Seduction (15 page)

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Authors: Various

BOOK: Seduction
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‘Fuck me, Win,' she said, finally. ‘Please.'

She hadn't talked much in bed when they'd been together, hadn't been one to demand or suggest anything. She would let him do what he wanted, and was usually more than satisfied at the results, but back then she had known what he wanted and was content to wait. She couldn't afford to play coy now. She needed him, needed him now.

‘Fuck me,' she said again. ‘Fuck me hard. As hard as you want.'

His blue eyes narrowed, the set of his jaw hard. A vein throbbed in his temple – whether from anger or desire, she couldn't be sure. She ran her hands up the insides of her thighs, framing her crotch with her French-manicured fingertips. Enticing him. The way his breath caught in his throat, she thought it had worked. But he didn't move.

‘Why, Lee? Why should I? Don't you have a dozen hotshot lawyers dying to get into your panties?' he said, his expression dark. ‘Don't you take a different guy home every Friday night?'

He was jealous. The thought thrilled her. He still wanted her and he was jealous that anyone else had been where he wanted to be. Instead of tamping his desire, Leslie knew his possessiveness only fuelled it to animalistic heights. Like an old prospector, he needed to claim his territory – or reclaim it. He needed to conquer her. And, heaven help her, she wanted to be conquered. Feminism be damned, she wanted to be fucked.

‘I don't want them. I want you,' she said, not denying his accusation. ‘The only one I want right now is you.'

Right now
. As if there had been so many others since she had left the first time and would be so many more once he had satiated her desire. She wouldn't tell Win she had only taken two men to her bed in the year they had been apart and that neither of them had made her come. She wouldn't tell Win that once her would-be lovers had left she had masturbated to memories of his hard body driving into her and driving her out of her mind. She would let him believe what he already believed because she knew it would make him fuck her senseless.

‘I need you, Win.'

He moved away and for one heart-wrenching moment she thought he was rejecting her. But he only sat on the edge of the bed and tugged off his boots, the action as familiar as the
room. Then he stood, watching her as he pulled his shirt over his head without bothering to unbutton it and ripped open the button fly of his jeans with a
. He dragged his jeans and underwear down his hips and his erection sprang free, thick and hard and so heavy it lay against his thigh. She stared at his cock as he finished stripping, mesmerised by old memories that seemed closer somehow now that he was standing naked before her. When he climbed back on the bed and knelt between her legs, she moaned with the memory of his touch even before he palmed her crotch.

‘You're so fucking wet. Wet straight through your panties.'

She raised her hips from the bed, pressing against his rough hand. ‘I'm wet for you.'

He hooked his fingers into the front of her panties and tore them off with one swift, startling motion. The fabric resisted for an instant, digging into her flesh before giving way beneath his brute strength. She would gladly have taken them off had he asked – or even demanded – but the sound of ripping silk set her heart racing, touching off some primal need within her. She wanted him to be rough with her and now was bare to his gaze, to his touch. She moaned and the sound seemed to echo in the quiet room.

Win braced one hand on each of her legs and spread her open, pinning her knees to the bed. He stared between her thighs as if he'd never seen her before. She supposed he never
seen her quite like this, with a Brazilian bikini wax and her cunt smooth and shiny with her juices. He slowly ran one callused fingertip between her labia and she jumped at his touch, her hips bucking in a way that would have embarrassed her if she hadn't been so damned needy for him to fuck her. He held his finger up to show her the moisture he had collected.

‘Damn,' Win said, shaking his head with something like awe. ‘You're a wet little slut.'

The word –
– should have offended her, would have offended her if he'd said it at any other time. Win didn't talk to her like that in bed. When he talked at all, it was
baby, darling, sweetheart
. The fact that he had called her a slut meant he was angry, angry and horny and out of his mind with wanting her. Just the way she wanted him. She smiled, feeling as if she had regained some control even while he pinned her to his bed like a butterfly under glass.

