Sexy Summers (Sexy Series) (20 page)

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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"Jesus, I've got the hottest girlfriend... in the fucking... world..." he says as he thrusts faster, "God, I love you, Tilly, so... fucking... much!" he cries, clearly about to lose control.

"Yaha... I say, nodding continuously, needing him to keep going because I'm about to... yeah... I'm, I'm going to... "Holy fuck!" I cry out as the climax crashes through me, forceful waves erupting again and again, his rhythmic thrusts prolonging the ecstasy.

"Til!" he shouts, releasing my breast and grabbing hold of my other hip, slamming me against him as he comes hard, growling, digging his fingers into my flesh. "My god!" he cries, panting behind me, and rests his forehead against my spine. "What the fuck - that was probably the hardest and fastest I've ever come in my life... uh..." his exhaustion from the quick, hard fuck evident.

I imagine what we look like, standing on the balcony, me on a coffee table, my knickers half way down my thighs... and actually, it turns me on a bit. "Do we look fucking hot right now, or what?" I ask, amused, enjoying the sound of his deep, hearty chuckle.

"You look fucking hot right now baby, and that's fo sho! We were loud, Til. We probably just woke the bears from hibernation."

I laugh, loudly, resting my hands on top of his, on my hips. I step down from the table, breaking our intimate contact, and turn to press my body against him, trying to avoid standing naked in full view. I slip my knickers back up my legs and look up into his gorgeous face.

"I want you to make me feel like that
every day that I'm with you. Think you're up to the challenge?" I ask, grinning.

"Too fucking right I am, if I get to do that to you every day, I'm in heaven already. So, what's going to happen? Are you going to come and live with me or what?"

I laugh out loud, 'Wow, such a tempting invitation!"

He chuckles with me and wraps his arms around me, I'm really, really cold all of a sudden, and standing out in the snowy air, naked, is not helping. His huge strong arms, however, cover a large portion of my top half, making me feel cocooned and protected.

"I would love for you to move to LA and come live with me, you freakin' awesome señorita."

"Ah, now that's more like it. Yeah, I'll have a lot of stuff to sort out, but I think that could work, señor..."

"Awesome!" he cries, squeezing me tighter and kissing my head.

"Now, I've got a pretty cool surprise planned for you tonight, my little pumpkin-pie, so we've gotta go get showered and ready to head back out by about six."

"A surprise? Ooh! How exciting! You spoil me, Lukey."

"I sure do, Tillifer, and that's not ever gonna stop." He leans down and kisses my nose, swatting my behind and bends to pick up my coat, to wrap it around me. "Now, go back to your room and get ready, wrap up real warm. I'll catch you downstairs in an hour. Okay?"

"Okay!" I say, excitedly, looking forward to whatever he has planned for us.

An hour later, I'm downstairs as agreed dressed in skinny jeans, flat, black boots, a vest top, a loose fitting, knitted, black jumper and my beautiful fur coat. He did say to wrap up warm - I hope this is the sort of attire he meant. I put my clutch, hat and leather gloves on the side table and sit down next to Bea on the sofa. I link arms with her and rest my head on her shoulder, snuggling. "I miss you, BB," I say quietly.

Daniel is in the kitchen, Alexia and Sebastian have gone and Clare and Oliver are playing 'snap' on the carpet in front of the roaring fire. I'm starting to feel the heat again in my beautiful coat.

"I miss you, too, doll. I can't tell you how relieved I am to have the Tilly we know and love back."

I smile, "I know, Clare said the same thing yesterday. I'm sorry, I've just..."

"Til, I was there too. You don't have to explain anything to me. I know you're not the type to admit stuff like that, even to yourself."

I look down at my hands, not really knowing what to say, because I feel like I'm lying. That's not the reason I've been distant.

"We'll have a lovely day tomorrow, the three of us hitting the shops together, then a nice family get together at ours in the evening."

