Severed Threads (41 page)

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Authors: Kaylin McFarren

Tags: #Thrillers, #Fiction

BOOK: Severed Threads
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As Zane struggled to get free, he clawed at Chase’s regulator. But Chase held his regulator firmly in hand, anticipating his reactions. Within seconds, Zane began to weaken. In a last ditch attempt to save his own life, he managed to push Chase away and tried to swim to the surface. He took his reserve regulator into his mouth and sucked hard, trying to get air. But as Chase was well aware, after one hose is cut, the reserve no longer functions.

Chase drifted, watching from a distance, while Zane’s power weakened. Finally, he surrendered to his fate, slowly sinking to the ground. He looked up a final time to see if anyone would help him, but Chase’s heart had turned to stone. Without looking back, he swam away confident in the fact that there was one less murderer in the world.





Rachel was hanging from the edge of the cliff by her fingertips.

Hold on!”

She lifted her eyes to verify it was truly Tom Nash – her self-declared knight in shining armor – kneeling down to rescue her from sheer disaster. She lowered her chin slowly and caught sight of the waves crashing against the shore. Jagged rocks pointed straight at her from over fifty feet below. Waiting for her with open arms. Her heart raced, her body shuddered. Loosened gravel fell. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, waiting for the inevitable drop.

“Rachel, look at me,” Tom demanded.

She looked back up towards the sky and squinted. The sun was shining brightly from behind his head.

Give me your hand and I’ll pull you up,” he said.

Her arms were getting tired. Gravity was adding weight to her dangling body. Her hands were growing wet with sweat. “I can’t…I can’t do it.”

“Listen to my voice,” he said softly. “It’s going to be all right. Just take your time. When you’re ready, I want you to let go with your right hand and give it to me. Then you’re going to reach up with your left hand.”

She stared up into his gray-blue eyes, seeing him truly for the first time. Realizing how handsome, compassionate and remarkable he was. No matter how cruel she’d been, how many times she’d deliberately snubbed him, he had always come back – loving her in spite of her faults. Now he was here, a guardian angel, risking his life to save hers. Yet, no matter how much she wanted to, she just couldn’t let go. Not when her clawing fingertips were her only avenues for survival. Not when she lacked faith in all mankind.

Trust me,” he said. “I won’t let you fall. I wouldn’t let
happen to you.”

She closed her eyes for only a moment then took a chance. She reached up. Tom snatched her wrist instantly and held tight. She drew a deep breath and threw up her other hand and he grabbed that wrist as well. As he continued pulling, her feet frantically searched for foot holds. But then something went terribly wrong. Her footing slipped and Tom was jerked forward. He was now hanging halfway over the cliff, still clinging to her. They were both going to die if she didn’t act fast.

Let me go!” she screamed.

You’ll die.”

I…I know.” She stared up at him with wide, pleading eyes. “So will you if you don’t…”

No chance, honey. We’re doing this together.” He pulled with all his might and managed to edge himself back onto the cliff with Rachel following behind. The second they were both on solid ground they collapsed in a heap with Rachel’s head resting in his lap. Her hero panted for breath, as they stayed there unmoving for what seemed like an eternity.

Finally, she broke the silence. “How did you find me?”

Tom sat up, causing Rachel to move her head and sit up as well. “I believe the words you’re looking for are thank you.” He took a few moments to compose himself before standing and seemed to be stalling for an answer to her question.

“How’d you know where to look?” she asked again, rising to her feet.

“I was driving into town and spotted you in the passenger seat of a passing vehicle. You had this frightened look on your face and the driver wasn’t anyone I recognized. I turned my car around and followed closely behind. Fortunately, I saw you open the car door, tumble out and roll over the side just before the car sped away. My heart stopped when I thought you were gone.”

Rachel bowed her face to the ground. “Why’d you save me, Tom? You could have been killed too.”

“You already know the answer to that.” He gripped her shoulders in his hands and looked deep into her eyes. “I love you, Rachel. I knew it the moment I first laid eyes on you. I would give up my life to save yours. Don’t you know that?”

Her stomach clenched. She was struck mute by his words.

Tom leaned down and took her mouth with his own. His arms wrapped around her, drawing her into a tight embrace.

Rachel’s befuddled mind sobered. Using both hands, she shoved him away and took several steps back. She closed her eyes briefly and cursed herself for allowing this to happen. For not acting sooner. With her hands clenched at her sides, she drew a shaky breath. “Tom…I’m sorry, but I don’t feel… that way.”

Her face warmed beneath his troubled stare.

I don’t love you,” she said.

They stood across from each other at a silent impasse - unmovable pawns on a chest board.

The sound of crunching gravel turned their heads. Devon was peering through the windshield of Novak’s car with a shocked look on his face – as if he couldn’t believe she was actually there.

Rachel!” he yelled. He ran from the car and threw his arms around her waist, lifting her feet off the ground. As soon as he set her down, he studied her face and asked, “Are you all right?”

Although her heart was still racing, she nodded her head and glanced back at Tom. His hands were jammed in his pockets. His eyes were fixed on the ground. No matter what had gone on between them, she still owed him her life

Thank God,” Devon lamented. “When I heard that Marcos drove Selena’s car into the ocean, I honestly thought I’d lost you.”

