Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion (24 page)

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Authors: Ph.D. Paul A. LaViolette

Tags: #New Science

BOOK: Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion
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We may surmise that this electrogravitic impulse effect manifests in essentially the same way as the Biefeld-Brown electrogravitic thrust effect.
That is, it arises due to an inherent coupling between charge and gravitational mass.
The impulse effect, though, exerts a much stronger instantaneous force than Brown’s gravitators since its field gradient is much steeper.
However, because this more intense thrust operates over a much briefer span of time, it must be cyclically repeated to produce a sustained propulsion effect.

In July 2003, Podkletnov had disclosed to me that at a higher discharge voltage, of around 10 million volts, the gravity wave pulse became so strong that it was able to substantially dent a 1-inch-thick steel plate and punch a 4-inch-diameter hole through a concrete block!
Compared with the pendulum deflection produced by a 2-million-volt discharge, this kind of damage implies at least a thousandfold increase in the delivered force.
Such a large impulse is not predicted by the trend line presented in figure 6.5, which shows pendulum deflection plateauing as pulse voltage increases.
This trend projects a twofold increase in the impulse strength, not a thousandfold increase.
Subquantum kinetics predicts that voltage gradients that are steeper and more nonlinear should deliver greater gravitic thrusts; recall equation 8 of chapter 4.
So I theorized that for these more forceful gravity pulses, Podkletnov’s research team must have powered their pulse generator with an improved Marx bank, one that was capable of delivering its charge much more rapidly to the beam generator’s superconducting disc, allowing it to produce a gravity potential pulse having a steeper rise time.

To check whether my suspicions were correct, in 2007 I wrote to Dr.
Podkletnov explaining my reasons for suspecting that he used an improved Marx bank to enable his pulse generator to generate these higher thrust pulses.
He wrote back confirming that this was indeed the case, that they had modified their Marx bank so that the pulse voltage on the superconducting emitter rose much more rapidly.
He stated that they observed that the faster the increase in voltage at the cathode emitter, the larger the generated impulse force.
Since a faster voltage rise time would increase the nonlinearity of the pulse, their observations of a greater resulting thrust are consistent with the predictions of subquantum kinetics.
Podkletnov also disclosed that this improved pulse generator exhibited increased thrust power even when energized with 5-million-volt pulses.
Also, he noted that these powerful pulses would sometimes bend the generator’s copper anode as well as damage the walls of the discharge chamber.
It is perhaps because of these higher impulse results that the Russian government is resisting export of the technology.
Indeed, technology with such capabilities could be misused as a weapon.


Let us now examine some astounding evidence that shows that superluminal (i.e., faster than the speed of light) space travel is possible and at the same time refutes Einstein’s outmoded special theory of relativity.
One example of superluminal wave propagation is found in the gravity shock fronts produced by Podkletnov’s beam generator.
His research team was able to measure the speed of their gravity beam pulses by using an oscilloscope to mark the moments when the gravity pulse momentarily dimmed two laser beams directed across the beam’s path.
Knowing the distance between the laser beam cross-points and the times registered for each successive dimming, they were able to determine the speed of a gravity pulse.
As mentioned earlier, Podletnov’s team found that the pulses were traveling at sixty-four times the speed of light!
They were only able to determine a lower-limit value since the speed of the pulses surpassed their oscilloscope’s time resolution limit.

This controversial finding stands as a blatant disproof of the special theory of relativity, which maintains that nothing can go faster than the speed of light.
However, the high speeds of these pulses becomes understandable when considered in the context of subquantum kinetics.
According to subquantum kinetics, a light wave should have a speed of
, the velocity of light, relative to the local ether rest frame.
Now, suppose that the field gradient of the advancing gravity potential wave accelerates a slug of ether to a high velocity relative to the surrounding laboratory ether reference frame.
Let us say that it attains a velocity of 63
Theoretically, this should be possible since the ether is not bound by the same speed limit rules that apply to electromagnetic radiation.
Now, if a light ray or shock front was moving within this ether wind slug in the same direction as the ether wind, we should find that, relative to the laboratory reference frame, this light ray would be traveling at sixty-four times the speed of light, 63
for the speed of the ether wind slug plus 1
for the light ray moving forward within it.

