Severed Angel (3 page)

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Authors: K. T. Fisher,Ava Manello

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Severed Angel
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Chapter Four


Not long after I started screaming the door bangs open, smashing against the wall, closely followed by Elvis, Prez and Teresa filling the small room. "What the fuck happened?" Elvis shouts, taking in my almost naked figure and the man standing at the foot of the bed.

"It's him. The man with the gun." I manage to stutter, pointing at the man as heaving sobs start to rack my body.

Noticing the sheets are showing more than I'm comfortable with I draw them up closer and clench them tightly against me. "For fucks sake, will you stop screaming every time you see me?" The guy at the foot of the bed says, looking pissed. "I'm not my fucking brother.".

Did he just say brother?

Confusion slows me down enough that I almost miss Teresa moving in to hug me. "It's okay Eve," she
soothes, drawing me closer into her. "He's not who you think he is. This is Angel, our VP, you're safe here."

Teresa looks over at the man named Angel with nothing but trust. How can this be? He's the spitting image of the guy called Satan who pointed the gun in my face, he was going to kill me.

Throwing a look of disgust in my direction, he storms out of the room. Teresa answers my thought before I have a chance to voice it. "Angel has a twin, called Kellan. He's known as Satan. It's a long story and it's not my place to tell, but I can tell you that Satan is VP of a club called Carnal MC. They're not good guys Eve, and Satan is one of the worst. He's who you saw at the store, not Angel." She takes a deep breath and looks right into my eyes. "What did he do to you?".

I notice Elvis and Prez move closer to the bed at about the same time I remember that I'm naked beneath the sheet. Teresa notices my flush of embarrassment and turns to her father. "Dad, can you go find Eve's bags for me, I think she might want to get dressed before we have this conversation."
She ends on a laugh the bitch. Elvis leaves the room chuckling, he's seen me running around his garden plenty of times practically naked when I was a kid.

Prez moves over to Teresa, kissing her on the cheek. "Bring Eve to my office, we need to know what shit we've got to prepare for." Giving me a silent nod he leaves the room, pulling the door closed behind him. That's when I notice the hole left in the wall from when the door slammed open. Looking in the same direction Teresa laughs easily, "don't worry about it, stuff like that happens around here all the time. You would think they were a bunch of elephants not bikers from the damage they cause."

As Teresa still holds me, it all becomes too much and I break down. I'm crying the ugly cry with great big heaving sobs. I feel like I'm going to break apart and she holds me tighter, murmuring soft gentle words that I cannot hear, but comfort me somehow. We stay that way for what feels like forever until Elvis returns with my luggage. Seeing the state I'm in seems to leave Elvis lost for words, and gently patting me on the shoulder he turns and leaves the room. I get it; he's not a big touchy feely type of man. He leaves the hugging and crying to the girls.

Teresa helps me dress, reaching into my bags and finding me a fresh outfit to wear while I sit still on the bed.

Feeling slightly calmer we set off for the office, and I get my first glimpse of the clubhouse interior. I'm not sure what I expected, probably something more dark and dirty from the books that I read. The corridor outside my room appears bright and clean, with off-white walls reflecting light from windows set in the ceiling. Pictures of motorcycles framed on the walls and posters on doors as we pass, some of women, others of bikes and some with naked women on bikes. A coolness fills the air, but there's no breeze or noise I'd associate with an air con system suggesting it's down to the design of the building. As we walk through a room that looks like a huge living area filled with sofas, a few tables and a huge TV I notice Teresa keeps throwing glances in my direction. Suddenly she stops me and grasps me in a suffocating bear hug. "I can't believe you're finally here," she squeals, almost deafening me. "It's been too long." She's right, it's been six years since I last held my friend. That was a horrible goodbye hug that tore me apart. That day I lost my sister. I can still remember it all.

