Serendipity (27 page)

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Authors: Stacey Bentley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Serendipity
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After they say their vows, the pastor announces them man and wife and they kiss. I can’t believe it, playboy Miller has finally settled down. I turn towards Austin, “Another one bites the dust, man.” He throws his head back and laughs as everyone claps for the new couple.

As they turn to leave, Jake clasps me on the back. “You’ll get her, man.”

And now it’s my turn to freak out. I had forgotten completely about our plans for tonight. I was so worried about Jake that it completely slipped my mind.

After the ceremony, we all gather outside and wait for the happy couple to exit. They come out and we all release butterflies that were contained in small white boxes. We watch the butterflies fly off into the perfect, blue sky and the wispy clouds make them look as if they are angel wings in the sky. My thoughts—again—drift to Phoebe.

My parents and Phoebe head over to the hall and I’m thankful they’re not here to distract me. I have enough on my mind and I don’t need to embarrass myself any more than I already have.

The photographer takes hundreds of pictures before he finally stops and we’re able to leave. We load up in the limo, pop the champagne and fill the flutes. Addison passes and holds up her bottle of water instead, claiming her stomach is upset. Jake looks at her with concerned eyes but she assures him that it’s just nerves.

Austin has been hitting on Addison’s friend, Bree all day, but she doesn’t seem to mind. That’s part of Austin’s charm, and he can usually get any girl he sets eyes on. Jake and Addison couldn’t look happier and I’m about to give the woman I love my heart in the form of a small silver band.

When we get to the reception hall, we all file out and line up to be called. Bree and Austin dance their way in with their arms above their head, and loud shouts and whistles come from the room. I’m next with Addison’s younger sister Natalie on my arm. When we enter, my eyes immediately scan the room for Phoebe. I spot her at a table in the front, sitting with my parents with a smile on her face. When our eyes meet time stands still, and the only thing I want to do is wrap her in my arms. It’s been far too long since I’ve tasted her skin, felt her soft lips on mine and breathed in her scent.

Once we’re all seated at the head table, the DJ announces the bride and groom. Addy and Jake practically run in, laughing and smiling and the crowd erupts in hoots and hollers. We all stand and clap, welcoming the newlyweds.

Dinner is served and we all sit down to eat, I watch Addison as she picks at her food with a frown on her face. I push out my chair and sneak up behind her and whispering in her ear, I ask if she’s okay. She gives me a slight nod and turns to look at Phoebe, as if they have some sort of secret. Without a word, they both leave their seats, meeting halfway.

“Restroom,” Phoebe mouths to me and I nod.

That was strange. I wonder if Addison is feeling okay? After seeing Jake today and how crappy he looked, I can only image what a nerve wracking experience a wedding is for the bride.

Holding Addison’s hand, I walk her to the bathroom. She doesn’t look like she’s going to make it, and I can tell she’s trying her best not to vomit.

When we reach the ladies room, I take her in to the large stall where she leans forward and lets everything out. I’m thankful for the slight distraction. Ever since I saw Dean standing by the pastor in his tux, I haven’t been able to think of much else. Seeing him walk into the hall with Addison’s sister on his arm sent a wave of jealousy through my veins.

Helping Addison clean herself up, I can’t help but ask, “You haven’t told Jake yet?”

She shakes her head no and dabs her face with a cold cloth. “You’re the only one that knows, Phoebe. I plan on telling Jake tonight but I’m not sure how he’ll react.” Her eyes glaze over and I can tell she’s ready to lose it any minute.

Pulling her into a hug, I try to sooth her nerves. “It’s okay, Addy, I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.” I pull back and smile. She returns my smile and we turn to leave.

Aside from Emily, Keith, and Dean, it doesn’t seem like anyone noticed we were missing. Jake looks to have a good buzz going, chatting it up with Austin and Dean.

Addison sits down and when she does, everyone taps their glasses, signaling that it’s time for the first dance.

Jake and Addy take to the floor and tears spring to my eyes. When the song changes and Addison dances with her dad, Keith lays a hand on my shoulder and the tears fall. He’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to a dad and I don’t want to lose him if Dean and I can’t work things out.

It was about two months ago at a Sunday dinner when I was able to come out and tell Dean that I love him too. I knew that a while ago but I was scared to admit it to myself. I didn’t know what the overwhelming feeling that I felt with him was but after seeing him trying hard to make amends, I know that it is indeed love.

Emily says she’s known it all along. Well I’m glad someone did! When all of the special dances are finished and the photographer has had his fill of picture taking, a silence falls over the room and the lights above the dance floor dim. I look around at all of the confused faces mirroring mine and then I hear it.

I recognize the tune but I’m not sure where from. It’s so familiar to me—as if I’ve heard it in my dreams. A voice rings through the microphone

“Stars shining bright above you…”

Dean steps out of the darkness and heads towards our table, microphone in hand.

