Secret Worlds (423 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Hamilton,Conner Kressley,Rainy Kaye,Debbie Herbert,Aimee Easterling,Kyoko M.,Caethes Faron,Susan Stec,Linsey Hall,Noree Cosper,Samantha LaFantasie,J.E. Taylor,Katie Salidas,L.G. Castillo,Lisa Swallow,Rachel McClellan,Kate Corcino,A.J. Colby,Catherine Stine,Angel Lawson,Lucy Leroux

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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“I think they’re beautiful,” Liane said. “I’ll just remember not to invite you next time I go.”

I returned to the table. Boaz walked behind me, his gaze somehow warming the bare skin on my back.

“Who would like to dare a demon next?” Liane asked, looking at each of us.

“I would,” I said, surprising them all.

“And what Demon would you be daring?” William asked.

I turned to Boaz. “You. Since the day I met you and Hunwald—” I glanced over at Hunwald, who was still sitting at the edge of the forest. “—I’ve always wanted to know who would win in a race. I dare you to race Hunwald around your property, three laps, following the line of trees over there.” I pointed in the distance.

Liane laughed. “I love supernatural races!”

Boaz gave a low whistle. When the wolf jogged over, he said, “What do you say, Hunwald? You think you can beat me in a race?”

Hunwald cocked his head.

Boaz stood up. “I accept your dare.”

Liane walked to the edge of the patio, where concrete met grass. “Here is the starting and finish line. You must each pass it three times. The first one to do so wins.” She frowned at Hunwald. “Does your dog understand?”

Hunwald growled.

“He’s a wolf, not a dog,” Boaz told her. “And yes, he understands perfectly.”

“This ought to be interesting,” William said from behind me.

Boaz and Hunwald both stepped up to the line. They looked at each other, and I swore I saw Hunwald smile.

“On your mark,” I said. “Get set, go!”

Hunwald and Boaz took off together, trailing the edge of the forest. We could just barely see them, two shadows that looked more like they were out on a nightly run instead of being in the middle of a race.

Liane frowned as they both ran past us on their first lap. “You run like bunch of old ladies,” she called after them.

Boaz looked down at Hunwald, grinned, and then was off. He raced near the line of trees faster than I’d ever seen anyone run, but when he reached his home, he jumped onto the stone exterior and scurried along it like a spider. Hunwald had also picked up speed and was right below him, his powerful hind legs propelling him forward. In a matter of seconds, the two became a blur as they raced around the final lap.

Liane burst out laughing, William snorted, and I just stared in awe. When they both finished the final lap, they stopped abruptly at the edge of the concrete. There was no slowing down or screeching of feet. They simply stopped moving.

“Who won?” Boaz asked, not out of breath in the least. Hunwald, however, let his tongue hang from his mouth and panted heavily.

“Honestly, I’m not sure,” I said.

Liane clapped. “Perfect! A kiss for both winners.” She bent down and tried to hug Hunwald, but he backed away with a growl.

“Your loss mutt,” Liane muttered and straightened. “I guess only Boaz receives a prize.”

She placed her hand upon Boaz’s chest seductively. As she leaned in to kiss him, Boaz’s eyes flashed to mine. Deep down, I wished he wouldn’t kiss her back, but I couldn’t bring myself to stop them. Instead, I simply watched as Liane closed her eyes and lifted her mouth to his.

Just as their lips were about to touch, Boaz put his hand up, stopping her. “I must politely decline as well.”

I secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Liane glanced back at me with a smile and winked.

“Whose turn is it now?” William asked. He was back sitting at the table, straightening the table. The rest of us joined him.

“I’ll go next,” Liane said. “Eve, you’re the demon I dare.”

Chapter 12

My stomach dropped as if I’d just been asked to speak in front of a crowd of people with no preparation. “I’m not—”

“Choose someone else,” Boaz said. “Eve’s not feeling well tonight.”

I looked at Boaz, surprised. I couldn’t figure him out. Sometimes he was incredibly thoughtful and other times he was…something else entirely. I studied his face. His porcelain skin was void of any wrinkles, making it difficult to read his expression, but his eyes. They were filled with so much intensity that I couldn’t look away. Maybe it wasn’t him but me. Maybe I’d been too hard on him. He’d been so kind to me these last few weeks. And I couldn’t forget that he saved my life and took me away from a world that I hated.