"I'm really looking forward to it, too. I can't wait to see your house! You have a house in Aspen, it's so cool!" I say with a huge grin. This time last year, not one of us had a boyfriend, and look at us now, Bea has her incredible Daniel and their amazing lifestyle; houses all over the bloody place - and I have Luke. He's all mine and I couldn't be more happy about it. Oh yes, and I'm having a baby... mustn't forget that whopping great detail.

Luke trots down the stairs happily, whistling to himself. Is it normal to want to squeeze your boyfriend to death, twenty four hours a day? It's not, is it?
Oh god, I'm such a freak

"Where's that divine bedroom beast of mine?" he asks, and I stand, giggling, and stroll over to the table to get my things. "You ready, Princess?"

"Yep, is this okay?" I ask, gesturing to my clothes.

"Delicious," he says with a wink, approaching me and bending to plant a soft kiss on my lips.


The journey takes around half an hour in the car, and when we get there, Luke speaks with a few people before leading me over to an incredibly romantic horse drawn sled, and my mouth drops open in excited surprise. "We're going on that?"

"Yep, your carriage awaits, you really are a Princess tonight," he says, holding his arm out to welcome me on first.

"Oh, wow," I say as I step up and sit down, "this is amazing, I've never been on one before."

"I know it seems corny, but this and the snowcat are the only vehicles up here and I thought this was a little more romantic than the cat."

"It's totally corny, but amazing, thank you so much," I say, turning towards him and holding his face as I kiss his mouth. "This will be so much fun. Who'd have thought it? You and I being all romantic, we're so not those people."

"We are now, sweet-cheeks, so you wanna get used to it, okay?"

"Yes sir!" I say, saluting before having a good look around me. It's dark but oh-so-pretty.

We start moving, causing the cab to jolt slightly and I throw my hand over to Luke's lap and grab his thigh. "Like that, is it?" he asks with a smirk. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close, tucking me into his side. I pull my stunning fur tightly around me as I rest my head against his shoulder and snuggle into his big body. "Thank you, this is so wonderful."

"You're welcome, Til. I hope you're hungry..."

I am famished. "Yes, I am."

"Good, because the food at this place is fantastic. I've been here a couple times with Danny and a few of the others, but we skied cross country to get there, which is another option, but I didn't think you'd like it."

"No, thank you." I smile and nuzzle his shoulder with my face. Could there be a more thoughtful bad-boy out there? I think the answer is absolutely, categorically - no way. He's one in a million, and he's mine now.
He's ours, Wriggler!

It's so cold out here, much colder than it was earlier when I was getting banged on the balcony...
ooh, that was fantastic...
but I'm enjoying it, my hat is keeping my ears toasty, my gloves are doing their job, and my ball of fur coat and smoking hot boyfriend are all I could need to make this journey the most romantic, cosy experience, ever. I think I like romance, as it happens... what a revelation. Another one.

The night is so clear, so silent; the stars bright as anything, no street lights, no engines - just the huge, perfect moon spotlighting this idyllic setting, the soft slushing trot of the horses' hooves in the snow. Luke tilts his head to rest on top of mine and cups my face with his free hand. I close my eyes as tingles spread underneath my skin, absorbing all of this addictive affection. I just never knew I needed this so badly. How could I have lived for so long without it? Without him?

"Are you warm enough, beautiful?"

I grin and nod against him, "Mmm." I stretch my arm around his belly and hold on tightly. He smells delicious. "Yes, thank you. I'd like to stay out here like this, all night."

"I think you'd get cold pretty fast."

"Not if I'm with you I wouldn't. Did I tell you how much I adore my coat?"

"I believe you did. I'm glad you like it," he says, like we're talking about a DVD or something."

"Luke, it's a big deal you know, this coat."

"No it's not, I thought you'd find it useful."

"Exactly. You thought. About me. And it must have cost a fortune. Do you buy coats for lots of people?"

He lifts his head and looks down at my face, "Tilly, I have never bought a fur coat for another girl, ever. I bought one for my mom when she came here one year, but that's it. So don't go thinking like that. And so it cost a few bucks, so what? You're my girl and I've got money. If I want to get you something, I will. And lastly, yes; I thought. I'm always thinking about you, I think you've been on my mind, permanently, since September."

