Severed Angel (7 page)

Read Severed Angel Online

Authors: K. T. Fisher,Ava Manello

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Severed Angel
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Chapter Twelve


When I get back to the clubhouse the wake for Elvis is in full swing. There are bikers and old ladies everywhere, kids too so the club whores have been told to stay away. This is a family affair after all.

I see everyone is deep in conversation with someone else, and has a drink in hand. There's no sign of Teresa, Diane or Sue anywhere. I slowly walk up to the bar, ordering a vodka shot from the prospect on duty. Immediately I ask for another along with a beer, he gives me a worried look but pours the drinks anyway. I don't even like beer but fuck it.

I look around from my lonely perch at the bar. There's rock music playing i
n the background, and everyone seems to be getting along; they don't even notice me. I don't belong here, I feel so out of place. Ordering another beer to go, I walk back to my room, avoiding everyone on my way.

Stripping out of my black knee length dress, I slip into something a little more comfortable, a tiny vest and
sleep short combo. I finish the rest of my beer, then reach for the other bottle. Getting comfortable on the bed, there's a murmur from everyone else having a good time talking about Elvis. I lay on my own, only my thoughts of Elvis to keep me company. I laugh out loud at some of the funny moments, like when he took me and Teresa to a park. There was a huge slide, the thing was so high we were scared to go on, Elvis tried to reassure us it was fine. We didn't believe him so in the end he got up the ladder and went down himself. Now Elvis has always been a big man so halfway down he got stuck and like any normal ten year olds we almost peed ourselves from laughing. The memory still makes me giggle.

About an hour later the music turns louder and I start to become sleepy. Crying all day does that.


There's silence when I wake up. Looking over at the clock it's 4:00am. Rolling over I try to get back to sleep but I just can't. Every time I shut my eyes I see either Lola lying butchered on the ground, or my sweet Elvis lying dead. Deciding to give up on sleep I slip on my shoes, making my way to the TV room
through the bar. There's no sign of anyone anywhere, they must all be sleeping. I decide to not give a shit, making myself at home behind the bar. After another beer goes down a treat I grab the bottle of Vodka and walk toward the TV room. I feel more comfortable in there, it feels cleaner. It probably isn't but there you go.

While I'm sitting nursing my guilt I see Mutt appear. He probably stayed out of the way earlier with it being so busy. Mutt is the club
's dog. They kind of adopted him, well the old ladies did. They'd spotted him outside eating some scraps after a barbecue a few months ago and started to leave food out for him. He's been here ever since. He's kind of scraggy looking, his fur's a dirty gold color, but he's sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly, as long as you don't put him in danger or hurt someone he cares about I guess. Kind of like the members of the club, some of them are scraggy looking, some scary looking, while others are sexy as hell.

I absentmindedly stroke Mutt's fur, swigging from the bottle, wincing as the vodka hits my throat. This is all my fucking fault. Everyone thinks so, I can tell by the way they look at me. Even Teresa thinks this is all
down to me and I totally agree. It's my fault her dad was killed. Sue's right, if I hadn't come here he would still be alive. I feel home sick and I desperately want to see my baby girl. The tears are falling freely and I don't bother to stop them. Mutt whines at my feet, I fuss him a little more to let him know I'm fine but it's a lie. I can't do this anymore. I don't belong here. I should go. Satan won't bother me at home will he?

"You shouldn't be drinking by yourself." I jump at his voice. I slowly look up, seeing Angel frowning down at me. He takes the bottle from my hand, shaking his head. "Especially not Vodka."

"So what? Nobody gives a fuck."

Angel sits down next to me. "Why do you say that Princess?"

"Because it's true." My voice is slightly slurred, I really hope he doesn't notice. "Everyone here wants me gone."

"They don't." He really does sound genuine.

I laugh a little. "Of course they do. Even my best friend doesn't want me here anymore and I can't blame her." I take a deep breath to gather myself. "It's all my fault, Angel. He's dead because of me."

