Severed Threads (39 page)

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Authors: Kaylin McFarren

Tags: #Thrillers, #Fiction

BOOK: Severed Threads
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So what do you think of my place?” he asked.

Rachel shrugged. “Looks good to me, although you might rethink the Budweiser sign with Allie living here.”

Chase glanced over his shoulder at the wall. “Yeah, I know. Ian gave that to me. He’s a generous guy and all but he’s got no sense when it comes to handing out gifts. He actually gave Allie a make-up kit for Christmas. She’ll be thirty before she cracks that open.”

Seemed he had faith in her beating her illness after all. “Hate to disappoint you,” Rachel said. “Kids grow up fast nowadays. She’ll be using it by the time she’s ten.”

He smirked. “Not if I have my way. How’s that glass of wine by the way?”

There was something odd about the way she was feeling. She wasn’t sure if she was experiencing symptoms from the bends or if the wine she’d consumed was having an overt effect. Whatever it was, focusing on Chase’s face had become a chore. Her tongue was thick and dry. The light in the room was dimming and her lids were fighting gravity. She laid her head down on the arm of the sofa and drew her legs up beneath her. She stared at the crooked chandelier on the ceiling, which now seemed to be hanging straight.

“Sorry,” she mumbled, her voice echoing in her own ears. “Must be tired.”

Chase leaned down and scooped her up into his arms. He carried her to his bedroom at the end of the hallway. She felt the bed give way as he laid her down. He covered her with a furry blanket and stepped back.

Chase…” she murmured. “Where are you going?”

“I’ll be right outside. Close your eyes, sweetheart. You’ve had a full day. You really need some rest.”

She obeyed his orders and snuggled into his pillow. His lingering scent warmed her heart. In the next room, she heard the sound of the front door opening, muted footsteps entering. A man’s muffled voice.
What are they saying? Who’s he talking to?

Chase’s voice was distant…disconnected. “Gave her something to sleep.”

For a brief moment, she thought she saw a shadow in the bedroom doorway but then it was gone. The world was slowly fading away…turning into oblique darkness. She was floating soundlessly in the sky, drifting toward the heavens and the galaxy beyond.

* * *

The smell of fresh coffee invaded Rachel’s senses and rekindled her memory of the previous night. With everything that had gone on, there wasn’t time to share her good news – to reveal the discovery she’d been carrying in her bag. In the light of day, she realized after everything they’d been through and the love Chase openly professed, she needed to end her deception, forgo her excuses. Learn to trust him again.

Chase…” she called out. No answer. She climbed out of bed and wandered down the hallway, imagining him half nude with a mug in his hand, leaning against the sink with his ankles crossed. The thought made her smile. “What…no coffee for me?” she said, as she entered the kitchen.

Devon was seated at the table, scanning the
. “Help yourself,” he said in a cavalier tone.

“Jeez! You scared me! When did you…
did you get here?” She stared at him in stunned disbelief.

He set the paper down. “No welcome home? Thought you’d be glad to see me at least.”

“Are you crazy? Of course, I am! Do you have any idea how frightened I was for you?”

He shrugged a shoulder. “Yeah…I do. But I also learned something the hard way.”

“What’s that?”

“There’s only one person I can depend on.”

“Who? Yourself?”

The look in his eyes was that of a man crestfallen by the torment he’d endured. By the hard-earned life lesson that had taken its toll. He held his arms out and offered a sweet, crooked smile. “No. You, silly.”

She went willingly – wrapping her arms around his neck, resting her cheek against his broad chest. Relief washed over her in waves. “I was so afraid of losing you,” her voice cracked. “Of finding out you were dead.”

“I know, honey. I’m sorry.”

After a while she calmed down and Devon held her at arms’ length, his strong hands gripping her elbows. “Hey, we’re Sam’s kids, right?” he said. “Can’t get rid of us that easy.”

Right,” she conceded. “But you still haven’t answered my questions.”

He motioned for her to take a seat across from him. She plopped down in the chair and he began, speaking slowly. “I showed up last night while you were sleeping. Naomi gave me these shitty directions and, believe it or not, my car died in the parking lot. I ended up using Selena’s car and parked it down the street…knocking on doors until someone was finally willing to help me.” A flash of anguish crossed his hazel eyes.

She lowered her head. “I’m sorry about Selena. I know she meant a lot to you.”

Yeah, well…turns out you were right after all.”

I honestly didn’t want to be.”

I know that now.”

Devon, I wish we could move on…just forget what happened to both of us. But something tells me this thing’s not over yet.” She looked out the kitchen window at the trees’ rustling yellow leaves. White clouds raced against light blue. “Novak’s looking for you,” she said, “and Marcos is out there somewhere. He knows I’m responsible for Viktor’s death…that we’ve been bringing up gold. I’m convinced he’s not working alone, but I have no idea who’s involved.”

I do. Did some nosing around. Turns out A.J. Hobbs is really Jeremy Zane.”

How is it possible?
Rachel stared at him, not truly believing her ears.

