Sexy Summers (Sexy Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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As we all gather with drinks, I decide to stroll around the huge, beautiful room, taking in the exquisite, luxurious furnishings and incredible architecture. The room has an extremely high, wooden ceiling and a glass wall running all the way to the top at the back; traditional with a fabulous modern twist. The enormous, designer-looking Christmas tree fits perfectly, and the elegant decorations sprinkled throughout the room create such a warm, festive ambiance. It's so stylish, if Daniel hadn't arranged for a designer to come in and set these decorations up, I would most certainly put Bea's name on it. It's her to a 'T'.

I gaze out of the glass onto the patio outside, lit in the deep night by the warm, amber glow streaming from the lights of the pathway leading to the lawn. Luke joins me, his warm hand slips into the back of my open top and rests on my rib cage. He turns me slightly to press against him and I wrap my arms around his waist, resting my head on his chest. We stare out, into the night, together.

"It's a great house, huh?"

"I love it. I love being here."

"Want me to show you around?"

"Oh, definitely, I want to see the rest of the house." I turn and call to Bea, "Bea? Do you mind if Luke shows me around?"

"No!" she calls back, waving her hand, "Go! See the rest of the amazingness! Oliver and Clare are already having their tour."

We start downstairs, he shows me the fabulous kitchen, where Pam and Daniel's housekeeper are preparing our food, and then we move on to the rest of the rooms downstairs. It's absolutely huge. The beautiful swimming pool and gym on the lower ground floor are hugely impressive, I can't wait to use them. He leads me up the stairs to see the four incredible bedrooms. They could all be classed as master suites, with huge dressing rooms and bathrooms. We pass Oliver and Clare in the hallway, looking just as excited about Bea's new holiday home as I am.

Luke guides me to another door, behind which is a long, straight, carpeted staircase. We make our way up to the top to a small, lobby style library, with a couple of plush love seats and walls lined with wooden book cases, filled to maximum capacity. It has an addictive smell of leather and books, combined. There is a huge, round window to one side facing the stunning view of the white peaks of Aspen. What an incredibly idyllic place to spend a cold, snowy afternoon with a cup of tea. I want this!

Luke tears me away from this book-lovers haven to pass through yet another door to an absolutely gorgeous roof terrace, complete with covered pergola and outdoor lounge furniture. The area without cover is thick with snow, but under the shelter is clear and sheltered from the cold. The view is breathtaking. This is, by far, my favourite floor of this stunning house.

"This is just... I have no words. I adore this."

"I thought you would." He stands behind me and wraps his arms around my chest. "Sometimes, I take a day out and spend it up here, on my own."

"Out here? All day?" I ask.

"No, I spend a while in there, reading, and then I move out here for an hour or so with my book. It's the only really peaceful thing I like to do."

Another Luke.
"You read?"

"Sure, I don't get a lot of time to, so I like my day up here while we're on a ski break."

"You will always surprise me."

"You like surprises," he says, and I smile, loving that he remembers every tiny thing I tell him.

"I do. Not as much as I like you though." I turn in his arms and lift my head to reach his. He meets me and we kiss; a long, lingering, loving kiss. He slides his hands down my side as our lips are locked, our tongues entwined, and he cups my buttocks, squeezing them hard. A loud moan escapes me and I immediately thread my fingers through his hair and pick up the pace of the kiss. I rise and fall on my toes, rubbing my body against his, needing this constant contact. One of his hands moves up my back to hold the back of my neck and he groans deep in his throat. He pulls away, briefly, breathing heavily as he whispers, "I need you, baby, I need to feel you, hold you. I need your skin."

His lips lock with mine again and my hands automatically search for the bottom of his jumper and slip inside, running up his hard, warm abs. "Your hands are so cold..." he says against my mouth, before walking with me, still kissing, through the door and back into the library.

He closes the door behind us and walks me to a far wall, pressing me against the shelving. I unfasten my own jeans before he gets a chance, and push them, along with my knickers, down my thighs. By the time I'm done, he has done the same, and he flips me around to face the books. There is a wooden ladder to my left, resting against the shelving, and he takes it and slides it in front of me. "Step up."

I do as he suggests, making me the perfect height. There are convenient handles on the shelving, I assume to keep ones balance when climbing the ladder, so I clutch hold of one, and raise one leg to rest on a higher shelf of the book case, putting me in perfect position for Luke.

