See Jayne Play (6 page)

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Authors: Jami Denise,Marti Lynch

BOOK: See Jayne Play
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Looking up into his eyes, I gasped. His voice was so soft, I had a feeling he hadn’t wanted me to hear him. I could see there was more to his comment.

I had to turn things around. The fire was burning out and strange emotions were stomping it out, so I got up on my knees and pressed my palms against his chest. “Lean back, Mr. Maguire.”

His lips twitched, but he held back a true smile. He wasn’t used to releasing the control, but I had a feeling he liked it. Wanted it.

I climbed over him once his back was against the cushion of the seat. He was absolute perfection, and that niggling in the back of my head started tugging again. It still made no sense that he was paying me to do what hundreds of women would gladly do for free.

Sacrifice a limb for.

Tell me, Mr. Maguire,” I purred. “Do you always play hard to get?”

He finally smiled. “Hard to get? I have no intention of playing games.”


He shook his head and moved his arms around to grasp my legs, pulling me down against him. “The only thing hard around here is me. That’s what you’re here for.”

My skin pricked with excitement.

I want you to rub your pussy on me. Make me come.”

His words shot through me like a stiff swig of harsh whiskey. Hearing him say he wanted anything from me was like gasoline. My engine roared to life, and my body was ready to give him everything I had.

The dark, bracing look in his eyes pushed me back into the reality of the situation, but there was no way I was turning my body off.

I would give him what he wanted.

And I want your tits,” he spat. “Take that off so I can touch them.”

I wiggled out of the top, and began to gyrate on his lap, moaning when I felt his hardened cock press against my heat. I wanted him inside desperately. Like never before, I needed it.

Just like that, and don’t stop. I want to watch you make me come.”

I rolled my hips, pressing myself down on him and moving back up again. Over and over again I went through the motions while he twisted and pulled at my nipples.

He was enthralled with them, never letting his eyes stray. He groaned, biting his lip as he concentrated on his hands and what they were doing with me, but never moved his hips to match my motions.

I like this,” he murmured, letting his hand slip down my torso and placing it on my stomach. “So soft.”

My head fell back, my eyes rolling and my jaw slack. I wanted to cry out and beg him to touch me, to push my panties out of the way and thrust his fingers deep inside. It was ridiculous how badly I craved his touch. There was electricity between us, a true and undeniable attraction that was driving me slowly insane.

You want me to fuck you, don’t you?”

I whimpered and raised my hips before slamming back down on his lap. He was tempting me, playing with my head, and I was glad he’d thrown me a reminder. This was not seduction. I was there to fulfill his needs, and only that. I wasn’t about to let him patronize me into begging for something from him.

You like fucking all those men, Jayne? Their sweaty bodies pounding into you without knowing who you are?”

My eyes snapped open and then narrowed. Who the hell did he think he was?

Does it bother you?” When I didn’t answer, he grabbed my hips, dragging his fingers across my hipbone and spreading his palms across my abdomen, barely avoiding my aching pussy underneath.

I see. It does, doesn’t it?”

I didn’t answer. I merely gritted my teeth and continued rubbing myself harder and harder over his clothed cock. I would get off, damn it. If he wanted to mess in his pants, that was fine with me. I would still walk away with his money, and an orgasm was just a bonus.

I’d take it.

He smirked, and I’d finally had enough. Rich, handsome, it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter that I indeed wanted him to fuck me, and badly, but I was no one’s bitch.

Just as I was about to tell him to shove it up his ass, the car jerked forward, throwing me on top of him.

Our eyes met, and damn him, I could just get lost in them. I wanted to fall into them and find out who he really was.

The door swung open and Mr. Collins’s black clad legs came into view. “We’ve arrived,” he announced.

Flynn pushed me up, adjusted himself, and climbed out of the car, holding his hand out for me to follow.

My blouse was still gaping open, and my skirt was nearly up around my waist. My shoes were thrown haphazardly across the floor of the car, and there was no way I was getting out in the state I was in. I wasn’t about to let him treat me like gutter trash, no matter how much he paid me.

Jayne. Out.”

I quickly pushed the buttons through the slits of my top and pushed my skirt down my legs. He could be impatient and frustrated, but I wasn’t about to step foot on the pavement until I was suitably clothed.

Once I was satisfied that I was decent, I climbed out, allowing him to help me. I shouldn’t have been surprised to see that we were once again at The Maguire Grand. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I had a feeling he lived there, which made sense since his father owned it.

As we made our way through the lobby, I couldn’t help but catch the curious glances from the people we passed. They were in awe of him and interested in the woman on his arm. The attention was different than I usually garnered, and I found that I enjoyed it. A lot. A pain beat into my skull with the thought. It was a stupid girl dream, one I was only playing a part in. I was an accessory, nothing more. Dreams about boys and girls and hearts and flowers had no place in that scenario. I had to stomp them down. Hard.

He led the way, strong, long legs pulling him through the room like a king. I had to double step to keep up, but he never let go of my hand.

He seemed more determined than before, and I had a silent hope that he was anxious to get me upstairs and undressed. After our little ride with foreplay, I truly longed to finally get him above me, strong and hard and indomitable.

We reached the elevator, and he not so kindly asked the attendant to take a hike, pulled me inside, and punched the button that would take us to his penthouse suite.

Once the door was closed, I was up against the cool metal wall with him pressed against me.

Right where I want you.”

He rubbed his nose against my neck, running it up and down the column of my throat and moaned. “Right where I want you.”

