Severed Angel (9 page)

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Authors: K. T. Fisher,Ava Manello

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Severed Angel
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I do. Fuck I can feel him. He begins moving faster and harder, just how I want it. My groans become louder as he hits my sweet spot.

"That's it, scream for me. You like it hard Princess?"

"YES." I scream. Angel pounds into me harder and harder with each thrust.

"Angel I'm going to come." I whimper. He flicks my clit and I shatter into a million pieces. I'm grasping his back, digging my nails in, as I fall.

Angel hasn't finished with me yet, slamming his mouth on mine, continuing to thrust into me. My eyes close, I'm sure they're crossed, my orgasm feels that fucking good.

Angel lifts my legs higher, resting them on his strong shoulders. I moan loudly again as he fills me even deeper. He's growling my name and I greedily take what he's giving me. He's slamming into me so hard that it's not long before I feel the burn inside again. It's strong and I don't know if I want to let it release.

"Give it to me." Angel growls, I try my best to hold on.

Angel slams into me harder, lifting my bottom just a little bit higher, deepening the sensation so much more. I scream my release and feel Angel follow straight after.

We lay quietly together as we come down. Once I have my breath back I get up to go and clean myself. When I get back to the bedroom Angel is already half dressed. I'm so tired right now but start to get dressed again. Angel stops me. "You get into bed, I've got some shit to sort out."

I don't know what to say. Is this good or bad?

He throws me his shirt, watching me as I pull it over my head. Looking over at me he smiles. His shirt is huge on me, coming level with my knees.

"I don't need that right now."

He turns to put on his cut and I gasp. There are long red gouges down his back. Did I do that?

He turns, winking at me when he sees I've noticed his back before walking out the door.

I go and sit on the bed in a stunned silence. What the fuck was that?

Chapter Fifteen


When I wake I'm still confused about what happened last night. Angel had apologized for leaving me the other night then left straight after sex again.

I know to him this thing between us is just casual sex, but for me his leaving seemed a little too casual. I don't know if I can carry on like this. I'm one of those women who puts her emotions into relationships. I know if I carry on sleeping with Angel I'll just get hurt in the long run. I'm not sure I can handle this style of casual hook up.

I dress in my tight skinny jeans and short crop top, showing off my belly button. I usually feel self conscious in this top because it shows a lot of skin, however, after last night I'm in a daring mood. Plus it's hot as fuck today. Pulling my hair into a messy bun and slipping on my Converse, I walk out of my room with my head held high. I will not let Angel bring my mood down like yesterday.

No sooner have I left my room than I see Diane, spotting me she walks straight over. I stand my ground, waiting to hear what she has to say. She gives me a slight smile, standing right in front of me. "Don't worry, I'm only here to say sorry. I heard all that yesterday. I hadn't realized that's how you were feeling." She places a hand on my shoulder and gently squeezes. "Sorry honey."

I smile back. It's nice to have her talking to me again. "Thanks, how are Sue and Teresa doing?"

She pulls a face. "They'll be fine in their own time. Your show impressed all the old ladies around here. You've got to show you can hold your own if you want to find your place in this club. Good on
ya girl." This draws a small laugh from me.

I can see Ink across the room standing with Disney and Cowboy. Diane follows the direction of my eyes, just as Ink gives me a smile. She looks back at me, raising her eyebrows. "Ink?"

"What? No, he's a friend." I protest. She gives me a funny look.


"OK then, what about Angel? I saw the show you guys put on yesterday remember." I bite my lip and lower my head before she can see me blushing.

"Oh I see." Diane gives a belly laugh. "You've got a thing for our VP."

My head snaps up, my eyes widening. "No I don't."

This makes her laugh again, causing Ink, Dragon and Cowboy to walk over. Dragon wraps his arm around Diane, bringing a smile to her face as Ink and Cowboy stand either side of me.

Cowboy looks at me and winks. "Looking good."

I smile in return before blurting out my question. "So Cowboy, what's the story behind your name?"

He gives me a naughty grin and I just know this is going to be more like Disney's name than Ink's. "Well sugar, I got my name because I like to be ridden cowboy style. Good and hard."

My mouth widens and I hear chuckling around me. I knew it. "If you ever wanna show me how well you can ride sugar, you just let me know."

"Sure." I squeak, causing yet more laugher.

"Babe, is today the day?" I turn to Ink as Diane asks what he's tal
king about. "She ain't got any ink, I wanna get my hands on that virgin skin of hers."

