See Jayne Play (5 page)

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Authors: Jami Denise,Marti Lynch

BOOK: See Jayne Play
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I was hesitant to take it, not knowing what he had in store for me. The fact that he’d had his man hunt me down while I was on a date, no less, was a little unsettling.

What does it say?” I asked, looking back up at him.

He chuckled and shook his head. “That, I do not know. Have a good night, Miss King.”

Then he was gone. I stood there, stunned, holding that white envelope in my hand like it contained a bomb. Flynn and his games were more than I could deal with. My plate was full. I had Pamela waiting on me in the other room; she was my priority. I slid it into my clutch, straightened my back, and headed toward my original destination.

My hands shook, but I stuffed the nerves away. I did my business, powdered my nose, and walked back into the main hall to join Pamela. She was looking around for me, and when our eyes met, she smiled, relieved.

I returned her smile. Jayne was back in effect, and Flynn disappeared into the back of my mind, where he belonged.

I sauntered over to her, reaching for her hand and squeezing gently. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

She nodded. “Thank you. I thought you’d left.”

I hated seeing the hurt in her eyes again. I brushed my knuckles over the underside of her arm and settled my hand on her shoulder.

What can I do to make this better, Pamela? Will you let me make you feel good?”

She let out a shuddered breath and swayed a bit on her feet. There was power in my touch, and I thrived on it. Jayne knew how to mold anyone with her hands. The way Jayne smiled made them feel like they were the only person in the room, and her simple touch could make all their dreams and desires come to life. But, Janie, the girl inside of me, just wanted the woman in front of me to smile again. I wanted to help her forget, to feel again, and to crack the ice enveloping her heart and life.

There were clients like Pamela that made what I had to do worth it. They made me feel like I was a savior of sorts, instead of the prostitute I was. They made the shame fade, and the longer the charade continued, it was the reminder I desperately needed. I wasn’t what I’d become. I was still me even while I wore Jayne’s mask.

Come on, Pamela. You’re with me tonight.”


I stared at the white envelope from the other side of the room, slowly sipping my coffee. I knew deep down inside that Flynn was going to be nothing but trouble. The money was good, and God knew I needed it, but there were consequences in taking on a client for a second time.

I’d had regulars before, but this seemed different. Vince knew it, too. I was putting myself in a very high-profile situation meeting with Flynn Maguire.

There were so many questions swimming around in my head. It was no secret that his father ran girls. Everyone knew it. Doyle Maguire had his hands in everything: girls, drugs, games, guns, you name it. The man sat high on a throne and ruled with a fist full of money and power.

He was old school, one of the lingering figures from the golden age of Vegas. He’d been involved with some of the scariest and most dangerous men in the world, and yet, there he was, still standing and still on top.

That said it all. He wasn’t a man you wanted on your bad side, and I just had to wonder what Flynn was pulling by spending his time with a girl that wasn’t on his father’s payroll. There was no doubt that he could’ve had his pick of girls, hired or not, so why he insisted on having me, I wasn’t sure.

Flynn’s reputation alone was infamous. He was a player, always had a girl on his arm. Why in the world was he hiring me in the first place, and if it was just out of boredom, it had me confused.

He’d barely touched me.

I snorted, wondering if it was my pride, or just confusion. Maybe a little of both.

Finally, I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I got up, grabbed the damned envelope and tore it open. There was a neatly folded piece of paper inside, with a black scrawl written on it.

Miss King,

I’d like to request that you join me for dinner tomorrow evening at precisely five o’clock. A driver will arrive to bring you to the restaurant.

Wear a red dress.

Warmest regards,

Flynn Maguire

I threw it back on the bed and fell back against the chair.
Warmest regards
? He was the most bizarre man I’d ever met, and it was disappointing. Why couldn’t he just be normal, call Vince and tell him to send me over, bang me senseless, and send me on my way with a pocket full of coins? The pomp and circumstance was ridiculous, and I was too stressed out to deal with his circus.

I picked up the phone and called Vince. I hadn’t had a chance to tell him about Collins cornering me on my date with Pamela. I knew he’d be pissed, and I hadn’t wanted to deal with it at the time. Now, I needed him to help me sort it out and make sense of it all.

Hello,” he barked into the phone, and I held the receiver away from my ear.

Why are you in such a pissy mood?”

He huffed. “Hey, girl. Nah, it’s nothing. Some business to take care of. What’s up? Things go okay last night? No problems?”

I smiled, remembering sweet Pamela and the sounds she made when I touched her. “No problems. In fact, it was amazing. She’s amazing. Thanks for throwing that my way.”

He chuckled. “I knew you’d do her right. So what’s up?”

Sighing, I pulled my knees up and rested my chin on top of them. “Maguire’s guy found me last night. He slipped me an invitation while I was on my date.”

What the fuck?”

I smirked. “Exactly. I don’t know, Vince. What do you think I should do about this? He was sort of strange, and now he’s stalking me?”

I could hear the long, thoughtful breath he let out and knew he was as conflicted as I was. “Listen, I’ve never heard any shady shit surrounding the guy. So he’s weird. You’ve had weirdos. I’ll come with you and hang out until you’re done, and that way we both can get a feel of this guy. As far as that Collins dude, I’ll deal with that guy. I made it perfectly clear that he talked through me. I don’t like them tailing you.”

Me either. Well, listen. I need to get some things done. He’s sending a car at five, so be ready.”

