Shackles of Honor (18 page)

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Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Historical

BOOK: Shackles of Honor
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“He’s very hurt then?” Cassidy asked, panic beginning to rise within her.

“I’m not certain how badly, but yes, hurt. Somehow. I must go at once, darling. I know how sudden this is, how terribly unprepared you are to face this situation on your own…but I must go. I’ve sent word to Ellis
and I know he will be here as soon as he can to be with you. Until then, Devonna—rather, Lady Carlisle—will serve your needs as companion and chaperone.”

“But, Mother…surely you do not intend to leave me here alone?” It sounded a selfish remark even to Cassidy’s own ears. Yet she could not fathom that her mother would leave her at the mercy of this family of strangers. “Surely I may accompany you back.”

“Darling…one does not arrive at the home of her betrothed, the family therein having planned all the proper social events, announcements
and invitations, simply to turn her back on everything the very next day. My darling, Mason is here! And Devonna and LaMont. And Ellis will be here as fast as that animal can carry him. I wouldn’t leave you if I did not trust everyone here.”

Cassidy could see the severe concern and worry in her mother’s face. Suddenly she felt very selfish indeed. How could she deny her mother the right to return to her father when his health was in question?

“The carriage is nearly in readiness, Lady Shea,” Mason informed them, entering the room behind his mother. “Your trunks are being secured now
and then you may take your leave.”

Cassidy did not turn to face him—for suddenly, midst the chaos of her mother’s impending departure, visions of the dream she had been entertaining prior to waking flooded her consciousness. So she stood, her back to him, awaiting her mother’s next words.

“Thank you, Mason,” Cylia mumbled, pulling on her gloves quickly. “Oh, Dev! I feel terrible about this! We descend upon you one day, and the next I must ask you to take complete charge of my daughter’s life until her brother can arrive. Forgive me…will you?”

“That you would make to imply that your daughter, soon to be mine as well, would create for me the slightest of inconveniences is offensive, Cylia
For pity’s sake! Go to Calvert! You know that Cassidy will be fine here. You know that we would have it no other way. I only hope that you arrive home to find him well and in one delightful piece!”

Cassidy stood affected by something akin to utter shock as she watched the carriage leave with her mother safely within. Never had she been separated from her family. Never! Not from all of its members at once. And now, here she stood, alone among strangers—strangers who neither knew her nor loved her. One of whom resented and disliked her.


Chapter Six


“Don’t worry, darling,” Devonna soothed, placing her hands at Cassidy’s shoulders. “We’re not about to turn into gargoyles and carry you off for a meal!”

Cassidy turned and smiled at her.

“Not all of us, anyway,” Mason grumbled as Mathias appeared at his side. The dog sat down happily on his haunches, panting away as if nothing in the world concerned him.

“You’re going to give the girl nightmares, Mason. Do try to behave for the span of an hour, would you?” Devonna giggled, taking Cassidy’s hand and leading her toward the house. Cassidy followed her obediently, feeling the slightest bit reassured until Devonna said, “Now is the best time of all to begin with propriety.” Then, reaching out, she took hold of Mason’s arm
placing Cassidy’s hand to rest in the crook of it. Cassidy was instantly undone and reached out with her free hand to take hold of Devonna’s arm. “It’s time the two of you began to show a little faith in each other. Take her into breakfast, Mason. See that she’s well nourished. The color is fading quickly from her lovely cheeks. I shall join you as soon as I’ve looked in on your father.”

“Hmm,” Mason growled, placing his free hand over Cassidy’s and rather marching her into the house.

“She’s determined that you’re to accept me, you know,” he mumbled to Cassidy as he pushed her chair in for her at the breakfast table. “And it will go easier for you if you resolve to do so.”

He sat across from her
and a young, very attractive maid brought their plates heaping with good food. Cassidy did not miss the blush that rose to the girl’s face when Mason nodded at her
saying, “Thank you, Syndle.”

“Sir,” she said with a curtsy before leaving them.

“Had I not resolved to do so
I wouldn’t be seated here while your acquiescent kitchen maid fumbles about delightedly before you.” Cassidy could not stop the bitter, accusing words from escaping her lips. Of course, she regretted instantly her utterance.

“Syndle is quite adept
I assure you,” he stated.

“I’m certain that she is. In all of her…duties.”
Whatever is the matter with me?
Cassidy wondered to herself. She had turned defensive and almost malicious suddenly.

She glanced up at Mason quickly and was surprised to find not anger but something else apparent in his eyes. Perhaps curiosity?

“I’m inclined to believe that your mother’s departure might prove to be quite an educational experience for me, Miss Shea. At least where you’re concerned,” he told her. “You seem to be much more…shall we settle on
in her absence. In my own experience anyway.”

“Fine!” Cassidy exclaimed suddenly, slamming her fork down next to her plate. “If it’s an education you want by way of my vocal cords, then you shall have it, Mr. Carlisle!” Standing, she let go at him with all the things that had been building up for the past few days, especially in reference to his remark about his mother wanting to ensure that Cassidy accepted him. “It’s painfully obvious, Mr. Carlisle, that the reason I’ve been brought here is so you may find some shred of being able to reconcile yourself to me! We both know that I had no choice in the matter! For had I had a choice, Mr. Carlisle, I assure you I would not have chosen to eat my breakfast while staring at your pompous expression each morning!”

