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Authors: Amber Skyze

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Sex on the Beach

Amber Skyze


Allie only wanted two weeks of peace and quiet at her
friend’s beach house to get her life in perspective. She wasn’t looking for
sex, drugs and a kidnapping. But that’s what she gets when she encounters not
one but two tasty men.

Tony, her gorgeous next-door neighbor, has a body any woman
would want to explore, and Allie crave him licking, teasing and ravishing her
body with those strong hands and kissable lips. Little does she know Tony’s on
the trail of a drug dealer.

Then there’s Paul, who also wants a piece of Allie…if he can
possibly tear her away from Tony.


Ellora’s Cave Publishing




Sex on the Beach


ISBN 9781419934384


Sex on the Beach Copyright © 2011 Amber Skyze


Edited by Helen Woodall

Cover art by Syneca


Electronic book publication May 2011


The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of
Ellora’s Cave Publishing.


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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons,
living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The
characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

Sex on the Beach

Amber Skyze



To all the readers who make the writing journey adventurous.
Thanks for all your love and support.




Trademarks Acknowledgement


The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark
owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Mustang: Ford Motor Company

Spyder: Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft


Chapter One


The wind blew wisps of Allie’s long blonde hair back toward
the road she’d just traveled. She sped along the California coastline in her
yellow convertible Spyder, enjoying the sunrise in the distance. The sun
sparkled across the ocean, glimmering orange as it rose. The rays would
threaten to scorch her skin later in the day. The weatherman had said the
temperatures would reach well into the nineties again.

She pressed her flip-flopped foot harder on the gas pedal.
Allie allowed the car to accelerate because she knew no one in their right mind
would be on the road at this ungodly hour. Not everyone woke before the crack
of dawn. While most were still sleeping soundly in their beds, the air
conditioner cooling their skin, Allie was up grocery shopping.

It wasn’t unusual for her to be up and going at four in the
morning. She loved those first few hours of the day when life was quiet. She
could sip her coffee leisurely. The hustle and bustle came later when she left
the house to fight the highway traffic on her way to her job as a marketing
executive for a pharmaceutical company.

At least that was her life before she’d lost her job. She
punched the steering wheel.

“Fuck,” she cursed to the open wind. While she missed the
craziness of her old life she had to admit the last six months were the most
stress-free she’d felt in years, right up until she returned to work.

The long hours and stress related to her job contributed in
the onslaught of health issues she hadn’t known existed. After three
consecutive months with a bout of what she thought was the flu Allie finally
sought the advice of her doctor. He put her through numerous rounds of testing
and came to the conclusion she suffered from acid reflux and Crohns disease.
Both were brought on by stress, food choices and not taking care of her body.

Allie spent five agonizing days in the hospital while her
doctor tried to get her disease under control. It was the worst experience in
her life. There were times when she thought she’d die and sometimes she
silently prayed she would. It was devastating and debilitating, but she swore
she wouldn’t let it control her again.

Once Dr. Robinson managed to get the disease under control
she looked pointedly at Allie.

“Look, your job is slowly killing you. Your body can’t
handle the stress or long hours you’re demanding of it. You need to make some
lifestyle changes or I’m just going to see you back here in a few months,”
she’d said.

The reality of the doctor’s words was like a knife being
twisted in her chest. She didn’t know how to not be on the go 24/7. That was
the way she’d lived her life since turning sixteen.

Allie pressed even harder on the gas pedal.

She couldn’t get to the beach house fast enough. The idea of
spending two weeks of quiet, soaking up the sun and sand appealed to her on so
many levels. When her friend Pam told her she could use her beach house, Allie
had immediately jumped on the offer.

The next few weeks would give her time to readjust to being
unemployed and hopefully clear her mind. Eventually she’d have to decide what
direction she wanted to take with her life. She had enough money saved to get
her through six months of unemployment, but Allie didn’t want to totally
deplete her savings. It was there as a safety net, nothing more.

Quitting had never been a word Allie thought she’d use, but
her boss left her no other choice. She’d had a career as a marketing executive
for almost five years before she’d up and resigned.

“Asshole!” She gripped the steering wheel, fighting back the
tears stinging her eyes. She refused to cry. She wouldn’t give that shithead
the satisfaction of beating her down. She wiped away the drop with the back of
her hand.

