Shades of Step Billionaire

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Shades of Step Billionaire


Jenna Harlow



Copyright © 2015 by Jenna Harlow




This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes and graphic language.  All characters represented within this publication are fictional.  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved.  No part of this work may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.



WARNING:  This story depicts a forbidden attraction between a young woman and her older stepbrother.  No blood relations are involved and all characters are over the age of eighteen.  The book is intended for mature audiences only and contains sexually explicit situations and graphic language which may be offensive to some readers.



Shades of Step Billionaire


By Jenna Harlow




They’ve always let her down.  Sure, they played along, pulled her hair, tied her up, maybe even spanked her, but they didn’t get it, not really.  She had never had a man that could truly give her what she wants, complete submission. She craves domination. She wants a man who will command her body and her mind.  Someone who knows there’s a fine line between pleasure and pain, and knows how to use it.


Through a matchmaking service that caters to particular…interests, she thinks she’s found him.  He’s a billionaire.  Strong, successful, controlling, he isn’t afraid of his own power.  She thinks she’s finally found the one who won’t hold back on her.


There’s only one problem.  She already knows him, and he’s completely…off limits.  Will a taboo attraction stop her from going after what she wants most?



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Read on!




My muscles are strained from being pulled back and tied to the bed. I can’t see him from behind my blindfold, everything is black. But I know he’s there, waiting, watching. I can almost feel the heat of his eyes as they rake over my body.  My legs are bound as well; splayed wide. I shudder inside, and instinctively try to close them as a voice inside tells me to hide my shame… Another part of me fights to be free, and revels in the feeling of liberation. 


“Beautiful,” he says, as he trails a riding crop slowly over my breasts, down my abdomen and tickles lightly between my legs.  Searing heat pools in me like lava and I moan softly.

“Silence,” he says sternly. Suddenly a sting of pain explodes over my hot sex. I gasp, realizing it was the riding crop.  To my surprise, the pleasure and pain have melded into one delicious sensation.  I am nearly combustible. My pulse quickens.  With each caress, each flick of his crop I edge closer to release; a release that he completely, totally and absolutely, controls.


A flash of light brought Olivia back to her screen.  She jerked, and blinked her eyes into focus again. The computer displayed a picture of a lush landscape; her screen saver.  How long had she drifted, lost in her fantasy again?  She rattled the mouse and the document she had been working on came back into view.  She returned to the questionnaire.

Describe your perfect date



Everything on earth expresses a range of quality. For each, there always exists a pinnacle: the best in show, the most perfect, the highest achievement.  Diamond is the top class of minerals, in music, there is classical; and what is more beautiful than a rose in bloom?  As with all things, the same could be said for sex.  You can get off with just a cold hard fuck, let yourself go from the raw friction of my dick as it slides into your pussy. Or, you can wait, tease it out,
the experience until it is elevated to another level.  That is what I do. I make sex a work of art. 

Sex is as much a mental activity as it is a physical one. Sure, a woman will orgasm from pure physical stimulation of my dick as it stretches her wide and slides in and out of her slick cunt.  She’ll come, but will she really be satisfied?  Not if she knows there’s more intense pleasure waiting for her.  She will only know real satisfaction if she can fully submit to me, and let me completely control her. But here’s the rub: a woman can’t fully submit unless she can
herself from the shackles of her mind; let go of the voices that chastise and shame.  For most women, that’s nearly impossible to do.   I can stick my dick into any wet pussy and pound it until it spasms and shudders.  But where’s the fun in that?  Where’s the

I need a woman who wants her orgasm to come with a bit more finessing.  I need a woman who wants to be

He finished typing and sat, staring at his work. 
What are you looking for in a match?
  He blew out a long exhale and sat back in his chair. He wasn’t usually so crass, but under the circumstances, he didn’t feel like holding back anymore.  He needed lay out what he wanted in as plain a language as he could, even if it was blunt.  Besides, he thought, as his hand hovered over the mouse, if she was offended by any of this, she wasn’t what he was looking for, anyway.  With that, he clicked on send and shut down his computer.