Slowly and very calmly
he placed his fork at his plate’s side as well, stood
and placed his fists firmly on the table before him as he leaned toward her. “You were given the choice, Miss Shea, and you chose duty, as did I. If you think to find pity from me, then you search in vain. Reconcile yourself, Miss Shea. You’ve made your choice.
Now show that you possess some semblance of honor
and accept the consequences gracefully.”

“Don’t speak down to me as if I were a child!” she shouted at him.

“I’ll speak to you as I wish. For my other alternative is to take you over my knee and give you a sound and thorough spanking!” he shouted in return.

“How dare you even speak such a thing! And you call yourself a gentleman?”

“I’ll do more than speak it, girl! I will act it!” Cassidy gasped as he literally picked up the table from one end
sending it flying, food, service
and all, to one side.

“Do not dare to touch me!” Cassidy shrieked as he took hold of her arm.

“I will dare to do more than touch you!” he growled.

“Mason Carlisle!” Devonna exclaimed from the doorway. “What nonsense is this?”

Instantly Mason straightened himself, taking a deep breath but still holding Cassidy’s arm mercilessly tight. “Her mother has left her
and now her true demeanor is rearing, Mother,” he grumbled. Mathias bounded in, panting and darting hither and thither as if the whole scene before him was some jovial game.

“Cassidy’s demeanor is impeccable, Mason.

Tis obvious to me,” Devonna said calmly, smiling at Cassidy.

“You’ve not eaten breakfast alone with her then, I see,” he accused. “Already, in the span of five minutes…she has accused me of lechery, cowardice
and brutality! While displaying her own less admirable virtues such as jealousy, tendency to provoke
and immaturity!”

“Jealousy?” Cassidy exclaimed. “I beg to know how you arrived at that determination

“Why else would you slander Syndle so? She gave you no cause to issue such remarks toward her.”

He was right
and Cassidy knew it. And because she knew the truth of his words, she was dumbstruck momentarily as her mind tried to grasp at some wit with which to battle him.

“Come now, children,” Devonna interrupted. “Cannot the two of you see what is so obvious to everyone else? You were destined for each other, darlings! Though the circumstances may cloud that for you both now…it’s the truth I speak. Oh, Mason,” Devonna pleaded with him suddenly, taking hold of his arm, turning his face toward hers
and gazing at him beseechingly, “take the girl in your arms once, my darling. Let down that fearsome battlement behind which you have barricaded yourself
and truly see what a divine gift you have received.”

At Devonna’s suggestion, Cassidy began to struggle more determinedly to escape Mason’s grasp. But his powerful hand held tightly to her wrist
and she could not escape him without fu
rther making a fool of herself.

“Mother,” he growled between clenched teeth, “this intricacy is not solved with a kiss as was my injured knee healed as a child.”

“Are you so very certain, Mason?”

Angrily he took hold of Cassidy’s other hand, binding both her hands at her back with his own. As she struggled, he was somehow able to secure her hands firmly behind her with but one of his.
His free hand pressed firmly against her back, causing her body to become flush with his own.

“Shall we test your theory, Mother? This moment? And with Miss Shea?” he growled. Cassidy felt his breath hot on her face, the scent of raspberry permeating strongly with it. “What say you, Miss Shea? Shall we, once and for all, give my mother the satisfaction of witnessing our very first behavior in intimacy?” He bit his lower lip as he glared down at her, pressing her even tighter against his solid, powerful form. “Do you expect, as she does, that a passion will erupt the like that has never burned on this earth before?”

Something in Cassidy Shea was disappointed at once when his mother ordered, “Stop it at once, Mason! I’ll not have you behaving like a beast toward this girl!”

“Would you have her treat me with suspicion and accusation, slandering my character?” he shouted, releasing Cassidy suddenly. Cassidy stumbled backward, her knees giving way beneath her. Yet even as he argued with his mother, Mason managed to reach out and catch her arm once more, steadying her before letting go once and for all. “This girl has less desire to accept me than she does my dog!”

“Have you accepted her then?” Devonna asked calmly.

“Had I not accepted her, she would not be here!” he shouted. “Would I have brought her home…endured her low estimation of me had I not accepted her?”

“Yes,” Cassidy answered for both of them. “For if I’ve learned one thing about you, Mason Carlisle, it’s that you’re dutiful to a fault, sir! Your desire to do what is honorable in your father’s eyes is what finds me here.”

“What finds you here,
ove, is my desire to one day find you in my bed!” he shouted—enraged.

“Mason!” Devonna scolded shrilly. “Enough of your temper! You will quench this angry fire at once
At once!” Mason stood wrathful, jaw clenched shut, eyes narrowed
and massive chest rising and falling dramatically with breathing heavy with frustration. “Now, you find something else at which to fling that frustration, my boy, before you find yourself in any more disfavor.”

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