Shared by the Highlanders (18 page)

BOOK: Shared by the Highlanders
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“I think you’ll find it was
who encountered
. I’m the one who was tied up, scared half to death, then stripped naked and tied to a tree to be switched.”

“Yes, we did try your patience somewhat that first evening, I can see that. Still, we can let bygones be bygones now, I daresay?”

I shrug. “Well, you’ve since made up for treating me so shabbily, I suppose.”

“Exactly. I always suspected you harboured a forgiving nature, deep down. Do you need a leg up or can you mount on your own?” Will has secured my saddle and the horse is ready for me.

“Is the Pope a Catholic?” I step forward to place my foot in Robbie’s cupped hands.

“The Holy Father was indeed a devotee of the one true faith, last time I looked. Is this another stunning revelation of a future yet to be discovered by the rest of us?” He tosses me up into the saddle.

“It’s just a saying. It means that was a daft question.”

“Ah, so you were being disrespectful then. I see. Sadly we don’t have time to deal adequately with the matter now, and we need you able to sit on your horse in any case. But tonight, little Charlie, you will bare your arse for me and you will learn to regret your insolent ways.”

“Do you need me to cut you a switch? Or do you still have the one I laboured over previously?” Ever helpful, Will nudges his horse up alongside mine, the reins of Robbie’s mount in his free hand. He passes the straps to his cousin with an amused leer.

Robbie swings into his saddle with practised grace. “Ah, I have it safe. And we know how effective it is, do we not? Our wee Charlie will be squealing later.” He glances at me, his vivid green eyes glinting, whether in amusement or lust I’m not entirely certain.

My pussy clenches in response, despite my nervousness at the discomfort he promises me. I have no doubt he intends to use that switch again, and we all know this evening could be his last opportunity. He won’t want to miss that, and oddly, neither will I.

Will leaps into his saddle too and wheels around me. “If you need to stop at any point, Charlie, you must say so. Otherwise we ride hard and fast. Yes?”

“Yes, I understand. I’ll keep up.”

“Good girl. We know that.” Robbie digs his heels into his horse’s flanks and the animal breaks into a canter, then a hard gallop. I urge mine into motion and lean forward to match his pace. Will’s horse’s hooves thud rhythmically behind me. We’re off.

We keep up a solid pace bordering on punishing and encounter no delays, so reach the outskirts of Carlisle after about three hours. Robbie signals that we will be detouring to the east to avoid the town and Will and I gallop in his wake. The route takes us across open moorland, and in spite of everything I find I’m actually enjoying this wild cross-country ride. Perhaps my confidence on horseback is increasing, or maybe it’s the timeless grandeur of this stunning scenery, but I just don’t want this journey to end.

Who am I trying to kid? The truth is, I don’t want to face the inevitable parting, and my own future, knowing that both the men I have come to adore have been dead for centuries.

Robbie gallops on and we follow in close formation, leaving Carlisle behind and making our way across the wild landscape of northern Cumbria. We stop only to rest and water the horses, and to nibble on the remains of Elspeth’s bread and cheese. Those breaks are also my opportunity to find a few moments’ privacy if I am able. Otherwise we ride hard in the direction of Helvellyn.

It is clear that Robbie and Will know these hills well, and I begin to wonder if they have perhaps participated in the border raids, which I recall from my history lessons were a common occurrence hereabouts right up to the end of Elizabeth’s reign. At that point the two countries were united under one crown when James I, son of Mary, queen of Scots, succeeded Elizabeth. The same James whose birth is now so eagerly awaited at Stirling Castle. I ponder the implications of sharing that little nugget with Will and Robbie but decide against it. I can’t even start to contemplate the possible ramifications if something I do or say during my visit here should somehow affect events that haven’t happened yet and alter the course of history.

Or maybe they are so familiar with the landscape because they have traversed this route many times in the service of their queen, acting as messengers or couriers, or whatever they would call it. I hesitate to refer to spying, but their reluctance to engage with the local populace suggests they may occasionally be up to no good. They did tell me they were adventurers, so maybe that’s what it amounts to. With a spot of genuine diplomatic business thrown in as required.

My thoughts are my own though as we continue on our journey, the miles dropping away beneath our horses’ hooves. After a couple more hours, or it may be longer, I’ve lost track of time. The glint of water far away in the dip of a valley catches my eye. Robbie too, and he slackens the pace a little.

