Serendipity (26 page)

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Authors: Stacey Bentley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Serendipity
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I’ve been thinking about how to get Phoebe back. I don’t just want her back in my life as a friend, that’s not good enough for me. I want her back as my friend, my lover and—I haven’t told my parents yet—but I want her as my wife.

I know it’s a long shot and it’s going to take time but I vow to make it happen. I bought a ring from a jeweler in Nashville when I was staying there. It’s nothing big, but when I saw it I knew I it was made for her. I’ve even had it engraved with the word ‘Baby’. She loves that movie ‘Dirty Dancing’ so much, but also because she is
baby. She’s my baby, my angel, my Barbie—
my everything

It was Jake’s idea to give the ring to Phoebe at his wedding. It’s not an engagement ring, more of a promise ring. A promise that I will never hurt her again. A promise that I will always be there for her. A promise to always protect her.

Phoebe works a lot of hours and so do I, plus, I don’t think I could ever get her to move to the farm. I’m saving up and my five year plan is to build a house by the lake—our lake—and then ask her to marry me, if she’ll have me that is.

I slip into my silver vest, and grab the jacket to the tux before heading out. We’re all meeting at Jake and Addy’s house for drinks and pictures. Addison stayed at her parent’s house last night after the rehearsal dinner. I was hoping that Phoebe would have gone but she had to work.

I’ve only seen Devon once since that day in the stable. She called me and asked to meet. I didn’t want to—not knowing what she might have up her sleeve this time—so to play it safe, I told her to meet me at a nearby park. When I found her sitting on a bench, I sat down next to her. I’ll admit that thoughts of strangling her ran through my mind, but I could never do something like that. She kept it short and sweet and apologized to me. She said that she felt bad for what she did and with hindsight she could see that what she did was wrong.

When I told Jake about what happened, he promised to have her kicked out of the wedding party so that I wouldn’t have to stand up with her. Once Addison found out she made it happen, and I don’t think anyone has seen or spoken to Devon since then.

Austin and I were able to mend our friendship. After he found out what happened and I admitted my feelings for Phoebe.

On the drive to Jake’s, I hear a song on the radio that makes me think of Phoebe. “Cowboys and Angel’s” by Dustin Lynch. That’s us—I’m her cowboy and she’s my Angel.

Walking into Jake’s house, I wipe the sweat from my forehead. Of all days to get married, I think they picked the hottest day of the year. I take my hat off when I get inside and I’m immediately greeted by Jake’s dad, my dad, and Jakes brother, Josh.

“Hey, it’s Dean,” Josh calls out. We clasp hands and give each other a hug.

“Hi, Josh.” I say as I pat him on the back. Josh is a student at University of Alabama. I’m always teasing him because it’s my favorite school’s rival team.

I break away from him and walk over towards a very nervous Jake, standing in the kitchen by himself. He’s sweating bullets and looks as if he’s going to pass out at any minute. “You okay, man?” I ask, patting him on the shoulder.

He shakes his head as if I’d broken him out of a trance, and the beer in his hand nearly slips out of his grip. “Huh?” he asks.

I chuckle. “I asked if you’re okay? You look like you’re about to pass out.” I say, leaning against the counter and folding my arms over my chest.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I’m just ready to get this over with. I’m ready to call Addy my wife.” A smile spreads across his face and I swear this is the happiest I’ve ever seen him.

“I get it, man,” I say, taking a beer out of the fridge and twisting the cap off. The cool liquid goes down easily, soothing my dry throat.

“Is this where the party’s at?” Austin walks in from the back door with a forty ounce in his hand and I can’t help but laugh. Leave it to him to make sure he has enough beer in his hand so that he doesn’t have to keep coming back for more.

“Hey, man, do you have enough beer there?” I ask, pointing at the large brown bottle.

“Hell no, but it’s enough to last until we get going.” He twists his wrist and looks at his watch. “The limo should be here in twenty minutes so that means I can probably have one more before we leave.”

I shake my head in disbelief. Austin was always the odd one out. He marches to the beat of his own drum, but that’s okay because we like him like that.

On my way to the wedding, I stop at the Montgomery’s to pick up Emily. Keith had gone to Jake’s before the wedding for some ‘man time’. When I pull in, I stare at the loft above the barn. Dean moved in shortly after I left. He claims that it was because he needed a space of his own, but I know that’s not true and I don’t blame him. It’s hard for me to think about going back into that room. Before I left, pretty much everything in that house reminded me of him and I had to get out.

I honk the horn and Emily walks out in a beautiful, cream colored, chiffon dress. When she gets in, she turns all of the vents towards her and leans in.

“Oh my god! It’s got to be over a hundred degrees out there today,” she pants.

“Yes it is, it’s horrible. You look beautiful by the way.” I smile.

“So do you, Pheebs. That dress is amazing on you,” she pulls down the visor to look in the mirror and fix her makeup.

“Thank you,” I say and laugh when I hit a dip in the dirt road and she misses her lip while gliding on her red lipstick. We both start giggling and talk about the wedding.

