescribable pleasure coursed through my body. Boaz’s eyes glazed over as he, too, seemed to be experiencing the same exhilarating high.

He inhaled deeply. “Do you feel the power between us? Isn’t it amazing?”

I could feel it. My whole body felt light, almost as if any moment I would float away. Without warning, Boaz let go of my hand; the connection dropped. I tried to hide my frustration, but Boaz grinned.

“That’s just a taste of what you are going to experience with me, love.”

He turned and left the room.

Chapter 9

The next day, I didn’t sleep in as Boaz had suggested. I was too excited to explore the home and the grounds beyond. It felt strange to be in a place where I had no restrictions. I dressed quickly in the simplest clothes I could find from the dresser drawers: a pair of jeans and a black silky shirt.

I left the bedroom and headed down the long hallway toward the stairs, stopping to peek at every room along the way. They were all similar to mine: ornate wooden furniture, richly colored walls, crown molding, and chandeliers except for one room at the end of the hallway. It was a library filled with books. I slipped in and scanned the shelves, reading the titles.

“Would you care for some breakfast?”

I jumped. Mariel stood in the doorway looking as worn out as she had the night before.

“You startled me, Mariel.”

“I apologize.” She bowed her head.

“It’s all right. I would love some breakfast. Can I help you in the kitchen?”

Mariel’s head snapped up at my suggestion. “No Miss, that wouldn’t be proper. I will prepare whatever you like.”

“All right then. I will have eggs and toast, if that wouldn’t be too much of a burden.”

“Not at all,” she said and turned to leave.

“Mariel, is Boaz here?” I tried to sound casual, but even I could hear the anticipation in my voice.

“He will appear when he’s ready, Miss,” Mariel said, her voice hard and back still turned to me.

, I mouthed as I continued out of the room. Our short conversation reminded me I didn’t want to be in this world with all of its formalities and rules. I wanted to be normal. No special abilities, no wealth, no expectations. With Boaz, that could never happen.

I shook my head and returned to the books, stopping only when I found one titled “Tender is the Night”. I removed it from the shelf and headed downstairs to find the dining room. The downstairs was even larger than the upstairs and took me going through several rooms, including discovering a locked door, before I finally found Mariel.

“Mariel, what’s behind the locked door in the west wing?” I asked when I entered the dining room off of the kitchen.

Mariel placed eggs and toast in front of me. “That is the master’s area. We are forbidden to go there.”

Master? Odd title, even for our kind. I took a bite. “Who cleans it then?”

Mariel shrugged and left the room.

I ate by myself. Other than Mariel, I’d come across two other servants who were cleaning rooms downstairs. Neither of the younger girls had spoken to me even after I had said hello. To anyone else, this might’ve been upsetting, but I was used to it.

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