Seductive Truths (Seductive Trilogy) (16 page)

BOOK: Seductive Truths (Seductive Trilogy)
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Are you going to kill me?




Why can’t you just tell what it is you want from me?


Please, tell me!  All this not knowing is driving me insane. 
driving me insane!

     My voice begins to rise as I warm to the subject, driven by anger.  The longer he stays silent the more irritated I get.  Never before have I met a man who is so stubbornly withdrawn.  Nothing I say seems to get through.  He’s a brick wall.

     Finally it all gets too much and I snap. 

     Grabbing hold of his lapels, I yell in his face,

For goodness sake, tell me!

     It is only when I feel his hot breath ghost over my lips and the combination of spicy cologne, sweet whiskey and earthy tobacco drift up my nasal passage do I realise the predicament I am in.

     Lying beneath me is a very warm, and dare I add, willing body.  His heart is racing, almost in time with mine.  Staring into Gareth’s eyes my breath hitches.  Rapid, hot air mixes with rapid, hot air causing the atmosphere to crackle with energy.

     If I were to lean a few inches forward
…and that is all it takes. 

     Tongues lashing, teeth nipping, hands groping anything and everything, trying to get that little bit closer. 

His lips aren’t enough, have to taste more.

     My lips are uncontrollable.  First they glaze down his neck, sucking like a vampire as they move.  His moan of passion and the touch of his rough lips upon my neck drive me forward.  Hands dive into his golden mane, twisting this way and that, forcing him closer to my burning flesh.  I want him to consume me, take me to the depths, and let me drown in his raging desire.  I am his willing victim.

     Buttons ping in all sorts of directions of the room as I tear open his shirt, eager to reach the firm chest under my fingers.  Roughly pushing the material aside, mouth-watering at the delectable delight before my eyes, I bend my head to taste him on my tongue, first gliding up and down the centre of his chest, agonisingly slow, then swirl the tip of my tongue round one firm nipple, hearing him purr under my ministrations before moving onto the next.

     While my mouth is engaged the hands do not remain idle.  They snake their way southwards to his masculine hips, but do not stay for long.  Forcing my hands between our welded bodies they come in contact with his engorged mass ready to explode any second.  With each teasing touch he hardens.  With each teasing touch my arousal grows wetter and warmer.

     As I fumble with his belt buckle and zip, his solid hands take a firm grab of each bum cheek and press me against the evidence of his appreciation.  I groan in pleasure as hot, molten lava burns its way around my body starting at the fiery furnace of my core, before working its way to the tips of my toes.

     Mission accomplished, my right hand dives into his boxers to take a firm grip of his appendage, evoking a gasp from the inferno creature beneath and for him to push me up, taking off the polo top I’m wearing as he goes, and onto my back, all in one fluid motion. 

     Shocked, I gaze up to the dominant figure above me, but it’s not long before his lips are tugging and nipping at the tenderness of my taut nipples.  His hands are like spiders crawling everywhere, ravishing every part of my inflamed skin, and landing on the waistband of the tracksuit bottoms. 

     Tugging the remaining offending items of clothing away, I find myself naked and open to the chill of the room, but the heat emanating from Gareth soon changes that.  His lips engulf everything in sight, making me quiver with unrelenting passion, but also evoking a want to see more of him.

     Raking his trousers and boxers down his legs, I finally get the chance to behold his impressive manhood straining for the relief it’s desperately in need of.  In awe with the sheer magnetism of the organ, the yearning hunger inside of me reaches out to touch him.  However, it is stopped dead in its tracks with a firm growl,


     As quick as a flash of lightening he is inside me to the hilt with a powerful thrust.  It forces me to cry out in pleasure and pain.  He fills me so desirably a small whimper escapes from the pit of my stomach, carrying the need for him to continue, to push me beyond the boundaries of ecstasy and into oblivion.

     Steadily he begins to create a magical rhythm as old as time.  The exquisite pleasure of his member going back and forth, deep and shallow, forces me to join in the battle for completion, rocking my hips in time with his. 

     Skin slapping skin and rough grinding smooth, chafing with every movement.      

     Moving within me.

     Blinding me.

     Wearing me thin. 

     The need is unstoppable.

     Grunts and puffs of air is all I can manage as he pounds into me, harder and harder, faster and faster.  My fingernails dig into his back as my walls around him begin to tighten and I feel the liquid heat rise to excruciating temperatures.

     Body shaking and arching my back, a heart-wrenching cry of ecstasy trembles through my body and expels out of my mouth, vocalising my climax. 



     Three more demanding thrusts into my core and Gareth follows with pulsating white magma shooting into the depths of my soul.

     After coming down from my high, I open my eyes to see Gareth looming over me, hair tangled and sticking out at all angles, sweat gliding down the sides of his face with a drip falling from the tip of his nose to my heaving breasts.  Lust hooded eyes beaming down at me, a gasping mouth, shirt ripped open, trousers and boxers in a tangle at his ankles and a hand at my hip, the other on the sofa for support.

     I gulp as realisation sets in.

