Severed Threads (43 page)

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Authors: Kaylin McFarren

Tags: #Thrillers, #Fiction

BOOK: Severed Threads
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His pounding heart skipped a beat. He eased back and gazed down at her sealed eyes – eyes that had never failed to claim his in the midst of their ardent exchanges. His chest tightened. Why wasn’t she looking at him?

"Chase..." she breathed.

The sound of his name on her lips relaxed his brow. He realized he was being foolish. She wouldn’t be there if she didn’t enjoy his touch, if she wasn’t holding feelings for him.

"You’re amazing," he said, his voice ragged in his own ears.

A soft smile played on her lips. He leaned down and devoured them – his tongue, urgent and insistent. He shifted his hips between her legs. With one swift motion, he drove his fully erect shaft into her until he was buried deep inside.

"Ahhh…" she exhaled. She slipped one leg and then the other around his waist. She drew in a deep breath and clamped down, sending a fresh wave of desire over him.

Chase began a steady rocking rhythm. He gradually increased tempo, thrusting harder and faster. Tension mounted with his blowing breaths, his rapid movements. His heavy pants matched hers as sweat slid their bodies back and forth, back and forth. They were meant to be together. Why couldn’t she see that?

Say it, Rachel. Say I love you.
“Love you…" Did he say that out loud?

Mr. Cohen…Mr. Cohen…”

Chase opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the bright light in the room. An unfamiliar bristled-haired nurse was standing at the side of his bed, staring down with a dower expression.

Your breathing’s erratic,” she said. She pressed her thumb to his wrist to check his pulse then lifted his chin to check his eyes.

What…where am I?” he mumbled.

You’re a patient at San Palo General Hospital. You were brought in complaining of chest pains and dizziness two days ago. Dr. Miles was planning to transfer you to Ventura County but your symptoms seemed to be improving. He indicated on your chart that you were being kept an additional night for observation, but if you’d like me to call the doctor–”

No…no, I’m fine. Just woke up a little…confused, is all.”

Rachel knocked at the door and leaned in. “Hi, it’s me again. Can he have visitors yet?”

I suppose it’s all right, Miss Lyons. But I’d like to remind you to keep Mr. Cohen calm. As you’re fully aware, he’s been through a lot.”

As soon as the duty nurse was gone, Rachel approached his bed. “I know you’re tired, Chase, so I won’t keep you long.”

He gazed up at her with a lazy smile. “I don’t mind.”

She looked around for a place to sit. Discovering none, she eased onto the edge of the mattress. “I’ll make this quick and painless,” she said. “First off, I checked on Blaine and he came out of surgery just fine. He was actually alert enough to recommend a new book on computer science…not that I’d ever read it. I also met with Wade down at the marina. He wanted me to assure you that everything’s been safely transferred from
to a bank vault pending your release from the hospital. The chief of police even loaned out some of his men to help.”

Chase studied her with renewed interest. He never realized how confident she’d become. How cool and business-like.

Dr. Bailey also gave me fantastic news about Allie’s test results. When you’re up for it, I’m sure he’d like to share them with you. Oh, and Professor Ying arrived home early this morning. Eleanor said he’s on his way to a full recovery.”

That’s great news,” Chase said. He noticed the minor scrapes on her arm and asked, “What about you? Looks like you had an altercation.”

Rachel smiled. “You wouldn’t believe it if I told you.”

I’m listening.”

Maybe another time. Anyway, I wanted to let you know before you heard it from someone else. I got a job offer and will be leaving town soon.”

Surprise must have shown on his face.

Don’t worry, Chase. I’ll make sure my work is done before I go. And once a new director’s been appointed and Dr. Ying returns to work full time, you’ll get the kudos and rewards you truly deserve. In fact, even after everyone takes their fair share, you’re going to end up with more money than you’ll ever know what to do with.”

She was rising from the bed, leaving him in more ways than one. He swallowed hard and placed his hand over hers.

I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, Rachel. I should have been…I know that now. The treasure was at risk and all I could think about – ”

Believe me, there’s no need to explain,” she said. “You had your men to take care of – a tough job to do. Now that it’s all over, you’ll have time to consider those great offers you’re going to be receiving.”

What about you, Rachel? You’re really going to leave…just like that?”

She half-shrugged. “I got an invitation from the CEO of BioGlobe to head up his research team in Hawaii. It’s pretty tough to turn down a job like that…especially when you’ve spent your whole life working toward that goal.” She moved away from his hand and stood. “It’s been a great adventure, Chase. One I’ll never forget. But now you need to follow doctor’s orders and concentrate on getting well. You’ve got a beautiful daughter to think about. I’m sure we’ll see each other soon.”

She was walking toward the door, taking his heart with her. Leaving him far behind.

Chase struggled to get untangled from the sheet. “Rachel…wait!” He brought his feet to the floor and stood with his thigh braced against the bed. “Listen to me,” he pleaded. “There’s something I have to tell you…something important.”

She didn’t move. She didn’t say a word. But curiosity must have piqued her interest as she glanced over her shoulder and slowly walked back. She lowered her chin, emphasizing her point. “Okay, you’ve got exactly five minutes then I have to go to work. And you’ll need to get back to bed where you belong.”

