Sexy Love (11 page)

Read Sexy Love Online

Authors: Michelle Leyland

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #love, #action, #sex, #boygirl

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You’re so
amazing, Rickie,” she says with love and admiration in her eyes. “I
hope I’ll be one of the best freedom fighters one day, just like

I grin at the
compliment, feeling touched that I’m her idol, “I know for sure you
will be, Star. You’re still getting into it yet, but even Carl says
you’ve got potential to do really great things for us.”

She smiles, “I
hope so. I want to make my parents proud.”

I hold her for
a while as we think about everything.

Rickie, I
still can’t believe it…about Josh,” she says.

We haven’t
mentioned it for an hour, because everyone’s still angry about
finding out how Snider found where our secret base was. I guess
Starlet needs to talk about it since Josh was one of her closest
friends and she’s just found out he betrayed us.

I still feel
pissed off with him. We were all friends with Josh and he had just
started working for us and finished training. However, he still
risked our lives by grassing us in and I don’t think I can forgive
him for that.

Yeah, he’s
really out of order,” I agree. “How could he do that to his own

I know. It’s
awful,” she says.

It must be even
harder for Starlet because she was the one who risked her life to
rescue him from Snider’s troops and inspired him to come and work
with us.

It scares me
what you said, about not being able to trust people,” she says,
referring to what I said once we found out. “I thought I would be
able to depend on my work colleagues, but I guess I

You can trust
people here. I just meant that there’s always a chance that one of
us could break, like Josh did.”


I know for
sure I can trust Carl. He’s my bro and our leader, so he would
never do anything to put us in danger. I can trust you too. You
love me and I know you wouldn’t have anything to do with Snider
after what he did…”

She thinks
about him killing her parents and her eyes fill with sadness,
“yeah, I hate him,” she agrees. “But what about everyone else? Do
you think they would turn?”

I don’t think
they’d want to,” I say honestly, “but we all have weaknesses and
Snider could easily use them.”

I think of my
deepest fear and feel nervous. I don’t know what I’d do if Snider
threatened to kill Starlet, Carl or my best friend Mick. They mean
the world to me and I don’t know how much I would do to keep them
alive. That’s what scares me the most. Would Snider ever be able to
manipulate me into getting what he wants?

I can
definitely trust you,” she says, breaking my thoughts. “I know you
would do anything to keep people safe.”

Yeah,” I
agree, determined not to ever let Snider take control of


The next day,
Starlet arrives back to our temporary base looking troubled and her
friend Sarah is crying.

What’s wrong?”
I ask.

We ran into
Josh,” she tells me.

Sarah says she
wants some time alone and goes off to the toilets to cry in
private. Her and Josh had a short romance so I guess she’s pretty

Come on, we
need to talk about it with Carl,” I say, dragging Starlet

Once we’ve
found him, Starlet repeats what she told me and Carl looks


He came up to
me and tried to say it wasn’t his fault. He told me that Snider
blackmailed him to do it. Snider had found Josh’s family and
threatened to kill him and his family unless he gave him
information. Josh chickened out and gave him the location of our

Carl and I feel
shocked at finding this out.

I guess that
explains why he turned,” I say.

I ended up
yelling at him,” admits Starlet. “I told him he was a coward and we
would have kept his family safe if he told us instead of jumping
into Snider’s trap. Then Sarah and I told him to stay away from all
of us and we left. I made sure he didn’t follow us

I just don’t
understand it,” says Carl. “His family were already under our
protection. How could Snider get to them?”

Maybe Snider
was just lying so he could try and scare him into talking,” I

Josh should
have thought about that before he betrayed us,” Carl says angrily.
“We need to stay well away from him and I’ll make sure he doesn’t
come anywhere near our new base.”





The next day
we’re really busy moving into our new base, a bigger building
further out in the city. We have a lot of decorating to do and work
on making the rooms into new flats for us to live in.

I go out to
withdraw some money to fund our work and arrive back half an hour
later. I park up my motorbike outside the unfamiliar building and
see Starlet stood outside watching me. I get off, remove my helmet
and smile over at her. She looks me up and down, her eyes full of
desire as if I’m the sexiest guy in the World. I can’t help but
smile even more.

She walks over,
throws her arms around my neck and starts to kiss me on the lips. I
kiss her back, feeling turned on that she’s making the first move.
No other girl has ever had the confidence to kiss me first and it
feels great.

After our long
kiss, she snuggles up to me and puts her hand inside my open
leather jacket to stroke my chest.

You look so
hot in your biker stuff,” she says, looking up into my

So you’re into
bikers I guess?” I ask.

I never really
thought about it before I met you, but it looks totally

I spin her
around and put her down on my motorbike, so that she sits sideways
onto it, and get close to her again as I kiss her passionately.
It’s even hotter kissing her against my motorbike, but I have to
hold onto that instead of her so it won’t fall off its stand. The
last thing I want is for us to go hurtling over the fallen
motorbike and feel stupid.

I can feel
people staring over at us, so I end our kiss and pull her back to
her feet off the motorbike.

Let’s continue
this at your place so we’re not attracting any more attention,” I

We make out
more on her bed and then start a role-play where I’m a photographer
and Starlet is my very sexy, hot model.