"Go on girl, what else you got planned for the day?" Diane asks me.

She does have a point. "She even knows what she wants, she's just being a pussy." Ink winks at me.

I glare at him. "I am not."

The look he gives me in return makes me want to stomp my foot like a child, luckily I hold back. "Fine. Let's do it."

His eyes widen. "Now?"

"Yep." Might as well get it done while I'm feeling brave.

Ink grins widely, holding his hand out. "Come on then."

He leads me past the office and game room, stopping at a door on the end. When he opens it up I see it looks just like a tattoo shop inside. So this is where Ink does all his work.

We talk about my tattoo, Ink drawing it out on a piece of paper. It looks amazing. Better than I imagined. There's a black and white heart with angel wings either side, under that there's a small line of realistic looking pink roses, and inside the heart there's a deep red cursive letter E to represent my baby girl and Elvis. I love it!

I decide my lower back is the perfect place to put it. I lay on the bed on my stomach, the nerves starting to creep in. "You'll be fine babe." Ink tries to reassure me.

I laugh a little and he pats my back. "You know what nearly all the women I tattoo say to me?"


"That they can handle anything after giving birth."

I scoff. "Yeah well, I'm not very good with pain."

The sound of the needle fills the silence. "You tell me if it's too much and I'll stop."


About an hour later I no longer have virgin skin. If Ink had told me it would take this long I think I may have
rethought the idea, but I'm glad I finally have my tattoo. The shading in and coloring took a little time and I'd had to stop Ink half way through for a little bit. I'm a wimp what can I say?

"Wow Ink, it looks amazing!" I check out the reflection in the mirror, even with the redness around it I'm so pleased with it.

Right above my backside, where my jeans rest, sits my new tattoo. It looks sexy as hell!

"That's one sexy
tat." Ink gloats.

I give Ink a huge grin and he advises me on how to care for it, placing a gauze over it to protect it.

I head back to my room to put on a dress, I want to avoid advertising to all and sundry that I've acquired a new tattoo.



I'm sitting outside shooting the shit with my club brothers when I see Eve walk out wearing a dress that makes me want to rip it straight off. I'm happy to see she's with Diane and Kid's old lady, Sarah. I
heard the old ladies were impressed that she stood up to Teresa yesterday. In this life you have to show you're worth their respect and she did that. Some of the club whores have been gossiping about her too, nasty stuff because they hate the old ladies and they're jealous. Not that Eve is an old lady but they see how she is, Eve's old lady material. She'd be perfect.

I shake those thoughts away when I hear Cowboy laughing with some of the other brothers.

"He's fucking hanging on, brother's desperate for that pussy. Even gave her a tattoo today." The brothers are laughing about someone's latest conquest. These men gossip as much, if not more, than the women.

I realize they're talking about Ink, it must be him if the guy tattooed someone.

"Who you bitching about?" I call over to Cowboy.

He swaggers over, shaking his head. "Fucking Ink, been on the chase again. He finally got her to agree to a tattoo, bet the fucker enjoyed every second."

I lean forward, clenching my jaw. I've got a bad feeling I know who he's talking about, but ask anyway. "Who?"

Cowboy must realize he's dropped his brother in it, but inclines his head over to where Eve is sitting. I'm his VP and rank higher than Ink. "Teresa's friend, Eve. His dick's been hard for her ever since she stepped in here."

What the fuck?

Ink gave Eve a tattoo? I don't fucking like this at all!

Last night I left Eve after the best sex I've ever had to go and find Ink and warn him off, but he'd gone out on a run with some of the brothers. He needs to stay away from her while I figure out what's going on between me and her. I don't know what's happening, but I do know that I don't like Ink sniffing around. Eve's been under me for the last two nights. I'm not fucking sharing her.

Without another word to Cowboy I head over to Eve. She's got her back to me. Diane and Sarah spot me and they can tell from the look on my face I'm not happy about something. They both stand from the
bench at my approach, giving their excuses as to why they need to leave.

I stand behind Eve, looking down at her. "Heard you got a tat?"

She quickly turns around, her hand over her heart. "Angel you scared the shit outta me!"

I feel a little guilty. It's starting to get dark out here, she's a little jumpy, with my brother after her so it's understandable. I don't show what I'm feeling, instead I stay standing over her. "I said heard you got a tattoo."