Tom saved me from going over the edge,” Rachel explained. “He’s a hero…the real McCoy.”

At the mention of his name, Tom lifted his eyes and smiled.

Devon extended a hand. “I can’t thank you enough. My God, I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been here.” He was still listening to Tom’s full account when Rachel happened to glance at Novak.

The man stood with his arms crossed, looking more intense than usual. And there was something about his eyes that made Rachel believe he wasn’t buying Tom’s story. After a few minutes, he stepped closer and identified himself as a federal agent.

Tom’s jaw slacked. A look flashed across his face resembling panic.

It’s amazing how you arrived here just in the nick of the time,” Novak said, skepticism edging his voice. “I’m real glad everything worked out all right, but I have to ask you, Mr. Nash, why didn’t you call the police if you suspected something was wrong?”

Tom blew out a breath. “Just wasn’t enough time.”

“Yeah…had a feeling you’d say that.”

“Is there a problem, sir?”

“Not with me. But since there’s a death involved, I’ll need you to answer a few questions.”

Right then, a San Palo patrol car pulled up. After a brief exchange between Novak and the two uniformed officers, Tom Nash was seated in the back of their car and escorted to the nearest police station. As soon as he was gone, Rachel slipped into the rear seat of Novak’s vehicle. She waited until Devon was settled in the front before leaning forward and speaking to the back of Novak’s head.

I don’t understand,” she said. “Is Tom involved?”

Novak pulled out onto the road and looked into his rearview mirror. “More than you know,” he said.


Chase kicked with all his might until the last ounce of air was gone. Then he switched to his pony tank. After a few deep breaths, he relaxed as the world took on a whole new flavor. The
was suddenly alive with brilliant crustaceans – a virtual rainbow of jewels covering her sides. Each darting fish that ventured in his direction battled the other to gain his attention. Particles in the current danced in the beam of light extending from the end of his arm. Never in his life was he more intrigued. More in awe of the ocean.

With each stroke, Chase’s sense of wellbeing grew. Nothing was going to keep him from impressing the world. From delivering his showcase of ancient Chinese treasures. Doc would be overwhelmed by the miracles he produced. By the gold coins filling twenty-two white buckets. His name would be referenced in every museum, his accomplishments shared aboard every ship. He laughed as he thought about the grief he’d needlessly endured…the worries that had left him paralyzed and mentally impendent.

He spotted a small red-speckled eel, unlike any he’d seen in the eel family. Its fringed gill collar and jaw structure were reminiscent of a fish dating back over one hundred million years ago.

Rachel should see this
, he told himself, as he reached out to touch it. But as it darted away, he realized something was terribly wrong. He’d taken chances before and knew the signs of nitrogen narcosis. The euphoria that could render a man fearless – drifting aimlessly as the last ounce of air was spent. He shook his head and tapped his tanks, but to no avail. He could feel the onslaught of dizziness, the disorientation take hold. No longer could he discern the underlying surface from the ocean’s dark floor below. Oddly, he didn’t care. He could live here forever, he told himself. Enjoy the amazing wonders of this aquatic world without a care or concern. Yet somewhere in the distant recesses of his mind, he saw Rachel’s stunning face and, for brief moment, he felt a sense of sadness at not seeing her again. For not telling her how much he adored her. How more than anything he longed to share the rest of his life with her.

Suddenly, something flickered in the distance, leaving him smiling and completely fascinated. The shimmering light grew with intensity as it rapidly approached from the side. Chase marveled at the remarkable sight: a beautiful woman surrounded in a white flowing cloth staring endearingly into his eyes. Angling her sweet Asian face as if to say, “What are you doing here?”

Mai Le?

She pressed her hand to his chest and nodded her empathetic understanding. She touched the bracelet on his wrist – the gift from Allie’s mother. She held out an open palm and smiled, inviting his touch. When their hands met, her fingers folded over. His eyes closed on their own volition. As she held tight, a sudden surge of energy shot through him from head to foot. He was being instantly propelled through the water at an amazing speed. As if Mai Le was physically bringing him up from the bottom of the ocean without actually being there.

When Chase opened his eyes again, he was floating on the surface, inhaling long drawn-out breaths without the aid of his regulator. Drifting painlessly toward the side of a forty-seven foot boat.

Wade’s panic-stricken face was gazing down at him. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, “Captain! Over here!” He reached over the side, pulling him out.

Chase saw in amazement the tears in his crew member’s eyes.

Are you all right?” Wade asked repeatedly, panic evident in his voice.

Chase wanted to respond – wanted to ask questions about the vision he’d seen. About Blaine’s injuries and the Coast Guard boat secured to the side of their ship. But the paramedic had an oxygen mask over his face in a matter of seconds.

Rachel,” he choked. His quick assent had taken its toll. His teeth were chattering so violently that even without the aid of the mask he could barely speak.

I’ll let her know you’re safe,” Wade assured him.

Ian was suddenly at his side. “Look at me, mate,” he demanded. “Are ya hurt anywhere?”

Chase shook his head back and forth, relaxing the crease in Ian’s brow. He drew several deep breaths before pulling the mask away from his face. “The heart of the dragon…she just saved my life.”





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