Chapter 1


“Thanks for helping me move, I don’t know how I could have done it all by myself,” Olivia said, as she stirred the margarita mix in the pitcher.  It was the first box she opened in her new place.  She made sure to label it OPEN IMMEDIATELY. It had everything they needed for her first night in her new apartment: a pitcher, margarita mix, a bottle of tequila and some snacks for dinner.  “I’m shaking I need to eat,” Olivia said, grabbing a bar out of the box.  She ate a power bar while she poured her friend Claire a drink and they both collapsed on the couch. 

“Is that going to be enough food?  You’re not going to pass out on me or anything, are you?” Claire asked.  Her tone was playful, but her eyes conveyed concern for her friend.  Olivia smiled, grateful for such a thoughtful friend.  Claire was always looking out for Olivia and was especially mindful of Olivia’s hypoglycemia.

“I’m fine.  I’ve got some yogurt in the fridge I can eat, too.  It’s not a great dinner, but I’m too tired to go out.  What about you?”

“I’m tired, too. I’ll just eat one of your power bars,” she said, reaching into the box. She leaned against the couch as she chewed the bar. “I’m just glad you got those guys on the street to move the furniture.  I could barely carry all your boxes up those stairs.  I can’t believe they agreed to bring your furniture up three flights of stairs for only fifty bucks, I would never have done that,” Claire said, shaking her head.

Olivia nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I got lucky for sure.”

Claire snorted. “I don’t think luck had anything to do with it.  Did you see the way the tall guy was looking at you?  I think he would have done it for free. He was definitely hot for you.” Olivia blushed and took a sip of her margarita.

“I don’t buy that. Some guys are just nice, that’s all,” she said.  Claire howled.

“To you they are.” Claire was constantly telling Olivia how pretty she was, but Olivia didn’t believe her. She always felt she ranked pretty average in terms of her appearance.  To her, attractive people looked like the tall skinny supermodels that wore clothes as if they were mannequins. Olivia could never get away with those kinds of looks with her full chest and round hips. Even if she could fit into something a model would wear, she could never seem to get her messy brown hair to cooperate enough to look styled. She appreciated her friend’s generous comments, though.  Claire always made her feel beautiful.

“You’re a good friend, Claire,” she said.  Claire rolled her eyes. I didn’t say that because we’re friends.  I said it because it’s the truth.”

“Okay, whatever,” Olivia laughed. “Hey, what are you doing this weekend?” Olivia asked, changing the subject.

“Did you know Trent, Sam and Derek moved here, too?  Kelly and I are going to meet up with them this weekend at The Corner Bar on Sixteenth Street. Isn’t that cute!  Its name is actually The Corner Bar. It’s our new favorite hang-out, and it’s right off the subway, about two exits from here so you won’t even have to drive! What do you say?” Clair asked hopefully. Olivia and Claire had maintained the same group of friends throughout college, and they were all now moving to the city after graduation. Normally, it would sound fun, but Olivia scrunched her nose.

“I’m not ready to see Trent yet. You know, he didn’t take things well,” Olivia said, referring to their breakup. Claire sighed.

“I know, I heard he’s been kind of a dick,” she said. Claire reached forward and pulled the ‘OPEN IMMEDIATELY’ box over to the couch and grabbed two bags of chips.  She opened one and handed the other to Olivia.

“He’s been a real ass ever since he started taking steroids,” she said.  Olivia leaned forward, her face clouded with worry.

“Trent’s taking steroids?” she asked.  Claire rolled her eyes. 