‘I am a slut, Win,' she said, replacing his finger with her own and stroking her slick flesh as she stared into his eyes. ‘Don't you want to fuck this wet little slut?'

He all but growled at her, a deep, snarling sound that came from deep inside him as he stared between her legs and watched as she played with herself. ‘Slut,' he said again, wrapping his hand around his engorged cock as if he couldn't stand to watch her and not touch himself.

‘Put it in me, Win,' she whispered. ‘Fuck me.'

She expected him to push inside her with one forceful thrust, but he surprised her. Leaning over her, he stroked the broad head of his cock over the back of her hand, still touching her pussy. She felt the trail of pre-come he left behind, slick and warm. She raised her hand to her mouth and licked the sweet moisture away as he rubbed the head of his cock over her swollen clit. Again and again, he dragged the tip of his cock down between the lips of her pussy but would not enter her. He only rubbed against her, covering the head of his cock with her wetness as he stared between her thighs.

Watching his face, she was aroused by the look of sheer concentration – concentration she had seen before when he was breaking in a new pony. Sweat glistened on his tanned forehead as if it were taking everything he had to be patient, to wait, to take his time with her. When her need became so strong she could barely stand it, she stopped watching him and let her eyes flutter closed for a moment, giving herself up to
the sensation of his slow, steady strokes. She could almost come like this; just this, his thick cock rubbing her swollen clit and wet, wet pussy. That wasn't what she wanted, though. It wouldn't be enough. It was just a nibble and she wanted the entire feast.

‘Fuck me,' she whispered, watching him stare at the point where their bodies touched. ‘Please, Win. Please, please fuck me now.'

He dragged his gaze from between her legs to stare into her eyes. ‘I should send you packing.' His expression was cold and hard. This was the Win she knew all too well. ‘You just came back here to get laid and I should throw you out on your ass.'

‘Please, Win?'

He hesitated, as if he had more to say. His jaw was tight and she watched the vein in his pulse throb. One, two, three beats. Then he was in her with that long-delayed and anticipated thrust, driving himself into her wetness so hard she slid up the bed and bumped the headboard. He hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her back down, away from the headboard and onto his cock, until it bottomed out against her cervix. She was so wet, there wasn't much friction and she growled in frustration and wrapped her legs around his back. There it was, the sweet spot. She clutched at him as he drove into her again and again, thick and hard and finally filling her up the way she had dreamed about for so many months.

It felt as if Win were fucking her with a year's worth of pent-up frustration and anger, and she met him thrust for thrust, digging her nails into his back and not caring if they broke or she made him bleed. She clung to him as he thrust into her, gasping and moaning but not telling him to stop because she never wanted him to stop fucking her. He moved inside her in a way that let her know he was after his own pleasure and couldn't give a damn about hers. It didn't matter, though. His pleasure
her pleasure. It thrilled her that he
was taking what he
from her body. It wasn't romantic or gentle, but in some strange way it was loving.

‘So fucking wet,' he groaned, his narrow hips leaving bruises on her thighs as he thrust into her. ‘Damn, baby.'

. There it was. The endearment she hadn't wanted. She was his baby. Still his baby. Hot tears pricked her closed eyelids as she sunk her teeth into his shoulder. She didn't want tenderness, she wanted all the raw passion Win had kept pent up for so long. For her. For a moment she let herself imagine that maybe he had been with other women; maybe he had carried another woman to this bed. She took her own jealousies and let them shut down the tender emotions. This wasn't a seduction, she reminded herself as she gripped Win's ass and pulled him deeper into her, as if that were possible. This was fucking. She needed a good, hard fucking from Win. That was all.

She tightened her cunt around him and thrilled to his moan as his balls brushed her ass. ‘Fuck me harder,' she demanded.


‘Hard as you want. I'm your slut.'

‘My slut,' he growled, jack-hammering into her, his hands curving under her body to squeeze her ass.

His slut, not his baby
. This was what she wanted. His cock in her pussy. That's all. A good, hard fucking. She let her body take over, shutting out everything else but the sensations of Win inside her.

