Secret Worlds (421 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Hamilton,Conner Kressley,Rainy Kaye,Debbie Herbert,Aimee Easterling,Kyoko M.,Caethes Faron,Susan Stec,Linsey Hall,Noree Cosper,Samantha LaFantasie,J.E. Taylor,Katie Salidas,L.G. Castillo,Lisa Swallow,Rachel McClellan,Kate Corcino,A.J. Colby,Catherine Stine,Angel Lawson,Lucy Leroux

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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“And what would all this involve?” I asked, unable to deny him just yet. He had piqued my curiosity.

“It would involve adventures, traveling to other countries, socializing with humans of all cultures, and learning to do things you never thought possible.”

I held back a smile. I had never traveled anywhere in my whole life, had never done anything but attend political parties held at our home. All the pictures I’d seen on television and on the Internet. All the
It would be years, if not decades, before I could afford to do this on my own.

“For how long?” I asked.

“For as long as you want.”

I inhaled deeply. “What if I only want to be gone for a week?”

“Then we will have as much fun as possible during that time, and then I will take you to wherever you want to go. I’ll even loan you money for your first apartment. Or I can get you a job through one of my many connections. Whatever you want.”

“I don’t want a relationship with you,” I said. “Friendship only.”

His lips tightened and then relaxed. “Like I said, whatever you want. Do we have an agreement?”

“Fine, but only because I have nothing better to do.” I grinned.

“I’m glad I can cure your boredom.”

“We all have our place in life.”


The following morning I was wakened by a new servant with short brown hair and lively brown eyes. Her features were small and delicate with a turned-up nose. She looked maybe sixteen-years-old.

“Good morning, Miss,” she said. “My name is Lisa, and I’ll be attending to you from now on.”

“Please, call me Eve. Where did Mariel go?” I slid out of bed and pulled on my robe.

“Master felt she’d be better suited serving him elsewhere.”

That word again!
“Why do you all call him ‘Master’? Isn’t that a little old fashioned?”

Lisa giggled. “I think so, but it’s what he wants.”

“Can you not do it around me? It’s weird and kind of creepy.” I made a mental note to give Boaz a hard time for it later. Even among those in the supernatural world, it was a strange thing to say.

“I would love that,” Lisa said, breathing a sigh of relief. She entered my dressing room and turned on the tub.

I followed after her and asked, “How long have you worked for him?”

“Only a few days. My mom thought it would be good for our family. What dress would you like to wear today?” Lisa strolled among the many dresses in open admiration.

“It doesn’t matter. You can pick. Why would it be good for your family?”

She removed a light purple floral dress with spaghetti straps. “Because my family is Fae, and Boaz is as close as you get to royalty around here. My parents think if I show on my resume that I worked for him, I’ll have a better chance at getting into Dartmouth.”

I smiled, remembering how I had once wanted to go there. All supernatural creatures aimed for Dartmouth College where they could meet others of their kind. The elite school, located in a small town of a remote part of New Hampshire, was the perfect place to go unnoticed and still get a reputable education.

“But they will flip when they find out you’re here, too,” Lisa continued. “You’re family’s like the Kardashians of the underworld.”

I glanced away embarrassed. If only she knew the truth. There was nothing grand or wonderful about being a Segur.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” Lisa asked.

“Of course.”

“Are you engaged to Boaz?”

Heat flooded my face. I didn’t think how our arrangement might appear to others. “I’m only here as his guest. My parents want to k—I mean, our house is going through a major renovation,” I finished lamely. No one wants to admit that their parents literally want them dead. It’s jacked up.

“Oh,” she said and reached her hand into the water to check the temperature. “But he is handsome, isn’t he?”


Lisa stood up. “Master, I mean Boaz, wanted me to inform you to be ready to leave in a few hours. He’s taking you to a movie.”

“Really? I’ve never been.” I removed my robe and stepped into the deep tub.

Lisa’s mouth fell open. “You’re joking, right?”

I shook my head. “My parents were very strict.”

“Wow. And I thought my parents were bad.” Lisa disappeared into the bedroom but came back moments later. “I’ll have breakfast for you when you’re ready.”

“I can take care of breakfast. I really don’t need a servant, Lisa.”

