See Jayne Play (4 page)

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Authors: Jami Denise,Marti Lynch

BOOK: See Jayne Play
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I nodded, my face neutral and calm, and reached into my purse to retrieve the envelope. “It’s all here. Fifteen thousand.”

His eyebrows rose, and I smiled as I handed it over. I could tell he was surprised, and I really wanted to tell him to eat shit.

I’ve been a busy girl, Mr. Sullivan. Now, I want to see my dad.”

He pulled the envelope from my hands and emptied it onto the table. “Count this out, Milo. Make sure it’s all there. Danny, get the video ready.”

The men scuttled around, counting money and pushing the DVD into the player on the table. I squeezed my hands together tightly to stop the shaking. I never knew what to expect. Proof of life did not guarantee my father would be in one piece, and each week, I could see him getting weaker and weaker.

It’s all there, boss.”

Sullivan nodded, then smiled. “Good job, Janie. Your father would be proud, wouldn’t he? His daughter whoring herself out to get his lying ass out of debt. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?”

I glared at him from across the table. “Screw you,” I snapped.

Vince grabbed my arm again to stop me from lunging at him, and the bastard laughed.

I bet you’re worth every penny.”

He smiled salaciously and I shuddered with disgust. He was vile, sickening. He was on a power trip—all men like him were. I knew better—he was nothing but a grunt doing a coward’s job.

I turned my anger into a smile and leaned forward, giving him enough of a view to make him wish he could touch me.

You bet I am. Too bad you couldn’t afford me, jerk-off. You’ll just have to stroke that pencil dick of yours alone.”

His eyes went dark and he leaned back, snapping his fingers. “Kill the tape. It seems Miss King will be leaving us without viewing today.”

Vince groaned, and I knew he was going to let me have it as soon as we left the room. I wanted to protest, but showing the jerk that he’d gotten to me was more than he deserved, so instead, I stood, adjusted my boobs, and tossed my hair over my shoulder.

I trust your boss has enough sense to keep him alive. I may be a whore, but you are well aware of the men I keep company. I’m sure they’d hate to hear about you harassing their best girl, don’t you think?”

His nostrils flared and his face reddened. I smiled. I may have been bullshitting, but he didn’t know that. If my father died, they would all go down. They would have the fight of their lives on their hands.

Have a nice day, gentlemen.”

I stormed out of the room with Vince hot on my heels. He was heated, but he had nothing on me. I was tired, irritated, and sick of the whole thing.

He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around as soon as we were in the elevator. His eyes were angry and his words frantic.

Janie, I begged you! You want to get him killed?”

Vince, what do you want me to say? I’m sick of this. I hate that I feel so damned helpless. Those bastards toy with me, and I can’t help myself. That’s my father, or have you forgotten?”

You think I can forget, Jayne? Jesus! Night and day I’m working on this. I’m damned near broke trying to pay this fucking ransom. All I ask is that you shut your mouth!”

I sighed, closing my eyes. I didn’t want to deal with the look of accusation. I messed up. I didn’t need a lecture.

Look, I know, okay? Just get me home so I can get ready for tonight.”

He didn’t say another word, and the ride back to my townhouse was silent. He was pissed, and he had every right to be. He was good to me, and he knew how things worked just as well as I did. I was hurting. I wanted to cry, scream, hit, and kill. They would definitely hurt my dad for my big mouth. I just hoped he could handle it.

As soon as we pulled up in front of my townhouse, he killed the ignition and leaned his head on the steering wheel. The moments ticked away, a painful frustration brewing between us. Finally, he let out a long, drawn-out breath and looked over at me.

Janie, I know you’re upset, but you don’t know these men. You don’t have any idea what he’s going through.”

I laughed. “What he’s going through? Jesus, Vince! I’m doing my best! This isn’t exactly what I want to be doing either, but here I am. This is his fault, and as badly as I want to help him, I’m losing it.”

He bent over the steering wheel again, nodding his head on the leather wheel. “I know, kid.”

A knock on the window startled me, and I snapped my head up to find Collins standing on the curb, black tux and all.

Vince instantly went for the gun at his belt, and I put my hand over his to stop him. “No, wait. I know him.”

He glared, but pulled his hand away from his gun.

Pushing the door open, I climbed outside so I could see what he wanted. It was highly suspect for him to be there, and the quicker I got rid of him, the better.

Hello. Mr. Collins, right?”

With a faint smile, he nodded. “Miss King, Mr. Maguire requests your company.”

Surprised, I let out a small laugh. “Oh, well, he’ll need to call my associate to schedule. Actually, if you handle his affairs, Vince would gladly schedule something since you’re here.”

Vince came around to stand at my side, his mere size enough to intimidate a hardened criminal. He was in full bodyguard mode, and as much as I appreciated it, it made me laugh. It was almost ridiculous for him to stare down the old man.

Vince, this is Mr. Collins. He works for Mr. Maguire. He’d like another date, so I told him you could set that up?”

Mr. Collins quickly held up his right hand, and looked over his shoulder. “He’s requesting your presence immediately. If you’ll follow me, he’s waiting for you in the car.”

I followed his gaze to a sleek black car several feet away and rolled my eyes. What a pompous, arrogant ass.

I’m sorry, Mr. Collins. I’m unavailable today. I’ve already made plans, so he’ll have to schedule for another time if he’d like to see me. If he needs some company tonight, Vince would be happy to help him with that. He’s got plenty of sweet girls. I, however, need to get going, but you have a nice day.”

I’d had it with men of all kinds for the day, and that included incredibly sexy playboys in black stretch limos. I felt pulled in every direction, and I wanted a few hours to myself before I had to put on my Jayne mask and play. Flynn Maguire showing up at my townhouse was a no-no. It wasn’t only bad business, it was terribly rude, and definitely peremptory.