Her orgasm took her by surprise. She barely had time to acknowledge the first ripple with a gasp before it was rolling over her in a series of intense contractions that hit her like a tornado and sucked her up. Suddenly, it wasn't Win fucking her, it was her thrusting up against him and pulling him into her, fucking him. She screamed his name as she came, holding onto him like he was a lifeline – in a way, he was. Every nerve ending felt exposed, her body radiating heat that started where
Win's cock went into her and spiralled outwards. She held Win close, letting him feel every undulating stroke of her cunt as she climaxed.

‘Come, baby. That's it, come hard.'

‘Yes, yes, yes,' she gasped.

Win kept fucking her hard, driving into her as if determined to break her. He lifted her up to meet his cock, rocking into her in the rhythm she had set, coaxing every last ounce of sensation from her cunt. Then he groaned, a deep soul-wrenching sound as his cock pulsed inside her, and she knew he was coming even as her pussy still pulsed with her own post-orgasmic ripples. She tightened her fingers in his hair and pulled his head down, kissing him and swallowing his moans as he came inside her, her mouth and her pussy taking everything he had to offer.

His cock slowly went soft inside her, but it was several minutes before either of them moved, before they caught their breath and their heart rates returned to normal. The feather bed sagged under the weight of Win's body on top of hers and she finally shifted, feeling uncomfortably claustrophobic. Win pulled away, his cock slipping free from her body, and rolled onto his back beside her. They lay like that for a long time, side by side and staring at the ceiling, as if reluctant to shake free from the memory of their passion.

‘Is that why you came here?' Win asked finally, not looking at her. ‘One more time, for old times' sake?'

She turned his head to study his unyielding profile. His eyes were closed, the long lashes delicate and out of place on his rugged face.

‘No,' she said softly, though she didn't want to admit the other reason for her visit. ‘I brought the divorce papers for you to sign. The rest . . . that just happened.'

He nodded, as if he'd decided something.

‘I – I wish . . .'

‘I know what you wish,' he said, his voice as hard as his body. ‘I'll sign the damn papers, Lee. You didn't have to go to bed with me to get me to sign them.'

Leslie watched him get out of bed and dress, his movements smooth and fluid, as if the routine of dressing soothed him. He glanced at her, the barest hint of a smile on his lips.

‘Leave the papers on the kitchen table and I'll put 'em in the mail tomorrow.'

‘That wasn't what I was going to say,' she whispered as he bent to brush her forehead with a goodbye kiss.

‘No?' He studied her, his expression shrewd now that his desire had been satiated. ‘What were you going to say?'

She took a breath. ‘That I wish I had torn up those papers.'

‘You aren't thinking straight,' he said, though there was a hint of hope in his eyes before he blinked it away. ‘You'll come to your senses once the high wears off.'

She laughed. She didn't blame him for not believing her. ‘That's an accurate description – I feel high. And I want more.'

He evaded her grabbing hands and lightly smacked her bare thigh as if she were a disobedient mare. ‘I've got chores that need to get done. I imagine you won't be here when I get back, so I'll say goodbye now.'

‘Win –'

‘Goodbye, Lee.' His voice was hard, all business. ‘Don't forget to leave the papers. Hate to see you waste a trip and ruin your clothes for nothing.'

He was at the door now, a man with a bruised ego and a broken heart. Her fault. ‘Thanks for stopping by, though. That was –'

‘It was incredible,' she finished for him. ‘And I still want you.'

He swallowed hard. ‘Take care of yourself, baby.'

Just like that, he was gone. She listened to his heavy footfalls on the stairs, heard the creak of the second step and the slam of the front door. She pulled the soft cotton sheet up over her
naked body and closed her eyes. She didn't blame him for not believing her. She had come to seduce him and had fallen back in love with him. Or maybe she'd never fallen out of love at all and had only used the divorce papers as an excuse to convince herself to see him again. She shook her head, sleep claiming her before she could make sense of it all. She only knew one thing: she still wanted Win and she would be here when he came home.

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