I break down into a sobbing mess. Angel reaches over and holds me while I fall apart, bless him. His body is a little stiff, I can sense his
awkwardness. I bet he's never had a girl break down in front of him before. The tears continue to come, but I feel better as he holds me. This is what I needed. I just needed somebody to hold me while I cried. I needed someone to talk to, to comfort me.

When I have calmed down I back away a little, smiling at him as I wipe my face with the back of my hand. "Sorry."

"No it's fine, I always have women crying on me."

I laugh. "Yeah, I bet." He shrugs his shoulders. "I just want to go home."

His face becomes deadly serious. "You can't do that."

"Why not? I don't belong here."

"Who says?"

"I can see it on everyone's faces, they don't want me here."

"They're grieving. They'll get over it. None of this is your fault."

"Yeah well, maybe I'll look at swapping my flight tomorrow. I don't think
Teresa even wants me at her wedding anymore."

"It's not safe for you yet." I don't bother answering. "If you go home you'll put your daughter in danger."

I stare at him wide eyed. "What?" I'd never even considered that.

"He's a monster, he won't think twice about it. You have to stay here to keep both of you safe."

I don't hesitate to agree. If staying here keeps Elizabeth safe I have no other choice. No way will I put my baby girl in danger.

I grab the bottle back, taking a big gulp. I don't know how I'm going to get through all this. Angel takes the bottle from me, taking a large shot himself. He doesn't even wince at the burn. He takes it like the man he is, then takes a second. Not moving his eyes away from me. "Can't let you drink by yourself." Fuck, he has the hottest blue eyes.

I smile. "You don't have to."

He moves in a little closer. "I want to."

Ok, the temperature just rose. Angel's looking at me like he wants to devour me. I wouldn't say no if he asked me right now.

Angel asks me about my memories of Elvis. I share some funny ones and happy ones from growing up with him in England. I'm shocked that I don't cry. Yes I feel sadness, but I don't cry. It's certainly an improvement. Perhaps I just needed someone to care about me, just for a moment, to ask how I'm feeling. I'm grateful it was Angel. He seems to really listen to what I'm saying, it's a nice change from what I've become used to.

Conversation spirals and we start laughing. It's easy and Angel seems like a good guy. Under the alpha biker image seems to be a normal guy who just likes to be in control. What's wrong with a man who goes after what he wants? I find that incredibly sexy.

"So, why the name Angel?" I finally ask. Whenever I've had chance to speak to a club member I've wanted to know the reason behind there biker
names. Last week I asked Disney how he got his. Me being an idiot thought he may have liked Disney films, but boy was I wrong. He laughed at me and told me it's because he loves to watch porn. It's a twisted spin because there's nothing Disney about that. He got that right and I blushed to my roots.

"It's because of my name."

That's all I get. "Which is?"

He sighs. "Gabriel, but I shorten it to Gabe."

Makes sense and it's not crude like Disney's. "I like it." That gets me a killer smile in return.

He suddenly stands, holding out his hand. "Come on, better get you back to bed."

I look at the time and see it's 6:00am. Wow I hadn't realised I'd been out here that long. I let Angel pull me up. He has to help me walk to my room. I'm laughing at myself as we walk because I hadn't realised how much I've had to drink and I keep tripping and stumbling. So not attractive Eve.

When we reach my door
, Angel pushes it open, guiding me over to sit me on the bed. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He's turning
to leave when I call out to him. He stops in the door way. "Why don't you stay?" He looks unsure so I stand up and walk towards him. "Please?" I whine.

I am so drunk it's fucking embarrassing. Angel reaches up, softly brushing my cheek, just like he did earlier. His eyes burn into me. "You're so fucking cute." He gives me that killer smile and I'm not ashamed to say my panties become wet.