"Oh god, you look fucking amazing, he says, as he brushes my hair away from my neck and kisses me, gently. "I am going to fuck you right here, baby, right now, and you're going to love it."
Those words again!
I grin in anticipation, I love it, I love it already.

He slips his hands into my top and around to my bare breasts, holding them, caressing them divinely. He presses his torso against me and I feel him digging into my skin. I want him to keep his hands on me, it feels so good, so I reach down between my legs and hold him tightly, guiding him to me. I glide my hand up and down, enjoying the heat of his oh-so-ready cock. He nudges forward, forcing himself inside me and I cry out loud as he pushes further and further until he fills me completely. My now destitute hand moves to hold his balls, his skin tightly clenched. I handle them gently, slowly moving to caress and manipulate until the skin softens.
God, this turns me on.

"Shit, Princess that's so good," he says as he glides back out slowly and pushes deep inside me again, making me moan out again. His movement makes it impossible for me to hold him any longer, so I release him and grab one of his hands on my boob, forcing him to squeeze harder. It hurts, but it's just so fucking good!

He continues to move, his rhythm slow but punishing, making me want to beg him to pound me hard and fast. Gradually, in his sweet time, he picks up the pace, I push against him again to create some resistance, and the effect is overwhelming, I suddenly cry out as my orgasm comes from nowhere, bursting inside and rolling on and on. My legs tingle and my knees weaken as it rips through me, taking every ounce of energy that I possess. He thrusts deep and hard and groans loudly behind me, stilling as he lets go.

"Tilly, my god!" he cries in a whisper, collapsing against my back.

I pant and rest my head against the ladder. "Luke, promise me we can do this every day?"

He chuckles and kisses my back. "You don't have to ask me that every time we have sex, baby girl, we can definitely do this every day. Maybe not on a ladder, but we can do some other crazy shit."

I laugh and immediately want to turn and hug him. I love how he makes me laugh. "We better get back, bad-boy, we don't want to be late for dinner. I don't know about you, but I've worked up an appetite."




We get ourselves sorted and head back downstairs after a bathroom trip for me. It's not always convenient to have sex without a condom, when you're out and about.

Everyone is making their way into the large dining room as we return and we follow, grinning at each other like naughty school kids. Clare catches my eye and sends me a questioning look, and I shake my head, no. That's not what we were doing upstairs. She raises one eyebrow and taps her watch, reminding me that I have to tell him, tonight. I nod, subtly and continue to my place at the large table.

There are elegant decorations adorning this room, too, with mistletoe dripping from the huge chandelier above the table. There is a roaring fire to one side of the room, and a large window, facing the front aspect of the house, on the other. The snow falls outside, creating a fabulously festive, cosy ambiance.

We all take our seats, and Henry, Daniel's dad, strolls around the table, filling up the wine glasses. I don't draw attention to myself by saying no, I just let him pour the glass, knowing I can now ask Clare to drink it for me. Luke declines because he is driving, of course. We make a toast to a fabulous Christmas Eve and the wonderful ladies preparing our food, and continue to talk amongst ourselves.

As I place my napkin in my lap, I can feel his eyes boring into me, I turn my head to look up at his face and I melt instantly at the dimply smile and the look in his eyes that tells me, without a doubt, how in love with me he is. I return his smile and reach for his hand to thread my fingers through his.

"So, you know this entire table is under mistletoe, right?"

"Yep. I do."

"So you'll know I've got to kiss you, then. Right now..."

"Yep," I respond with a huge grin, "I do."

He leans down to my face, gazing right into my eyes, smiling, and rubs his nose along mine. "You're so much more than I ever thought I'd have, Til. I think you're awesome," he whispers.

I could collapse from the force of my swoon, I have no words that could even come close to describing what it does to me when he makes me feel like the most important person in his world.

He slowly touches my lips with his and our eyes close immediately. We kiss softly and slowly. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing; this moment, this absolutely perfect moment is what I have needed since the accident that took my dad. It's the feeling that I have someone to support me, to be with me, to guide me and help me and love me unconditionally. I know I have all of that with Luke and he's going to be there, by my side, as my rock for... well, for what I hope is forever.

"Now, come on you two," Pam says quietly, interrupting our kiss, as she slides past Luke to put a huge bowl of mashed potatoes on the table, "you don't want to make everyone jealous." I look up at her and smile, and she winks at me. I wonder if she has anyone, she always seems to be at the house...

