See Jayne Play (17 page)

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Authors: Jami Denise,Marti Lynch

BOOK: See Jayne Play
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The doors slid open with a loud click, and he lifted me by the waist and shoved me inside. Pushing the button for a floor, which one, I had no idea, he dropped to his knees and pushed the skirt of my dress up over my hips.

The door hadn’t even closed before I felt the rough of his tongue flat against my clit. Up and down, hard and then soft. I grabbed the railing and pressed myself against it so I wouldn’t fall. With his hands on my hips, I was immobile, completely at his mercy.

He was relentless, taking and giving all at once. Like a man starved, he savored every bit of me, like he couldn’t get enough.

I will never get enough of you.”

My eyes rolled into the back of my head and the sounds coming out of my mouth were animalistic and frightening. Taking the chance, I looked down, wanting to see what he looked like between my thighs. I wasn’t disappointed. My hand reached down, running through his thick mane of dark hair, and he growled.

Our hands couldn’t touch enough and our bodies couldn’t get close enough. There was this need inside of me to completely consume him, every inch, and every detail. My mind raced with things I wanted to do to him, with him.

Stop,” I finally managed to cry out. I was teetering on an edge, and when I came, I wanted him deep inside of me.

The elevator dinged, and I gasped as the doors spread and flooded with the light from the hallway. Without skipping a beat, he yanked my skirt down, threw me over his shoulder and strode out of the elevator. His long, thick legs moved swiftly through the hallway toward an unknown destination.

Where do you think we’re going?”

He didn’t answer, but reached around, smacking me hard on the ass. “Just shut up. I’m taking you to my room so I can finish what I started.”


I was on my side, facing him, with him on his back. He was panting, smiling, and completely worn the hell out.

How long until you need to go back in there?”

Doesn’t matter. It’s an open game. It’ll go on all night. I can throw in whenever.”

I frowned. “Do you have to go back?”

He pulled me down on top of him, causing me to shriek. “I don’t have to, but I will. It won’t be long.”

I sighed, settling down against his chest. “I wish we could stay like this forever.”

I meant that in the most literal form possible. Being in his arms was the best feeling I’d ever had. His fingers played at the skin of my back, and the tingles it created soothed me into submission.

We can. We will.”

I couldn’t help myself. The niggling in the back of my head in regards to his father and the conversation I’d overheard wouldn’t go away.

Is everything all right with your father?”

His eyes clenched tightly, and his mouth squirreled up into a scowl. “Never. Never was, and never will be.”

I snuggled in closer, sorry to hear that he was so upset. “You two don’t get along?”

His chuckle was dark, angry. “You could say that.”

I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I know a thing or two about family trouble.”

He rolled over and turned me in his arms. His eyes were worried, his arms tighter. “I thought you and your father were close.”

I gave him a sad smile. “We were, once upon a time.”

He brushed his hand over my hair and kissed my forehead. “Is that why you left?”

It was time to put it all on the line. He needed to know everything if we were going to move forward. Otherwise, everything would be a lie. I’d lived a lifetime with lies between me and everyone I came in contact with, and I was done with it. I was finally at the point that I’d been working toward for so long.


There are things I need to tell you, but I’d rather talk when we get back to your house. It’s a long story, but I don’t want to lie to you or keep things from you, Flynn. I believe in you, and I need you to believe in me.”

His eyes grew serious. “You can tell me anything, Janie. I do believe in you. I believe in us.”

Smiling, I stretched my arms over my head and wiggled out of his arms. “I’m counting on that, handsome. Now, let’s get back downstairs and get this over with. I want to get you back in that nice soft bed and let you ravish me until I pass out.”

As I climbed out of bed, he grabbed a handful of fleshy ass and gave me a hard squeeze.

Ow!” I cried. “That’s my ass, you jerk! Get up!”

He laid back, one arm behind his head and a devilish smile on his lips. “I believe that’s my ass now, Miss King.”

I turned slightly, giving him a smile of my own. “Your ass, huh?”

He nodded slowly and propped himself up on his elbow. Narrowing his eyes, he crooked a finger for me to rejoin him on the bed.

How could I resist?

I climbed up, sitting on my knees, and pulled the sheet up around myself.

Don’t do that. I don’t want you covered. Drop it,” he ordered.

I let it fall and felt my nipples harden as I watched his eyes turn dark. Lifting his hand, he let his finger run over the rosy flesh of my areola, making my nipples pucker painfully. I ached for his touch, his tongue.

His eyes followed his finger as his tongue peeked out and wetted his lips. “These are mine. For me. No one else.”

Slowly his hand moved further, teasing the softness of my belly, causing it to contract. As he got closer to my pussy, my walls constricted, pulsing with the need to have him inside of me again. It was a bitter need, one I had no control of, and further, didn’t want to control. There was never enough of him. I would never have my fill.

This perfect little cunt was made for me. My mouth, my tongue, and my cock. I was built to fit inside of you, have you wrapped around me, squeezing me and screaming my name. Me. I knew it from the day I saw you that I had to have you.”

My breath was coming out in quick, uneven pants. I was dizzy from his words, and so turned on I felt like I could come from his voice alone. Everything about him made my body react, like a calling, my mission in life to be taken and owned by him.

I will never share you, Jayne. I will never allow another to touch this, look at it, think about it… ever. I will remove anything that comes between me and what I want.”

My eyes blazed into his. “You wanted to share me,” I said, barely whispering. “With that woman. You hurt me.”

