Shared by the Highlanders (13 page)

BOOK: Shared by the Highlanders
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“But, Elspeth is a friend. She doesn’t count.” I’m looking from one to the other, bewildered and more than a little scared. I hadn’t expected this.

Robbie shifts, and I see to my dismay that he is removing the leather belt securing his kilt. “It is indeed fortunate for you that she is a friend. A good friend, of mine at least and now yours too though she remains somewhat hostile to her one-time betrothed here. She has an unforgiving nature, does Elspeth, and it’s best not to rile her. However the point remains, you had instructions that you chose to disregard. Hence, a spanking.”

Even as I quake at the prospect of what’s coming, my pussy spasms and starts to moisten. It would seem I’m discovering my inner pain slut. Still, this is unjust and some protest seems in order. “But, surely you can’t be angry with me. Not truly. Not for that.”

Will quirks his lip in a sexy grin. “Do we look angry to you? Either of us?”

“Well, no, not angry, exactly.”

“Exactly. Robbie’s correct, you do need to be cautious, but it seems not around Elspeth, as you so rightly point out. I wish I could say the same for myself.” He gives a rueful toss of his head. “But you weren’t to know that when you were so free with your tongue and it’s clear you have a lesson to learn. We’ll see to that, then if you show proper contrition we might proceed to an entirely different sort of spanking, one far more to your liking.” Will tilts his chin toward the bed, which Robbie has now vacated. “Your skirts, Charlie. Around your waist, if you please.”

I know better than to argue further, and I confess I am starting to be a little intrigued at what this different sort of spanking might entail. A fire roars in the grate, but still I shiver as I position myself across the bed. I reach back to grasp my voluminous skirts and hitch the material up around my thighs. It takes a bit of doing but I manage to bundle the whole lot up above my waist. Despite their earlier offers, neither man moves to assist me with this.

I turn my head to look at them, standing side by side as they peruse me. I feel self-conscious but incredibly aroused too as I lie there, spread out on the bed, my bottom bared. Waiting for them.

Robbie steps forward, his belt doubled in his fist and dangling ominously. “So, this is intended as chastisement for your disobedience earlier so it will hurt, a lot at first even though we won’t be striking you especially hard. It will sting, and your bottom will turn a beautiful shade of crimson. We’ll continue until we believe you are suitably chastened for your loose words, but we also intend for you to get past the bite of the leather to experience the pleasure beyond. All you have to do is trust us, accept your punishment, and relax that sweet derrière of yours, little Charlie, Try not to tense up, and we’ll do the rest.”

“But, you’ll be using your belts on me.” I can’t take my eyes of the length of heavy leather swinging in his hand.

“We will, but it won’t feel like the switching did. It is not our intention to hurt you, and once your punishment is concluded if you really don’t want to continue with this, then we won’t. We’re asking you to have faith, to close your eyes and lie still if you can. Yes?”

I meet Robbie’s even, sensual gaze, and find I do indeed have faith. If he tells me this will be pleasurable, eventually, then I believe him. And despite my fears, wild horses couldn’t drag me away. I want this. I crave this wicked, forbidden experience. Burning with curiosity now, I nod my head.

“Yes.” I close my eyes, and will my muscles to relax.

The swish of leather sailing through the air reaches me, a fraction of a second before the strap wraps around my left buttock. Will was standing to that side, so he must have gone first. It hurts, but not a great deal. I let out a sharp yelp, though it’s more the release of my pent-up tension than a reaction to the pain.

“Breathe in, wee Charlie, and let out your breath after each stroke.” Robbie’s voice is low and soft, and so far from menacing it’s unreal.

I nod, my face now buried in the smooth brocade of the coverlet. I turn my head slightly to draw in a long breath, then I wait again.

Another whistle of displaced air, then Robbie’s belt lands on my right cheek. I flinch, but the shock is less so I don’t cry out this time.

“Breathe out, then in again. Do it, Charlie.”

I realise I’m still holding my breath. I obey Will, and find the simple act of concentrating on filling and emptying my lungs is somehow grounding. I can detach from what else is happening to me. Or I could, if I chose to.