"I wish you could come with us Eve, I'm going to miss you so damn much" Teresa sobbed into my shoulder as we held each other at the airport. Elvis
was watching us from the door that would separate us for six years. I wasn't sure how I was going to survive without my friend. She'd been there for me ever since we were babies. Three year old Emily Jackson threw sand in my face in the nursery playground. Teresa had a fiery temper back then and I inwardly laugh at the memory of the chubby blonde girl marching across the yard and punching Emily square in the nose. Her biker daddy taught her as soon as she could walk to not take shit from anyone. Teresa was always getting into some sort of trouble as she got older, but from the moment she punched Emily for me we were the best of friends. She always had my back, and took me along with her on her journey to become a rebel.

I grew up the product of a single mother
; being a mum myself I have a lot of respect for single mothers but my mum never wanted a child. I came along when she was too drunk to think about protection on one of her many one night stands. With no maternal instincts, she found it easier to find fault with me than to praise me; she would rather spend time down at the pub with her girls than nurture me. We soon fell into an uneasy truce and I spent as little time as possible at home. She ignored me when I was there anyway. I spent as much time as I could at Teresa's, they were my refuge. I'd spent more time at their house than I had my own growing up. Elvis was the closest thing to a Dad I had, and both he and his wife Babs treated me like a daughter. They knew why I never wanted to be home, I think the whole street knew what kind of woman my mother was.

I was heartbroken when
Babs passed away after a long battle with cancer just after our eighteenth birthdays. It wasn't long before Elvis broke the news he was moving back to Australia, taking Teresa with him. I understood he needed to go home, he needed his family. I just didn't know how I'd make it on my own. "We'll keep in touch, I'm sure I'll be able to come visit soon." Yet even as the words left my mouth I knew it wasn't going to happen. I'd just landed my first job, a part time barmaid at the local pub. It wasn't much, not enough to put a roof over my head never mind buy a ticket to Australia. I vowed to save every penny I could towards that dream, I needed my friend so much. I cried the whole way home from the airport. It felt like I'd not just lost Babs but all three of them. When I got home my mother was no comfort at all, reminding me of my dead end job and that I'd never amount to anything and never be anyone. I met douche-bag not long after that and he became my lifeline, until now.

Teresa's squealing draws me back to the present. I'm so excited to see her, but I can't enjoy it, not yet. I've got a sinking feeling that because of me everything is going to change around here and not for the better.

The office looks like any other office to me. A desk, an executive leather chair behind it, two wooden chairs to the front and a worn leather sofa against the far wall. Teresa leads me to the sofa, pulling me down to sit beside her while Prez pulls one of the wooden chairs over and straddles the back of it while he looks at me. "I need to know what happened Eve, I've got an idea but I need you to tell me what you saw so we can work out how to keep you safe." His voice is gentle, not gruff like I'd expected from a biker, his eyes show concern. Not like the eyes from yesterday. Satan's eyes were almost black, no emotion showing at all. I shiver with the memory.

Starting my story with leaving the airport I follow through to the point the gun was pointed in my face. I believed I was going to die right then. I've been as strong as I can up until this point, but the memories of saying goodbye to Elizabeth prove too much,
and I break down. I'm so annoyed with myself because I'm not a crier. I either get angry, shout and curse or I'm quiet and retreat, depending on the situation, but I'm not a crier. That would show weakness, and since the day my mother laughed at me for crying over Teresa leaving on that plane, I vowed never to show my tears to anyone again, but my baby girl is my weak spot. She's the only good thing in my life. She
my life.

Teresa gently strokes my back, trying to comfort me. When I look up at her I see something has changed on her face, there's a darkness that wasn't there before and if I didn't know my friend better I'd have sworn it was from fear.