It was like fire in my throat to push those words out of my mouth. It was humiliating to admit. I’d never allowed anyone to hurt me before, yet he had. He probably had no idea at the time, but it cut me deeper than anything.

A finger dipped inside of me, and he pushed forward, pressing his lips to mine. His eyes were wide, open, and honest as they looked into mine.

I was testing you. I thought you liked women, and it was a bastard move. I wouldn’t have touched her, but I’ll admit the thought of you with her turned me on. I wanted her to touch you, taste you, and make you come.”

My tongue danced over his lips, lost, lost, lost in the taste of his mouth. “I won’t share you, either. If you want me, I have to be the only one.”

His hand cupped the back of my head, and his fingers massaged the nape of my neck. Pleasure shot through my body with the pressure. The room spun, the scent of us permeating everything, him, me, us… all of it was too much.

Trust me, Jayne. The only one.”

I wanted to believe him, I truly did. Somewhere, at the surface, I did. I wasn’t sure if it was just hope and expectation, or if I was just refusing to let it be real. Either way, I knew it was something that would take time, something to work on for both of us.

Jayne, look at me.”

His fingers curled inside of me, and I cried out as stars blasted behind my eyes. “God, yes,” I cried. “Fuck.”

Open your eyes. Watch me. Watch me fuck you with my hand, Janie. I want to feel every ounce of you when you come, and then I’m going to shove my cock inside of you and turn you inside out until you understand what I’m telling you. As long as it takes.”

My hips began moving with the rhythm his hand set, and I grabbed onto his shoulders to get a better position. He reached around and softly began rubbing the puckered hole of my backside. My head fell back as the sensations rushed through me.

His lips were at my ear, his warm breath against my skin. “Come, precious girl. Show me you can feel how much I want you.”

I fell apart, shattered into little pieces in his arms. For the fourth time that night, I surrendered to him.

As I caught my breath, he soothed my back, rubbing up and down in long, gentle strokes. “I love you.”

I froze. His voice was almost too quiet to hear, but I’d definitely heard it. I wanted to ignore it, but there was no use because he was repeating himself as he kissed his way down my shoulder.

I love you. You know I do. I know you love me, Janie. I feel it when I touch you. Your eyes show me. I’m a man that gets what he wants. I don’t want to play games, not anymore. I wanted you, and I have you. I’m not letting go of that.”

I’m afraid,” I admitted.

Good. It means you’re taking this seriously. Tell me you love me.”

I didn’t hesitate. “I love you, Flynn.”

I know.” He smirked, gave me a quick kiss, and jumped off the bed. “Now, put on some clothes. You’re distracting me. It’s too tempting with you naked.”


I awoke with a start, sweaty and shaken from a nightmare I couldn’t remember. All I could recall was fear and darkness, being trapped underneath something and not being able to breathe.

I reached over, grabbing for Flynn, only to find the bed empty—again. I was really starting to hate that. I’d spent my entire life sleeping and waking alone, and now I was addicted to the warmth of his body next to me.

There was a knot in my stomach, and I attributed it to the nightmare, but my mind was telling me it was something much more significant. And then, like a rush of water like the rolling waves in a river, it hit me, jackknifing me off the bed. I reached over to the side of the bed, grabbing for my phone.

It’d been three days without a word from Vince. I’d been lost in a virtual bubble and had lost track of my obligations. My false sense of relief was short-lived, however. Something was definitely wrong. He never went that long without contacting me under normal circumstances, and the fact that he hadn’t called to let me know that all was taken care of in regard to my father’s release left a sick feeling in my gut.

Things had not gone as planned.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew it couldn’t be that easy. These men were without scruples. They never had any intentions of fulfilling their end of the deal, and in my heart, I think I always knew.

I punched his number in, numb and shaking. Holding the phone up to my ear, I gulped as his voicemail picked up after ringing several times.

I waited for the message to end, and taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and spoke.

Vince, it’s Janie. I’m worried… please call me back. I need to know everything is all right.”

Sliding my fingers across the screen, I ended the call and dropped the phone on my lap, my head falling forward and tears piercing my eyes. Something was wrong, very wrong. Vince never let his phone die, and he definitely wouldn’t turn it off when I was off on an assignment. But that was it—it wasn’t just me. He had over thirty girls on the job. He’d never fall off the map that way.

I had to find out what was going on. As badly as I wanted to stay with Flynn, warm and comfy in his bed, I couldn’t let go of the fear. Everything I’d gone through, everything I’d done would be in vain if my father ended up dead.

I couldn’t even think of Vince getting hurt.

I climbed out of bed, threw on the shirt Flynn wore the night before, and headed out into the house to find him.

He was on the patio again, the same place I’d found him the day before. He was a morning person, I surmised.

The conversation he was involved in looked serious once again, and I stood back so I wouldn’t interrupt. He was going to freak out once I told him what was going on. I was sure it’d send him running in the other direction, and I wanted his full attention when I said it.

He slammed his fist down against the table, and I jumped at the sound. Inside, I’d turned cold. Frozen. His next words had me shaking all over.

I’ll meet you in an hour and we’ll drive out to the warehouse. We’ll get there before my dad, I guarantee it.” He paused, reached up and tugged on his hair, and continued. “Let me worry about her. I have it under control.”

I moved myself against the wall, waiting for him to finish the call, knocking a picture off the wall in the process. He turned, slowly placing the phone on the table and walked toward me. “Janie.”

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