Severed Angel (4 page)

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Authors: K. T. Fisher,Ava Manello

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Severed Angel
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Chapter Six


I've only been awake half an hour when I get called in by Prez. He wants me in his office, I already know why. My bastard of a twin, Satan. Fucking Satan. He only got the name when I got patched in as Angel, (my given name is Gabriel). Kellan's actions earned him his nickname, Satan, thanks to his fucking evil ways.

I hardly slept, thinking about Eve. She's in my room, in my bed, and it's fucking with my head. I can still see her naked and tangled in my sheets, that fine ass on show. That gave me a hard on all bloody night. At breakfast I almost slammed my fist in a brother
’s face for talking about her. The guys saw her with Teresa yesterday and, naturally, liked what they saw. She's stunning, I can't have her though, she deserves better than me, not to mention Teresa would cut my cock off with a blunt knife if I touched her, VP or not.

I walk straight into the office, being VP has some advantages. Anyone else would get knocked the fuck
out. Prez has his old lady on his lap, smiling at her. He only smiles like that for his woman. Pussy whipped mother fucker. Prez and I grew up together, I love him but boy, he's fucked where that woman is concerned. Seeing me enter, Prez acknowledges me, and then kisses Teresa. “Go see your girl, baby; I need to talk with Angel.”

She leaves with a smile, patting my shoulder, shutting the door behind her. "Got a good old lady there Prez."

He grins "Don't I fucking know it." He nods to the chair in front of him. The smile has gone, and he's back to the Prez I know. "Think you know why you're here VP."

I nod. "Satan."

"Any thoughts?"

"He'll do anything to get her Prez."

He curses loudly, slamming his fist on the desk. "I don't fucking know her but my woman loves her, Elvis fucking claimed her as his daughter. She's club family, so this affects us all." I show my agreement. "Any other way Angel?"

I know what he's asking. He wants to see if Satan will let Eve go, drop the bounty without a fight. "No."

He accepts my answer. I know my psycho brother better than anyone. He won't forget about Eve. "I already know, but just lay it on me VP."

I take a deep breath. "He'll do one of two things. Kidnap her, and you know the fucked up shit they'll do to her." He knows. "Or he'll kill her."

He lowers his head to his hands. "Either way, she's dead if he gets her."

I can't disagree. The solution is simple. We need to keep Eve away from Satan. If he gets his hands on her, she's dead, and it won't be painless or quick. "There might be one thing we can do, it's best discussed at Church though."

Prez agrees. "Well fuck."

I laugh as he gives me his shit eating evil grin. If I need to bring it up in church for the club to vote on, it's serious. What I'm going to suggest puts us all at risk.

Truth is I feel protective of this girl, and I don't even fucking know her. I saw the look of terror in her eyes when she thought I was my brother. I don't want her to feel like that again. If I can help it, she won't. I might be risking some of my brother's lives with this crazy ass plan of mine, but it will keep our MC and Eve safe in the long run.

Prez taps his finger on his desk, looking straight at me. "You and the girl?"

"Nothing there Prez." I lie

He shakes his head. "Not asking as your Prez
, Gabe. The girl, why?"

Why did I drive her back? Why is she in my room? Why do I not let any of the brothers go and check on her?

"You feeling her?"

"Am I fuck! Look what he did to Beth,
ain't going through that shit again." Immediately memories flood me, memories that I've tried to shut away for five years.

I'd just turned 24 when I first laid eyes on her. She was beautiful, wearing a dress covered in flowers. She made my cock hard just looking at her. I arrogantly strolled right up to her. "Hey beautiful, I'm Angel."

She giggled and replied, "hey handsome, I'm Beth."

From then on I was hooked. I'd never been in love, I was getting plenty of pussy but didn't need the emotional shit that went with a relationship. I fell hard for Beth. Whenever Satan saw us together he'd frown or snicker
, telling me bitches weren't made to love, they were there to fuck or cook and clean for you. I really don't know how me and him were related, never mind fucking twins. Satan always had a mean streak that only got worse as he got older.

About six months later I was patched in as VP of Severed MC. Satan fucking hated it. He wasn't a patched member of the club but he'd always hung out at the clubhouse. Now that I was VP he stopped showing up.

Not long after becoming VP, Beth told me Satan scared her. I wish I'd listened to her. I should have watched over her more, seen the signs.

