Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (70 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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“We should check to make sure everyone here is all right. There’re no dead bodies hiding in the back is there, Morgan?”

Morgan shook his head and grinned. “Can’t do that anymore, Serge, they kept stinkin’ up the place. Bad for the customers.”

The sergeant rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah.” He pointed to an OutKast member standing by the pool table with a cut lip. “You clubs intermingling now?”

Nate kept his head down and Morgan didn’t even glance his way. “It’s an f’in high school reunion.” Morgan caught himself before swearing. He set a smile on his face, but Katie knew it was forced. The cops knew more than they were letting on, but they obviously weren’t going to push anything to prove a gun fight had been going on, especially with no one complaining in the bar. “Can I offer you boys a drink?”

“We’re on duty.” The sergeant shook his head and motioned to his men. “Let’s get out of here men. Our assistance is obviously not needed here.” He glanced one more time at Katie. “Miss, I suggest you find yourself a new bar to mingle at.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Katie held her breath as the police filed out and the cruisers out front pulled onto the road again. The calm that descended on the bar was as frightening as the fight had been. She swallowed hard.

Morgan took a long drink and turned to her. “Miss Wilkes, huh? What the fuck, Katie?”



Morgan continued to stare at her. “As in,

“Yes,” her voice was a whisper.

“I see.” The look on his face told her he did not.

“No, you don’t. I …I never meant to lie to you Morgan.” She did not want to have this conversation here, in front of a bunch of scary looking men she didn’t know and who were all watching her with interest now. “I didn’t lie, not really. I…walked off today. I…I just…” She fell silent. Tears stung her eyes but she refused to let them fall. The shock of the past life-threatening moments was wearing off. She began to shake. She clutched her glass to hide the tremors in her hands.

Morgan frowned. “You have to go.”

She shook her head. “No. Not until you hear me out.”

He stared at her, his face completely unreadable. “Katie, I want to hear you out. But I have a whole lotta things that need to be sorted out here first. Go.”

A wizened little guy was busy plucking the bullet out of the buttock of the big guy who’d been gleefully shooting up the place moments before. Nate bellied up to the bar and stood behind Katie. “It looks like we have a mutual problem Morgan.”

Morgan nodded as he looked past Katie to Nate. “I agree.” He focused back on her. “Katie, go home.”

“No.” The word came out more forcefully than she meant. She lowered her voice, “No. I won’t.”

Nate chuckled behind her. “Feisty, isn’t she?”

She spun around to look at him. “How much do they owe you?”

Nate grinned, one of his teeth was apparently missing. “Is this your business?”

“No, but I can pay it so maybe it should be.”

Morgan moved around her and stood between the two of them. His face went dark. “The hell you will. This has nothing to do with you, rich girl. Now get your ass off that stool and—”

“I saw the news,” she blurted out. “I didn’t think anything about it then but I remembered just now. That place, it’s right near the highway, right? By some new corporate condo line they’re building. There was someone who wanted that land and it was owned by a guy who wouldn’t sell. Maybe that’s the answer to your problem.” Suddenly she knew that was what had happened. This had nothing to do with motorcycle clubs, alliances, drugs or money. It had to do with property. She had a pretty good idea who might be involved.

Both men stared at her.

Katie swallowed hard, hating the fact that her hunch was probably right. “That land’s worth a lot to the right people.” She’d assessed the land in the neighborhood, surveyed it and written a property value estimate not that long ago. She forced the lump forming in her throat back down. “It might be those people sent in someone to make sure they got the land.”

Morgan asked, “What the hell are you saying, Katie?”

She looked down and wanted to pretend this wasn’t happening. She’d seen the property she was talking about and another one with it… just hadn’t realized what it was till now. “This bar and that house, the land around it, are part of what will be a major project. Next year, not this year. I’ve seen the plans for it. Today. It didn’t register until just now. There’s going to be a whole subdivision of high-end homes and shopping built. I’m talking a two million-dollar project, all geared toward people eager to stay in the city itself, and have larger houses with property. Like country living with all the amenities they want. Twenty million dollars is what it’ll cost up front, but it’ll sell for more than double that, way more.”

Nate stared at her. “That’s a whole lot of friggin’ money.”