. I don’t know for sure, it’s just something I heard.  It would explain why his temper seems so out of control and how he got so big and bulky these last few months.” Claire grabbed a chip and bit into it.  Olivia hadn’t heard the rumor before, but she had heard that Trent was a lot bigger, and that he had been getting into fights at the bars a lot.  In fact, his temper was one of the reasons she decided to finally break things off with him.  She wondered if the steroids could have made him even
volatile. Olivia finished off her power bar and set the wrapper on the coffee table, and then picked up the bag of chips Claire had given her.  She turned back to Claire who was crunching on another chip.

“Did you hear the rumor he’s been spreading about me?” Olivia asked as she opened her bag. She took a chip out and bit into it.

“That you were kinky and wanted him to tie you up and play BDSM games? Yeah, I heard” she sighed and took a sip of her margarita.  “Don’t worry, nobody believes him. They all know he’s just mad because you dumped him,” she smiled. Olivia nodded her head.

At least that was partly true.  Trent was mad that she dumped him, but he wasn’t lying about the other stuff.  Olivia
asked him to do those things to her. They had been together for almost a year, and she trusted him. Regular sex just wasn’t doing anything for her.  She wanted something
. She didn’t think he would react so badly to her request. She sighed and looked out the window. She had been wrong. Now Trent was telling all her friends about it.  Even if they didn’t believe him, Olivia felt humiliated. She didn’t know if she’d ever find a man she could really be herself around.

Claire grabbed a scarf from her jacket and twisted it around her wrist. “I think it sounds kind of fun, myself.  I’d definitely try it.”

Olivia laughed. “That’s because you’ll try anything,” she said.

Claire nodded. “Hell yeah, and why not, it could be fun!” She crinkled her nose as if thinking through the details. “First I’d have to find someone who was into that kind of thing,” Olivia laughed with Claire. It was fun talking with her, even if she couldn’t come out and tell her the truth.   She didn’t think she’d ever be able to reveal her secret desires.  It was too personal, and she worried Claire would react badly to it, no matter how open she seemed sometimes.

“You know, I bet there’s a dating service for people who are into that kind of thing,” she giggled. Olivia poured more margarita mix into the pitcher and dumped some tequila in after it.  “No way,” she said, stirring the mixture.  Her ears perked up at that comment, she had never considered that before.  If it was true, it could be an intriguing option for her.  She filled both their glasses again and then leaned back against the couch and took a long sip.

Claire sat forward; her expression was overly animated thanks to the tequila. “No, I’m serious!  I’ve heard about those types of things! Here, look.”  She pulled out her phone. “I bet if I type in BDSM dating service,
will come up.” She punched in the search and then stared expectantly at the screen. After a moment, her face lit up. “Bingo! Royal Dating Service!” Look at that!” she squealed.  She handed Olivia her phone and stood up, heading for the bathroom.

“Be right back!” she called over her shoulder.

Olivia looked at the website.  It was surprisingly elegant and professional looking. The description said the agency catered to individuals with
tastes.  A side bar listed a variety of options, all of which made her blush: dominant, submissive, BDSM, age play, voyeurism, public sex…the list went on and on.  As she perused the options, she couldn’t help notice the warm tingle that spread out from her center and traveled down between her legs. She was getting aroused just looking at it.  Her breathing accelerated as she realized this was just the type of service she needed.  Why should she waste any more time on men who ridiculed her desires, when she could use a service to fine someone that shared her interests?  She made a note of the company, deciding to call them tomorrow after Claire had gone. Claire returned and sat down just as Olivia clicked off the phone.

“You’re staying here tonight, right?” Olivia asked.

Claire nodded. I’m not getting on the subway after three margaritas.  Anyway, if I stay here I can have one more,” she smiled.

“Want to watch a movie on my laptop?” Olivia asked.

“Sure! She said as she plopped down on the couch next to her.  Olivia pulled up a romantic comedy and settled in on the couch next to Claire.  She held out her glass to celebrate her move to the city, their friendship, and the interesting dating service she planned on investigating tomorrow.

“Cheers,” she said.

“Cheers,” Claire said.  They clinked glasses just as the movie started.

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