He’s an academic who flunked out of Harvard and worked at the dive shop for three years. Anyway, this guy and his brother Skylar somehow got it in their heads that our dad was their father. He wouldn’t accept them and…” Devon paused, acknowledging her wide eyes. “Long story short, they’re responsible for killing him.”

Her breath caught. “
Are you sure?”

Devon nodded. “No doubt about it. I heard everything…including their confessions. I’m telling you these guys are worse than Pollero and his gang. In fact, I have every reason to believe they were behind the scenes, directing everything…if you can believe that.”

“Where’s Chase? Does he know about this?”

“After I told him what they had in mind for him and the rest of his crew, he made a few calls and flew out of here around 6 A.M. He’s probably back on board
by now.”

“Jeez, Devon. Shouldn’t we involve the police? I mean Novak – is he someone you can trust?”

“Already called him. He should be here any minute. I promised to give him a statement. I’m sure he’ll want yours too.”

Rachel glanced at the floor. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. I was pretty rude to him the last time I saw him.”

“He’ll get over it. Just relax and be a sister instead of a mother, okay?”

She smacked him playfully on the arm just as a knock sounded on the door. She remembered the secured entrance at the front of the building and the kind neighbors Chase had mentioned.

Someone must have let him in,” she said. This was one instance when a peephole would have come in handy. She leaned close to the door and asked, “Who is it?”

The doorframe shattered from the impact of Marcos’ body. Rachel fell backwards and banged her head against the floor. When she lifted her eyes, his snarling face was pointed at her along with the barrel of a forty-four.


Rachel rifled through her duffle bag, tossing clothes to the floor. “I don’t understand. I’m telling you it was in here.”

Marcos rested the gun against Devon’s forehead. “We’re not doing this again,” he growled. “Give me the fuckin’ treasure or you’re both dead.”

“I know you don’t believe me,” she said, “but you can see for yourself.” She shoved the empty bag toward him.

“You got ten seconds…then I’m pulling the trigger.” He cocked the gun and began counting. “One…two…three…”

“Stop!” Rachel yelled.


“Listen to me!”


“Chase has it,” Devon said, halting his progress.

Marcos was silent for only a moment. “How do you know this?” he asked.

“He’s a treasure hunter, isn’t he? If the cobra is as valuable as Rachel believes, he probably took it and ran off. He’s skipped town before.”

Rachel shook her head, rejecting Devon’s assumption. “You’re wrong. Chase wouldn’t do that. Not to me.”

“Really? Then how else do you explain it?” he said. “You had pills in your bag. He gave you something to sleep. And now the box is missing.”

“How could you say that?” she asked. “He went back to rescue his men. He didn’t even know I had it.”

“How can you be so sure?”

Marcos lowered his weapon slowly, watching their debate.

I don’t know,” Rachel whimpered. She pushed her hair back with her fingers and exhaled loudly. As doubt crept in, a solitary tear escaped and trickled down her cheek. With Chase missing there was no one to stop it. No one to assure her that she hadn’t been duped.

Think about it,” Devon demanded. “When’s the last time you saw it?”

She gnawed on her bottom lip, blocking the emotional turmoil in her brain. She looked up at the ceiling, trying her best to recall everything that had happened the previous day. “On the ship…in my cabin. Blaine saw the cobra. He put the box that held it into my bag. But I didn’t open it again…not until now. It’s possible he might still have it.”

Devon motioned to the side with his head – warning her that he was going to make a grab for the lowered gun. She attempted to hide her look of discovery. But her trailing gaze and telltale expression must have registered on her face, as Marcos snapped the gun back into place. His finger was on the trigger. He resumed his countdown, more determined than ever to kill both of them.


“Chase has millions of dollars in gold coins,” she said quickly. “Just like the ones you already have.”

Marcos stared into her face, gauging the validity of her story. “Where?”

“In the ship’s hull…where it’s been all along. Now put the gun down and let my brother go.”

He stalled briefly. Then he shoved Devon aside and grabbed Rachel’s arm, spinning her around. “There’s one way to find out,” he told Devon. “Give me the keys.”

Devon fished in his back pocket and produced a set. The villain snatched them away. His nostrils flared like a bull preparing to charge. “I
it was you in Selena’s car,” he hissed.

Before Devon had a chance to react, Marcos delivered a blow to the side of his head with his gun, knocking him down to one knee. Devon’s fiery glare was met with the .44’s inside barrel. If Rachel didn’t act quickly, her brother would be joining Selena, Gabe, Logan…who knew how many more.

Listen,” she directed. “If you fire your weapon, the neighbors will hear it. You won’t make it out of here without being seen.”

“So tell me, Senorita. What would you have me do with this…
? This worthless piece of shit?”

“Let me tie him up. I’ll take you to
. There’s no need for anyone to get hurt. I’ll explain to Chase that we have a special arrangement. That you have the right to claim fifty percent of the gold. As for the cobra, it’s yours alone.”

“This man, Chase, he would just give these to me?”

“He’ll do whatever I ask. If he doesn’t, you can shoot him along with the rest of his men.”

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