Sexy Love (6 page)

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Authors: Michelle Leyland

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #love, #action, #sex, #boygirl

BOOK: Sexy Love
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But he’s ordered more police
officers to come over, how did you get in?” she asks,

, “The extra police
haven’t arrived yet and I always have ways of getting

We run along the corridor together and I see five police
cars pull up outside. I quickly lead her towards the smashed window
and we get out onto the fire escape.

Once we’re down we both
jump into the car where Mick is waiting.

Hi Star, glad you’re okay,
” he says, giving her a smile over the front seat. “Good
work Rickie, let’s get out of here before we’re




Starlet’s best friend called
Sarah, the one with purple hair, runs over to her as soon
as we get back. She asks if Starlet is okay and looks sick with
worry. Starlet reassures her that she’s fine, but Sarah starts
asking questions about what happened. Carl arrives and interrupts

Starlet, can you see me in my office?” he says and I feel
nervous knowing she’s in trouble.

Starlet looks anxious too,
realizing it’s serious, so I go beside her.

Don’t worry, everything’s fine. I’ll come in with

You didn’t need to come in, Rickie,” Carl tells me as we go
into his office together.

I do b
ro, there’s
something you need to know before you talk to Star. It’s my fault
they know Star’s identity as a freedom fighter.”

Carl and
Starlet both
look at me in total surprise.

I let her come on a mission,” I explain, feeling guilty.
“They must have seen her with me and somehow found out who she

When was this mission?” Carl is already annoyed because he
knows he didn’t accept for her to go and I should have asked him,
since he’s our leader.

She helped me break into Snider’s building to destroy the
microchips. I know I shouldn’t have taken her with me but I thought
it would be cool for her to get some experience.”

She could have been

I was looking after her; I wouldn’t have let them arrest
her,” I insist. “I’m sorry bro, I didn’t think this would

Starlet squeezes my hand reassuringly, telling me that
she’s not mad at this being my fault. I smile at her a

Carl questions her for a while, making sure she hasn’t told
them information. I can’t help feeling a little annoyed that he’s
making sure she’s not a traitor, even though I u
nderstand it’s procedure. I know Starlet would
never betray us, especially when the other side is responsible for
her parents’ death.

Starlet tells him that they know that we’re responsible for
one of the break-ins we did on a mission and that they have CCTV
images of her and me. I feel even guiltier, realizing I was right
and knowing it would have been easy for them to track her down with
a photo and her dance posters displayed around the city. The
posters would have given them the times, dates and locations to
find her, so she was pretty much sitting bait for them.

Unfortunately now your freedom fighter identity is known
the police will be on lookout for you,” Carl tells her seriously.
“You’ll probably be registered as a criminal to the government in
their records. You’ll need to remain unseen once you’re outside
this building, if you’re spotted you’ll have police trying to
arrest you. It’s a dangerous matter being a wanted criminal in this

I know, Rickie warned me,”
she replies, remembering what I told her the night of our second
date after we were chased.

put my arm around her, feeling sympathetic. I hate that the corrupt
police will be after Starlet now too and I want to keep her safe. I
couldn’t bear it if she got arrested again.

It’ll be okay, Star, I promise,” I tell her

What about the dance shows?” she asks Carl, looking
devastated at knowing that she’ll probably lose them.

I’m sorry Star
, but
you can no longer do any public dance shows. It’s too risky,” he

feel so guilty hearing this. Starlet loves dancing, it’s her dream
to do shows and raise money for the people running sanctuary, who
looked after her since she was a baby. She looks so upset now it’s
all over and I feel bad for her. I squeeze her hand, wishing I
could fix it somehow and make everything better again.

Carl seems to want to make it right too and suggests maybe
he can set up a few private shows for her in our secret hide outs,
rather than having them in public.

smiles happily at
the idea, “thanks Carl.”

When we leave the office, I turn to her and start to
apologize, “
, I’m really sorry. If I’d known this would happen I
would have never let you go on the mission with me.”

It’s okay.
I’m always
at risk of getting found out anyway, it could have happened on any
of my future missions.”

I know, but I really care about you. When I found out you
were in trouble, I nearly went crazy with being so worried. I would
have gone to be executed myself rather than let them kill

We stare into each other’s eyes, all sorts
of emotions running through

You’re not just another
girlfriend to me,” I find myself telling her, my heart
pounding with nerves. “You’re really special and our relationship
really means something. I think it can last and maybe go onto
something more…”

feel shocked at what just came out of my mouth. Why am I telling
her my secret thoughts? I shouldn’t be saying that maybe we will
get married in the future because she already feels like ‘The One’.
We haven’t even been together that long.

My heart is beating like crazy and I can hardly breathe.
She’s sure to get freaked by this. She’ll think I’m going way too
forward and dump me…

notice she’s not looking scared or anxious so far, she’s just
staring into my eyes looking touched.

I love you, Star,” I finally tell her.

know I’m really scared of finally saying the L word to her, but I
want her to know that she means so much to me and I couldn’t bear
to lose her. I’m not expecting her to say it back, because falling
madly in love with someone is a huge thing and we’re only just
getting to know each other. I can’t help hoping that maybe she will

I love you too, Rickie,” she tells me shyly.