The club heard Satan had patched in at Carnal MC. I wasn't surprised. That club was fucking evil, it suited him well. No surprise either when he made VP. I knew he was fucked in the head but I'd hoped he'd grow out of his shit. I was disgusted my brother was involved in a club that carried out the shit they did.

Beth and I had been together a little over a year when it all came to an end. I never saw it coming.

I was out of town with a couple of brothers on club business. I'd left the night before, due to returning the following night. When I left the house we shared, everything was perfect, but when I returned, it was to my worst nightmare.

Beth hadn't answered the phone when I rang to say goodnight. I thought she was already asleep so didn't bother ringing again, not wanting to wake her. The next morning we had to deal with some club shit so I wasn't able to try again. I decided to ring her when I finished and was heading home. We were done and ready to head back when I saw her missed call and a voice message. Playing back the message had me in a cold sweat.

"Hello brother, I'm spending some sweet time with my gorgeous sister
-in-law. We're having fun, right Beth?" I heard her screaming in the background. "Anyway, seeing as your club business is more important than answering this call, I'm leaving you this message. If you don't get here by 2:00pm, I'll make sure your pretty Beth finds out why I'm the better brother. See you soon." He laughs, hanging up. I check the time. SHIT! It's 5:00pm. Three fucking hours after I was supposed to be there. He won't hurt her. He can't hurt her. I run to my bike, all the time knowing that, yeah, he fucking would and could.

As I get to my bike I shout to Cowboy and Dragon. "Ring Prez, get the brothers to mine. NOW." They jump straight to it. Just as I straddle my pride and joy, my phone vibrates. It's a number I don't recognize. Opening it I see it's a video message, and immediately feel sick.

I hit play, seeing my beautiful Beth screaming in pain as my fucking brother rapes her from behind. The fucking bastard. She's chained, crying out my name, calling for help. I should have been there. I click the video off as I see another man walk up and start abusing my girl. I can't see her like that. I need to get to her. Racing home with Cowboy and Dragon at my side, the breeze cools off my nervous sweat. Dragon had rung Prez, and they were going straight to mine.

When I got home Prez stood outside my door with some of the other club members. I knew that look, I didn't like it. I raced passed him, but he grabbed hold of me from behind, "You don't wanna go in there Angel." The sympathy in his voice nearly had me.

I pushed past, seeing Doc coming down the stairs. That wasn't good, Doc's a member who used to be a doctor. He lost his license to practice after being accused of killing a pedophile on his ward, overdosing him with drugs. Somehow he was let off, but he's been with us ever since thank fuck! When I saw him walking down my stairs with that horrified look on his face I pushed him out the way and ran up there. I stormed into our room, seeing chains, whips, and blood everywhere. So much blood. It was on every surface. Beth wasn't there so I headed to the bathroom. She was in the bathtub, cold and pale, but once again there's blood everywhere. There are deep ragged wounds on her wrists, neck, stomach and thighs. I look at her hand, spotting the jagged blade, and realize that while Satan may have raped her, Beth chose to end it herself. She was too sweet, and just not strong enough to live with the horror of what had been done to her. Collapsing beside her, I'm on my knees, just staring. I was too late, if only I'd seen the fucking message earlier. I notice the deep wound above her belly button, in the shape of an S. Satan's mark. It's too much. I raise her broken body to my chest, holding her tight, not caring about the blood I'm now covered in, and start screaming. My heart had just been ripped out by my own brother.

I've lived with the guilt of Beth's death ever since. Prez kept telling me it was all Satan, but it's my burden to carry. I should have saved her, she was my old lady.

The sound of Prez clearing his throat snaps me back. His eyebrows raised in question. "I said, you prepared?"

I stand, pulling open the door. "I'm ready for him. I'll fucking kill him, brother or not. It's about time that fucker was gone."

Chapter Seven


Teresa saved me from sitting in the bedroom, dying of boredom. She charged in, demanding I shift my ass. I was more than happy to agree, and now here I am, sitting on one of the sofas in the main living area. Obviously I'm still in the clubhouse, I'm not allowed out because psycho Satan is after me, as is any other crazy who knows how much I'm worth to him.

The music is playing on the TV creating background noise whilst we're gossiping, the newest topic being bikers nicknames. I didn't
realize there was a personal story to each of them "Yeah, Bill's is pretty boring because he was always called Prez, he was born into the life, his old man was Prez before him. Seemed pretty sweet to me, but I'd never let Bill hear me say that."

