Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (5 page)

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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Chapter Seven


Morning light shined through the window and Mike blinked up at the ceiling he didn’t recognize and then winced.

He and Kitty had eventually made it to the bedroom for round two and apparently he’d fallen asleep.

A twinge of nerves ran through him as he realized this was the first time in years he hadn’t bailed on a woman shortly after sex.

And that woman was Kitty Pepper. How crazy was that?

He went to stretch and then winced, realizing his muscles were sore. Sure, some of that was from kitchen demo, but at least a part of it was from last night.

What did you do to me Kitty?

He rolled to his side, but was surprised to find the other half of the bed was cold and empty, only the faintest outline of where Kitty had slept in the wrinkles of the sheets.

Wouldn’t that be a twist if
bailed on
? In her own home? If the thought didn’t unsettle him so much, he might have laughed at the irony. Now, though, it just made him realize it was probably better for him to head back next door ASAP, before he did something reckless.

He rolled to his feet and yanked on his jeans and t-shirt right as the heavenly scent of coffee and bacon wafted into the room. His mouth salivated and his stomach lurched. He followed the smells to the kitchen to find Kitty standing in front of the stove, spatula in hand.

She wore nothing but a threadbare white t-shirt and a pair of pink and white striped boy shorts. Her hips swayed back and forth as she flipped bacon while singing a song that Mike didn’t recognize under her breath.

“That seems like a pretty dangerous outfit to be wearing while you’re cooking with hot grease,” he murmured, surprised to find that his hands itched with the need to touch her again.

Kitty spun around with a gasp, and then offered a tentative smile. “I guess I like to live dangerously.”

Mike snorted. “Ha, aren’t you just the little daredevil? Big, bad Kitty. ”

She raised her eyebrows and nodded. “And don’t you forget it, Mikey-poo.”


“That’s right.”

“Not going to happen.”

“Now you know how I feel when you call me Kitty,” she shot back.

He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Touché.” The crispy strips of bacon were taunting him from the pan almost half as much as seeing Kitty in those shorts did, but it still surprised him when the words came out of his mouth.

“So you making breakfast for two?”

Kitty cocked a single red eyebrow his way, her cheeks flushing a pretty shade of pink. “I mean, if you’re hungry. Are you sure you want to stay?”

“Yeah, why?”

She pushed a bouquet of curls from her face, tucking them behind her ear. “I don’t know, I just figured that maybe you had to work or something. I don’t want to keep you, ya know.”

Never mind that he’d been thinking exactly that not two minutes before, but once he’d laid eyes on her, leaving had been the last thing on his mind.

“Are you saying you’d rather me go?”

“No! No, not at all. I just--”

“Then what’s going on?” he asked, leaning in to trail the top of his finger over her silky soft cheek.

She turned away with a sigh and flopped the bacon out of the pan onto a paper towel to drain.

“Look, I’ve never done…this before. I didn’t want to make you feel like you had to stay or get weird like I thought I was your girlfriend now or something, that’s all.”

Even just the mention of the “g” word usually sent him hightailing it to his Harley, but for some reason, all he wanted to do was erase the worry from her pretty face.

He took her by the hips and pulled her in close.

“And what if I don’t want to leave?” Mike asked as he wrapped his massive arms around her waist.

She looked up at him, her doe eyes wide and glassy. “Then I guess you can stay,” she whispered.

He leaned in to kiss her raspberry lips, but just before they could touch he paused.

“But I definitely get some bacon if I stay, right?”

She burst into laughter and punched him in the chest.

“I’m only joking. I want to spend the day with you, if you don’t have plans. The bacon is just a bonus,” he said with a wink.

He pulled her in again and planted a kiss on her forehead. She wriggled away to reach for a carton of eggs, but he trapped her in place, spearing his hands into her hair and taking the kiss he’d wanted since he walked into the kitchen. She made a squeak low in her throat but then softened, opening her lips for his tongue.

A bolt of need coursed through him that sent the blood rushing south and he let out a growl.

“If you keep that up, we’re never going to eat.”

“There’s coffee if you want some,” she offered, her voice husky with want.