“I know, but Boaz insists, and something in his eyes makes me obey.” She paused. “Does he ever frighten you?”

“Yes,” I admitted. “He frightens me a lot.”


“What an awesome experience!” I said as we left the theater. The sky had turned dark and the air cold while we were inside. I really did love the movie. It was an epic adventure that covered a voyage to the South Seas. The hero was perfect in every way, from the words he spoke to the way he stood up for injustice. It was as if I’d been watching another world come to life where goodness always prevailed.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Boaz said. He guided me through the crowds of people and back toward his car, his hand gripping mine.

I stayed close to him as there were a lot of people exiting the theater at the same time, and it made me nervous. These were the most humans I’d been around in one place. Other than Boaz and me, the only other supernatural creature I had sensed in the theater was a werewolf. We had given each other a knowing look, but said nothing to each other. “I feel stupid saying this, but did you know that was my first movie?”

When the crowd thinned out, Boaz pulled me forward to walk beside him. “I never realized how isolated Erik and Sable kept you. It’s a shame how much of life you’ve missed.”

Thinking about this made me both sad and angry. And it all came down to our family’s stupid magic. “Do you know why they wanted me to use magic so badly?” I asked suddenly.

Boaz stopped moving, his eyebrows rising. “They never told you?”

I shook my head.

“It’s not my place to say, but I think you have a right to know.” Boaz stepped close to me, secretively. “Your ancestors have helped shape the world’s largest countries into the powerhouses they are now. In fact, have you heard of Ann Boleyn?”

“Wasn’t she one of the wives of King Henry the 8th?”

“Yes. She’s also your grandmother many centuries ago. She almost attained absolute power in England, but the German side of your family, the Segurs, secretly put a stop to her before she had the chance to rid England of its King. Your two families have been fighting like that for a very long time, that is, until they decided to breed you. Your birth was a peace treaty between two powerful and very magical families who have been enemies for centuries. They knew combining the genetics from both sides would produce the world’s most powerful witch: one who would rise to power to shape the world as they saw fit.”

“But I don’t care about politics or policy, and I sure as hell don’t want to rule anyone. The whole idea is absurd.”

I pulled my coat tighter around me to block the cold. Boaz took off his own jacket to drape over my shoulders. My gaze lingered on his snake tattoo just below his short-sleeved shirt. The red ink seemed brighter somehow.

“You still don’t get it, love,” he said and started walking again. “The potential of your power will put you in whatever position you want to be in.”

“Then I choose no position.” I looped my arm through his. “Why haven’t I ever met my grandparents?”

Boaz shrugged. “Your parents probably wanted to wait until you were ready. The Segurs especially are rather blunt and are often described as cruel.”

I couldn’t imagine anyone worse than my parents. Hopefully I would never have to meet anyone from the Segur family.

When we reached the car, Boaz reached inside his pocket.

“Oh no,” he moaned.

“What is it?”

“My keys. I seem to have misplaced them.” He continued to search his pockets.

I glanced inside the car. “They’re in the ignition.”

Boaz scowled. “I swear when I’m around you, I can’t remember a thing. Would you mind opening the door for me?”

“With magic?”

His dark eyes widened. “Oh, right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ask you so soon.”

I stepped to the car door, seriously considering it. It would be such a simple thing to do. Above me, a heavy darkness had swallowed the night sky; even the stars and moon had been devoured.

“Really, Eve, I mean it. I can just break the window, even though I did just have them replaced thanks to you.” He grinned and then lifted his arm to smash the glass, but before he could, I popped open the door with just a thought. I was surprised at how easily the power had come to me; even the awful smell wasn’t as bad as I remembered.

“Thank you, but it wasn’t necessary,” he said.

“It’s the least I can do. This was the first time in my life I’ve actually had some real, normal fun.”

Boaz winked before opening my door. “We’re just getting started.”

Chapter 11

A few weeks later, over breakfast, Boaz said, “I’ve invited friends over tonight.”

“Really?” I took a sip of milk. I’d barely touched the eggs.

“People I think you will like,” he continued. “They are witches like you.”

“That will be nice, I think.” I scooted the food around on my plate. Even though I knew Boaz didn’t eat normal food, it still seemed rude to eat in front of him.