Prez has listened to my story in silence, as has Teresa for the most part, other than the odd gasp. He turns to me, regret visible in his eyes. "I won't lie to you Eve, for a start Teresa would have my arse for it, but you deserve the truth." He draws in a deep breath. "You're in one hell of a mess. I don't know how much Teresa's told you about the club but we're basically good guys. As good as we can be, we stay the right side of the law and keep our noses clean. Carnal MC? Well, those guys are just pure evil, not a good bone in any of them. You name it, they're in on it, somehow staying out of jail. Probably have some pansy-assed cop with no backbone on their payroll. The thing is they've never left a witness, as far as we know. No one has testified against them or lived to do so. I've heard the whispers, Carnal have been asking around and ..." He pauses, taking another deep breath before delivering the blow. "They've put a bounty out on you girl." He reaches out his hand and places it on top of Teresa's as he's delivering my death sentence. "It's $250,000, and with that sort of money every man and his dog is going to want to collect."

My brain is frantically trying to process, unable to handle the high number on my head, but I know it's ove

100,000. Shit!

I almost want to laugh, for most of my childhood I was told by my mother that I have no value. Well
mum, look how wrong you were. I'm the equivalent to a fucking lottery ticket for some drugged out biker. My anger starts to take over. This is good, I can deal with anger. Steeling my gaze I turn to Prez. "So what's the plan? How the fuck do I get out of this mess?" I can see from his face he has no answer. I am terrified, I know those men I saw yesterday were bad news and now they are looking for me.

"That's for us to sort out at Church in the
mornin', you girls go get something to eat." He pushes up from the chair, moving back towards his desk, effectively dismissing us. So that's it? I'm told I'm as good as dead and he's got nothing else to say. I'm pissed with his chauvinistic response. Teresa pulls me to my feet, recognizing the change in my demeanor and desperate to get me out of the room before I let loose. Prez seems nice enough now but he's a big guy complete with the whole biker image. He would kill me in an argument for sure.

"Come on sweetie, let's go get something to eat and you can show me photos of that gorgeous girl of yours." I allow her to guide me from the room, allowing her to distract me with showing off my daughter. Any appetite I had has long gone. I'll humor
her for now, then later I'll figure out how to get out of this mess. If there's one thing I've learned in my short life it's that no one will step up for me, it's on me now and I'm determined I'm getting home to my baby girl and away from this fucked up situation.

Chapter Five


I wake
with a stretch and a yawn; the room is dark, the clock showing 2:30 in the morning. It takes me a few seconds to realize that it wasn't a dream and I'm actually in Australia with a huge price tag on my head, at risk of being handed over to the spawn of the devil. Then I laugh to myself, devil and Satan, that shit was funny. Maybe I'm going crazy.

The shock of everything combined with jet lag has made me sleep most of the day and now I'm not tired at all.

When Teresa brought me back to the room I've spent most of my stay in so far, we caught up on lost time. She loved all my photos of Elizabeth, but was worried that she's staying with my mum. I can understand her concerns. When I had Elizabeth I think my mum had a reality check, taking a hard look at herself. She's tried to become a better mum, not amazing but better than she was. I think too much happened between us that can't be repaired, but I can't fault her with my daughter. She's amazing with her, the perfect grandma. I'm happy that my daughter has her grandma in her life. Teresa turned the conversation to my ex. She was pissed at what he'd said about me and Elizabeth, asking me to move out here. Seriously? I'm being hunted down and she wants me to stay here? She left when Prez came knocking on the door, demanding his woman come to his room. Seeing as I am on lockdown, Teresa and Prez are staying here too. Teresa filled me in on all things Bill/Prez. She said he acts like a total caveman, especially around the club brothers, and she lets him. I was confused, but she explained he needs to feel like the boss until they get home, that's all her territory, she's the boss then and he knows it. She also gave me a run down on how great her sex life is. Thanks for that, because mine has always been shit and now it's nonexistent. She clued me in on how this life is, all things biker. Including the parties, whores and old ladies. I already had a rough idea because of my trusty books but it was good to hear it from her.