“Is it as hot as you?”

“Probably not,” she said. “But
won’t burn your lips,” she said and pulled him in for another kiss before shooing him away to set the table.

For the next half hour they cooked breakfast and then ate in companionable silence as they sat in her breakfast nook and watched a rainstorm roll in over the horizon.

When all the food was gone, they sipped their coffee, and talked. Conversation came easy with Kitty, especially when they weren’t intent on irritating the crap out of each other. They reminisced over their childhoods, joked about the night of mistaken identity and recalled fond memories of Honey, and he and Rick’s future plans for her house.

“I’m sorry for not coming over the past three days,” Kitty apologized.

“Don’t worry about it,” Mike assured her. “It was a weird situation.”

“Looks like I won’t be able to get much work done today, either,” she said.

He stared out at the gray skies with a tilt of his head. “Yeah. I think I might take most of the day off, too. Ripping out all the innards of my childhood home and putting it up for sale…it feels weird. Depressing really. It just doesn’t seem right; like I’m destroying that last bit of her that I’d been hanging on to.”

He hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but there it was, lying between them for the world to see. Big, tough Mike Blade, all mushy over some wood and nails.

But Kitty didn’t look at him with pity, or judgment. She just cocked her head, seeming to ponder that thought carefully before responding.

“So don’t, then.”

Mike set down his mug and shook his head, nonplussed. “What do you mean?”

“Don’t keep going with the remodel.”

“Yeah, but the real estate agent told us we wouldn’t get anything near what it’s worth without updating it. There are just too many homes for sale around here and it’s too old fashioned to get buyers willing to pay what it’s worth.”

“Then don’t sell it. You don’t
to sell it, Mike.” Her sharp blue gaze roved over his face as she drew her stockinged feet onto the chair and tucking her knees up to her chin. “Move back in. Rent out your apartment near your shop and live there.”

He paused to think for a second, toying with the toast crumbs left on his plate. “Yeah, but Rick and I already discussed that we would sell it. Honey had all but insisted before she died that we shouldn’t hang on to it.”

“Look,” she said, “Rick’s a frickin’ doctor now. He can wait for his half of the money or you can buy him out. It’s a great house. You’ll have a big home garage, where you can work on some of your clients’ bikes from home and any other projects you want. And, you’ll be right across the street when I come to visit my mom and decide to seduce the wrong twin again,” she said with a grin that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

A weird sense of emptiness settled over him as he thought about summer coming to an end. Once Kitty’s mom came back from her trip abroad, she’d be gone again, back to her own life more than three hours away.

He shoved the thought aside ruthlessly. It hardly mattered. This was just for fun. To give them both what they hadn’t even realized they’d both wanted for ages. When it was time to end, hopefully, they’d be able to look back on it and smile.

“You make some very valid points. I’ll think about it.”

“Do, Mike. I think Honey didn’t want the house to be an anchor around your neck but some part of me feels pretty certain that she’d love the idea of one of you living there…maybe starting a family of your own one day and feeding a passel of kids on the big picnic table out by the pool.”

The soft smile that played around her lips sent a bolt of panic through him and he stood and made his way to the window.

A family? Kids around a picnic table? Maybe she did still have him confused with Rick. Strange that, right on the heels of that panic was a warm sensation filling his chest.

The rain had started to fall heavier. He frowned at the sky and glanced over at Kitty, who was still watching him, biting her lip.

“Sorry, I overstepped. I didn’t mean to pry. I just meant--”

“I know what you meant,” he said. “It’s all good. I’ll definitely give it more thought. Either way, I need to do something about the walkway. It’s about to crumble to pieces. Maybe I could get your expertise on that matter once the rain stops?”

He didn’t want to hurt her feelings by deflecting, but he had a lot to think about. And all of it was too important to do on a dime when he was still wrapped all up the memory of the best sex of his life.

To her credit, she rolled with the change of subject like a champ. “It’s what I do, so absolutely,” she said with a nod. “We can even look online now to get some options together.”