     Shit!  What have I done?


Chapter Seventeen


I’ve messed up.  I’ve utterly and completely messed up

     I walked to the edge, teetered, and blindly dived in only to be consumed by the dangerous waters.  All rational thought drowned out by my increasing desire to have him satisfy my raging lust, no matter what.

     The freezing chill blowing against my naked skin brings me back to my situation.  Without a second thought and embarrassment creeping in, I shove Gareth off me, not caring where he lands.  Grabbing the clothes I leg it to his bedroom slamming the door behind me.




Stupid, stupid, stupid,

I say, punctuating each word with a hit to the forehead.

What was I thinking?  Obviously that’s something I wasn’t doing otherwise I wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place!  God Alex!  Why did you have to give into the attraction?  I thought you were made of stronger stuff.  And with a guy you know bugger all about non-the less!  Well done Alex Brown, you really did it this time!
  I kick the bed in anger then stifle a yell of pain.

     Hobbling, I go and sit on the edge of his bed and allow my head to fall into my hands in shame.  Shameful for giving in and allowing my desire to rule my body.  Shameful in having, in actuality, betrayed my fiancé, William.  But most of all I am feeling shameful in wanting it to happen again.

     To have his lips caress my sensitive skin, leaving a trail of hot moisture in its wake.  His adventurous fingers to explore every nook and cranny of my body, eliciting moans from within, making me crave more of his touch.  To feel his heat wrap around and cocoon me in a way that only skin touching skin can.  I want to see his eyes light up with undisguised passion when they feast on my nakedness.  I want to hear him purr as my tongue tastes the saltiness of his chest, his stomach.  To hear him roar out in ultimate arousal when my tongue finally reaches his heat.  To have my fingers run up and down his spine and grab fistfuls of hair as he sucks on my nipples.  To scream his name for the entire world to hear when he brings me to the brink of…a knock at the door interrupts my thoughts.

     I open my eyes to discover a hand inside the jogging bottoms and the other cupping a breast, each teasing the body parts to a feverish state of arousal, leaving me flushed and wanting more…more of Gareth.

     Another knock is followed by a whisper,


     I yank my hands away from myself.



  His voice is stronger this time. 

Alex, are you alright in there?


     Taking a couple of deep breaths I go to answer the door.

     Opening it enough to see his face I reply,

I’m fine.


You don’t look it.


Well what do you expect?

I snap. 

I’ve just done something I’ve vowed never to do!


What?  Have sex with a stranger?


No!  To betray someone I love.

  By this time the door is wide open, unconsciously done on my part through anger. 

To the likes of a

  Words punctuated with a poke to his chest. 


I growl in frustration and throw my hands up in the air. 

Why is it you always seem to bring out the worst in me?


I say I bring out the best,

Gareth retaliates, eyeing the sofa to indicate his meaning.


Grrrr!  Incorrigible!

  I push past him and over to where my glass and the bottle of whiskey lies on the table, thankful t
the gun
nowhere to be seen.


I’d like to think so.

     Before I am able to fill my glass, I launch the object at Gareth’s head, missing him by millimetres and instead it goes crashing into the wall behind him, falling in shards to the floor.

     Gareth eyes the destruction then turns on me.  My eyes widen in fright as I take in his fury and his fast, stormy approach.  Anger quickly turning into fear, I desperately search for an escape route. 

     Just as he is about to pass the battered, leather sofa, I leg it to the front door and yank it open, but before I could make good on my escape, its slams shut, almost trapping my fingers.

     In quick succession he spins me around, grabs hold of my arms and throws me across the room with brute force.  I scream then yelp as I come crashing to the floor. 

     Looking up I see him making his way towards me, determination and blind rage in every step.  Fists clenched and his nostrils flared.  He looks like a bull ready to charge.  I scuttle backwards only to come into contact with the wall.

     Looming over me, he takes a firm, tight grip of my top, forcing me down against the wall and raising his right fist.  I squeeze my eyes shut and turn my face to the side, waiting for the inevitable.

     Nothing happens.

     Slowly his hold slackens, eventually letting go completely.  I gradually peel my eyes open and turn to face him.  Though slightly shadowed, I am able to see the anguish shining brightly in his eyes, as if the very thought of what he were about to do terrifies him.   

     He looks towards his clenched fist then at my petrified expression.  Turning on his heels, he stomps off towards the wooden coffee table and attacks it, chucking it against the wall.  He then begins to lash out at anything in his firing line: bottle of whiskey, the other glass, television, the sofa, any means to release the pent up fury. 

     Eventually, Gareth ends his tyranny with a punch against the wall, causing me to cringe as I hear bones crack and see blood splatter.  Calmly I pull myself up off the floor, making my way to him.  Something in his posture, maybe the way he’s cradling his damaged hand, leads me to believe it’s safe to approach.

     I whisper his name and he twists his body to face me, but doesn’t look up.  His eyes remain fixated on his injury.



  I apprehensively reach out and touch his shoulder.  Thankfully he doesn’t lash out, but neither does he react in any way. 


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