Podkletnov’s team measured a far higher velocity for the concrete-smashing gravity impulses produced by their improved Marx bank pulse generator.
Using a pair of synchronized atomic clocks to measure the arrival time of the impulses at separate locations, they were able to determine that the impulses were traveling at least several thousand times the speed of light, perhaps faster!
Their faster speed may be attributed to their steeper field gradient, which would have propelled G-ons forward to a very high velocity.

In the 1980s, well before the experiments of Podkletnov and Modanese, American engineering physicist Guy Obolensky investigated the speed of electric field shocks to test Tesla’s claims that his radiant energy shocks had traveled at superluminal speeds.
In that work, Obolensky had shown that the sudden discharge of a 16-square-foot, high-voltage air-gap capacitor produced a surface wave that was able to travel along the length of a 7.07-meter-long transmission line at a speed of 1.23
, hence 23 percent faster than light.

In 2005 and 2006, I worked with Obolensky at his laboratory in upstate New York to investigate the superluminal speed of shock discharges.
For this we used a high-voltage magnifying transmitter that Obolensky had built some years earlier and that incorporated many of Tesla’s design features.
Like Podkletnov’s apparatus, Obolensky’s magnifying transmitter is energized by the discharge of a Marx capacitor bank (figure 6.8).
The electron shock discharge is conducted down the length of a horizontal, oil-filled tube called a Teslatron, which contains a lengthwise coil that helps to sharpen the shock front.
Thus, it performs a function similar to that of Podkletnov’s superconducting disc.
The tube terminates inside a 1.2-meter-diameter, mushroom-shaped dome electrode that has a geometry similar to the dome on Tesla’s Wardenclyffe tower.
The electric potential of this dome “floats” at the shock’s potential, so it functions much like the cathode in Podkletnov’s beam generator, although it has no superconducting coating.

Figure 6.8.
A test setup used to measure superluminal pulses radiated from a
dome electrode.
LaViolette, © 2007)

The shock discharge induces a damped sinusoid oscillation along the length of the Teslatron column, such that the initial negative swing in potential is followed by a positive swing, then a negative swing, and so on.
This AC oscillation imprints itself on the advancing shock wave, with a typical AC pulse appearing, as shown in figure 6.9.
Upon reaching the dome, the electron shock begins to fan out as it moves forward away from the electrode, forming an electric potential wave termed a Coulomb wave.
This differs from a conventional electromagnetic wave in that the Coulomb wave exerts primarily longitudinal forces on charges it encounters, rather than transverse forces.

The negative swing in electric potential at the forefront of the Coulomb wave would carry a forward-moving negative virtual-charge density.
The subquantum kinetics electrogravitic coupling relation predicts that this would induce a gravity wave having a rising G field and a positive gravity potential gradient.
Like Podkletnov’s gravity impulse, this would exert a longitudinal repulsive force on masses it traversed.
The positive swing in electric potential that immediately followed it would carry a forward-moving positive virtual-charge density that would induce a decreasing G field and an attractive force on masses it encountered.
As the field continued to oscillate from negative to positive, the induced gravitational force would change between repulsion and attraction.
Since the individual cycles in this wave train are sawtooth shaped, with differing rising and falling slopes, they should produce a net longitudinal gravitational force that presumably is repulsive.
At a later date we hope to report measurements of the gravity impulse produced by this device.

Figure 6.9.
Voltage versus time oscillogram of a typical shock front pulse measured by Obolensky.
Upper trace: pulse detected at 189.5 centimeters from the reference antenna; lower trace: positive current flow detected very close to the impulse generator’s ground terminal.
(Courtesy of A.