“I think Eve looks fine,” William said.

“I agree,” Liane said. “You don’t need to cover for her, Boaz. If she doesn’t want to play then simply say so.”

“I am just fine,” I said, still staring at Boaz, his gaze boring into mine. “And I will play. What are you daring me to do?”

Boaz raised his eyebrows and smiled. I could only imagine how pleased he was with me.

“How about this?” Liane said. “Since it’s your first time, you may do whatever you’d like. But it has to amaze us.”

“Deal.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Under the table, Boaz reached for my hand. I gripped it tightly and concentrated hard, focusing on the power that always lay on the fringes of my mind as if waiting for me like some long, lost friend. I invited it in.

Surprisingly, I didn’t have to feel hate to conjure the magic like all the other times. Instead, it was pride that invoked the power within me, for I knew in that moment I was more powerful than anyone on the patio. I could feel it inside me as sure as I could see the silver light of the moon, hanging above us, barely a crescent. With this thought, I had a sudden urge to laugh as I prepared to show them my strength.

The candles blew out when I summoned a cold wind. It swirled all around us, lifting my hair off my warm neck. It felt amazingly good, and I squeezed Boaz’s hand; a burning heat passed between us. This time the effects of using magic didn’t bother me at all. Even the normally pungent smell wasn’t as bad. It reminded me of burnt toast.

I kept my eyes closed and imagined the floor all around us sinking. I saw it in mind, how the earth would open, where the concrete would have to break, and the depths to which I would take it. My destruction became a reality.

I didn’t move a muscle, not even to open my eyes when the ground shook making the china on the table clank together. Liane gasped and William swore, but I ignored it all and continued to focus on my desire to impress them, which only strengthened my magic.

In place of the stamped concrete, which was sinking quickly, I summoned water from the earth. It bubbled upwards at an alarming rate from every crack and crevice, filling the spaces. The burning intensity of my power seared my chest, but it was a pleasurable feeling, one that spread throughout my body.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath when the water became level with the only piece of concrete left—the same space we sat on.

“It’s an illusion of water, right?” William asked.

“I don’t think so.” Boaz let go of my hand and stood up. “Do you smell it?”

They inhaled deeply. I smiled, already knowing the truth.

“I think he’s right,” Liane said. “It smells like the sea.”

William leaned back on his chair. “All part of the illusion.”

“There’s only one way to find out.” Liane kicked his chair backwards.

William’s arms flung out as he tried to catch himself. A high-pitched girly scream tore from his lungs when he plunged into the murky water. He surfaced a moment later and doggy paddled in front of us, gasping for air.

“I can’t believe it’s real,” Liane whispered. She bent over and skimmed her fingers across the wet surface.

“A little help here?” William asked, breathing heavy.

Boaz reached out and easily pulled him up.

“I don’t know how you did this, but you must teach me,” Liane said, grabbing my hands.

I shrugged, as though it was no big deal. “I just think about it, and it happens.”

Liane stared at me, mouth open. “It really is true what people say about you.”

“What do they say?”

“That you will be an unstoppable witch and will transform this world. You’re amazing! I’ve never seen anything like it.”

I blushed, but inwardly grinned.

“Well, I’ve had enough for one night,” William said. “Can you please get rid of this water so we can go home?”

Liane slapped him in the shoulder. “You’re such a bore sometimes, do you know that?”

“Yes. Now let’s go.”

This time I didn’t close my eyes. I simply looked at the water and willed it away. A wave of energy passed over me as the magical power left my body. I kept my gaze on the water, making it recede just as fast as it had come. A moment later, after the earth shook, the dirt and concrete moved back into position, fixing itself where needed. Only a few minutes had passed, and the patio looked unscathed, no cracks, not even a drop of water left behind as evidence of my power. Except for William, of course. His clothes were dripping wet, and he was drying his hair with a cloth napkin.

Liane hugged me suddenly. “We’ve had such a wonderful time. Let’s do it again soon.” In my ear, she whispered, “He loves you.”

I looked at her, surprised. Liane nodded her head as if to say, “It’s true.”

“Do you have a towel I can take with me?” William asked Boaz.

“Of course.” Boaz opened the glass doors. “Come inside.”

I followed everyone into the house, my body pulsing with magic’s power. I wanted to suggest that we all go do something, dancing maybe, or even hiking. I didn’t care that it was night. I
a release.