A few hours later, I found myself sitting on the edge of my bed, surrounded by the entire contents of my closet, freaking out.

I had very little red, surprisingly, and I wasn’t sure how my handsome client was going to take it when I showed up disobeying his wishes. He seemed like the type that expected everyone to submit to his whims, especially the people he paid.

My phone vibrated from beside me and I picked it up, seeing it was Vince calling.

Hello,” I answered.

What’s taking you so long? The car is sitting outside.”

I got up and peeked out the window, and sure enough, a sleek black town car was parked at the curb, Collins standing beside it.

Shit,” I huffed. “I’m not ready yet. Give me ten, and I’ll be right down.”

I ended the call and grabbed a silk blouse from my bed, shaking the wrinkles out and slipping it on. It was sheer and red, and I hoped the lacy red bra I wore underneath would appease Flynn. I matched it with a slim skirt and in an effort to make him happy, I slid on a pair of red satin pumps.

I found myself wanting to impress him, and that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. He was a client, not my boyfriend. I resented him for it, and irrationally, I wanted to hate him. At the end of the day, I’d always be what I was, and he’d always be him. We were two different people from very different walks of life. It was ignorant to think otherwise.

I grabbed my purse and flew down the stairs to meet Vince outside. I wanted to get the date over with so I could come home and sulk. Alone.

I opened the door, and was surprised to see Flynn standing on my steps instead of Vince. He looked peeved, and that just set my back tight and defensive.

It’s past five.”

I pressed my lips together and bit my tongue. I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, but that was the last thing I needed to do. He’d paid to fuck me, or not fuck me if things went the same direction as the last time we met. So, instead, I took a deep breath, relaxed my hips, and gave him Jayne’s winning smile.

Beauty takes effort, Mr. Maguire. I wanted to look special. Just for you.”

His eyes danced. He gave me a quick glance, up and down, and then cocked his lips into a small smile.

You do look beautiful, as always, Miss King.”

He held his arm out for me, and I tucked my hand into his elbow, tightening my grip as he turned to walk down the steps. I could feel the muscles underneath his coat, and the warmth from his body sent shivers up and down my spine.

I looked side to side, hoping to spot Vince. I wanted to make sure our plan was still in place without Flynn catching on.

Your friend is waiting in his vehicle across the street.”

I laughed nervously. “He’s protective. It’s just a precaution.”

He hummed but didn’t comment. Collins opened the door for us and stepped aside while Flynn helped me inside. Sliding across the leather seats, I noticed right away that Flynn’s scent permeated the space. Delicious and spicy.

He moved in next to me and immediately threw his arm over the back of the leather seat, letting it settle on my shoulder. I moved in closer, enjoying the way it felt to be tucked under his arm.

I liked the way he took charge. It wasn’t so much arrogance as it was confidence. There was something very attractive about a man that knew what he wanted. It was even better when he took it.

Once the car began to move, Flynn turned sideways, facing me. I smiled at him, batted my lashes a bit, and adjusted myself so I could see him better. He was so devastatingly handsome. The line of his jaw was cut so sharp, and the smooth skin of his lips was so inviting.

I’d had my share of handsome men, but there was something so raw about his beauty, something wild. It danced in his eyes and played in his smile. There was darkness underneath, but I could definitely see some tenderness in him.

He was a player, same as me. His game was different, but not by much. He was well known for the high-stakes card games he played, a proud member of the Millionaire’s club. He may have been born into money, but he probably never had to touch it. A night at a table would set him ahead for years.

That was sexy to me. He was smart, a challenge. Pretty boys with brains were hard to come by, and it was refreshing to have someone that I could actually have a conversation with.

Where are you taking me tonight, handsome?”

I ran my finger over his trouser-covered thigh, watching my fingernail leave a trail of red against the charcoal of the fabric.


I looked up, confused. “Well, it feels like we’re moving, so we have to be on our way somewhere.”

His eyes darted between my eyes and my mouth, and for a brief moment I thought he might kiss me. It thrilled me. I wanted him to touch me in the worst way.

Take off your shoes.”

I blinked several times, puzzled by his sudden request. His eyes told me there was no questioning his words, so I shifted around so I could do as he asked. As I bent over, I made sure he got a good glimpse of my tits in my low-cut dress, and slowly slid the shoes off my feet and dropped them to the floor.

I thought you’d appreciate the shoes. They’re red.”

I do,” he said, smiling. “But I want to touch your feet. Put them in my lap so I can rub them.”

I moved quickly, happy to finally have his hands on me. There were far needier places that I needed him, but having him touch me at all was good enough.

His hands were strong, smooth, and his fingers gave the perfect amount of pressure on the arches of my feet. It felt amazing, and I couldn’t remember the last time a man had touched my feet, if ever.

His eyes were bright as he stared at me. He never missed a beat, rubbing and probing my feet like a professional. I was mesmerized, once again, lost in his eyes like a tamed lion.

So, tell me, Miss King, do you enjoy being a tease?”

I couldn’t help it—I laughed. “I think you have it all wrong, Mr. Maguire. I only tease if I’m paid to tease. Otherwise, I always deliver.”

He hummed. “Yes, I guess you do. Up.”

He threw my legs off his lap and I scrambled to get up. It was no easy task, being that we were in a limo and all.

Where do you want me?” I asked. My voice cracked. The look in his eyes told a thousand stories, and I wanted to read them all. I needed to know what he was thinking.

My confidence was failing. Miserably. He left me frustrated and confused. I had to get myself together and take control.


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