And if there was anything Blake Wilkes was interested in, it was making more money. The thought that her father might have had someone killed seemed too hard a pill to swallow. “Blake Wilkes, my father, he has guys who…who work for him.” She couldn’t believe he’d do something illegal. Dirty, yes. Illegal, no. “They’ve been known to get rough with certain people, but nothing illegal.” She stared at the men around her, none of them having believing looks on their faces. She ran her tongue over her lower lip as she turned to Morgan. “There are people who own places the Wilkes’ company is interested in acquiring. They would never murder anyone though. That would be going too far. He’d never do something to jeopardize the company.”

“It’s possible. All men are snakes.” Nate shrugged like it was no big deal. He nodded at Morgan. “But none of this shit excuses you from your debt, Morgan.” He stood, his hands on the barstool. “I tell you what. Give me her and we’ll call it even. Or Craig. My boys want Craig. They’d be happy to take her instead though. We can ransom her. Or whatever.” His grin turned nasty.

Katie’s heart dropped into her belly. She stared at him. He had to be kidding, right? Nope. He was completely serious. She swallowed, not sure if she should try and make a run for the door. A smart girl would have gone with the cops.

Morgan said, “Fuck off. No dice.”

“I’m taking one or the other, Morgan. It’s her or your dude. Take your pick.”

Someone muttered by the pool table, “Bros before hoes.”

Horror filled her. She didn’t know a lot about motorcycle clubs, but she knew Morgan was loyal. To his guys. He wouldn’t trade her for a debt owed, would he?

“It’s Craig’s debt, so it’s my debt. Miss Wilkes here had nothing to do with any of this shit.” He scoffed. “You can’t be crazy enough to think you’re going to walk out of here with her, or Craig, when your guys are already hurting and mine are still out for blood.”

Katie sat still. Her eyes travelled to the butt of the rifle, barely visible from where she sat. If Nate tried to take her she intended to go for the gun, and this time she would be aiming for a vital organ. “I can pay the debt. Consider it an act of goodwill. A once in—”

“I don’t want the money anymore,” Nate cut her off. “Let’s face it, the bitch is way more valuable than what the Orphans owe me. I, and my guys, want blood for what they’re owed.” He smirked at her. “It’s a matter of principle now. Plus interest.”

“I see,” Katie said. Her eyes fled to Morgan’s face.

Morgan didn’t glance her way; he was too busy shooting knives at Nate with the glare in his eyes. “I’m not going to say no again Nate. Get the fuck out of my bar. Now.”

Nate didn’t move. “Don’t make me force your hand Morgan. I’ll put it to a vote right here and how many of your crew do you think will stand for her? I don’t give a shit about the broad, she’s just a means to an end. I want Craig, but I know I’m not getting him. Her,” he said and nodded at Katie. “I have a chance to piss her old man off and make some money in the process. I’ll even knock a small percentage your way.”

“I’ll kill you,” Katie said softly. “Don’t doubt it.”

Nate smiled. “I’ve seen your shot. You might have a chance, but I promise pretty girl, that you’ll never get near a firearm before we wreck you.”

“You won’t fucking touch me.” She smiled at him, the smirk cold like her father’s. “You can bet on that if you like.” Her fear had dropped away. She didn’t know how or why, but it had. She was beyond angry.

Morgan stopped her. “You’ll take the money Nate. You can run up on me one on one and get your money or you can run against my whole crew and get nothing but blood.”

“Most of the blood will be yours.” Nate shook his head. “Don’t be foolish, Morgan.”

“Nobody said I was the smartest guy.” He tossed back the rest of his drink and took a step closer to Nate. “I’m not giving you either of them.”

“Have it your way. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted, “Here’s my proposition gents: I can take your brother for the debt he owes—and it was him that came to me without your dumbass fearless leader’s permission to do it—or I can take the rich bitch here.” He looked around the room. “What’s it going to be?”

His back was to her. Katie grabbed the gun and would have pressed it against the base of Nate’s neck, but Morgan’s hand stopped hers. He covered his hand on hers and didn’t let her pick it up. He shook his head, his face grave. Something big was going down and she didn’t know the rules. However, she was not going with Nate. No freakin’ way!

Craig pushed his way to the front, his face scarlet with rage. “Take the bitch,” he said angrily. “Bros before hoes.”

“No,” Morgan warned softly. “Tell me something, Craig, how did you let them get the jump on you?”