Suddenly, I forget how to breathe and tears stream down my face as he sings a song I’ve been hearing my whole life, one that I hold close to my heart. I instinctively reach for my locket but it’s not there.

I turn to Emily who is dabbing her eyes with the cloth napkin, and Keith looks as if he’s on the verge of tears as well. I can’t believe he’s doing this for me.

Once he reaches our table, he sings the rest of the song and sets the microphone down. The only sounds in the room of over three hundred people are sniffles from people crying.

I place my hand over my mouth to hide my quivering lips when he kneels before me. He pulls my hand way and holds it in his. I suck in my bottom lip and bite down, giving a slight smile.

“Phoebe,” his voice booms throughout the room—I forgot the microphone is on the table next to us. “Now don’t freak out because I’m not proposing.” The room erupts in laughter. “But, I am giving you a ring. I want you to take this ring as a symbol of a promise. A promise never to hurt you, a promise never to make you cry, a promise to protect you, to take care of you, to cherish you, and to love you,” he says the last part softly and that’s my undoing. I break down and cry tears of joy. I glance around to see that I’m not the only one. Keith has a huge smile on his face, he turns to Emily—who is in tears—and pulls her into his chest.

Addison has her face hidden in the crook of Jake’s neck and he’s rubbing her arm and kissing her forehead.

“You can’t leave me hanging like this, Phoebe.” I swing my attention back to Dean, who is holding a plain silver band in his palm. “I’m not promising you that we’ll never fight, I’m not promising you that every day will be sunshine and rainbows. I’m not even promising you that I won’t be an asshole, but I am promising you forever, Phoebe. Will you accept this ring?”

How am I going to say no after the display he just put on? I’d be stupid and stupid is something I don’t do.

I nod my answer and he takes my right hand in his and slides the ring on my finger. As soon as it’s in place, I jump from my seat and into his waiting arms. Never in my life have I felt so much love as I do now.

I had reservations when I moved from Chicago. I never expected to get into a car accident, or to stay with strangers who would eventually become family, let alone fall in love with the very man who hit my car that day.

They say that fate rears its ugly head but some people are just too blind to see it. There’s only one word that comes to mind when I think of all of the joy that one little accident brought me.


After Jake’s wedding, I can’t say things went back to normal because there never really
a normal. Phoebe went back to her house and I went back to mine. We continued to see each other whenever we had time, which wasn’t as often as I’d have liked—and still isn’t. I can never get enough of her and she knows it. We make it a point to go on a date at least once a week. Bowling, movies, putt-putt, swimming in the lake—anything, as long as it’s just us.

Sunday dinners have stayed pretty consistent and when Phoebe’s step-sister, Hadley came to visit, she stayed in my old room in my parent’s house. She loves riding Lady and helping out around the farm and of course spending time with my mom. It’s weird having a teenager around and she’s almost like a sister to me.

Recently, I’ve been staying at Phoebe’s condo because it’s closer to work for her but I can’t take it anymore. I have to get up earlier than she does and I get home later and I it’s starting to put a strain on our relationship.

I haven’t told her yet but I’ve had plans drawn up for a house overlooking
lake. I plan on telling her when I propose. Yep, it’s only been about six months since I gave her the promise ring but I’m going to do it.

I plan on proposing this weekend. She told me that she really wants to learn how to fish, so I have the whole thing planned out in my head.

I took the day off because it’s pouring with rain outside and my dad said he’d handle everything. I’m lying on the couch when she comes home from work, watching re-runs of Duck Dynasty.

“Hey,” I sit up and greet her at the door.

Setting her bags down, she smiles and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me into her. The second our mouths connect, I remember exactly why I’ve been staying with her.

Pulling back before things get too intense, I tell her my plans for the weekend. “So, I was thinking. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice and sunny and with the rain today, there will be a ton of worms. Do you want to go fishing off of our dock?” I ask. I already know what she’s going to say but I wait for her response regardless.

“Of course I do!” she exclaims. “But first, I have to get things ready for Addison’s baby shower.” She frowns when she realizes we won’t have the whole day together.

Placing my fingers under her chin, I force her to look at me. “Hey, it’s no biggie. The baby shower is a big deal and you only have a week to finish everything.”

She smiles and nods. “You’re right. Plus, it should only take two hours at the most to grab everything and take it to your parent’s house.”

“Well, since you’ll be there anyways, just wear something comfortable and meet me on the dock.” I suggest and she agrees.

She likes it when I make things simple for her. She’s been working her ass off with long hours at the office and having to deal with ludicrous clients at times.

We order in a pizza and curl up on the couch with a movie and not just any movie—’Dirty Dancing’. I don’t know how she talks me into this crap, but I’ll do anything to see her smile.

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