“Screw you, Marty.”

Excitement couldn’t begin to describe how Allie had felt
about returning to work. She’d been gone for almost six months. She was more
than ready to get back in the swing of things. She craved the process of
developing a new marketing strategy. When Dr. Robinson gave her the okay to
return to work, Allie immediately called Marty.

“I’m coming back,” she’d said, beaming from ear to ear.

“That’s great news. We’ll see you on Monday.”

“How are things? Has anything changed? What should I expect
when I return?” A thousand questions spilled from her mouth.

“Things are exactly how you left them.”

“Wonderful.” It was strange, yet exhilarating to know that
things had stayed the same while she was gone. In a few short days she’d be
back in business again.

Monday rolled around and Allie hurried in to the office.
Marty was waiting for her when she arrived.

“There’s been a change of plans,” he said, placing a hand on
the small of her back. He led her away from her office to another office down
the hall.

“What kind of change?”

“Job change.”


He stopped outside the office that belonged to his admin

“Look you’ve been gone a long time. I held your job for as
long as I possibly could. I couldn’t go forever without a marketing guru.”

The rat bastard couldn’t look her in the eyes. He’d given
her job away and he couldn’t tell her straight to her face.

“So what does that mean for me?” she demanded.

“It means you’ll be working for me as my admin.” He wrung
his hands together.

“You’re joking right?” Her voice rose a few octaves, but
Allie didn’t care. She was being reduced to an admin? A fucking admin? Not that
she didn’t respect what they did, but she’d busted her ass, clawing her way up
the corporate ladder. She deserved to be in the position she’d held. She was
the best and Marty knew it.

“I wish I was, Allie.” He shook his head.

Reality slapped her in the face. She was being demoted.
Allie kept her head held high and accepted her fate, all the while stewing
inside. She would sue the pants off Marty and the company.

Turned out she couldn’t. Legally Marty had held her position
for three months; after that he was free to find someone new to fill the role
and he had. The only legal obligation he had to Allie was keeping a position
open for her. It could’ve been a janitor role and it didn’t matter. So when he
gave her the admin job she had no choice but to take it.

For a few weeks she performed the job the best way she
could. Finally she couldn’t stand it any longer and quit. She tendered her
two-week notice and left the same day. Marty had given her a choice to stick it
out or take the two weeks paid. She was no fool, she’d collected her box and
walked out the door.

She pressed even harder on the gas, as she pushed the
thoughts about her last days at work out of her mind. The car growled as it
charged forward. She glanced in her rearview mirror to make sure no one had
snuck up behind her. The last thing she needed was a cop pulling her over and
ticketing her for speeding. With no one in sight she raced down the long
coastal road ready to take charge of her new life.

Pam promised the neighbors wouldn’t bother her during her
stay. She also promised there were no kids around. Not that Allie didn’t like
children, she just needed peace and quiet. She planned to read and keep away
from the internet. She’d left her laptop behind, only bringing her cell phone
in case of an emergency. Not that one would arise, but just in case.

Lazy days lounging on the beach were in her future and
nothing more.

Allie arrived at the beach house shortly after six a.m.
Instead of bringing in all her stuff she walked around to the back of the house
and took in the view. The waves came in to the shore like gentle giants. Later
she knew they’d be charging like a bull chasing a red cape. She spied a man
walking along the shore. He appeared to be enjoying the feel of the water
lapping around his feet.

She turned her attention to the neighbor on the left, all
looked quiet. The neighbor on the right had a black convertible Mustang in the

Please don’t let it be a college kid

The urge to jump in the water overwhelmed her.

“You’re deathly afraid of the ocean,” she reminded herself.
Yet, she couldn’t resist the urge. Stripping her shorts and tank, she toed off
her shoes, revealing the bikini bathing suit she’d worn underneath for
sunbathing. She raced down the beach and didn’t slow down until she was knee-deep
in water.

“Holy crap that’s cold.” She backed away toward the shore.
As she moved her foot touched something in the sand.

She bent and pulled out a yellow bikini top. It amused her
to think that someone had lost her top. Was she skinny dipping? Had she let all
her inhibitions go and enjoyed the freedom to do something so risqué?

That’s what Allie wanted to do. She wanted to let go of her
fears while she was here. She longed to be daring and take risks she normally
wouldn’t back home.