I take photos
of her on my mobile: A close up of Starlet lying back on the bed,
with the straps of her vest top down over her shoulder, her eyes
gazing into the camera.

I snap another
without her top, showing her bra and the top of her jeans, with
just a little bit of her thong showing. Then I get one of her in
her underwear, posing like a bikini model.

We should do
one topless,” I suggest with a grin.

No way. I
don’t want anyone seeing a picture of my boobs,” she

Okay, you can
cover them up a bit,” I suggest and she lets her hair hang down
over them, covering up the most private areas, but still showing
the middle of her chest.

If you show
that to either Mick or Carl then you’re dead,” she tells

I smile,
“there’s no way I’m sharing these. I’m keeping them to

She doesn’t
fully trust me, in case I use one of them as a screensaver, so I
put them in a private folder that’s password protected.

Let me take
some of you now,” she begs.

I think it’s
sexier when you model,” I reply, but I let her take one of me
topless and then one more just in my boxers.

And don’t even
think about letting Sarah or Kat laugh over those,” I tease

I beg Starlet
to do some beach wear modelling, because she’ll look so hot; so she
goes to change into a light blue bikini and sarong that she has in
her drawer.

When she comes
out of the bathroom, I have to really hold myself back with how
amazing she looks as I stare at her. Her bikini is one of those
sexy ones that ties around her neck and back, and the bottom one
ties over the top of her legs.

She ties her
sarong around her waist first, letting me take photos, but I
excitedly pull that off and take even more of her just in the

It doesn’t take
long before the photos are forgotten and we’re making out
passionately on her bed, making love twice.





It’s harder
than I thought to concentrate at work the next day. Starlet is
looking hot as usual as she strolls into our new work office that
morning, wearing a tight purple top, dark skinny jeans and her hair
cascading behind her. I immediately want to go over and kiss her,
hold her amazing body close to mine and run my fingers through her
soft hair.

She smiles at
me in greeting and I smile back, having to resist the urge to check
her out, wink at her or flirt in any way. I know Carl is keeping
his eye on us to make sure we do nothing at all inappropriate, so
I’m in big trouble if I cross the line.

Starlet doesn’t
seem to be struggling with this as much as I am and just starts on
some work, talking with another freedom fighter about something
they’re working on today.

I can’t
concentrate at all. I know there are bad things going on in the
city right now and I really want to fix it; but I can’t stop my
radar going off at having my hot girlfriend nearby. I try to keep
my eyes firmly on the laptop screen to get some hacking done. Mick
and I are busy sitting at a desk, trying to crack one of Snider’s
online systems. However, all I can think of is where Starlet is
sitting and how much I want to go over.

Eventually I
somehow manage to blank her out, getting focused on what I’m doing.
That’s until she walks past my desk and I can’t ignore the
beautiful smell of her perfume. I look up and watch her walk by,
feeling so attracted to her.

I can’t help
but keep sneaking glances at her while she’s nearby, looking
through the filing cabinets. She bends down to get something from
the bottom drawer and her skinny jeans drop a little lower from her
waist. For a second I catch a glimpse of the top of her turquoise
thong peeking out before she gets back up again.

I immediately
go crazy with desire for her and have to look away to stop myself
going right over there and kissing her hard against that filing
cabinet. Starlet hasn’t noticed what just happened and has no idea
how much affect she’s just had on me.

Mick has
noticed though and he smirks, finding it funny.

I feel for
you, dude,” he says and gives me a sympathetic pat on the back.
“Stay strong.”

I try to, but
I’m convinced I’ll get fired by the end of the day for not being
able to resist her.

I feel so
relieved when it’s finally lunch time. Starlet and I agreed to go
out and get something from McDonald’s, so I wait for her outside
the doorway. She finishes up on what she’s working on and heads for
the door. I grab her as she walks through, pull her close to me and
kiss her. I feel sparks at finally being able to feel her lips on

She’s a little
stunned by my surprise kiss and doesn’t respond for a few seconds,
but then she puts her hands on my chest and kisses me back. It
feels so amazing to finally kiss her like this and I’m relieved
that there are no rules to keep me away from my girlfriend right

It’s been so
hard staying away from you,” I say quietly in her ear.

It feels even
better to be able to hold her hand and stand close to her after not
being allowed to all morning.

She smiles up
at me sweetly, “I know. It’s weird kind of having to act like we’re
not together.”

You’ve no idea
how many times I wanted to break the rules this

She snuggles up
to me, “you’ll just have to keep being a good boy,” she says
teasingly, running her fingers over my chest.

I kiss her
again, more passionately this time against the wall, enjoying every
second of it.

I almost
forgot what an amazing kisser you are,” she says flirtatiously and
we finally set off outside for lunch.


I really want
to see Starlet after work but I’m disappointed when she says she’s
going out with Sarah and Kat. I try not to mind too much because I
know she has to make time for her friends too and not just me. I go
to the gym instead with Mick, but he’s pretty busy eyeing up two
girls who are on the treadmills, and I can’t stop thinking of

I can’t even
sleep that night because I want to be with her so much, and at two
o’clock I give up trying to fight it and decide to go over to her
place. I throw on my black hoodie and pull on some used jeans I
left on my bedroom floor. I already have boxers on because I sleep
in them, so I put on some socks and trainers before walking over to
her flat.

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