Shakespeare's Wife (48 page)

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Authors: Germaine Greer

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The author's thanks are due to all the people who have let her bang on at them over the years about Shakespeare's attitude to marriage and, much more recently, about Shakespeare's wife. They include late greats L. C. Knights, Peter Laslett, M. C. Bradbrook and the much-lamented Jeremy Maule, as well as, among the living, Her Majesty the Queen, Professor Anne Barton, Dr Peter Cochran, John Kerrigan, Anthony Holden, my sister Jane Burke and the odd taxi-driver.

As should be apparent from the documentation of my case, my greatest debt is to everyone at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Record Office. While there can be no doubting their utter loyalty to the maintenance of the reputation of England's greatest poet, they are also committed to the patient eliciting of the truth from the scattering of hard evidence that they so carefully preserve. Every year new biographies of Shakespeare rework the same set of assumptions and presumptions, their authors not having deigned to avail themselves of the services the staff at the SBTRO so generously offer, which include patient listening to misled hypotheses and gentle direction towards better information. I hope I have avoided mistaken certainty; if I have not it will not be the fault of Dr Robert Bearman or Mairi MacDonald or anyone at SBTRO.

This study could not have been contemplated if I had not had access to the Cambridge University Library, and if the library had not been as well-run as it is. The resources of the British Library are unparalleled, but they are unnecessarily difficult for out-of-town scholars to use, as no more than ten volumes may be ordered on
any day, and usually fewer than those ten will actually be delivered. The author is grateful for the courtesy and helpfulness that the BL staff somehow manage to show to even the most bewildered and frustrated readers.

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