The ting of the elevator came way too quickly, but things were getting a little too heated in that little space. I was still reeling. Everything felt new with him, different than it’d ever felt. Flynn was everything I’d ever wanted in a man and had never found. The reality, though, was that I was in no position to think about it. My life was a nightmare, and he was paying me for sex. We were two of the most screwed up individuals, so similar yet the same in so many ways.

Flynn led me out of the elevator, his fingers wrapped around mine so tight that it caused a throb in my hand. He’d touched me more during the fifteen-minute drive than he had the entire time I’d known him. My confidence was back, my aces in the hole, and I was exhilarated knowing that he’d finally be right where I wanted him.

Above me, below me, and inside me.

He slid his card in the door, and the sound of the click echoed throughout the long hallway. Stepping inside, there was a sense of déjà vu, the familiar hum in my bones and the tingles in my stomach stirred my nerves once again.

It was all different this time. The lights were on, and he was at my side. The uneasy mystery was gone, and in its place was a fierce anticipation.

I looked around the room, expecting to find a table set for dinner. There was none, and when he turned to face me, the mischief was undeniable.

Are you hungry, Jayne?”

Nodding, I laid my bag on the counter and stepped forward, running my finger up and down his chest. I was starved, but food was not on the menu.

I think I’d like to skip forward to… dessert.” My tongue peeked out, licking at the soft, salty skin of his neck. “I definitely need some sugar.”

His groan shot right through me, and I clung to his shirt like it was the only thing holding me up. I had to have been the hardest working escort on the strip, to blatantly throw myself at a client like a desperate freak. Games were for losers—I was the proof. I wanted him, he wanted me, and I was bound and determined to have him, even if it meant throwing my pride on the floor.

His fingers dug into my hips as he pushed me backward. It stung. I composed myself and shifted my hips, standing tall and proud and showing none of the disappointment I felt.

Are you playing hard to get with me, Mr. Maguire? I think it’s time for us to have a little fun.”

I smiled, lips pouty and all fire. I had no doubt Flynn would do what I wanted. All my best tricks were ready to go. I just had to ignite the plan.

That’s my intention. Follow me.”

He turned on his heels and moved through the suite toward the room we’d been in the first night. My smile was smug and confident, knowing what we’d do once inside. Once the door opened, however, I felt myself bottom out.

Confusion, anger, jealousy… they were all emotions I despised, and could usually keep in check. At that moment, looking down at the naked girl in the middle of his bed, I officially felt the cables inside snap.

What the hell is this? Did you double book?”

He chuckled, his eyes on the blonde in front of him. “Relax, Miss King.”

Fuck yourself,” I snapped. “I’m leaving.”

My arm stung as he tugged on me, pulling me back against his chest. His warm breath caressed my ear, causing me to shiver.

She’s for you, Jayne. You enjoy beautiful women, don’t you?”

I let out an unbelieving laugh. “Doesn’t matter what I like, Mr. Maguire. You want a threesome, you fucking pay double. What I don’t enjoy are tricks.”

His hand inched up my ribcage slowly, and I felt his thumb rub against the bottom of my breast. As good as it felt, I was angry. More than angry. I was sure he wanted me, but in the end, he’d proven to be just another guy ready to get his dick wet. I should have known, and the fact that I’d allowed myself some stupid fascination about making love to him, whether he was paying me or not, made me want to climb in a hole and die.

I only wanted you.” I hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but there it was. It was out there, and there was no taking it back.

He moved away from me like I’d torched his skin. Again, the hurt was heavy on my heart. I had no idea what was wrong with me. What I did know was that I had to quit Flynn Maguire.
. Life was already eating me alive, and there was no room for someone like him. He was everything I thought I wanted, but once again, I was let down. He was everything in the world I didn’t need.

Just as I thought, he didn’t try to stop me as I bolted from the room. I tore out of there like a wild animal, tears forcing themselves out of my unwilling eyes and my heart stung with poison. Once inside the elevator, I avoided the prying stare from the attendant and pulled out my phone to call Vince. I needed to escape, go home, and drown myself in a bottle of good Vodka.


Worst date of my life.

His name was Tony, a brilliant, ambitious executive for D.R.M. Industries, the biggest investment company in the country. He was also a huge tool, or what my dad used to call smarmy. You could smell the flowered pomade in his immaculately groomed hair, and between that and the overpriced cologne he’d bathed in, I was doing all I could not to lose my lunch.

He was in his early thirties, with a droopy brow and stomach paunch making him looked twice his age.

I’d only taken the date because Vince had been desperate. He’d lost six girls in the matter of a month, and the reality was that I needed the money.

It’d been more than two weeks since Flynn had called, and it still bothered me. I tried putting it out of my mind, but it was there, like a big flashing neon light.

Along with the numbness in my chest, I wasn’t quite right in the head.

Come on. I want to talk to someone,” Tony grumbled.

He dragged me along, making his way toward a group of men smoking cigars in the corner. That was another thing about him. He may have dressed like a gentleman, but he handled me like a brute. There was nothing considerate about the way he treated me at all. No doors held open, no introductions, and no conversation. He drove his point home crystal clear. I was a toy, and I was to understand my place.

Lots of men brought me along as their date to poker games. I could count on my fingers and toes ten times how often I’d been told I was a lucky charm. They were deluded, but I always played along. Sometimes, I’d be the lucky one and my date would hit it, but other times, I’d end up with a loser with something to prove once they’d lost their asses.

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