"Please, help yourselves," she says to the whole table, as she and Daniel's housekeeper place the last few bits on the table. I look at the feast ahead of me and my stomach rumbles; a huge selection of sliced meat and fish, mashed potato, sweet potato, green beans and vegetables... it all looks mouthwateringly good.

And it was. About half an hour later, I am slumped back in my chair, desperately bloated, unable to look at the leftovers. I have eaten way too much, but it was all so delicious, I just couldn't stop. I take a swig of my sparkling water and exhale. Luke looks at me, grinning, "Has someone eaten a little too much, Princess?"  he asks and to my horror, rests his hand on my belly. I know I'm telling him tonight and everything, but he can't find out like this, here. I sit up in a shot and push his hand off.

He frowns immediately, shocked by my reaction. "Whoa, what's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing... nothing..."
Oh fuck it! What the hell do I say?

"Hey, Til, tell me what's up?"

"Nothing, I just... I am so full. A bit bloated really..."

He chuckles. "A little bloated belly isn't enough to put me off, sweet cheeks."
Phew, I wasn't going for that but since he thought I was, I'll run with it. For now.


After Bea, Clare and I help take the dishes out to the kitchen, we sit back down at the table for a little rest before dessert. Candles are burning around the room, and the lighting has been dimmed slightly, to create a more romantic, evening setting.

Daniel pours thirteen glasses of champagne, leisurely, and walks around the huge table, setting them down in front of each of us, before calling in Pam and his housekeeper and returning to his place next to Bea. I watch them interact for a while, smiling at each other and speaking quietly together. They gaze into each others eyes, lovingly, and it's only then that I realise... I have what they have. Wow.

Daniel kisses Bea and stands with his glass, "Everybody, I'd like to say a few words before dessert, please." The room calms for Daniel to continue. "As you all know, this is our first Christmas together, and I'd like to thank you all so much for being here. I know how badly Bea wanted her friends and family to join us, as did I, and as usual I have my family and best friend here, to celebrate the festivities, too. We are both very excited to be able to spend the festive period with such a fantastic group of people."

"Here, here," Edwards calls, eliciting a hum of agreement around the room.

"So, I would like to first make a toast to Pam and Marsha for the delicious feast that they have prepared for us this evening. Thank you so much, it has been outstanding." We all agree, and raise our glasses to Pam and Marsha. I don't take a drink, of course.

"I would also like to make a toast to you all. We will of course be doing this again tomorrow for our main celebration at Alexia's house, but, since we're in our home now, I think it only right that we thank you all for coming. To our guests."

Bea stands to join Daniel, "To our guests, welcome and thank you."

Bea sits after the toast as Daniel continues, "And lastly, I couldn't possibly make toasts, without making one to my beautiful Beatrice."

Clare sighs, drawing my attention, and I smile as she gazes as Daniel, watching as he looks at Bea, admiringly; she looks like she'll cry any second. Oh Clare, you really need some romance in your life, you poor girl.

"Bea, you are my world, and I'm not afraid to say it in front of all of these people. I love you more than life itself, as you well know, I tell you at least fifty times a day." Everyone in the  room chuckles, warmly. "I don't know how I ever lived without you, and I never want to find out again. Merry Christmas Eve, baby."

Bea raises her free hand and holds his. "Merry Christmas Eve, darling," she says with a huge grin.

"I feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now, I've never been happier than when I'm with you, so I think this would be the perfect moment to ask you something." Bea looks up at him, her face straight. Clare gasps and the tears are already streaming down her face. I look at Emily, who is looking at Edward in question, he simply shrugs with a huge grin on his face. I can't believe we're about to witness this! I grab hold of Luke's hand and stare at the beautiful couple in front of us.

"You know what I'm going to ask you, right?" he asks, grinning.

"Uh... I, er..." Bea stutters, and Daniel chuckles.

"Well, you should, baby, because there'd be no doubt that I would need to ask you this, I couldn't ever live without you."

"Fuck, dude..." Luke whispers beside me and holds my hand tighter as he leans forward on the table, grinning.

"Please, please..." he says, as he sinks to one knee beside her and pulls a sparkling diamond from his pocket, "would you give up being my beautiful girlfriend, to become my beautiful wife?"

Daniel's mum shrieks loudly and stands, her hands covering her mouth. Bea laughs as the tears pour down her cheeks by the bucket load, she looks at the ring and back at Daniel, before grabbing hold of his face and kissing him over and over. "Oh my god!" she cries, "I... oh my god!"

Daniel laughs and wipes her cheeks with his free hand.

