Shared by the Highlanders (14 page)

BOOK: Shared by the Highlanders
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The bed shifts behind me. Will has returned, presumably with the oil.

“Lean forward to me. Lift your arse up. Will wants to see what he’s doing.”

Beyond any shred of modesty I lean forward and lay my lips across Robbie’s. Usually they instigate any kisses. They generally instigate everything, in truth. But just this once I do it. Robbie’s lips part and he slips his tongue into my mouth, tangling it with mine. His hands are cradling my face, holding me still as behind me Will parts my buttocks. I’m acutely aware of every touch, every caress as both men ramp up the action. There’s a warm dribble of the oil as Will pours it into the crevice between my arse cheeks and it runs down the sensitive valley. His fingers follow, working the lubricant into the skin around my anus, then dipping just the tip of one well-slicked finger inside. I open to him, easily, readily. Eagerly.

Will pulls his finger out of me, only to slide it back in, freshly lubed. This time he plunges it all the way in, and my body relaxes to allow it. The tight ring of muscle loosens and opens to admit a second, then a third thrusting digit. All the while Robbie continues to fuck my mouth with his tongue, his penetration mimicking Will’s. Strange, I never thought of kissing in that way before, but it surely is.

“She’s ready.” Will’s tone is matter-of-fact. I see no reason to dispute his conclusion.

Robbie breaks the kiss but still cradles my face in his hands. “Take my cock inside your quim, Charlie. You guide it in then lower yourself down to take all of it.”

I don’t need asking twice. I reach for his thick, solid cock and wrap my fist around it. Although he hasn’t told me to I can’t resist pumping my hand up and down its length a couple of times, but I hurry up with my mission at a low, warning growl from Robbie. I position the head of his cock at my entrance, between my swollen, slick pussy lips, and sink down to impale myself on him.

My movements are slow, but even so I’m stretched. The fit is ridiculously tight, more so than I remember from our previous encounter, though he was in my arse that time. I pause, glancing up at Robbie for permission to take more time. He smiles at me, offering reassurance, then drops his hand from my face to take one of my nipples between his finger and thumb.

“Will it help you if I do this?” He squeezes, just slightly, and rolls the sensitive nub. My pussy spasms around him and I groan. Nodding, I hold my position, poised, luxuriating in the delightful sensations he is arousing. I savour the moment, then, feeling every sensuous inch, I lower my weight fully onto him.

“Does that feel good?” Robbie’s words are just a low murmur.

I nod, beyond the power of speech right now.

“Lift up a moment.”

“Don’t want to. I like being here.”

“Do as you’re told, girl.”

I obey, but sneak a quick squeeze around his thick girth as I do.

Robbie releases my pebbled nipple and slips his free hand between or bodies so that the pad of his middle finger rests on my clit as I lower myself back into position. “Now, you lean forward with my cock inside you. Try to lift your arse up, show it to Will. Show him everything. Show him my cock filling you, your pussy stretched tight around it.”

Robbie’s dirty words are as erotic as the acts we are performing, and almost as arousing. I tilt my bottom upwards, arching my back. My head is filled with the image of what Will must now be seeing, and my moisture dribbles even more.

Will’s fingers are on me, tracing the outline of my pussy lips now pulled taut around Robbie’s huge cock. He collects up more of the copious wetness gathering there and spreads that around my anus. Again he tests the receptiveness of my rear opening, and this time the tension feels near to unbearable. So full, so tight. Everywhere.

I let out a hiss of breath, and Will pauses. “Did I hurt you?”

“No, I’m fine. Just feeling a bit overwhelmed maybe.”

Robbie answers me. “We’ll go slow. As slow as you need. I’ll make you climax as Will enters you, to help you relax. You
be fine, you have my word. Our word.”

“I know. And, thank you.”

“Our absolute pleasure, sweet Charlie.”

I’m aware of Will shifting position behind me, then his hands parting my buttocks again. His cock is at my entrance, pressing against the ring of muscle there. I consciously relax, willing myself to allow him in, not to resist.

“Push back as I press forward, little one. Very slowly.”

“Look up at me, Charlie. I want to watch your eyes as Will fucks you. Then I’ll know if it’s too much for you.”

I tip up my chin to meet Robbie’s gaze, trusting his word, trusting him to know even if I don’t.