I don't expect it, but it happens. Angel leans in, capturing my mouth with his. His kiss feels amazing and I whimper against him. He wraps his other arm around me, pulling me closer. I feel the long, hard steel length of him. Oh my! He growls against my mouth as he controls me. His tongue dances with mine, making me imagine the wonderful things he could do with it. His soft lips have mine surrendering, but it's all over too soon. He suddenly pulls away from me. I almost fall forward, but he catches me. He stares at me, loudly cursing. "Fuck!" And then he's gone. Storming off out of sight.

Fuck indeed!

Chapter Thirteen


I wake the next morning feeling out of sorts. I don't know how to feel to be honest. I'm still down from the death of Elvis, I'm going to feel his loss for a long time. I also feel weird because of what happened last night with Angel, maybe I should ask Prez if I can change rooms. It's probably not a bad idea. I don't know why I'm in Angel's room anyway. He obviously doesn't like me. I thought we were getting on great as friends last night but the attraction obviously isn't mutual. He wouldn't have run off like that if it was. How can I not be attracted to Angel? He's fucking gorgeous, rocking a hot body that would make any woman fall to her knees.

When I dress and emerge from my room I'm glad that I can't see him anywhere. I don't think I could handle seeing his face right now. I'm feeling a little undesired. God I'm suffering such a wide variety of emotions right now I don't know whether I'm coming or going.

I'm uncomfortable as well. Not in my surroundings, or what I'm wearing. No. I'm feeling uncomfortable because Angel worked me up and then stopped. You could say I'm sexually frustrated. I need to get laid! I haven't had sex since the night before douche
-bag left me. Yeah, he actually did that to me, he knew he was leaving the next day so thought he would get one last shag before he left. Fucking arsehole. He didn't even make me come, but then he never had during our sex life. At the beginning I thought it was just because I was new to it all, but I soon realized that wasn't it. He was just too selfish to worry about my needs. The last few years I'd waited until he fell asleep before pleasuring myself to climax, or sometimes killed two birds with one stone while I was in the shower.

I enter the TV room, instantly spotting Ink. I smile at him, as I move to sit on one of the free sofas. He joins me as soon as my butt hits the cushion. I love Ink, he's funny and likes to flirt a lot. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a little flirting. Plus he's bloody gorgeous. What's the harm in flirting with a hot man?

"How you doing babe?" He smiles over at me.

"I'm OK." Well, that sounded convincing, not.

"Haven't seen you today."

It's 12:00pm. I was too tired after my early morning drinking session and then I was too embarrassed to come out my room and bump into Angel. "I was up late last night."

He nods his head. "Yeah, yesterday was tough."

We both smile sadly and nod. There's nothing I really want to say about yesterday. Not only was it the funeral of the only father I knew, but I felt I'd had no-one to lean on. Until I saw Angel that is.

"So when am I getting my hands on that sweet virgin skin of yours?" Ink wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, and just like that, I'm smiling again.

Ink keeps badgering me to have a tattoo.% I've told him before that I haven't got one yet. His reference to virgin skin makes me blush.

"I don't know."

Aww come on, show me some skin." Ink makes me laugh and it feels so good.

"You're so funny."

He smiles, dimples appearing on his face that make me swoon.

"There is one tattoo, but I don't know." There's a design I've liked for a long time. I think I could trust Ink, he does all the clubhouse art, but I've still not quite convinced myself.

"Just promise you'll come to me when you finally decide to have one done." He gives me his puppy dog eyes.

"I promise." I say laughing.

"Good, because I would hate to kick that sweet ass of yours if I found out you went to someone else."

I can't stop laughing as he continues to tease me. Ink is becoming a real good friend. Looks like for now he's my only friend.



I had to go on a run with Dragon and Kid this morning. Eve's been on my God damn mind all fucking day. It's messed up all my shit.

Last night I'd go
tten up to grab a drink after waking up sweating from yet another fucked up dream. When I saw Eve sitting there on her own with Mutt by her side I felt bad for her. She was obviously feeling a lot of pain for Elvis, and Teresa was so into her own shit that she couldn't see how badly she was hurting her oldest friend.