She gives me a weird look, giving me the once over. "News travels fast around here." I nod my head, hands shoved into my jean pockets to keep me from dragging her somewhere private and sinking myself into her sweetness. She huffs loudly. "Yes I got a tattoo, geez is that a crime?"

Fuck she's cute. I hide my smile. "When Ink is after a taste of your pussy, yes."

Eve's mouth drops open and she quickly stands. "Ink is not like that, he's a friend! What's it to you anyway? You don't give a shit!"

"He wants you."

"So what? I'm single, I'll do whatever and whoever the fuck I want."

She goes to step away but I grab her arm. I don't want her leaving pissed at me again. It seems she's always angry with me. Eve looks up at me and I don't know what to say. I can't tell her she's not single because that would mean we're something, yet I don't want her with Ink, or any other man.

She snatches her arm away, marching off. I'm watching her walk away, looking sexy as fuck, when I see Ink walk up to her. Fuck this shit. I follow as quickly as I can. Just as Ink approaches her I grab her, flipping her over my shoulder. She screams out so I give her a smack on the ass. I carry on walking into the clubhouse, most people are in the TV room or outside as I walk past the bar and put her down near the clubs church room.

She slaps my chest when I put her down. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I don't answer. "You need to stop doing that. You can't just keep picking me up whenever you feel like it, you're acting like a fucking caveman".

I step closer to stop her ranting. She glares up, her face softening when she sees my smile. "What's going on Angel?"

I lean my forehead on hers, breathing her in. "I don't know."

"You wanna see my tattoo?" She offers coyly.

I lean back, nodding. I want to see how Ink marked her. She bites her lip, looking around. "Maybe we should go back to my room so I can show you."

Eve goes to leave but I push her back against the wall. Where the fuck did he tattoo if she's blushing over showing me? "Where is it?"

"The bottom of my back." She looks embarrassed as she gestures at her dress.

I'm pissed that Ink got to touch her soft skin, but I want to see this tattoo. I turn her around, her back is facing me, slowly pulling up the back of her dress. Eve tries to stop me. "Angel, we can't. Not here."

I lean close into the crook of her neck, between her ear and shoulder and whisper. "Yeah Princess, we can."

I feel her shiver and pull back. Lifting her dress again, my dick hardens when I get to her arse and spy her pink lace underwear. Fuck I love this tiny lacy shit. Fucking turns me on. Eve whimpers slightly. She'll be wet now just from my touch, I love the effect I have on her. She enjoys sex with me as much as I enjoy sex with her. I spot the gauze covering her tattoo, telling her to hold her dress up. Hands free now, I ease the gauze away, standing back to admire her artwork. It's a good looking tattoo, sexy as hell. Forgetting for a moment that Ink put it there I lean forward, kissing just below it, right above her arse. I breathe in a sharp breath, before licking a trail up her smooth back.

Dropping the dress Eve spins around, smiling. "You like it?"

"Princess, you really have to ask?" She leans her head to one side, looking a little unsure. I move into her so she can feel how hard I am. "You feel that? I fucking love it. Now, how 'bout you give me those lips?"

She grins, leaning forward, smacking her mouth against mine. My hands reach under her dress,
grabbing her lace covered cheeks. I growl into her mouth, causing Eve to shiver. Her tiny arms wrap around my neck as she tries to get closer. Tightening my grip on her bottom, I lift her and she wraps those long legs of hers around me. Still kissing, I lead her to one of the rooms just past the games room. It's where the old ladies come to escape the men and club whores during the day. It will be empty this time of evening. They'll either be beside or under their old men right now.

Bumping the door open with my back we make our way into the darkness. The old ladies have put up screens in here to partition the walls, creating different rooms in one for all their girly shit.

I smash Eve's back to the wall and grind my hardness against her. I need to be inside her. Now.

I'm about to undo my fly when I hear movement behind one of the screens. On high alert I slowly lower Eve, standing in front of her, pushing her behind me slightly. There's a moan and we slowly walk towards the noise. When I see what's causing the noise I smirk. Dirty bastards. I shake my head, silently laughing, motioning for Eve to come closer,
gesturing for her to keep quiet. She tiptoes over, her eyes widening at the sight in front of us. They can't see us, but we can definitely see them.


When I see what Angel is pointing to my eyes widen and I'm more aroused than when I was caught spying on the foursome. That's probably due to the fact that the foursome was tacky, but this in front of me is between two people I know love each other. Plus I'm standing with Angel, so why wouldn't it be arousing?

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