Craig swung around. “What the hell do you mean?”

“Just what I said.” Morgan took the rifle from Katie and walked toward Craig, aiming it at his chest. “You lost a big shipment six months ago and we covered your debt. A street gang got onto you, remember? We took the fight to them even when they said they’d paid. We took your word for it. How did they get the dope from you, Craig? How’d they know you’d be out there, all alone?” His finger pressed against the trigger.

Katie cringed and looked away. The fearlessness she had felt moments ago disappeared. She did not want to be here. Not for a second longer.

Craig laughed. “Seriously man? You’re going to sell me down the river for her?”

“She doesn’t have anything to do with this shit. She walked in on your mess. We all did. What the fuck happened? You have some kind of deal? With Hades’ himself?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about!”

Morgan frowned but didn’t lower his gun. “Explain how you lost that last shipment but somehow can afford a new custom bike!” he yelled. “Explain to me how the fuck it is you knew exactly where the dope and money was at the house you took me to. Anyone would have taken the shit with them, left the bodies, but took the shit and money. If I had killed for it, I’d not left without it.”

Katie tried putting two and two together. The dog had been rescued from that house. Was Craig with Penny? No, that was wrong. Clive was the vet with Penny? This guy, Craig, was hiding something, that was obvious. What he was hiding was the million-dollar question.

Craig pointed at her. “You heard what she said, her old man has something to do with this.”

“I said he might have,” she blurted out. “He’s not involved.”

“How do you know, bitch?” Craig hissed at her and shut up when Morgan raised the gun again.

“Maybe he did. But I think maybe he had some help.” Morgan took a step closer to Craig. “This bar’s on his list too. Ironically, not too long ago you were telling me that you thought we should pull up stakes and sell this place.”

Katie backed up. Jack tapped her shoulder. She turned her head and he winked at her. He held out a glass with a scant finger of whiskey, and a single, slim twist of lemon placed neatly on the lip. He nodded and then directed his gaze back toward the two men facing each other.

Craig looked around and threw his hands in the air. “You guys feel the same way? I say hand over that chick…”

Clive stepped forward. “Answer the questions Craig. It ain’t just Morgan asking.”

Craig said, “What? Bros before hoes, man.”

More men stepped up. Jack crossed his arms and leaned back against the bar. “You playing for the wrong side, man? You selling us out for a little cash?”

“You’re my brothers!” Craig shouted.

“But are you ours?” Morgan asked as he lowered the gun. He didn’t need a bullet with a room full of angry men.

“Yes! Dammit Morgan, yes!” Craig yelled and stomped his foot. He looked terrified. 

Katie didn’t blame him for being afraid. She didn’t have to ask what would happen if Nate took him. She didn’t like the guy, but she didn’t want to see him killed. She stepped forward. “What if he admits what he did and makes restitution?”

Clive looked over at her. “Not your issue Miss, respectfully.”

She stepped forward. “Well, since he’s trying to trade me off instead of himself, I have to respectfully disagree, sir.”

Laughter rang out and it was not just the Orphans laughing, it was OutKasts as well. She cleared her throat. Someone slapped Clive on the back. “Sir? Shit, I’ve heard you called a lot of things, Clive, sir’s never been one of them.”

Katie ignored the laughter. She’d been in a room full of pig-headed chauvinistic businessmen, this wasn’t that different. “If he admits what he did, and you get your money Nate, is that good enough?” She looked at Nate, taking pride that she had shocked him. “You let Morgan decide what happens to Craig. You and your guys could ride away from here with no harm and no foul.”

Nate said, “You got a sister?”

She stared at him, puzzled. “No, why?” What the hell? Was he joking with her? Motorcycle gangs were nuts.

“Too bad. You ever decide you’re sick of Morgan, you come see me.”

“Uh… I don’t think so, but thanks anyway.”

More laughter erupted around them, and it grew louder. Katie looked around the bar. She didn’t understand these men, or the women that rose with them either, but she had somehow managed to calm them and maybe settle an argument that would result in someone dying.

Morgan came up beside her. “I can live with that if you can, Nate. But, if you can’t, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m not giving you either of them. I can assure you that if I find Craig’s been double dipping then it is up to me to deal with my guy, not you. He’s an Orphan, not an OutKast.”

There was a murmur of assent.

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