As we get closer to the church my breathing becomes more rapid and I start to sweat. Frantically, I turn all the vents towards me and fan myself with my hand. “Are you okay, Phoebe?” Emily asks.

I can’t seem to find my voice. I don’t know what’s going on, but I think I’m nervous about seeing Dean. I see him every Sunday so this should be no different, right? Wrong. The thought about seeing him in such an intimate setting is sending me into panic mode.

“We’ll be there in just a minute, are you going to be okay till then?” Emily asks in a panic tone. I can see the fear and worry in her eyes.

I don’t answer. Instead, I push my right foot down harder, trying to get us there as fast as possible. When I pull into the church, I rest my head against the cool leather seat and close my eyes.

Emily doesn’t say anything as she strokes my arm. This woman has the magic touch, I swear—whatever the problem is, she can fix it with just a hug or pat on the hand. I steady my breathing and open eyes.

“I’m okay now,” I say, and blow out a breath.

“Are you ready to go in?” she says in her calming tone.

I’m not sure I’m ready to go in, but I know I don’t have much of a choice. I pull the visor down and check my makeup. Flipping it up, I give Emily my best smile. “Yeah, let’s go,” I grab my small black purse and slip out of the car.

Pulling the doors to the church open, one of the bridesmaids catches me by the arm and tells me that Addison needs me. I turn to Emily and shrug.

“I’ll go get us seats,” she says and walks into the church on the arm of Addison’s brother.

I’m led down a long corridor and when I step into the room, Addison turns around immediately and I rush over to her.

Grabbing her into a hug I whisper in her ear. “Are you okay?”

I pull away when she doesn’t answer and her face is flush, something is wrong and I pray that she’s not getting cold feet. She looks around the room at her bridesmaids and her mom–who seems to be fussing over every detail. I can see how this could be overwhelming for her. I pull her aside and into a quiet corner.

“What’s going on?” I ask, stroking her arm the same way that Emily has just done to me.

“I have to tell you something but you can’t tell a soul,” her eyes widen to stress the importance of keeping the secret.

“Sure, I won’t say anything,” I promise.

She looks around once again to make sure that nobody is around to hear what she’s about to tell me. She leans in as close as possible to whisper in my ear, and my jaw drops.

“No way,” I say in disbelief. Hell, I’m surprised I was able to get any words out at all.

She frowns and nods.

We get to the church and are immediately ushered to a room while everyone is seated. Jake’s been acting strange the whole day. I get that he’s nervous, hell, I would be too but this is different. I’ve never seen him like this before.

I catch him in the middle of his pacing. He moves back and forth, staring down at the floor and ignoring everyone in the room. “Hey, in less than an hour, you’ll be married and then it will be time to party. You got this,” I tell him.

He ignores me and continues his pacing. They better get us out of this room soon before he wears a hole in the carpet. Speaking of the devil—no pun intended—the pastor opens the door and tells us they’re ready for us.

I pull Jake aside as everyone exits. “What’s going on with you?”

“I don’t know, man. I can’t wait to make her my wife but something’s off. Addison’s been acting strange for the past two weeks, I don’t know if it’s cold feet or what but something just isn’t right,” he says. He breathes a heavy sigh as if he feels better for getting it off his chest.

“If it was cold feet, she wouldn’t be here right now, Jake. I’m sure it’s just wedding jitters.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Let’s go, everyone’s going to be wondering where the groom and his best man are.” He says with a smile. It’s good to see him smile. I can’t imagine what he must be feeling right now.

We line up at the front of the church and the organ begins to play. I look around and see my parents, but no Phoebe. Giving my mom a questioning look, she just shakes her head and shrugs.

The bridesmaids walk down the aisle in their beautiful red dresses, each carrying a bouquet of white daisies. When the doors open for Addison to enter with her dad everyone stands, anticipating seeing the bride for the first time.

Addison looks almost as scared as Jake does. She just about manages to smile when she reaches him. Her dad lifts the veil over her head and kisses her cheek, before shaking Jake’s hand.

Jake reaches for Addison and she takes his hand without hesitation. As they step up in front of the pastor together, the back doors open and Phoebe hurries in and sits next to my mom.

I can’t seem to take my eyes off of her. My breath catches in my lungs and I forget how to exhale. She has on an amazing black dress that fits her perfectly and her silky, blonde hair hangs over her shoulders in curls.

She says something in my mom’s ear and smiles. After pressing a quick peck to my dad’s cheek, she looks to the front and our eyes lock.

I don’t know what it is about weddings. Maybe it’s how everyone dresses up, or the fact that this is one of the most intimate moment’s two people can have and they are sharing it with friends and family. Anyway, I’m not certain, but in this moment I picture me and Phoebe in front of the pastor, giving our lives to each other and becoming one. I’m brought back to earth by a punch in the arm and laughter echoes around the building. I shake my head from the thoughts, and look at Jake.

“The rings, man,” he grits through his teeth.

Oh fuck, I can’t believe I just did that. I’m off on ‘Phoebe Island’ and totally forgot about the wedding. I reach into my jacket pocket and pull out the plain silver band, handing it to Jake. I whisper that I’m sorry. Addison tilts her head and smiles as if she knows what I was thinking about.

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