Will lands the next stripe, and Robbie the one after. I’m in control of my breathing now, and find that fact empowering. Surprised, I realise I’ve tilted my bottom up a little, to better catch the impact of the strokes. My men set up a steady, even rhythm, alternating between them. One stroke each, then they move to two each, then three. The bite starts to build, my skin tingling, then heating up to a more intense sizzle. Each new stroke increases the burn, until my bottom feels to be on fire. Still though I don’t ask them to stop.

Robbie was right, I can get beyond the pain. I have. Each stroke is now a caress, a sharp, bitter crack across my sensitive flesh, but glorious in its delicate brutality. I want more. I want harder.

“Please, could you…?”

The strokes pause. “Your punishment is over. Are you wanting us to stop now, lassie?” Will’s voice.

“No. No. I like it. I think. I need to know. Could you do it harder? Maybe a bit faster?”

Will chuckles. “Ah, right. I think we can oblige you.”

The spanking resumes, but now the strokes are a little heavier, and coming just that bit more quickly. They had been allowing enough time for the sizzle to dissipate before dropping the next stroke across my buttocks and the backs of my thighs but no longer. The strokes from each belt rain down thick and fast, the heat searing. I’m starting to whimper; this hurts. It really hurts. Still though I bite my lip and refuse to say that one little word I know will end it.

Robbie shifts a little and now most of the blows from his belt are falling across my thighs. Dimly, somewhere in the recesses of my head I know I’ll live to regret all of this the next time I have to sit a horse. I don’t care. Will is continuing to apply his belt to my bottom, across both cheeks at once now. It feels—incredible, agony and ecstasy rolled into one heady, delirious sensation. My head feels to be full of cotton wool, I’m drifting and the pain is diminishing though I don’t sense they are letting up at all. Beyond coherent thought, I simply allow my body to sink into the softness of the bed, and the pain or pleasure or whatever this is to seep into my very bones.

Time seems to still, moments pass or perhaps hours. I hear a voice, a low, beloved voice, close by. My name, then a kiss on my forehead. A hand sweeps my hair from my face, I’m rolling onto my side though I don’t think I meant to. Something is pillowing my head, something firm, warm.

“Open your eyes, love. Look at me.” The voice again, gentle, demanding. I should obey. I need to obey, or… Or?

I wriggle, uncomfortable. Something hurts, but it’s a strange pain, a good sort of hurting. How odd.

“Charlie, can you open your eyes? Now.” A different voice, harder, more commanding.

I must do as he says. I must always do as he says. I force my eyelids to open, try to focus on the face so close to mine.

Will. It’s Will, and he’s crouching before me. He is shirtless. How unusual, but nice. I manage a smile. “Hello.”

“Hello, Charlie.” He leans in to brush his lips over mine.

The kiss is too brief, too light. I whimper, seeking more.

“Here, take a sip.” The wine goblet is pressed to my mouth. I’d rather have Will’s lips, but settle for this. The rich red liquid tastes mellow, warm across my tongue.


I nod, and the goblet is placed at my mouth again. This time I raise my head to take a proper drink.

“She’s back then?” The other voice again, somewhere above me.

I turn my head, peer upwards. Robbie leans over, his hand smoothing the tangled hair from my face. My head is on his thigh. I glance around and see I’m laid on the bed lengthwise now. This isn’t how I remember it. They moved me? Why? What happened?

“How? What…?”

“You went into a trance. It happens sometimes. Was it nice?” Robbie smiles at me, his beautiful masculine features softening. I want him to kiss me too.

“Of course. My pleasure.” He lifts me a little, and leans down to kiss my lips. I must have said what I wanted out loud. I didn’t mean to. Confused, I frown at him. What’s happening to me?

Robbie stretches out on the bed, hauling me along with him. I find myself draped face down across his chest, his palms tracing large circles between my shoulder blades. As my senses return I detect the light breath of cool air across my smarting buttocks and I realise my skirt is still raised, my bottom bared. The events of the past few minutes—or it could be hours—come hurtling back into my consciousness. They spanked me, with their belts.

Hard. Not hard enough.

Christ, what came over me? How did this happen?

“There’s a balm we can apply, if you need it. Are you very sore, little Charlie?” Will is talking to me now, but he’s out of my line of sight. I could turn, seek him out, but my body is exhausted. I can’t move, don’t want to move.

I settle for shaking my head.

The bed dips as Will joins us on it. I’m now sandwiched between them, but still clinging to Robbie. I flinch as a hand—it must be Will’s—strokes my blistered arse. His caress is soft, very gentle, as though massaging the pain deep into my tissues. It feels strangely good, erotic and intimate.