“I see you found my bathing suit,” a husky voice said from

Allie turned to see an incredibly sexy man walking towards
her. As he drew closer she noticed he had the greenest eyes. Attached to those
amazing eyes was a six-foot Italian. Allie liked the way he wore his dark hair
short, lightly shaven at the sides, with the disheveled look on top. He wore a
white tank that paled in comparison to his golden skin. He had on brown cargo
shorts, with his belt hanging open. Obviously he’d been dressing and hadn’t
quite finished. It also explained his bare feet.

“Yellow doesn’t seem your color.” She tossed the top in his

He leaned forward and grabbed it. He held it up to his broad

“No, you don’t like?”

Allie laughed. How long had it been since she really

“I’m not sure it’s your size either.” The skimpy fabric
barely covered those pecs. He was very muscular and oh so sexy. Maybe Allie
could lose her inhibitions too. Two weeks of sun and fun. No one had to know.
She didn’t need a relationship, but a summer fling could be exhilarating.

She glanced to his left hand. No wedding ring and no tan
line. Hmmm, is mister sun worshiper single? She found it hard to believe
someone so gorgeous would be unattached.

“Are you new here?” he asked, breaking her revere.

“I am, just arrived. In fact I believe it’s time for me to
unload the car.”
And get the heck away from you

He gave her butterflies. Something she hadn’t felt in a long
time. Goose bumps covered her arms. Allie couldn’t explain why she reacted to
this strange man.

“If you need anything…”

“Thanks,” she said, cutting him off. “I’m sure I’m all set.”
She bolted as fast as her feet would carry her through the sand.

Why the hell had she acted like that? It wasn’t in her
nature to be abrupt. He was trying to be friendly and she’d dismissed him.
Maybe she should go back and apologize. No, it was best she stuck to her plan
of rest and relaxation. A summer fling wasn’t her thing.

On the way back to the house her thoughts returned to the
forgotten bikini. She imagined herself as the woman naked and splashing around
in the ocean. The sexy stranger would be with her, naked too of course. He’d
make her laugh like he’d done on the beach and then he’d do something a man
hadn’t done to her in a very long time—give her an orgasm.

She moaned. She had her trusty vibrator, but damn it, she
wanted more. She craved the touch of a man.

Her clothes were right where she left them. She hurriedly
put them back on.

“Time to unload the car.” Allie left the ocean behind to
unpack the car. Once she was done she’d brew herself some coffee and sit out on
the deck with her latest romance novel.

Popping the trunk she tossed a few bags over her shoulder,
before gathering the grocery bags. She’d stopped at the twenty-four hour market
before getting on the road. She wanted to be sure she had enough groceries so
she didn’t have to leave the house much.

Overburdened with the bags she headed to the back door.
Fumbling with the keys she finally managed to unlock the bolt and threw open
the door. Somehow she misjudged the landing and lost her footing. With a loud
crash she went down, groceries spilling on to the floor and her personal bags
flying open. Her container of pills spilled from her carrying case and crashed
against the tiled floor, the plastic container shattered into a few pieces,
pills splattered everywhere.

“Ouch!” She cried out as pain seared through her shin. Tears
threatened for the second time that day. Instead of fighting them, she gave in
to the pressure. Like floodgates being opened the tears fell from her eyes. She
rested her face on her knee, while she clutched her leg. Things were not off to
a good start.

“If losing my job wasn’t enough, now I have a bruised leg.”
She cried for a brief period of time before pulling herself up. She refused to
feel sorry for herself another minute. Pity was for weak people. Allie Sandler
was not weak.

Taking a deep breath she gathered the food first and then
she set out picking up one little pill at a time.

Not sure what she would do with them she placed them on the
counter until she could figure out a new storage place for them.

“I’d better take what I need.” Allie picked up a few of the
assorted pills. The cap on her bottle of water gave her some trouble, but she
finally managed to open it. She tossed the pills into her mouth and downed them
with some water.

“Is everything okay in here?”

The sound of a familiar male voice scared her. She quickly
pulled a paper towel from the holder and covered the pills with it. She wasn’t
about to answer questions as to why she had so many assorted pills. Frankly, it
was no one’s business.

“I’m fine, thanks.” She looked up and was again stunned by
his amazing green eyes. They were the rarest color she’d ever seen.

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