In the case of the Podkletnov gravity beam, the beam’s cross-section does not appreciably increase with distance from the beam generator.
As a result, the pulse forefront should maintain its initial sharp gravity field gradient as it travels forward and should maintain its ability to accelerate G-ons in its path up to the same high speed.
Hence, the beam’s initial superluminal speed should not appreciably diminish with travel distance.
However, subquantum kinetics predicts a different circumstance for impulses radiating outward from the dome electrode of Obolensky’s magnifying transmitter.
Unlike the collimated shock discharges emitted by Podkletnov’s gravity impulse generator, those produced by Obolensky’s magnifying transmitter fan out as they radiate away from the transmitter’s dome electrode.
In this case, because the impulse wavefront expands radially outward as it travels forward, the velocity of its generated ether wind would decline inversely with the impulse’s distance from the dome (see box below).

Since the speed of a superluminal wave would be the sum of the impulse’s velocity (
) relative to the local ether wind frame plus the velocity (
) of the local ether wind relative to the laboratory frame, one would expect that the wave’s net velocity would begin at a superluminal speed and decline toward c as the shock wave advances and the ether wind velocity tends toward zero.

The Decline of Ether Wind Velocity with Distance

In the case of an isotropic electrostatic or gravitational field, such as extends outward from the center of a particle, the field’s potential gradient is observed to decrease as the
inverse square
of radial distance from the particle’s center.
However, in the case of an electric or gravitational shock wave, the gradient should decline according to the
of radial distance.
That is, provided that the width of the pulse does not change, the gradient should decline in accordance with the 1/r decline of the electric or gravity field potential.
In these tests, the pulse width was found to remain relatively invariant, so one would expect a 1/r decline in field gradient.

In fact, tests that Obolensky and I performed showed that the velocity did decline with increasing distance as predicted.
The data were best matched if ether wind velocity decreased according to the inverse of distance from the electrode grounding point.
This was the first experiment of its kind to determine whether a shock’s superluminal speed might change with increasing distance from an emitting electrode.
Obolensky’s test arrangement was able to measure the shock wave’s time-of-flight to six collinear antenna locations.
These were situated at distances ranging from 61 to 322 centimeters, as measured from a reference point located where the current impulse from his Marx bank passed to the ceiling ground plane through a ceramic disc resistor (see figure 6.8).
So this experiment was able to test the validity of the subquantum kinetics prediction that the speed of the shock wave should begin at an initial superluminal value and should subsequently decline in an asymptotic approach to the speed of light (c).
It also simultaneously tested a specific claim made by Tesla that the impulses from his magnifying transmitter initially departed at a theoretically infinite velocity and subsequently slowed down, slowing rapidly at first and later at a lesser rate.

Obolensky’s test setup used a 1-gigahertz-bandwidth LeCroy oscilloscope able to sample data at 250-picosecond intervals.
It was much faster than the oscilloscope he had used in his earlier experiments.
He used two monopole antennae to detect the electric field component of the ground current shock wave as it passed by.
Each antenna was made from a single 12-centimeter-long wire attached to a 50-ohm coaxial cable terminator that led to the oscilloscope, both cables being of equal length and jacketed with ferrite surface wave suppressors.
The oscilloscope, in turn, determined the time lapse between the two signal currents, and knowing the distance between the antennae, the pulse’s propagation speed could be calculated.

Obolensky positioned one monopole antenna pickup immediately behind the ceramic disc grounding resistor that was close to but behind the dome’s rim.
This antenna sensed the positive impulse current that flowed into the laboratory ceiling ground plane with the shock wave’s departure.
He placed the other antenna pickup at one of the predetermined locations in front of the dome antenna.
On successive test runs, he moved this second pickup to each of six antenna port locations to get pulse arrival time readings at these various distances from the ground-current-sensing reference antenna.

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