Shackles of Honor (17 page)

Read Shackles of Honor Online

Authors: Marcia Lynn McClure

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Erotica, #Historical

BOOK: Shackles of Honor
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“Based on truth, Gabrielle. Always based on truth,” he defended himself.

“Loosely,” Gabrielle added.

Cassidy could watch them together no more. “I beg forgiveness from you all,” she said suddenly. “It has been such a long day
and I find that I too am…utterly exhausted. Forgive me. It was wonderful to meet you all. I thank you for your kindness.”

With that, she fairly fled from the room and up the long staircase that led to her chambers. When she reached the crest of the stairs and turned the first corner, she collapsed into a heap of copper satin and sobbing. Quietly she sobbed into the folds of her gown as she sat on the cold floor. It was all too unendurable! Too many emotions battled within her. One moment her body thrilled at Mason’
s touch;
the next her soul cried at his taunting. One moment he seemed to accept her and in the next reject. One moment he was flattering, the next mocking. It was all too much. Then she felt hot breath on her neck.

“Mathias,” she sobbed as the dog put his front paws solidly in her lap and laid his head on them. “At least
like me, don’t you?” she sniffled, petting him adoringly. Slowly her tears diminished
and she sighed heavily.

“What goes on here?” Mason’s voice bellowed from behind her suddenly. Mathias instantly jumped to his feet, tail wagging, tongue hanging joyously from his mouth as his master approached. “Have you fallen?” Mason asked, taking hold of Cassidy’s arm and fairly yanking her to her feet. “Has he tripped you up then?” he asked, motioning to the dog.

“No, no,” she assured him. “I’m only more tired than I thought.” She felt she had countered well.

“Here then,” he said, “I’ll see you to your chamber.” Linking her arm with his own, he began escorting her toward her rooms. “My mother feared that my tale and teasing had upset you. I, of course, told her that she was mistaken.”

“She was far from mistaken, sir,” Cassidy nearly spat. “What cruelty did you administer to me in there? You knew I thought you meant to tell them all of what happened in the inn!”

“And what happened in the inn that is not for the telling?” he asked frankly.

“My mother would perish were she to find out that you found me…that I was improperly attired and roaming the corridors in the dark of night!”

“As would my mother if she were to know that I failed in protecting you so that you were led to that point.” Cassidy looked to Mason quickly. “That’s why I left out those two facts in the telling when I told them the truth of it all just now.”

“You told them?” she exclaimed.

“It warranted telling,” he stated. Then he stopped before two closed grand doors, Mathias halting at his heel. “Here then. Here we are,” he whispered.

“Where?” she asked irritatedly.

“At our chambers,” he answered.


“Beyond these very doors. These are the chambers
we will share in the not
distant future.” Cassidy looked at him in astonishment
and he misread her expression. “You didn’t think you would be allowed to retain separate chambers from mine after we are wed, did you?” Cassidy could only shake her head in denial. “Well, then strike the look of horror from your face, Miss Shea, and let us journey onward.”

When they reached her chamber doors, he said, “I’ll tell your mother that I’ve seen you safely on and that you’re merely tired.” He paused and, motioning to Katie
who came scurrying toward them, said to Cassidy, “You
simply tired, are you not?”

“Yes. Tired,” she answered.

“You’ll learn that I’m an intolerable tease, Miss Shea. It’s my mother in me. Surely, in time you’ll come to know when I am in jest or earnest.” Katie curtsied to Mason respectfully
and he instructed, “Take good care of your lady tonight, Katie. The dogs have been at her
and she is chewed to the bone.”

“Yes, sir,” Katie agreed.

“Don’t think me ignorant of what you’ve endured this day, Miss Shea,” he said, turning from her. “I’m full aware that this is all the harder for you now.” Cassidy watched him walk away, slapping at his thigh to call Mathias to jumping and playing with him.

“Here now, miss,” Katie said softly. “Let me help you to bed.”

“I’m fine to put myself to bed, Katie,” Cassidy argued, entering her chamber wearily. “But thank you ever so much for your willingness.”

“Ah, but the young master has instructed me to take good care of you
and his word holds over yours still, miss.” Katie smiled pleasantly and also understandingly at Cassidy.

“His word will hold over me forever,” Cassidy mumbled to herself.

“Mr. Mason is the very best of men, miss,” Katie stated, going to Cassidy’s bed and turning back the quilt. “He’ll not rule over you like some horrid dictator.”

“You speak as if you know him intimately enough,” Cassidy commented as an ill sort of suspicion began to rise within her.

“I know him well, miss,” Katie confirmed, “for I’ve been employed here for three years now.”

“Have you then?”

“Mr. Mason is the standard of the moral, honorable man, miss. I can read in your eyes what your mind is thinking. And I assure you that, even were I a woman of low moral state, which I am most certainly not, Mr. Mason would no more trifle with me than he would any other woman, equal or beneath him.”

Cassidy blushed guiltily, feeling sickened at herself for entertaining for one instant the notion that this kind girl had some dalliance with Mason. “Forgive me, Katie. It’s just…I’ve known him merely days! I hear good report of him
and he seems to be all that I hear. Yet…I do admit to entertaining doubt.”