“Open your legs for me, sweetheart.” Will’s request is delivered in a low, undemanding tone, but I do as he asks. I want to, I need the sweet sensation he can deliver. I know just what those fingers can do for me, will do for me now.

Robbie continues to trace large, relaxing circles on my back, at the same time as Will slides his hand between my spread thighs. I let out a moan, sensation overwhelming me. Will circles my pussy lips, opening my entrance before slipping two fingers deep inside me.

It feels wonderful. Utterly sublime. The first tremors of orgasm start in my lower belly, deep, resonating through me as he thrusts his fingers in and out. Should I come so quickly? Will it all stop once I climax? I don’t want that. I want this sweet feeling to last forever. I shift, try to escape the mounting intensity as Will’s skilled digits locate my G-spot and rub.

“Don’t fight it. You need the release now. Let us do this. For you.” It’s Robbie’s voice, murmuring encouragement as Will twists his hand to better access that place within me where all my nerve endings seem to meet.

How do they know what I’m thinking? They seem to lay my private fears and fantasies as bare as my throbbing bum. Where did they learn this stuff?

I give up the effort and let it happen. I gasp as my orgasm builds, rapid and insistent, relentless as it dashes past the point of no return. My pussy spasms, my body clenches, and I’m gone.

As the waves of my climax recede, Will continues to caress my clit, bringing my body back to the edge of readiness once more. This time though, he seems less intent on forcing my orgasm, more on keeping me hovering, a second climax in reach, almost. Not quite.

“We want you naked now. In a moment you’ll stand, and allow us to undress you.” It’s a statement by Will, not a request. Even so, I doubt I could manage to remain upright long enough for them to get my clothes off.

“Can’t stand. I’m too … floppy.”

“We’ll help you. Come on.” This time it’s Robbie who speaks, and he’s helping me to my feet. My clit is throbbing with unmet need as Will withdraws his hand to assist in getting my feet planted on the polished wood floor.

I reach up to clasp my hands behind Robbie’s neck as he holds me in his arms. My skirts drop back down again, my undergarments scratching my tender buttocks. I hang on to Robbie as Will loosens the ties fastening my dress down the middle of my back and parts the two halves. With Robbie’s help he manoeuvres my arms from the sleeves and draws the wool fabric down past my hips to pool on the floor.

“Turn her around.”

Robbie complies with Will’s request and I find myself leaning against Robbie, facing Will. He winks at me as he undoes the row of small bows holding my under-bodice closed. It parts, to reveal the loose chemise beneath. I am naked under that.

My underskirts, two of them, tie at the waist. Robbie unfastens those with a couple of deft tugs and they too drop to my feet to settle on top of the grey wool. Robbie slips an arm behind my knees to lift me. He carries me to the bed and settles me on it, kneeling. He reaches for the hem of my chemise and pulls it over my head.

Movement behind his shoulder draws my attention back to Will, who is doffing the rest of his clothing. Oh, Christ, yes.

“You look pleased with yourself, sweet Charlie. You liked your spanking then?”

I nod.

Robbie grins at me, an expression that lights up the darkening room, then steps away to remove his clothing too. Moments later both men are stretched out on the bed, on either side of me. Each is sporting a formidable erection and I wonder which of them will be first.

“We intend to fuck you.” Robbie, stating the obvious.


“Both of us.”

“Yes. Both.”

“At the same time.”


“Is that all you have to say, wee Charlie?”

“I don’t see how…”

“I’ll fuck your quim, and he’ll have your arse.”


Robbie places a finger across my lips to silence my questions. “Leave the how of it to us. Just say yes, Charlie.”

I hesitate, then, “Yes. Yes, please.”

“Good girl. So now, straddle me.”

This part of the choreography at least I do understand. Robbie rolls over to lie flat on his back and I scramble into position, kneeling above him, one leg on either side of his hips. Will slides his hand between my legs from behind and plunges three fingers deep into my cunt.

“She’s wet, but we need more. For her arse.”

“Oil’s over there.” Robbie gestures to somewhere else in the room. Will withdraws his questing digits and goes to find whatever is needed. I’d watch him, but my gaze is riveted to Robbie’s and I’m unable to look away.

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