I feel breathless when I
hear her say that and stare at her in surprise.

And I feel the same,” she continues. “When I was in that
prison cell I was more worried about you getting caught than being
taken off to be executed.”

, feeling warm inside
that she cares so much, “thanks. That shows how much we mean to
each other.”

I put my hands on her waist
and kiss her lips as we begin a long romantic snog. My heart is
still beating fast and I love being able to hold her close and feel
her lips on mine again.

When we finish, she seems a
little stunned and dizzy, so I keep hold of her waist and smile
down at her. Everything else has faded away and the only thing I
can see and think about is her. We’re lost in the moment together,
in a world of our own.

I hate to interrupt but you two are blocking my office
doorway,” I hear Carl say.

We part from each other sheepishly. I’m expecting Carl to
be annoyed with us and remind me that I’m acting unprofessionally
during work hours, but luckily he doesn’t start a

I’m relieved to see a little smirk and know he’s just
joking around, pretending to be annoyed and making us feel
embarrassed. I’m glad he understands that I’m not trying to cross
the line; I’m just so relieved that Starlet is back

still can’t believe I’ve said all that slushy stuff, and to make it
worse I did it right in front of my older brother. I cringe with
embarrassment, wishing I had waited until we were alone

Starlet is looking shy
about the whole scene, so I grin at her and take her hand so we can
quickly make an exit and be alone.





head back to my flat
to hang
out for a while and end up
making out
passionately on my bed. I’m already turned on with how sexy it is
rescuing her from the police and the big adrenaline rush of doing

I start to lift
up her top, ready to take it off, but she pushes it back down
quickly and moves away from me a little, looking

What’s up?” I
ask feeling puzzled.

Rickie, I
don’t want to have sex,” she tells me.

I feel stung
with rejection. I thought she liked me and we were enjoying turning
each other on, so I’m confused.

I thought
that’s where this was leading,” I say. “You seemed into

I was but…”
she avoids my gaze, sounding anxious. “It’s just…I’ve never done it

I feel
surprised, “oh,” I rake my fingers through my hair, getting over
the shock of her announcement. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know…I just
assumed you had.”

I feel like an
idiot. She’s only sixteen, so what did I expect? I guess because
she’s pretty I thought one of her previous boyfriends would have
already had sex with her.

I haven’t had
a boyfriend for two years so I’ve never gone all the way,” she
admits, a little embarrassed. “There were only a few teenagers at
Sanctuary with me so it didn’t give me much chance of a love

I think how
awful it would be stuck in one place and unable to go out and meet
other people. Poor Starlet had been there with only a very small
selection of boys, while I’ve been able to hit the city and meet as
many hot girls as I wanted.

I should have
asked about it,” I say, feeling guilty. “I guess you want your
first time to be special?”

Yeah, it’s a
big thing for me,” she agrees. “I’m just not ready for it yet. It’s
kinda scary thinking of doing it to be honest.”

It’s okay, I
get it,” I say, wanting her to know I understand. “So, would you
want your first time to be with me?”

My heart is
beating with nerves and I’m nervous about getting rejected

Yeah, I do,”
she replies blushing. “I’ve always wanted it to be with someone
special who loved me...and now I know you do.”

I feel relieved
and smile, feeling happy, “I’m kinda touched that you want me to be
your first. I just really wish you had been mine too.”

I feel guilty
as I look at her and see a flicker of disappointment in her eyes at
me revealing that I’ve already had sex with someone.

I was hoping
you might not have,” she says honestly, “but I knew there were
probably other girlfriends before me.”

I’m sorry,” I
say, feeling a little sad.

It’s fine, you
were allowed to do whatever you wanted in the past,” she says. “How
many girls have you slept with?”

I can tell
she’s anxious about what I’m going to say.

Just one when
I was sixteen,” I answer. “I’d been with her longer than any other
girlfriend so I thought it was the right time.”

I feel bad
knowing I could have waiting for someone special, like Starlet.
Maybe then Starlet and I could have had our first time together and
it would have been perfect.

instead I had thrown it away on Nicola, a girl I only thought I was
in love with and ended up losing her after six months. My job was
getting in the way, as usual, so she eventually got sick of it and
asked me to choose between her and my job.

Being a freedom
fighter meant too much for me to just throw away. I had run away
from home and left my mum behind for it and the city needed me to
stay protecting them. So I told her there was no way I could give
it up, so we agreed to split. She was devastated and cried a lot,
which I still feel bad about.

I was upset
over it too obviously and fed up with my relationships failing over
the same reason. There’s no way I can let it happen with Starlet.
She’s too special to lose and I’d be heartbroken and devastated if
I ever did.

I wish my
first time had been with you instead,” I admit, staring into her

She smiles at
me lovingly.

At least our
first time doesn’t have to be really awkward since I know what to
do,” I say, thinking of the good side.

I feel kind of
relieved that I have some experience and know a few things she’d
like me to do. The first time I did it, I was nervous as well as
excited, thinking of what to do and hoping I’d put it in the right
place. Yet with Starlet I won’t have to worry and just get to enjoy

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