Exhausted, Cassidy sat down promptly on her bed, every ounce of her energy expended. To her astonishment, Katie sat down next to her, placing a comforting arm about her shoulders.

“I was in love with Mr. Mason for a time, miss,” Katie told her simply. Cassidy looked at her in shock at the revelation. “How could any girl not be? He’s all that every woman dreams of to look upon, and his manner and character are irreproachable.”

“You confide such secrets in me as if I were your best friend!” Cassidy exclaimed.

“That is because I intend on being yours, miss,” Katie whispered. “At least, in my own heart.” Cassidy was warmed inwardly by the girl’s honesty. She was as refreshing as the spring. “And I’ll confess further to you, miss…that before I found my one true love in my Thomas…that I dreamt as wildly romantic dreams of Mr. Mason as do any of the women that know him.”


“Thomas Whitney, my betrothed, miss. He may not be so handsome as Mr. Mason to the rest of the world…but he is none other than the most wonderfully attractive and divine man ever born in my eyes.”

“Then I’m sure he is as you see him. And I’m glad for you,” Cassidy told her honestly. She noticed then, however, that even though Katie smiled at the compliment, there seemed to cross her face an expression of sadness for a moment.

“Mr. Mason is taken with you, miss. I can promise you that,” Katie offered.

Cassidy rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. “Mr. Mason finds nothing whatsoever of interest in me. To him I’m his duty…his lot in life!” she said, mimicking his deep, commanding manner.

Katie giggled. “You sound like him. He is severe at times. But he teases you…and he only teases those in whom he finds an interest.” Katie squeezed Cassidy’s shoulder reassuringly and then said, “Now, off to bed with you, miss. You don’t want to appear before him with reddened, puffy eyes
now do you?”

“Is she his lover, Katie?” Cassidy asked bluntly.

Immediately Katie made to busy herself about the room, straightening the standing looking glass, placing Cassidy’s slippers carefully in the bottom of her wardrobe. “Who, miss?” she asked, her smile fading completely.

“Gabrielle Ashmore.”

“I can tell you honestly that…no, miss. The families have been friends for many years. But you’re here now
and…she is not his lover.”

“You mean to say that I’m here now
and so he must give her up?” Cassidy asked.

“I mean to say, miss
they’ve had a fondness for each other…in the past, yes. I know that when they were younger, Mr. Mason…it’s really not my place to say, miss, for I don’
I truly believe, miss, that her affections are far more serious than are his…were his…in the past.”

Cassidy immediately felt guilty for putting her new friend in such a circumstance. “Forgive me, Katie. I should never have put you to such awkwardness. Please, think no more on it.”

Katie smiled rather uncomfortably. “Yes, miss.”

“I’ll be fine now,” Cassidy told her. “I just need rest. Will you wake me for breakfast in the morning, however? I feel I may not awaken early on my own after this day.”

“Yes, miss,” Katie nodded. “Sleep well, miss. Rather…sleep some,” she said, smiling.

Cassidy smiled at her, grateful for the girl’s insight. “Thank you, Katie, for everything.”

His arms were so strong as he held her
his face so close to her own that she could study at her leisure every contour and dangerously prepossessing feature of his face. His eyes seemed to hypnotize her, hold her own so that she was caught in some euphoric paralysis. And then her attention was drawn to his lips
he perfectly masculine outline of them, the moisture that clung to them after he dampened them with his tongue. Her own mouth began to water for want of his kiss
he felt her heart beating so violently that she feared she might faint if he did not bless her with his kiss in that very moment.

“Mason,” she whispered, thrilling as his powerful hand took hold of her chin, his head descending toward hers ever so slowly.

“Miss? Miss?” Katie’s sweet voice interrupted Cassidy’s blissful dream. “

Tis time to ready yourself for the morning meal, miss.”

Instantly Cassidy’s eyes were open, looking up into the kind and lovely face of Katie as she bent carefully over her, smiling.

“Pardon?” Cassidy whispered.

“The morning meal, miss. You asked me to wake you.”

“Oh! Yes, of course!” Cassidy responded, blushing crimson at the fleeting memory of the dream from which she had just wakened.

“And it’s hurry you must, miss, for your mother is making ready to leave,” Katie told her.

“What?” Cassidy exclaimed, sitting up instantly. “What do you mean my mother is making ready to leave?”

Tis certain I am, miss. I helped her in repacking her trunks only just a while ago. Someone is ill
and she must return.”

?” Cassidy gasped. “Father? Ellis?”

“I’m not certain, miss.”

“Please, Katie. Help me ready at once.”

“Mother!” Cassidy exclaimed, dashing across the hall and bursting into the chambers that had been set aside for her mother. “What is this about?” Cassidy watched as two young men lifted her mother’s trunks and began moving them past her and out of the room.

“Oh, my darling!” her mother exclaimed, dabbing at the tears on her cheeks. “Darling! Your father

in his infinite immaturity

has been thrown from his horse!”

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