The pressure on my arse increases, and I manage to remember my instructions and push back. My entrance gives in, and the head of Will’s cock is inside. It’s like before, but more. Much, much more.

Will continues to apply the slow even pressure, and my body parts allow him entry. I’m crammed, stuffed. I feel full to bursting. The tension is acute, quite incredible, and quite terrifying.

“Hold it a moment. She’s struggling.”

I’m not. Am I?

“Deep breaths. Let your body adjust. You
take this. You really can.”

I blink, drag in several fortifying lungsful of oxygen. Then Robbie gives a brief nod, the signal to Will that all is well again.

Will pushes harder, and more of his cock sinks into my arse. I let out a scared whimper, my confidence evaporating. What if I can’t do this? What if, after all this, it’s just too much?

“Easy, we’re almost there, sweetheart. Let me help.” Robbie murmurs to me, at the same time circling my clit with the pad of his middle finger, trapped between our bodies. My orgasm flares, my body responding hard and fast as he caresses me into oblivion. It is the work of moments. Every muscle turns to liquid, and as my body surrenders to another explosive orgasm Will slides home.

I lie, gasping, sated. I’m bent double and stretched so tight I could snap. I surely could. I can’t move, don’t dare to shift so much as a fingernail.

“You did well, little one. So tight, so beautiful.” It’s Will’s voice now, whispering sweet things in my ear. He holds still, allowing me the precious moments I need to adjust, to reform my body around both cocks embedded deep.

“Are we hurting you?”

I manage to shake my head, though I’m not entirely certain what it is I’m feeling. I’d know if it was pain though, wouldn’t I?

Robbie continues to stroke my clit, the sensation again penetrating my post-orgasmic haze. I give an involuntary squeeze, wondering at the feeling of fullness. It’s intense, yet incredibly gentle. Despite the extremes they push me to, the barriers they burst through, both Will and Robbie are nothing but gentle. Even as they spanked me, they knew what I needed and delivered it. Then they cared for me, easing me into the next phase. And now, here I am, experiencing arousal and terror in equal measures, and on a scale I could never have imagined.

Holy shit!

“That’s the hard bit done. Now we have some fun, yes?”

“I…, what?”

“Allow me, wee Charlie.” Robbie pulls his hand from between us, and now he places one on each side of my hips. He lifts me, oh so slowly, then lets me sink back onto his cock. Will must have moved with us. I gasp, the friction sending shivers of delight the length of my cunt.

“Oh, God. Oh…”


“Yes. So good.”

“You’re tight, and wet, and so hot. I doubt this will take long.”

“Let me try then.” Will withdraws his cock from my arse maybe halfway, then slides it back in one deep, even stroke. The effect is devastating, sensual, intimate, the ultimate possession.

My body is limp, I’m powerless to do anything but receive. I give myself over to them, physically, emotionally, theirs to do as they please.

Robbie sets the rhythm, arching his back to thrust, and lifting me at just the right time for my downward slide to meet him. Will synchronises with us somehow, thrusting in as Robbie pulls back. Their strokes become deeper as my body adjusts, and I find I want to squeeze. I roll my hips, setting up my own little circular movement, which seems to please all of us.

“I’m going to come again. May I… oh, oh, Christ!” My orgasm is off the scale, quite simply overpowering my senses. I feel to be falling, spinning, floating. I see white light, or maybe it’s stars. I don’t know, don’t care.

I’m gripping Robbie’s upper arms, the muscles there bunching and relaxing under my fingers as he eases my weight up and down.

Will’s hands are around me, cupping my breasts, kneading and lifting, teasing my nipples as he pumps in and out of my bum. They are everywhere, in me, on me, touching me, the waves of delight just rolling and crashing. I sink into another orgasm just as Robbie’s cock jerks inside me, the movement sharp. He goes still, but Will continues to move, two more thrusts, a third, and he also lurches forward. My pussy is filled with liquid heat as Robbie’s balls empty into me, and soon after my arse experiences the same delicious sensation as Will climaxes too.

We remain still, the three of us still joined, panting. My world reorients itself, somehow shifting back onto the correct axis. My head stops spinning, my heart rate reduces back to somewhere close to normal. Several minutes drift by before Will breaks the silence.

“Quite a ride, wee Charlie. Are you all right?”