I spot my suitcase in the corner and slowly make my way over to it. I find my denim shorts that I wore before I fell asleep and pull them on once I have my matching underwear on. A must for me, my
underwear has to match. I find a clean shirt, pulling it on over my head. Putting my hair up into a messy bun I splash cold water on my face. Feeling a little better I think about what I can do. I have my Kindle but I don't want to read. I send a quick text to my mum asking how my baby is, then decide to have a wander around. I can't sit and wait for Teresa to appear out of Prez's room. After what she told me, I have a feeling that's not going to be until dinner time.

I slowly open my door, trying not to make a sound as I walk down the corridor of bedrooms. I didn't get much of a chance to have a look around when I was with Teresa, so when I walk into the huge living room area I nose around a little. I do
t find much, but what I do find makes me stop my snooping; a pair of skimpy knickers and a condom wrapper will do that. At the end of the room there's a large wooden door with the clubs logo carved into it. I push it open to see the room Teresa practically pulled me through earlier. This room looks like the party room, there's a bar along one side with stools. A few tables scattered around, with sofas and booths lining the walls. When Teresa was with me there was music playing and some of the guys and their women were having fun. Not that Teresa gave me a chance to look, she practically ran through here. Deciding not to snoop anymore because of what I found in the last room I walk over to the next door to see what's in there. It's exactly the same as the one I just came through and it's open. I hear a bang and stop. Frozen to the spot I listen for any other sound, hearing nothing I take a peep around the door. It's dark but I can't see anyone.

On the left is the office I was in earlier and right in front are two huge double doors. Taking a quick peek I see a large table in the middle, surrounded by chairs, two sofas lining the back wall. On the wall facing me is a huge picture of the clubs logo, the front of a motorcycle with the words Severed MC along the top and Australia on the bottom. Closing the doors behind me I hear a moan coming from the far end, opposite Prez' office.

I slowly walk in the direction of the noise. I have no idea why, snooping didn't exactly do me any favors the last time. There are a few more doors down here, one door is slightly open and I can tell it's a pool room. There are three pool tables spread around and I find the reason behind the noise.

I've only ever been with one man at a time, in fact I've only ever been with douche
-bag, but this girl has three.

My brain races with the possibilities of what three men could do to my body. After reading so many erotica books I’ve certainly fantasized about the things I’ve read, but it’s nothing compared to actually seeing it happen right in front of you. Where I’m standing is dark, so even if they look up… they won’t be able to see me. At least I hope not!

The woman is naked, legs spread wide and laying on her back on the table. One man has his head buried between her thighs, another thrusting his cock deep in her mouth at the edge of the table, and the third is licking her nipples from the other side.

The sight is highly erotic and I'm immediately turned on. My eyes widen when they stop, flipping the girl over, dragging her down the table so one of the men can sit at its edge with her straddling his lap. The others take their positions, one behind her, the other standing above them all, giving the girl perfect access to his hard cock. Her moan fills the room as the three enter her, bumping and thrusting. I fight my
own hands, biting on my lip. I am so turned on right now, I don't know what to do with myself. I think about running back to my room and taking care of myself, but I can't turn my eyes away from the scene acting out in front of me.

I catch movement to my side, shocked to see Angel glaring at me. "Like what you see?"

I stare wide eyed, I don't know what to say. I'm embarrassed he's caught me watching. He curses, looking back to the foursome. The girl’s moaning becomes louder and I step back. I'm still turned on, my underwear is soaked, even though I'm ashamed at being caught watching. Angel looks at me, snickering before storming into the room. What the fuck is he doing?

Prospects! What the fuck?" They all freeze, the three men looking scared. I would be too if I was them.

Standing in the middle of the room, in just jeans and his cut, his naked torso revealing muscle and tattoos, Angel looks lethal, more like a fallen angel.

The girl however licks her lips, smiling up at him. "Care to join in Angel?" she purrs.