For the next few hours they sat, side by side, on her couch and looked over what seemed like a thousand designs of pavers and stone variations. It wasn’t the most exciting way to spend a rainy day, but for some reason, he found himself feeling just a little lighter inside whenever she laughed, or leaned in to point at something and brushed his arm with her breasts.

The day flew by and, before he knew it, it was after lunch. He had to be heading out to the shop to check in, but his ass was firmly planted in the seat of her couch, with no desire to get out.

“I was thinking,” he said after a long moment, “why don’t you come over tonight?”

With a wry smile, she looked up at him. “Looking for some more action, playboy?”

He chuckled. “I’m not saying I’d turn it down, but I was just thinking about what you said. You know, about moving into Honey’s house and renting out my apartment. I think you might be on to something. The living room is still intact, and I’d like to spend a little time there just enjoying the place. With you.”

“So you
want some more of this!” She ran her hands down her sides, accentuating her hourglass shape, and began singing, “If you want my body, and you think I’m sexy…”

He tossed his head back and let out a crack of laughter. “Fine, you busted me. So what do you say?”

“I guess I can tuck you in tonight,” she offered. “Should I bring a bottle of wine?”

“I’m more of a beer man, myself,” he replied, “but sure.”

“All right, let me go shower while you go do whatever you have to do for work. Meet up there in two hours?” she asked, and then bent to give him a kiss on his dimpled cheek.

He nodded and she wheeled around to jog down the hall. Only this time she was singing a song he definitely recognized.

If you want mah body…

Damn, he did. Bad. But what scared the hell out of him was how much he was starting to want so much more than that.

Chapter Eight


The rain didn’t let up all day, so when he opened the door to Honey’s house a couple hours later, Kitty was wet and shivering.

“I told you to bring an umbrella,” Mike chided as he pulled her into the house.

“Yeah, I forgot.”

“The bathroom down the hall is still in one piece.”

Kaitlin disappeared into the bathroom to dry out her hair and Mike went to his childhood room to change. After throwing on a fresh t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts – his usual bedtime attire – Kaitlin shuffled into the room in a tight pair of Victoria’s Secret leggings and a tank top.

“Ah, so this is where all the magic happened. Michael Blade’s childhood room,” Kaitlin said.

“You got it all wrong. Honey was like a bloodhound; she could sniff out any girl I thought about bringing over when we were in high school. Hell, until you came over the other night looking for Rick, I’d never so much as kissed a girl here.”

The words wrapped around her like a blanket and she tried to shake it off. Neither of them had made any promises. This was just what it looked like from the start. A short-term fling while they were both in town. Nothing more. And letting herself get too used to him and his sweet talk was a first class ticket to Heart Break.

She turned around observing the AC/DC and Iron Maiden posters on the wall. There were racy pictures of pin-up girls straddling Harley-Davidson bikes and Mardi Gras beads hanging from his bed posts. His mattress was wrapped in satin black sheets and a life-size cutout of some motocross racer stood in the corner watching over them. Exactly how she would’ve pictured a teenage Michael’s bedroom to have looked.

“Who’s that?” she asked.

“Him? Oh, that’s Travis Pastrana. He’s one of the greatest motocross racers to ever live.”

“Right,” she said with a nod. “Of course. And will he be watching over us tonight?”

“Very funny,” Mike let out a laugh. “Honey never changed our rooms after we moved out, besides dusting and vacuuming every once in awhile. I think part of her always secretly hoped maybe we’d come back.”

“So why not stay in the master now? I mean, I know your childhood room has character, but it’s a little cramped.”

“Oh, I sleep in the master while I’m here renovating. But not tonight.”

“Why not?”

“Are you kidding me? Sleep in Honey’s bed? With you?” he asked, brows raised. “The neighbor girl that she viewed as a surrogate granddaughter for years? She’d probably rise from the dead just to whoop me.”

Kaitlin wrinkled her nose and nodded. She hadn’t really thought that far into it, but now that he said it, it was definitely off the table.

“Yeah, I guess that would be weird. All right, so what’s for dinner? I cooked breakfast, after all.”

. He’d forgotten to pick something up on the way, and cooking was out of the question with the kitchen remodel in progress. The stove had already been ripped out and the only appliances that worked were a mini-fridge he brought over from his apartment and Honey’s ancient microwave.