My grin spreads from ear to ear. "That's 'cause you
me..." I tease, and his responding chuckle sends vibrations to my lady bits.

"Uh huh, yeah, but not as much as you
me..." he replies, lowering his face to kiss me and I immediately wrap both arms around his neck and hold him to me, prolonging the pleasure. Our romantic sled ride fully consummated by our offering of love for one another; a sublime, sentimental kiss.
Who the hell are you and what have you done with Tilly?

We climb out of the sled as we arrive outside
'Pine Creek Cookhouse'.
The snow begins to fall and as I look at the quaint, little, wooden building, thick snow lining the roof, warm lights glowing through the windows - I feel a surge of excitement at the thought of spending the evening in this romantic cabin with my luscious Luke.

We enter the warm haven, hand in hand, and I take in the incredibly welcoming ambience. The decor is exactly how I'd imagined as we were nearing; antler chandeliers, mellow, soothing lighting, people gathering around an impressive wood burning stove with Irish coffee. It's wonderful.

Once we have taken our top layers off, we are greeted with a delicious plate of charcuterie and red wine. As much as I adore my red wine in real life, I still can't stomach the idea of even taking a sip whilst pregnant. It honestly makes me heave just thinking about it. Nope, Wriggler will just have to wait another eighteen years to have his first taste of booze... or maybe twenty one years, depending on where we live...

"Don't you want your wine, baby?" Luke asks, snapping me back to the present.

"Hmm? Oh, no, not really. I'm not really in the mood for drinking this holiday, I think I'm having enough fun without it. Call it a detox."

"Okay, that's a different Tilly to the one I remember, but it's fine by me... I'll join you."

So sweet!
"Oh no, please don't do that, you enjoy it. Please?"

"I can take it or leave it, Princess," he says with a shrug. Gorgeous man.

Three courses of incredible, American Alpine cuisine later, I am stuffed to the rim. We shared our dishes to experience the best of everything we could order, and it was fantastic. Now, I'm sitting facing a rather large chocolate brownie with a huge dollop of vanilla ice-cream on top, a squirt of cream, and lashings of chocolate sauce. How on earth I can even contemplate eating this after the ridiculous amount of meat I have just consumed, I've no idea. But it looks heavenly. Luke is staring at his walnut-pecan pie as if he might be able to shrink it a little before he has to eat it.

"We should probably make a start on this..." I say, holding my spoon, wondering where to begin.

"You're right. We really should. Ladies first," he says with a grin, rubbing his full belly.

"Okay..." I break a little off with my spoon and bring it to my mouth, and I'm almost brought to orgasm. "Oh. My. God. Incredible."

"It looks good. I wouldn't mind smearing some of that on your little body later and having a midnight feast," he whispers.

"Naa, Bea and Daniel beat us to it on that one, they're obsessed with chocolate sauce and all that stuff."

"Really?" he asks, laughing, "he never mentioned that one, surprisingly. So what else can we try then?"

"Maybe we could put black treacle on my nipples, you'll be there all day trying to suck it off," I say dryly with an amused smirk and to my horror, the older couple at the next table turn to look at me, stunned. Did I say that loudly?
I can't help but giggle even louder, though, as the gentleman looks back to his wife and wiggles his eyebrows, suggestively, before winking back at me.

"I think she's on to something..." Luke says to the man, and the couple laugh quietly with us. How often can you talk about nipple treacle with the old couple next to you in a restaurant? This evening is just so memorable, the romance is fantastic, but being us, having a laugh and enjoying the banter we so love, makes it complete.

We stay a little longer to have a hot, after-dinner drink with the older couple, and then head back outside in the heavy snowfall, to the sled. The ride back is quiet, calm and very, very sleepy. We cuddle up together and close our eyes, fully relaxing to the hypnotising rhythm of the horses.

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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