I come up alongside him. “Is that a lake?”

“Aye, lass, Ullswater. The northern tip. There’s Helvellyn, to the east. We’ve perhaps three hours riding ahead of us. Do you think you can make it tonight or do you want to make camp and complete the journey tomorrow?”

“I’m happy to continue. I know you want to reach there as quickly as we can.” Do they want to be rid of me? They’ve given no indication, but even so…?

“The sooner we arrive, the quicker we can start working out how to spirit you back to your own time. It’s not safe for you here, sweetheart.” Robbie seems to have read my mind.

“I know. I know that. It’s just … I’ll miss you. Both of you. You’ve been so kind.”

“Kind? I don’t think that was exactly our intention. Well, not entirely.” Will has cantered up to join us. He casts a meaningful look in Robbie’s direction. “Maybe you could go down to the lake and lift us a couple of fine trout for supper.”

Robbie nods. “Good plan, we’ve very little of Elspeth’s victuals left so we’d otherwise go hungry this night. You can continue along this track here, and I’ll meet you at yonder stand of pines.” He indicates a copse of tall trees a couple of miles ahead. “I shouldn’t be too long.”

Will offers him a cheeky grin that suggests he’s welcome to take as long as he likes. I’m still pondering that when Robbie turns his horse in the direction of the glittering water and canters away.

“You all right, lass?” Will’s expression is concerned.

I’m surprised. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“It’s just you and me now, until Robbie returns with our supper, assuming he can manage to tempt a fish or two from the lake.”

“Is that a problem?”

“The possible lack of fish?”

I shake my head. “No, idiot. The being alone.”

“Not to me. Though I should tell you, I intend to make love to you as soon as an opportunity presents itself.”

“Is that fair? To Robbie? And what about reaching Helvellyn tonight?”

“Aye, lass, and it’s right that you should ask. We talked about the possibility, if either one of us should find ourselves alone with you, and provided you agree we have no problem with it. Robbie knows that, he knows what’s likely to happen between you and me, and if circumstances permit he’ll appreciate the chance to have you to himself at some stage too. As for reaching Helvellyn this night, I reckon we can find the time, if we don’t dawdle here for too long debating the matter.”

I have no strong objections to the conclusion they’ve arrived at, but I am beginning to be a little unnerved by all these private chats they are having and I bristle somewhat. “I see. Well, I
want to debate the matter a little more, especially as you two sound to have been doing a lot of talking. When have you found the time for all these little tête-a-têtes, given that we’ve been together almost constantly?”

Despite my snippy tone Will seems unabashed. “Yesterday, while you were teaching young Iain to swim and we were hunting. We had much to settle, Robbie and I, so it was a good opportunity.”

“Is that when you planned that one of you would marry me?”

“Aye, that came up too.”

“I see.” I consider Will’s suggestion, and the matter-of-fact way they seem to be sharing me and deciding on my future. On calmer reflection I find I object rather less than I perhaps should. “I adore being with the pair of you, together, but either of you on your own would be lovely too, I expect.” There, I can be down to earth too.

“I’m pleased that we find ourselves in agreement, lass. Shall we be on our way then?”

He kicks his horse back into a gallop, and I fall back into place behind him. We make straight for the stand of trees.

Will lifts me from my horse, and carries me straight over to where he has spread his plaid out on the springy heather. The towering pines are behind us, a few yards distant, a soaring beacon to enable Robbie to locate us. He could be here soon. Despite Will’s disparaging remarks I have little doubt regarding Robbie’s skill at luring trout from the lake. I imagine he’ll complete that task as he does all others, with alacrity and efficient speed. It shouldn’t matter given the intimate nature of our relationship, but I don’t want him to come upon Will and me. This is a private moment, between just the two of us.

Will kneels with me still in his arms. He kisses me, and I wrap my arms around his neck to cling on. I run my fingers through his thick, almost black hair, which hangs loose to his shoulders today. It is windswept now, but still smooth and soft to my touch. His familiar musky scent fills my nostrils as he leans forward to lower me onto my back, never once breaking the kiss.

His tongue is in my mouth, tasting and exploring, stroking. I twist mine around his, loving the sensual dance.