“Actually,” he said, “I think it’s the place down the street’s turn to cook. You like Chinese food, right? They deliver.”


Within an hour they were seated on his couch, watching eighties action flicks and stuffing their faces with eggrolls, fried rice, and orange chicken.

They talked for hours and in the rare moments of silence, they nestled deep in each other’s arms in solace, taking in each other’s warmth. He wasn’t exactly the cuddle-on-the-couch type, but the hours flew by and it wasn’t until midnight that they decided to call it a night and go to bed.

They’d only made it to the hallway, when the last of his restraint vanished. He tugged her arm, pulling her to a stop and then kissed her long and hard. He had a taste for her, a hunger that couldn’t be satiated. Trapped in the throes of this newly-discovered desire for Kitty, he quaked with the need to show her more…show her everything.

She moaned as he nibbled at her ear. He kissed her down her neck to her collarbone, stopping every so often to return to her sweet lips. Her tousled red hair smelled of strawberries and cream, and she tasted every bit as good as she smelled. When her soft hands traveled down his chest, over his stomach, and lower, his adrenaline pumped into overdrive.

“I want to do very,
, dirty things to you, Kitty,” he said in a coarse whisper.

“Yeah?” she breathed. “Is that a threat or a promise?”

He nipped at her porcelain neck.


Kitty pulled her tank top off over her head and threw it onto the floor. Ever so slowly, Mike kissed, nipped, and licked her, from her neck to her perfect breasts, down to her navel. He pulled her leggings to the floor and then toyed with the edge of her panties, running his fingers slowly over her soft skin, tracing the v between her thighs. He could feel the wet heat already gathering there and groaned.

And just when he gripped the sides of her panties, prepared to tug them down her long, slender legs, a loud buzzing distracted them both, pulling them out of the moment.

“Is that a vibrator in your pocket just in case?” Kitty teased.

Mike looked up, her words barely penetrating the sound of the blood rushing in his ears, coming back to eye level with Kitty. It took a second to comprehend what she was saying and then another to identify the sound.

His cell phone.

“No, it’s my phone,” he said.

“Can you turn it off?” she asked, tracing a finger over his jaw before sliding her arms around his neck and gently pushing the top of his head back towards her stomach.

The buzzing stopped.

“Hell yes. That can wait.
cannot,” Mike said, leaning down to kiss her again.

Just before he could get back down to where he left off, the phone started buzzing again. He shot his head up and let out a string of curse words.

“Give me one second. It’s late and it might be an emergency.”

His twin had called him once by satellite phone and had said contact would be minimal, but the thought that he might need something would distract him unless he checked.

She nodded, but her expression was dubious at best, and the heat that had been radiating from her blue eyes cooled.

“Yeah, sure. I understand.”

He shoved a hand into his pocket and yanked out his phone to peer down at the text lighting the screen, hoping it wasn’t Rick so he could just turn the damned thing off and focus on Kitty.

I need you. Call me ASAP

“Everything all right?” Kitty asked, making an obvious attempt at not invading his privacy by keeping her gaze trained on a spot over his shoulder rather than peeking down at the phone.

“I don’t know.” He jammed a hand through his hair and ran through his options. “It’s Ashley. You remember her from high school?”

“Ashley Collins? Yeah.”

And judging by the expression on her face, she also remembered that both he and Ashley had gotten suspended their senior year when they got caught having sex under the bleachers when they were supposed to be in gym class.

This was bad. Real bad.

He opened his mouth to try to explain when the phone buzzed again, three more times in quick succession.

If you don’t come quickly, I don’t know what he’ll do. Please…

“Look, why don’t you go ahead with whatever you need to do with Ashley and I’ll head home,” Kitty said with a tight smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “You can give me a call tomorrow or something.”

She turned and made her way down the hall, dressing as she went. He watched her go, his thoughts swarming like a hive of restless bees.