“Are you sure you guys have to go?” I asked. “Maybe we could play a game? Or go—”

“Sorry, sweetie,” Liane said, her eyes flashing to Boaz’s. “But we can’t. We’ll get together soon, though. I promise.”

William patted himself with a towel he’d retrieved from the foyer’s bathroom. “Next time alert me in advance to any plans of swimming? This suit was expensive.”

“I’ll pay to have it dry cleaned,” Boaz said.

William glared at Liane. “Liane will pay.”

She laughed as though that was the most ridiculous thing she’d ever heard and walked out the front door. “See you soon!”

William followed her out, mumbling to himself.

After waving goodbye and closing the door, Boaz turned to me, his body inches from mine. “You didn’t have to use magic tonight.”

I swallowed. “I know.”

“Then why did you?”

“It was fun.”

“It was, wasn’t it?” He grinned, something alight in his eyes.

I nodded.

His gaze dropped to my lips for the briefest of moments, but enough to make the magic swell within me again, taking my breath away.

“I have somewhere I need to be,” he said. “Do you mind if I call it a night too?”

“Of course not,” I stuttered, feeling suddenly stupid. Maybe the kiss we’d shared earlier had only been amazing to me. I faked a yawn. “I was going to go to bed anyways.”

“Very well then,” he said and disappeared behind the door I wasn’t allowed behind.

“No, it’s not very well,” I whispered as I turned to go up the stairs. My whole body was tingling and yet numb at the same time. I glanced down at my feet. They were still there and moving, yet I felt like I was floating.

I spun a few steps before I danced into my bedroom and closed the door behind me, trapping me in a dark room. I reached for the light, but then stopped. My arm lowered to my side. Breathing in deeply, I focused on the darkness, the way it crawled over my skin and the way it breathed on my skin, whispering seducing words I couldn’t understand but could feel.

I opened my eyes as realization dawned on me.

Darkness felt good.

Chapter 13

That night, I lay awake, unable to sleep. Magic’s power still pulsed through my body, and it ached for a release, but I fought the urge. I rolled over and faced the window. It must’ve been at least two in the morning by the way the moon’s light crowded into my room.

I thought of the evening I’d shared with Boaz, wishing I could fully enjoy this fairy-tale that was beautiful, yet dark. Like the fair maidens in the stories, I, too, had been whisked away to a far off, mystical place. But whisked off to where? The fairytales spoke of far off places as being full of light, with colorful flowers, talking animals and mystical creatures.

There were beautiful flowers, and Hunwald was strange enough that he probably could talk, and Boaz, he couldn’t be more mystical. But my fairytale lacked the light and the constant beauty that should exist, too. Maybe that’s why they’re called fairytales—because something as beautiful as all that just wasn’t possible.

I moved out of bed and welcomed the moonlight by opening the window. The cool wind rushed in and raced around the room, catching and twisting my long gown in its wake. I wrapped my arms around me and closed my eyes. I could still see the faint glow of the moonlight behind my eyelids.

I stayed like this for some time, my front bathed in moonlight, my back immersed in darkness. I only opened my eyes when the faint sound of hooves galloping nearby drew my attention to the window. Not far off, a rider dressed all in black dismounted a horse and walked toward me. My heart skipped a beat.

The rider stopped just below my window and looked up. Boaz’s eyes met mine, and I sucked in air when my magic seemed to shock my entire body. I giggled inwardly. This is what I wanted, to feel
every second of every day.
My desire for dark magic’s power snuffed out any thoughts I once had for light and purity. The desire to be different, to be
, was now gone. I simply didn’t care anymore.

I stepped up to the tall window and looked down briefly before I jumped. I used my powers to cushion the thirty-foot fall, and then walked toward Boaz, my chin up and arms at my side. I didn’t care that I wore a revealing black nightgown.

Without saying a word, Boaz held up a dark cloak. I stepped into it. The weight of it seemed to suck the moon’s light away from me.

Boaz lifted the hood over my head and stared back and forth into my eyes, as if searching for something. “Come with me?”

I nodded and accepted his outstretched hand without hesitation.

We walked across the cold earth; the heavy mist parted for us as if on command. Boaz’s black horse was waiting for us at the edge of the forest like a loyal soldier. He stood erect, eyes forward.

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