"Shut the fuck up Lola. You should know better than this." I don't know what's happening but Lola suddenly looks chastised. Angel grabs a piece of clothing and tosses it to her. "Get the fuck dressed and fuck off."

"What?" She screeches. "You can't Angel. Please."

"I don't give a fuck! You've been told too many times. Prez said one more incident and you're out. Well now you're out, so fuck off and don't come back. You know what will happen if you do."

Her eyes widen as she quickly puts on her tiny excuse for a dress before running out the place, gracing me with a dirty look as she passes.

Angel glares at the three men in front of him
; it's nice to see they are now decent. "Did you get approval from Prez?" They shake their heads, looking at the floor.

"What the fuck are you playing at?" Angel asks, but they don't answer. He shakes his head, pulling out his phone. He types for a few seconds before putting it away again.

"You know what happens fellas." He doesn't wait for them to say anything, just lands a punch on the closest man. He hits him right in the face, sending him to the floor. I gasp, taking a step back as Angel pounds into him, leaving the prospect groaning on the floor. Just as Angel starts on the second prospect, another man enters the room and joins in, beating the third prospect.

I don't know what to do. What the hell is going on? I'm not stupid enough to try and stop it. When Angel is satisfied he stands and marches over to me. The look on his face is dark, right now he looks so much like Satan that I shrink against the wall. Angel grabs my arm and pulls me, walking me back the way I came.

I gasp. "What are you doing?"

"Why are out of your room?" He growls..

I try and stop him from pulling me but it's useless. "I was bored."

We're in the living area before he speaks again. "Stay in your room at night."

"Why?" He doesn't answer me. "What happened back there? Why did you do that?"

He pushes open the door to my room, roughly pushing me in. "Stay here and don't fucking leave." He slams the door in my face, leaving me alone. I'm left wondering what the fuck just happened.




I storm away from the room I left her in and go in search of Stacey. I need to get this out of my system.

I spotted Eve wandering around and followed her. When she stopped outside the door of the game room I could see she was getting turned on by something she was watching inside. Her breathing began to quicken, her hands balled into fists at her sides, and she was biting her lip. I know those signs on a woman… Watching her watch them, I have to admit was making me just as horny. I was hard as a rock just seeing that ass in those tiny shorts. But watching her… fuck it was hard stopping myself from shoving her ass against the wall and fucking her. But I can’t, I’m not going there! Instead, I beat the shit out of the prospects before taking her back to her room.

aren't allowed club pussy without permission from Prez. It's a little fucked up game we like to play with them until they patch in. Unless Prez tells them it's free tonight, or they ask him, they're not allowed. They can go out and find as much pussy outside of the clubhouse as they want, but these fuckers obviously ignored that. I sent Prez a quick text asking him if he'd given permission, and when he replied no, I asked Disney to come and have a little fun.

As for Lola, the brothers are sick of her shit. Always getting
prospects into trouble, fucking pissing off the other girls and old ladies and last week Kid found out she's been using. A big rule in our club, no drugs. Weed? That's fine, but nothing stronger.

Club whores are available whenever a brother needs. I make my way to the room they stay in when they're here. I hate this room. It smells of cheap perfume and dirty pussy, but I yank open the door anyway. Stacey is asleep on the bed with two other girls. I reach over, waking her up. She laughs, slapping my
ass as I lead her from the room. I take her to the room I've been staying in since Eve arrived, throwing Stacey on the bed. She's naked in seconds, then I'm fucking her. I show no mercy, causing her to scream out my name. Not my birth name, my biker name. No chick is allowed to call me by my birth name, I won't allow it. Stacey isn't who I want under me right now, it's the girl I shouldn't be thinking of while I'm fucking another. But I picture Eve under me while pinching Stacey's nipples. I think of Eve as I pound harder, and it's Eve I see in my mind as I come. I shove Stacey away, telling her to get out. She doesn't bitch about it, she knows how it is.

I still can't get to fucking sleep, Eve is on my mind and won't fucking get out.

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