He wished he could explain but Ashley’s secret wasn’t his to tell. Her deadbeat boyfriend had been threatening her for months now and had finally gone off the deep end and slapped her the week before. If he was blackout drunk, there’s no telling what he could do. Hell, the only reason he was walking around as a free man now and not locked up behind bars was because Mike hadn’t been able to convince her to call the police on him. And he would continue to walk free, ready, willing and able to mete out the pain.

Unless Mike went over to stop him.

Ashley had been a friend long after their days behind the bleachers and he had to go help her.

Still, he owed Kitty some sort of explanation. And, for some reason, the thought of walking back into the house later and not having her there made his guts churn.

He rushed back into the living room and took Kitty’s shoulder just as she was bending low to don her sneakers.

“Look, I know this seems bad but I swear, it’s not. Just, please, promise me you’ll stick around, okay? I’ll be quick. Back before you know it.”

She gnawed on her bottom lip and nodded reluctantly.


Relief washed over him, but it was quickly replaced by concern for his friend. He threw on his shoes and a jacket, grabbed his car keys and hightailed it out the door.

* * *

Three AM and Kitty was sprawled out on Mike’s childhood bed, watching the ceiling fan go around. Her head spun faster than the blades and had been for hours.

She wanted to believe that it was nothing, but this was exactly what Mike was notorious for. It certainly wouldn’t have been the first time that he sweet-talked a girl’s panties off and then bounced.

But then why had he insisted she stay?

Because he wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

Correction. He wants to have his ex and eat you too
, her subconscious bleated.

The thought made the acid in her stomach roil.

looked concerned. But if it was something innocent, why hadn’t he explained what it was? And why wasn’t he back yet? It had been hours and he hadn’t even had the courtesy to call.

She sighed, wishing she could work up a head of steam. Some anger at him that would give her the strength to get up and walk out. But if there was anyone to blame here, it was her. Her mother had warned her about guys like Mike. Guys like her father. Like leaves in the wind. Rolling whichever way the wind blew. He’d never made her any promises beyond a good time. Damn her for wishing it could be more than that.

It was a whirlwind week and somehow he’d swept her off her feet. But she was the one who hadn’t kept those feet planted firmly on the ground. Shame on her for forgetting herself and for forgetting who Mike really was. The love ‘em and leave ‘em Blade who’d never settle down. Nothing like the safe, stable man she needed in her life.

This was exactly the wakeup call she needed to bring her back down to earth. She collected her things and then scoured his desk until she found a pen and ripped a sheet of copy paper out of his printer. Then, armed with the still full bottle of wine that she’d brought over, she sat down at his coffee table.



Thanks for the great time the past couple days, but I’ve got head back to the city. Don’t worry, I’ll find someone to finish the work on the yard, no charge.



She dropped the note on the table, tucked the wine under her arm, and headed for the door.

It was fine. Everything was going to be just fine.

She stepped out into the cool, summer rain and jogged to her mom’s house, straight to her room. It took a few minutes of riffling through stacks of boxed up clothes, dresses, and memorabilia from high school, but she eventually found it folded up just beneath her graduation gown.

Mike’s leather jacket.

Looking at it, feeling it for the first time in years, a rush of emotion made her throat go achy. She’d long since had it dry cleaned, but for some reason, hadn’t been able to bring herself to give it back to him, no matter how mad he made her.

Now the sight of it made her want to vomit again.

Clearly, the lack of sleep the past few days was making her overly emotional. Hell, it wasn’t like she was in love with the guy.

She ran back to Honey’s house, resisting the urge to sniff the jacket one more time. There was a tiny little kernel of hope in her heart—a foolish one—that believed he would be back waiting for her when she walked in.

But he wasn’t.

She laid his jacket on the coffee table and put the note on top, hoping it was enough to let him know she needed a clean break. He might be able to go back to the love/hate friendship they’d had before, but she was forever changed. Things would never be the same between them. Better not to drag it out.

She’d get an hour of shut-eye and, before first light, she’d call Cheri and make sure her friend could come and water her mom’s plants. Then, she’d be free and clear of this town for a while.

And someday soon, if she tried hard enough to forget him…his scent…his touch…it would be like Michael Blade had never even existed.


BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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