I manage a tentative nod, then a deep sigh as Will pulls out of me. I feel empty, bereft, even though he had already started to soften. Will collapses onto his back beside us, one arm flung across his eyes. His other hand is on my bottom, and he pats my still tender buttock.

Robbie rolls over, carrying me along so I end up beneath him though his weight is supported on his arms. My recently whipped bum rubs against the coverlet, a heated reminder of the blurred line between pleasure and pain. Who knows where one ends and the other begins? Certainly not me, not anymore.

Chapter Eight



Breakfast time at Glen Blair is raucous, noisy business.

We rise at first light, disturbed from sleep by the din already erupting in the household as the servants bustle around lighting fires, preparing food, and generally getting started on the day. A lad of around twelve comes into Robbie’s chamber to bank up the embers and stir up a cheery blaze in the grate. I manage to summon the presence of mind to remain concealed within the large, curtained bed. Will is nowhere in evidence, a fact I query as soon as the servant leaves us.

“He went back to his chamber. No one would be especially shocked to discover you in bed with either one of us, but all three of us together? No, even Elspeth’s flexible attitude would be challenged by that. We agreed you’d remain here with me, and Will would make himself scarce.” Robbie is already out of bed and pulling on the loose shirt he discarded last night.

“Ah, right.” That does make sense. “How long will we be staying here? Don’t you and Will need to go to Stirling?”

Robbie arranges his length of tartan around his shoulders and torso, then winds it around his hips as I watch, entranced. “We do, so we’ll be leaving today. I’m hoping to be in Stirling by nightfall. The sooner we complete our mission and deliver Elizabeth’s missive to her majesty, the sooner we can apply ourselves to solving your little dilemma, wee Charlie.”

“My dilemma? You mean the pressing problem of how to return me to the twenty-first century?”

“Well, aye, that would be it, ideally. But given we have not the slightest notion how that could be accomplished, we’ll need to settle on which one of us you’ll be marrying.”


“I think you heard me. You’ll be needing a husband if you’re to live here in this time. You might already be breeding, and we’ll need to see to your welfare and that of any bairns.”

“Husband? Bairns? I’m not marrying you. Either of you. And I’m not pregnant.”

“Well, I’m right sorry you feel that way, but the fact remains you will need to marry and better me or Will than some stranger who doesn’t understand your little peculiarities. How do you know you’ve not conceived? It seems likely enough to me.”

“My implant, that’s how I know. I’m protected from unwanted pregnancies for another two years at least.”

He arches his dark eyebrows at me. “I beg your pardon? What’s this thing, this implant?”

I point to the spot on the inside of my upper left arm. “Here. You can’t see much but it’s there. We have birth control in the twenty-first century; good, reliable contraception. This little thing was put in by a doctor, and it stops me from getting pregnant for three years. It’s only been there for about a year, so I’m fine. For now.”

Robbie’s expression is priceless. He stares at my arm with a considerable degree of suspicion. “But, that means…?”

“Yes. It means no babies. Unless I choose to have them.”

“Holy Mother of God, that would change things…” He breathes the words in wonder, his appreciation of the ramifications of reliable family planning, controlled by women themselves, just starting to sink in.

“Right. It does. For a start it means I don’t need to marry anyone, and you don’t need to worry about me.”

“Lass, I think I’ll worry about you till the day I die. But I agree your requirement for a husband may be less urgent than I supposed. That being the case we may turn our attention to breakfast. Do you require help getting dressed? I’m better at removing a woman’s clothes but I daresay I could be pressed into service as a lady’s maid if need be.”

I grin at him, struck not for the first time at how unfazed he and Will seem at each bizarre revelation of mine. “Thank you, but I think I can manage. Elspeth gave me a skirt and a tunic thing for travelling, and I think I can put them on by myself.”

“In that case, my lady, I will see you downstairs in the hall. I suggest you do not tarry here too long as Elspeth’s voracious offspring could easily have eaten everything by the time you arrive.” He offers me a polite bow from the doorway, then slips out into the corridor, closing it behind him.

I take his warning on board and waste no time in getting dressed. The skirt gathers and ties at the waist so is manageable enough. The tunic covers my chemise, and is also straightforward. The whole lot is fairly comfortable, though I’m still not sure that I’ll be able to ride in this outfit. My tender buttocks and thighs offer a further complication and I wonder how far it actually is to Stirling from here. I resolve to ask, as soon as I’ve had something to eat.

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