I sat with her and surprisingly had a good time. Who knew she was so funny, and she's as cute as fuck. Shit I don't think I've ever thought of anything as cute, not even Beth.

When I kissed her I couldn't help myself. She was standing there in front of me, swaying slightly from the drinks she'd had, looking fucking adorable. There I go again. Adorable? Fucking hell.

When I got my shit together I had to pull away. I knew I couldn't stop at a kiss and she was drunk as shit. I had to walk away to stop myself. I don't usually give a fuck if the girls drunk or not. As long as they're
up for it I am too, but not Eve. If I'm going to have sex with her I want her completely sober.

Walking into the clubhouse, I'm glad to be back. I was on edge the whole time we were away, worried Satan would strike. I don't know if that was worry for the whole club, or one person in particular.

I scan the bar before walking into the TV room. There she is, sitting on the sofa looking beautiful but she's not alone. She's sitting close to Ink, always that fucker. They're laughing, and Eve's smiling widely and throwing her head back. She looks fucking gorgeous like that. I suddenly see red.

Laughter sounds behind me and I glare over at Dragon. He's been digging at me every opportunity about Eve. Seeing me pissed that she's with Ink, yet again, is funny as shit to this mother fucker.



I feel Angel's eyes on me and tense up. I glance up from Ink's teasing face to see Angel looking over at me. He doesn't look very happy. Oh God I knew it would be like this. I knew it would just be plain awkward. What does he look so pissed at me for anyway? He's the one who leaned in to kiss me, not that I wasn't thinking of doing it, and he pulled back. Not me.

Ink looks over his shoulder to see what caused my laughter to halt. Angel's frown deepens further. Ink looks back at me, he's smiling.

"What's going on here then?"

I innocently shrug. "Nothing."

He gives me a look that tells me he's not buying it. "There's gotta be a reason why he looks like he wants to kill me."

I groan and Ink leans forward. "Tell me babe."

I fill him in on everything that went on last night. The drinking, the embarrassment, and then the kiss. He stays silent once I've finished. "Oh. That's it?"

I slowly nod and he laughs.

"Who would've thought? Angel stopping at a kiss." I must have a dumb look on my face because he continues. "Angel is known for his love of women around here."

Well it's not surprising. He's fucking hot. I've seen the way all the women look at him, fuck I even look at him like that. He would be stupid not to take advantage. Even though it does hurt to find out you're crushing on a womanizer.

Crushing? How fucking old am I?

"Look, I like you babe. Just be careful around him yeah?"

I bite my lip. What the fuck am I doing?

Ink slides closer to me, putting his arm around the back of the sofa. Pulling me in close. "Now you need someone like me babe." He grins at me, those darn eyebrows wiggling again. "If that had been me last night I wouldn't have just kissed you. You're a sexy woman Eve. I would have held you all night and woken up next to you. I would treat you like a queen every day babe."

I feel my face burn red and laugh to shake off the tension. I look up at Angel and see he's sitting at a table, still looking over at us. A few club whores^^ trying to get his attention.

"I better get to bed. I was up late last night."

Ink stands when I do and starts walking back with me. "I'm fine. See you tomorrow."

He nods his head and thankfully leaves me to it.

I enter my room, more frustrated now than when I first got up. Angel left me high and dry this morning and now Ink's words have stoked the fire.

I look down at my bag, peeking out from under the bed, a rush traveling through me. My body heats up and only one thing will put out this fire. Seeing as a certain man isn't here to help me out, the toy in my bag will do the job instead.

I don't know what made me bring it with me, but I'm glad I did now.



I watch Eve walk off, finishing my beer as quickly as possible. I need to go and apologize to her for fucking up last night.

Ink starts to walk over. "Give us a minute yeah girls?"

The girls walk off without another word. They know how to stay on the good side of club members around here.

"What is it Ink?"

He sits down opposite me, scowling. "Eve's a good girl. I don't wanna see you hurt her."

"What the fuck has it got to do with you?" I seethe.