“You’ve seemed bored the last few days, so I thought you might like some company other than myself.”

My eyes widened. “Hardly bored. I’ve had a great time! I still can’t believe some of the things we’ve done.”

And it was true. Boaz had spent most of his time with me, showing me all of the things I’d missed growing up. Like going to the beach. It was night when we went, but I still enjoyed it. We also spent a few days in Rhode Island where we toured several of the mansions in Newport. He’d stayed at a few of them back in the day. It was fun to learn of the different time periods, especially from someone who had actually been there. But the most fun I had was a few days ago when he took me skydiving. I’d never felt more alive.

I didn’t mean to stay as long as I had. Every morning I woke with the intention of telling Boaz it was time for me to leave, but then he would surprise me with some new adventure that I couldn’t pass up. Maybe it would’ve been easier to do had I felt any pressure from him, but he continued to be a perfect gentleman. Maybe even
good. There was a growing attraction to him I couldn’t deny. And it wasn’t just physical. It was a feeling of invincibility. That’s the only word I could use to describe it.

“I’m glad you like it here,” Boaz said. “As horrible as your parents may have been, I was worried you might miss home.”

I laughed out loud. “There is nothing I miss about home. And thank you for the break from magic. It’s been nice to live as if I’m normal.”

“Of course,” he said. “All in due time.”


That night, before his friends arrived, Boaz surprised me with a candlelight dinner on the back patio. The whole area was lit by dozens of candles grouped together on the sides, and some hung in little baskets from the lattice roof. At the center of the dining table, a gas fire pit provided just enough warmth to keep autumn’s cool sting at bay. Mozart played from speakers in the corner.

“I hope you like it,” Boaz said and handed me a full bouquet of blood-red roses.

Eyes wide and eyebrows lifted, I said, “No one’s ever done anything like this for me before.”

“I should hope not.” He walked to the table and slid out my chair.

“It really is beautiful.” I sat in front of a decorated plate brandishing a thick filet mignon, fettuccini Alfredo, and asparagus covered in sweet butter and garlic. As delicious as it looked, I remained still, even after Boaz sat opposite me.

“Is something wrong?” he asked, and I swore anger tinged his voice.

Over his shoulder, my gaze locked with the yellow eyes of Boaz’s wolf, Hunwald, who was sitting at the edge of the forest, watching us closely. I glanced away quickly. “No, not at all. It’s just—I feel funny eating in front of you.”

He tsked me. “Eat. All this was done for your enjoyment.”

“But it’s hardly necessary.”

“But it is. And you should expect it. Don’t settle for anything less.”

I nodded, but I didn’t really understand. I cut the steak and took a quick bite while he watched me intensely.

“Must you do that?” I asked.

“Do what?”

“Watch me while I eat?

He licked his lips. “It’s amazing the way your mouth moves.”

“And some think it’s amazing the way dogs mate, but it doesn’t mean you should stare.”

Boaz leaned back in his chair. “You surprise me sometimes.”

“Not as much as you surprise me.” I took another bite.

Boaz’s gaze lifted past my shoulder and to the darkness behind me. “We may need to leave soon.”

I lowered my fork. “Why?”

“I don’t like staying in one place too long. When you’ve lived as long as I have, you tend to gain enemies.”

“Where would you go?” I asked. I nervously tapped my fork against the porcelain plate. This might be the time I split ways with Boaz. This thought created a pain in my gut, and I wasn’t sure if it was because I was dreading living on my own or leaving Boaz.

could go to London, perhaps.”

I swallowed hard at his emphasize of the word ‘we’. “I didn’t know you had another home.”

“I have several. It’s a necessity.” He placed his hand over mine to stop the clanking of the fork.


“You never know when you might need to escape.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Do you escape often?”

“Not anymore.”

“What changed?”


My gaze lowered to my lap, and my cheeks burned hot.

And then he said, as if he’d rehearsed it a thousand times, “Why should one escape when they’ve found true love?”

“That’s not it,” I blurted. I wasn’t sure how I knew this, but I knew he didn’t love me, at least not in the way most men love a woman.

“Of course it is.”

“No. It’s not.”

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