The late afternoon temperature is becoming chilly, but still I yearn to get naked. Not so Will it would seem as he reaches for the hem of my velvet skirts to draw the rich, ruby-coloured fabric up to my waist. I am encased in several layers of underskirts as well, and he bundles them around my waist too. The breeze is cool on my exposed legs, which I part before Will has an opportunity to ask me to.

He breaks the kiss, grinning. “Ah, lass, I do so adore your enthusiasm. Tell me what you want.”

“You know. You always know…”

“Tell me.”

“I want you to touch me. Make me come.”

“Touch you here? Your quim?” He strokes the flat of his palm across my exposed pussy.

Whilst the demands of a sixteenth-century wardrobe seem somewhat obsessed with petticoats, the lack of other underwear is refreshingly liberating. I groan with pleasure and nod my head.

“Is this all? Is there anything else you’d like to ask of me, while we’re here and you’re so conveniently spread out under me?” He continues to caress my pussy, drawing his palm over and through my sensitive, moistening folds.

I nod vigorously. “I want you inside me. Fuck me. Please.”

“Now you’re rushing, my hot wee slut. And we’re in no hurry.”

“I am. Please, don’t tease me…”

“Ah, but I love to tease you, surely you know that by now. Tell me what you want next.”

“I don’t know. Something, anything.”

“You can do better than that. And you’ll have to…” He slows his caress, lightening his touch until it’s barely there at all.

I writhe under him, lifting my hips in a vain attempt to create more friction, to get the stimulation my clit is throbbing to receive. He lifts his hand from me entirely, and when I would have reached to touch myself he seizes both my wrists and pins them above my head.

“Wee Charlie, you have only to ask. Don’t be difficult.”

“I want you to stroke my clit. Hard. Rub it. And, I want your fingers inside me. I want you to finger-fuck me, then do it again, with your cock. There! Is that good enough? Explicit enough for you?” I grind my teeth, forcing the words out.

His grin is nothing short of lecherous. “Much improved, certainly. So, this then?” He gives me another long, slow caress, from my anus to my clit, then pauses to lay the pad of his middle finger over the quivering, swollen nub. “Look at me, Charlie.” The command is soft, but insistent. I realise I had closed my eyes. I open them to meet his deep sapphire gaze, just inches from mine.

He offers me a soft, seductive smile as he flicks my clit, then takes it between his finger and thumb and rolls it. I moan my delight, and he increases the pressure. I could come from this alone, and soon. Very soon.

“Oh, God, that’s so good. So…” I arch, seeking yet more.

Will releases my hands; I am no longer wanting to interfere with his plans in any case. He angles his body so he is leaning across my stomach, his back to my upper body. He gazes at my exposed pussy, and I love the sense of openness, of intimacy between us. I sigh and raise my hips as he uses his fingers to spread my pussy lips wide, exposing my clit entirely. He leans forward, and I know what he intends before his lips touch me.

“Oh, Jesus, Will…”

He dips his tongue in my entrance, swirling it around as though to taste my slick juices. He seems to like the flavour and goes back to lap some more. The curl and clench of orgasm is seizing me, low down in my belly. I thrust upwards as Will shifts to take my clit in his mouth, gripping it with his lips as he flicks it with the end of his tongue.

To destroy me utterly he sinks three fingers into my cunt, and I detonate.

I come, hard, fast, the orgasm powerful yet sweet. Will is a generous, demanding lover, intent on drawing out my pleasure. He strokes my G-spot, attuned to my wriggles and appreciative moans, bringing me back to orgasm twice more before finally relinquishing his control of my senses.

I lie still, gasping, my body shuddering. Will turns to take me in his arms, cradling me against his chest as my heartbeat returns to normal and my breathing slows.

“Good so far, wee Charlie?” His low tone is seductive, a whisper of pure lust.

I nod, and turn to snuggle against him, my skirts still hiked up around my waist. His mention of ‘so far’ suggests there’s no point in restoring my clothing quite yet.

Will’s palm cups my bottom, caressing it in wide, circular motions. I’m reminded of the last time I felt his hand on that part of my anatomy, as he and Robbie spanked me. It seems a long time has passed since then, though it was just two days ago. And Robbie intends to take a switch to me again, before this night is out. I stiffen, remembering that.

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