"I like her."

I stand, forgetting all about my beer. "Don't fuck about in my shit Ink. Only warning you get."

Leaving Ink sitting by himself, I make my way to my room. I fucking miss my room.

As I get closer to the door I think about knocking. I probably should but if she knows it's me I've a feeling she won't open the door and I have to say sorry. I fucked up last night. Seeing her with Ink again made me want to fucking knock him out. I have these feelings that I'm hiding but I don't know what to fucking do with them.

I reach for the door. Fuck it. Quickly yanking the door open I freeze when I see Eve on the bed. Her legs
are spread wide, showing me everything and fuck me she's sexy as fuck. Her hands are gripping a purple fucking dildo and as I walk in she's mid thrust, her head thrown back in pleasure and making those sexy fucking moans women make that make your cock throb.

Her head snaps up and she gasps, jumping to hide under the covers. "Angel! What the fuck? Get out."

But I don't. I smile down at her while she flushes in embarrassment. I should go, it would be the right thing to do, but I would regret leaving her when she looks this fucking hot.

"What are you staring at? I said fuck off." She's pissed and embarrassed, her face flushed.

I take a step closer. I love hearing her curse, something about hearing a good girl talk dirty turns me on. "I came to say sorry." Surprise overtakes her face. "I'm sorry for this morning. I acted like a dick."

Her face softens a little. "It's ok."

I shrug my shoulders, hiding my grin. Eve raises her eyebrows. "Sooo, you can go now."

I laugh. "Nah I think I'll stay." Her eyes widen and she grips the sheets tighter.

"Erm, Angel." She glances down at the sheet covering her naked body and I laugh again.

"Don't be embarrassed Princess." I reach over, tucking her hair behind her ear. "You look hot as fuck."

Her breathing becomes faster. I can see her hardened nipples under the sheet. My dick is rock hard right now.

"Fuck, I can't hold back anymore."



As soon as Angel utters the words he grabs the back of my head, capturing me in another steamy kiss. Except this time he doesn't hold back, he means business. I whimper against him as he rips the sheets away from me.

His eyes devour me and my arousal increases. "Fuck baby, you're so sexy."

God I need him right now. He takes the vibrator from me, tossing it aside. "You won't be needing this anymore" he smirks.

He leans down and l
ies over me, trapping me under his muscled body. His rough clothes graze my naked skin. My hands clutch his leather cut and he shrugs it off. I reach for the hem of his black shirt as he thrusts against me. I feel the need to hold onto him. He quickly jumps up from the bed and strips. He stands before me, proudly stroking his large, thick cock. Fuck me that has to be sexiest thing I've ever seen. I bite my bottom lip. I want him.

I crawl to the edge of the bed and he senses what I want. Stepping closer, still holding his hard cock he comes level with my greedy mouth. I lick the swollen tip, causing him to release a groan. The sound spurring me on, I take him as deep into my throat as I can without gagging. He thrusts his hips as my head bobs and I get drunk on his taste. I suck him hard, his foreskin going back and forth with my mouth and he hisses. Never in my life have I enjoyed giving a blow job as much as this. I reach back, grabbing his tight butt cheeks, bringing his cock deeper into my throat. I
gag and he moans in pleasure. "Yeah baby. Gag on my dick. Shove it in."

My eyes water as I gag again and he pulls my mouth from him with a pop. "Lay down Princess."

I do as he says, and before my back hits the mattress I feel his tongue licking my wet slit. I gasp loudly and he wastes no time diving in. He's like a starving man. My legs wrap around his shoulders as I drown in the sensation. I've always wondered what this would feel like but never dreamed it would be this good although I've a feeling Angel is in a league of his own. I was right about that tongue of his. He has pure talent. He bites down on my clit and I scream my release. As soon as I do he spins me over so that I'm now on my front, pulling my legs to position me on all fours. Before I can gather my senses he enters me in one smooth motion. I throw my head back in ecstasy. I have never felt this full.

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