"So, do I call him Prez or Bill?"

She seems to think for a moment. "Go with Prez, until he says otherwise."

nickname was tame compared to the rest. I can't stop laughing at some of them, especially Leech who'd gone swimming naked and got out of the creek to find his cock covered in leeches. A man, who Teresa introduces as Ink, strolls over. He's covered in tattoos and is extremely good looking. Who am I kidding, I've never met a sexier group of guys; they're nearly all hotties. Ink's the in-house tattoo artist and has a shop he works out of in Severed. He's very flirtatious, and has me laughing in no time. He's trying to convince me that I need some art on my virgin skin. It's at this moment, whilst I'm laughing with Teresa and Ink, that Angel strolls over, catching the latter end of the conversation, and looking angry. His eyes fix on me, before turning to Ink who stands close beside me."Catch you later Eve."

I frown, watching him go, then
realize Angel is speaking to me.

"Can we talk?"

I gesture to the empty seat beside me. "Sure."

"In private." He crosses his arms, his muscles bulge and I hold my breath for a second. Christ he's sexy. Swallowing hard, I give Teresa a look that tells her I
have no clue, before getting up and following Angel. He leads me to the room that is mine for the time being.

He shuts the door behind us and stares at me. This is awkward. "What do you want to talk about?"

"What were you thinking walking around on your own last night?"

"I told you, I was bored."

"You looked pretty entertained to me."

I blush. "So you were spying on me?"

"I'm not the peeping Tom here."

My blush deepens. "If you've come here to insult me, you can leave."

He laughs at me and my anger increases. "Why were you watching anyway?" I don't answer because I'm too embarrassed. "Are you scared by how much it turned you on?" I look behind him so I don't have to look at his face. He laughs again. "Oh, you are."

"What's so funny?" I mutter.

He shakes his head, still laughing.

You're just jealous because you wish I was watching you." That shuts him up. I don't know where that came from, but I keep going. "Yeah, that's right. That's why you beat those men up. You were jealous that I was watching them." I start to laugh now, Angel clenches his jaw.

"I don't want you so why would I be jealous?"

I'll admit that stung, but something about him tells me he isn't telling the truth. Like the way his eyes keep drifting to my breasts. I take a step forward, suddenly feeling brave. "You wouldn't be able to handle me sweetheart." I purr, close to his face.

He looks down at my mouth, and I look at his. We almost kiss, just a breath apart between our lips. Shit what am I doing? I start to pull back, but Angel places his hand on my waist. "Where are you going?"

My mouth is dry. "I need to get some fresh air."

"You can't go out there without me."


"You're on lockdown, if you're seen you're in danger." His words send a chill through me. "You have to stay
safe Eve." His voice growls my name. He looks directly into my eyes, one hand stays on my waist, the other caresses my cheek. My heart begins beating erratically, and my skin erupts in goose bumps. "I can't let him hurt anyone else under my watch." Angel almost sounds defeated.

I'm confused by his words, but I don't think too much. He is so close to me I can feel his breath on me, I'm enveloped in his scent. I love that aroma, it's a mix of musk and motor oil. I could get high on his smell.

He quickly moves away from me, breaking the spell. I breathe again, watching as he walks towards the bathroom. He leaves the door wide open and rips his top over his head, exposing his amazing sculptured back. I have a big thing for a man with a strong back. Angel's back is something else. His muscles ripple as he bends, removing his boots. He has a tribal tattoo along his back, surrounding a Severed MC tattoo. I snap myself out of the daze I'm in from watching Angel strip, and move to close the door, cutting off my view. I breathe a sigh of relief when I can't see him anymore.

I go to sit on the bed and think about what's happening. My life is seriously fucked up right now. I'm sure I nearly kissed Angel, or he nearly kissed me. I wonder what kissing a man like him would be like? The only man I've kissed is douche
-bag, and he was shit at everything. He never went down on me, yet expected me to do it for him, and he never gave me an orgasm, I always had to finish myself off. I shudder at the memories.

still sitting on the edge of the bed, facing the bathroom door when it opens. Angel stands there with only a tiny excuse of a towel wrapped low around his hips, a toothbrush in his hand. Oh fuck, he has a six pack leading straight down to a happy trail. His body really does belong to an angel. I know I'm staring, but I can't take my eyes away.

