Shades of Mao: The Posthumous Cult of the Great Leader (55 page)

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Authors: Geremie Barme

Tags: #History, #Asia, #China, #Literary Criticism, #Asian, #Chinese, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Communism; Post-Communism & Socialism, #World, #General, #test

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Page 182
terms. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Film and Television, an actor on loan [to another studio] should receive four times their usual wage. But all that money goes to their film studio, in my case, the 1 August Studio. I don't make any extra money. My monthly wage is about three hundred
Many other famous actors can get seven or eight times their basic wage when they work for another studio, but I do it for nothing. At most, I get an extra living allowance. To play a leader you have to be prepared to make some sacrifices. What can I do about it? If you play a hero, you have to act the hero in real life. If I haggled about such things, I could damage Mao's image.
Q: Has there been any adverse effect on your family life?
A: No. My wife and I still make more than most people. We do okay. But, of course, we can't compare to movie stars overseas.
1. See "Zhongyang xuanchuanbu zhuanfa wenhuabu dangzu `Guanyu xiju, dianying fanying weida lingxiu Mao zhuxi he Zhou zonglide guanghui xingxiangde qingshi baogao' (Zhongxuanfa [1978] 2 hao)," Zhongyang xuanchuanbu bangongting, ed.,
Dangde xuanchuan gongzuo wenjian xuanbian (1976-1982),
vol. 2, p. 607.
2. See the chapter "Mingxing chuchangjia" in Yin Jindi,
Zhongguo wenhua getihu dasaomiao,
pp. 260-61 and 253 respectively.
3. The Four Basic Principles are: to support the leadership of the Communist Party; to support Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought; to support the dictatorship of the proletariat; and to support the socialist path.
Sing Pao
(Xingbao) is a Hong Kong-based daily newspaper.
5. That is, Jiang was sentenced to life imprisonment for her "counterrevolutionary" crimes.
6. Zhang Yufeng was Mao's chief "personal secretary" (
shenghuo mishu
) during the Cultural Revolution. She enjoyed such a privileged position that she was even shown walking in front of the Chairman in official photographs. See, for example, issues of
The Liberation Army Pictorial
(Jiefangjun huabao) from the early years of the Cultural Revolution. Not surprisingly, Zhang sank into relative obscurity after the Chairman's demise, although from the late 1980s, like so many others (including Meng Jinyun, another of her ilk), she attempted to cash in on the Mao Cult. See also Zhisui Li,
The Private Life of Chairman Mao
for details of Zhang's relationship with Mao.
7. Li Zhisui claims that Mao was impotent by this time and incapable of fathering a child.
8. The Three Great Campaigns were the Liao-Shen, Huaihai and Ping-Jin Campaigns launched by the PLA against the Nationalist army from September 1948 to early 1949.
9. From what has been said in the introduction in regard to Mao's authorship of such documents, this may now be a fairly contentious claim.
10. In 1995, it was widely rumored that Oliver Stone was still interested in Mao, but was thinking of doing a screen version of Li Zhisui's bedside memoirs.


Page 183
Draco Volans Est in Coelo
Jiang Shui and Tie Zhu
This is the preface from a volume entitled
Mao Zedong's Military Philosophy and Modern Business Warfare.
The Chinese title translates literally as "Can the dragon ever be bound?" I have chosen to use a Latin heading, "Flying dragon in the heavens," which is taken from the early eighteenth-century Latin translation of Qian, "The Creative," the first hexagram in the
Book of Changes.
The ill-lettered and cliché-ridden prose of this essay is typical of much popular writing on the Mainland today. Bereft of the ideological standards of yesteryear yet incapable of clear and concise thought, the authors could easily be taken to be writing a parody if they were not pursuing their subject with such dogged earnestness.
There's a common saying that people in different professions are separated by a vast abyss. It would appear that warfare and doing business have absolutely nothing to do with each other. So why do we talk about them in the same breath in this book?
Let's answer with another saying that "stones from another hill may be used to polish the jade of this one" [that is, the advice of others can help overcome one's shortcomings]. Round-about methods can invariably awaken people to the realities of a situation that would otherwise appear insoluble.
There are those in China who have enjoyed marked success in applying the lessons of [classical works like]
The Military Strategies of Sunzi
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
to the business world.
Mao Zedong's Military Philosophy is steeped in the wisdom of the past and the present, covering both Chinese and foreign knowledge. It is effulgent with all the brilliance of human understanding, and its validity has been proven time and again in practice. It is a great pity that because of a period when
Quotations from Chairman Mao
were vulgarized and abused [i.e., during the

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