No matter how badly I’d hoped for another date with him, my mood was worse than ever and I didn’t feel like feeding the ego of an entitled pretty boy on a Saturday afternoon.

Not sparing the car a second glance as I walked up the steps to my townhouse, I opened the door quickly and slammed it behind me once I was inside. I fell against it, shaky and confused. I’d never had a client approach me at home, and I was troubled that he’d been able to find me. The townhouse wasn’t even in my name, which meant I’d been followed.

I wasn’t sure what Flynn Maguire had up his sleeve, but if he wanted to play, I was ready to roll.


Pamela Martin was a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties. She was one of those women that worked her ass off to achieve success while pushing love—and all the things love brought—to the side in the quest to get to the top. Her sexual preference wasn’t something she advertised. She wasn’t ashamed of who she was, far from it, but she was smart enough to outsmart the business world. It was hard enough in a man’s world to climb the ladder of success, and she knew that revealing her sexual preferences would just give them another reason to drag her down.

I smiled at her, impressed and a little aroused by the way she talked so passionately about who she was and what she did. She was a high-profile attorney at a major law firm, travelled the world, and lived a life I’d only imagined in dreams.

I admired her, envied her even. She was so driven and intelligent, and I wondered what I might have done with my life if I’d been given the opportunity of an education.

I just find it incredibly hard to believe that a woman like you has a hard time finding a lady to spend time with. What made you come to me, Pamela?”

I smiled when she leaned into my side as I brushed a piece of her soft, smoky brown hair away from her face.

My job is demanding, and sometimes it’s hard for other people to understand.”

She wasn’t alone. Love wasn’t exactly on the menu for me, either. I’d never had a real relationship, not in the true sense, and it had everything to do with my upbringing. I didn’t trust anyone enough to get that close, not that I’d ever tried. It was against everything I’d ever been taught.

Trust no one.

As she walked me through the heart-wrenching breakup between her and her ex, my sympathy morphed into a scathing need to help her gain the revenge she wanted and the respect she deserved. She’d been used, a feeling so familiar to me, I could taste it. Betrayal and hurt swam in her eyes, and I wanted nothing more than to give her every ounce of her dignity back.

Pamela was a gorgeous woman. Her skin was flawless, and her hair shined. The woman across the room paled in comparison, but that hardly made the cracks in Pamela’s heart any less severe.

She sniffed, and her body trembled. Leaning into her, I brushed my lips over the shell of her ear and whispered. “You are far too beautiful for her.”

She let out a breathy laugh and ducked her chin. “I can’t believe she showed up.”

I couldn’t believe it either, honestly. The function was to honor Pamela, who had just made partner in the firm. For her ex-lover to show up, on the arm of one of Pamela’s colleagues was just tacky. The blonde wasn’t my concern, though. My only obligation was to make sure the woman at my side felt like the most beautiful, most wanted woman in the room.

I’d never had a female client, but I definitely felt a connection to Pamela. At first, I was unsure about taking the job, but Vince insisted it was necessary. It was safe, easy. I wasn’t sure I could pull it off or be what the woman needed, but Pamela made it easy with her slim figure and hot as hell dress. The more I talked to her, the more comfortable I became, and I was eager to discover her thoroughly.

Sex was sex, and it was something I enjoyed, especially when there was a connection with the other person. I’d dabbled, dipped my toes, but there was something spectacular about Pamela.

The fundraiser was in full swing, but I wanted nothing more than to leave and prove to Pamela that she was desirable and beautiful.

I let my hand slide down her back, brushing gently against her plump backside and giving it a little squeeze.

Can you handle this, or would you rather… take off.”

She was a good two inches taller than I was, and in the heels she wore, she made me feel smaller than the five-foot-four I was. She was one of those Amazon women, tall, lithe, with knockout curves and fantastic legs.

As the waiter passed us, I grabbed a glass of champagne for the two of us. Holding my glass up to hers, I smiled.

To a beautiful night, with an equally beautiful woman.”

Her eyes dilated, and I could see the change in her breathing. I loved that she was turned on and loved that I was able to switch her attention away from the devil woman that darkened her heart.

Our crystal clanged together as we toasted, and I smiled as I let the bubbles fill my throat. She may have called me for a distraction, but she was proving to be exactly what I needed.

I think I should talk to her,” she whispered, looking across the room from the corner of her eye. “She’s calling me over.”

I was a little aggravated, but I understood. “I’m going to use the ladies’ room. Take your time, sweetheart.”

I reached up to kiss her cheek, pushing her soft hair behind her ear. “Be strong,” I whispered. “You’re a spectacular woman, and she doesn’t deserve to share the same air.”

She let her fingers run over my cheeks, and I could see the emotion in her eyes. “You’re quite a woman, Jayne King.”

I winked. “Give her hell. I’ll be here when you get back.”

She walked away and I watched her, sighing as I sat my glass on the table and turned to walk away. I only hoped she knew what she was doing. I had my work cut out for me if she didn’t.

I smiled at a few gentlemen as I made my way to the restroom, enjoying the attention. I looked fantastic, and they noticed. It was one of the rewards of my job. On a normal day in the normal world, I would just blend into the background. But when I was Jayne, I was the only girl in the room.
The girl.

I turned the corner and ran straight into the chest of Mr. Collins. I startled, stepping back and looking around to see if Flynn was with him. He wasn’t, sadly.

Mr. Collins. You scared me.”

He smiled kindly and pulled an envelope from his coat. “Mr. Maguire asked me to deliver this to you, Miss King.”

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