"What are you doing?"

"Having a shower."

"This is my room, go shower some other place."

He steps nearer to me, leaning in close. "No Princess, this is my room. You've been sleeping in my bed." Who does he think I am, fucking Goldilocks? Before I can respond, he turns, dropping the towel on the floor. Letting me see his toned ass, the tattoo stopping just before his dimpled cheeks. Fuck I want a piece of that!

As I'm staring
, he steps into the shower and turns it on. I jump up and leave the room. I need a drink.



I don't know what's happening with me and Eve, but whatever it is, I'm grinning the whole time I'm in the shower.

When I get of out the shower, I plan to tease her some more. I'm a little let down when I find that she's left. I start to panic, she wanted fresh air. What if she's gone outside? She'd be too visible. There's a fence surrounding the compound, with guards minding the gates, but someone could still tell Satan exactly where she is. I quickly dry myself. I can smell Eve in my room, and oddly enough, it doesn't bother me.

Once dressed, I barge through the clubhouse, looking for Eve. Church is starting any minute, and
now I'm stuck on a fucking search mission. I walk through the TV room, into the bar. I'm about to head through the main doors when I hear a laugh. It's her laugh. I stop dead in my tracks, turning my head. She's perched on a bar stool, between Ink and Rabbit. She's got a drink in her hands, both men standing close. Too fucking close, and she's laughing at whatever the fuck they're saying. I don't like what I'm feeling inside right now. They can have her, I shouldn't give a fuck, but I do. Fuck, I do give a shit. I don't want them this close to her, I don't want her laughing with them. I watch Eve reach out and squeeze Ink's arm, pouting. It's a show she's putting on, but it still pisses me off.

I've had enough. "Church, boys!" I shout loudly so everyone can hear, even the guys in the TV room. Everyone starts moving, making their way to church.

Eve frowns over at me, and I send a wink in return. Ink, however, looks at me for a second longer than he should before he turns back to Eve, whispers something in her ear, making her laugh again, before walking away.

I look back to Eve before I join the guys, but she's walking into the TV room, drink in hand.


I sit in my place, on
Prez's right side, he sits at the head of the table. Dragon sits opposite me and the rest of the brothers surround us. All waiting to hear what we're going to say.

Prez bangs his gavel down to start the meeting. "Right we're here to discuss Elvis
’ adopted daughter, Eve."

Disney's eyebrows shoot up. "Elvis has another daughter?"

"Shut the fuck up Disney." Elvis barks, causing some of the guys to laugh.

Prez silences everyone with a look, "You all know why she's here, but
I’m gonna repeat it anyway. Eve is here to be my old lady's Maid of Honor. On her way down here she had a run in with Satan and some of his club members. She witnessed Frank's murder, lucky for her we showed up in time. But, you all know as well as me that ain't the end." He takes a deep breath. "Eve has a $250,000 bounty on her head."

I watch as Elvis curses loudly, slamming his fist on the table. "Mother fucker!"

Dragon already knew this, along with me and Prez. I watch as the other guys take it in. "So what the fuck we gonna do?" Elvis asks.

Ink nods his head. "We have to help her."

I frown. "Obviously. She's fucking club family Ink, or didn't you hear Elvis claimed her as one of his own?"

Everyone stays silent. Smart of them. "I called church because our VP has an idea he wants to put to vote." Prez looks over at me, giving me permission to talk.

"The only way to get this sorted, without killing him, is to set him up." As expected, everyone is quiet. Even Prez. "If anyone's gonna kill him, it will be me, but that piece of shit ain't worth rotting in a cell for. This is the next best thing. We'll set him up, a drugs raid on Carnal turf."

Prez nods his head. "Like it,

The guys around the table agree, and we start to plan.

"I can set up a meet with a cop," Dragon adds. "He's a good guy, went to school with him. He knows we're as straight as we can be. From what his wife told my old lady, they've been trying to get Satan sent down. He'll be happy to help."

"Perfect." Prez beams. "This will mean having to go into their territory to set it up." Asking our guys to go onto Carnal turf is like asking them to sign their own fucking death warrant.

Prez looks around everyone at the table. "Time to vote."

I walk out of church, in need of a strong drink, the vote was unanimous. The plan to set my brother up and send him down is in place. I just hope we all get through this alive.

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