"I love you so much," she says, weeping and wrapping her arms around his shoulders, pressing her face into his neck.

"So, that's a yes, then?" he asks, holding her tightly.

Bea giggles and nods, "Uh huh, absolutely, definitely, yes."

It takes a moment to realise that I, too, am crying my eyes out. Not only was that the most amazing thing to watch, my wonderful best friend is getting married! I am so thrilled for her. I release Luke's hand to wipe my face with my fingers and instantly feel his arm around my shoulders. He looks down at me and I up at him.


I nod, smiling, through a small sob, and he tightens his hold, pulling me into his side. The whole room is laughing and crying, it's such a wonderful moment. I will remember this forever and it wasn't even me getting proposed to!

"Let's go congratulate them, hmm?" he asks, squeezing me against him and I nod.

As we make our way around the table, we hold hands, smiling, excited to get to the happy pair. I wait as Bea finishes her hug with Daniel's mum, hers in floods of tears, cuddling her dad, and soon I am in front of her.

"Bea..." I say with a teary smile.

She bursts into tears again and hugs me tightly. "You're crying!" she says through a giggle.

"Yes, alright, I'm getting emotional in my old age. God, Bea, I knew this would happen but I never thought I'd get to see it! This is wonderful, I am so happy for you. Congratulations, darling. I love you so much."

"I love you, too," she says, sobbing. I take her hand and look at the beautiful ring. It's breathtaking. It has a very large, rectangular diamond in the centre, surrounded by hundreds of tiny diamonds that continue around the band. It looks antique.

"Bea! Darling, this is stunning! You lucky girl! It's so you."

"I know, I need to sit down and just stare at it for a while. I'm still so utterly shocked!"

I give her another long, hard hug and slip out of the way to let Clare in for another emotional embrace.

I watch as Daniel and Luke have their moment, and it's not your average, slap on the back 'dude-like' man hug; it's a big, arms-wrapped-around-each-other hug. Luke's hand is on Daniel's head and Daniel fists at Luke's shirt. This is full on, best-mate emotion and it's almost impossible to watch without getting teary eyed again. Daniel's mum is also watching, crying her eyes out. They exchange some whispered words and grin at each other, before embracing again. Gosh, what an experience - to witness all of this.

I am suddenly ridiculously overcome by emotion, and to save myself too much embarrassment, I make a mad dash to one of the downstairs bathrooms.

I can't hold it in as I approach and sob loudly before attempting to open the door. It's locked.
Oh shit.
The door suddenly opens and to my relief, it's Clare, also sobbing.

"I thought I heard you crying, come in..." she says, with a tissue held to her nose.

I enter, put the toilet seat down, and sit with my head in my hands, crying like a baby.
What the fuck is wrong with me? I don't even know why I'm crying!

"Come on... stand up," she says, holding her arms open and I throw myself at her, as we cry together.

"Clare, I don't know why I'm crying! It just keeps coming out and won't stop!"

She chuckles slightly, "It's your hormones, darling, and you have so much going on, you're about to break some big-old news to your man, you're scared... as soon as something emotional like this happens, you're bound to have a little episode."

I nod in agreement. It's probably true. "Are you okay? I know you're a crier and everything, but you seem sad?"

Clare shakes her head. "I'm okay. I suppose I'm just happy for you both, I found out two giant bits of news within a couple of days about my two best people in the world. I'm happy, excited, scared for you. And to be honest, a teeny bit jealous. But I'm okay... Listen, Tilly, I'm not going to go crazy again, but please accept that there is nothing going on with me and Oliver. There really isn't. I would love to have a boyfriend right about now, but I don't. And that makes me a bit sad. Okay?"

Oh my darling, Clare. I'm so sorry.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I won't say anything again, it just looked that way, that's all. I'm sorry. We'll find you someone, I mean come on, there's no way Luke and Daniel don't have an ideal man tucked away somewhere for you."

"Good. Can we find him now please?"

"Yep, I'll get right on it."

She giggles and grabs another tissue to clean up her face. I do the same and we both hug, calming ourselves before we make our way back to the dining room.

"Love you," she says, and I respond with the same. How anyone can function without friendship like this, I just don't know. I feel like I have had them all of my life, I don't know how I'd cope if I lost my best friends.

Luke meets us in the hall on the way back to the room. "Oh, hey, I wondered where you went, I was looking for you," he says as he wraps his arms around me. Clare smiles and continues back to the other room.

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