He sat on the edge of the mattress and patted the place beside him. With a slight hesitation, she bent her knees and looked up at him, stirring his emotions once more. In the span of three minutes, he told her about the fight that had ensued under the ocean. About Zane’s final seconds and the bad mix he’d inhaled. “I thought I had it all handled. Didn’t even think to check my pony tank. Have to say I honestly thought I was done for when I saw her…this incredible angel. The same one you must’ve seen. She looked me straight in the eyes and laid her hand on my heart. And in that moment I knew. The heart of the dragon isn’t in a box. It isn’t buried in a ship under the ocean. It’s the person you love from the depth of your soul. Beyond all reason…all doubt.”

Rachel stared down at her hands. She gnawed on her bottom lip.

For Captain Brunelli, it was her. He was the dragon in Mai Le’s life and she was his snake.” Chase smiled. “Her heart belongs to him for all eternity. Just like my heart belongs to you, Rachel. You’re the heart of this dragon and I’m begging you…don’t go. I need you in my life now more than ever.”

He lifted her downturned chin with his thumb and gazed into her tear-filled eyes.

Sweetheart, I love you. Tell me you feel the same way and I promise I’ll never disappoint you again. I’ll be the man you’ve always wanted. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy,” he said. “I just can’t stand not knowing how you feel.”

A single tear trailed down her cheek. “Chase…I…I’ve been wanting to tell you – ”

Hate to be botherin’ ya.” Ian was standing in the doorway with a cockeyed smile. “Would ya both mind following me down the hall? Ya need to see what Allie and her little friend have been up to.”

” Chase asked.

Ian nodded.

Rachel stood. She glanced down while Chase put on his slippers and wrapped himself in a robe. They walked solemnly side by side without saying a word. When they reached room three-ten, they filed past Ian as he held the door open. Allie was sitting up in bed smiling, her cheeks flushed with color. The tube that had been in her nose was now gone, as was the monitor that had been stationed at her side. Shishi was tucked in the right corner at the head of her bed with a sheepish look on his face.

Goodness, Allie,” Rachel said. “You’re looking considerably better today.”

Chase smiled at his daughter. “Isn’t she though?”

Allie giggled, scrunching her covers tight under her neck.

Chase noticed the bump under her blanket, leading to his question. “So whacha got there, Peanut?”

From the playful smirk on her face, she wasn’t about to surrender an answer...or anything else for that matter. Ian crossed his arms and gave Allie a pinched evil eye.

Gator…member yer promise.”

Allie’s smile evaporated. A crease parted her tiny brows. She peeled back the sheet and thin blanket, revealing her treasure inside. To Chase’s amazement, a black lacquered box covered with red Chrysanthemums appeared. A silver lock was fastened to the lid Sam had found and, hidden from view, whatever trappings remained inside.

Rachel let out a gasp. “It was
?” She picked up the box with both hands.

The hurt in Allie’s face was instantly apparent. Rachel’s eyes softened. A gentle smile curled her lips. “Why you little dickens,” she teased. “All this time I thought your father had taken it to get even with me.”

Chase stared at her, puzzled. “Even?”

For telling…you know, a little white lie.”

Little?” he huffed. “Since when is battling…pirates a little thing?”

Allie’s eyes simmered. “Pirates?”

Rachel had to give Chase points for that one. “All right…it wasn’t little. But there wasn’t any reason to involve you when I already had – ”

You’ve got to be kidding.

Ian held his hand in the air, silencing the feud between them. “Enough. Let’s get to the gist of this. Our fine young lad here has his own little secret ta share. Don’t ya, Shishi?”

The young boy moved from his hiding place and stood before Rachel. “We were only playing with it,” he said, with a crack in his voice.

With what?” she inquired.

This.” His right hand came from behind his back, revealing a tiny tubular key. “We didn’t hurt anything. Honest.”

How did you get that out of the lock?”

Shishi demonstrated by pulling the bow of the key back and twisting it to the right. Then he inserted it into the lock’s keyway. It clicked into place, locking the box once again.

Oh…I see.”

But what’s inside?” Chase asked. “After keeping it a secret all this time, surely you’re going to share it now.”

Rachel’s smile thinned. “Of course.” She turned the key and extracted the bronze snake. She handed it to Chase then waited for his reaction.

Wait a minute. Wasn’t this the first piece you brought up when we were diving?”

She nodded her head and half shrugged. “At the time, I had no idea it was Mai Le’s gift. It’s probably worth fifteen thousand at the most. But I don’t think the price will matter to Dr. Ying.”

That’s not all,” Shishi said. “Watch this.”

He spun the box around on Allie’s bed and inserted the key into a tiny hole masked in the painted design. With one turn of his small wrist, a hidden drawer sprung open, exposing a shimmering red diamond.

Everyone’s breath caught. The room was perfectly still. Rachel took the gem from its post and held it between her fingers to the light, allowing its brilliance to refract in all corners of the room. The diamond was astonishing – close to six carats in weight. It’s approximate worth…unimaginable!

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