Shark Out of Water (29 page)

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Authors: Delsheree Gladden

BOOK: Shark Out of Water
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Chapter 34



Le Mariage


“I can’t believe your parents pulled this off so quickly,” Charlotte said.

Guy laughed as he kissed Charlotte’s neck. “My parents practically have every event planner in France on retainer. Of course they could arrange a wedding in two months.”

Charlotte melted against him as he moved up to her ear. “Guy, I’m not going to leave this room if you don’t stop that right now.” Her voice was plaintive, but her body had no intention of pulling away.

“Who says we have to leave the room?” Guy asked against her skin.

Giggling at him, Charlotte turned her head subconsciously so he could gain better access to her neck as he kissed his way up to just behind her ear. “I’m even more amazed everyone was able to make it. I was afraid my parents wouldn’t have valid passports, or that my dad wouldn’t be able to handle the flying.” She whimpered faintly as Guy’s arms tightened around her middle and pulled her in closer.

“Of course they had passports,” Guy said in between kisses. “I’m sure your mother checked them the moment you told her you were going to France with me when we first met…just in case she had to come and rescue you. And your father, he would not miss this. Taking the trip here slowly made it manageable for him.”

Charlotte laughed at his first comment, making it difficult for him to keep kissing her. “My mom’s gotten over that…mostly.”

“Well, we have the rest of our lives to convince her I’m not so bad, right?”

Guy felt her breath hitch at his words. “Yes, we do, and I’m so glad we’re here.”

The squeak of the door did nothing to deter Guy from kissing his fiancée. Even the irritated huff he knew all too well only inspired him to tighten his grip on Charlotte. “Go away, Sabine.”

“What are you even doing in here?” his sister demanded. “I leave Charlotte alone for five minutes and you are here again! It is bad luck, Guy. Get out!”

Straightening, Guy glared at his sister, though it was more smile than anything else. “You cannot take her. I will not allow it.”

Sabine rolled her eyes. “You are like a little boy.” She could not help grinning at her big brother, though. “I am not here for Charlotte. I am here for you. It is time to go down and take your place. You were supposed to be at the church twenty minutes ago. Charlotte’s parents are on their way up to escort her soon, so you need to go.” She turned to Charlotte, then. “Your ten minutes of alone time are up, my dear. It is time for
le mariage
. You are ready, yes?”

“More than ready,” Charlotte said, grinning.

Guy leaned in for another kiss, but Sabine yanked him away. “You will mess up her lipstick!” Shoving her brother toward the door, she was truly glaring at him this time. “Get to the chapel. Now!
is having a panic attack that you aren’t there already. You know how much he hates lateness. Everyone else is waiting for you.”

“Fine. If I must.”

“You must!” Sabine said before slamming the door in his face.

Being quite used to Sabine’s dramatics, and her need to take over anything even remotely related to clothes or shoes, he only shook his head as he descended the grand staircase. He was caught immediately by Myles. Guy had not been kidding with Charlotte when he told her Myles would accompany them to France if need be. Even though Charlotte was doing much better now that she was not working and gave her body the time it needed to recover from the infection and chemo, there were still risks with her traveling. Myles and his wife had been most kind to come with them to France so he would be able to monitor Charlotte’s health during the trip.

“How’s she holding up?” Myles asked.

“Very well.” Guy smiled. It was the happiest and most energetic he had seen her since before starting chemo. She was in between cycles of chemotherapy, which contributed to her buoyed energy and health, but her most recent test result before leaving for the wedding had been very encouraging and it left their little family with a well of hope they had needed quite badly.

“I’m glad to hear that,” Myles said. He clapped Guy on the back as he grinned. “I’m really happy for you, Guy, for both of you. Two months ago, watching her in the hospital, I didn’t think this day would come.”

Guy knew exactly how he felt, but he kept the mood light by asking, “When she was sick, I had not even proposed to her yet. You did not know this day would even be happening at all.”

The chuckle his words drew from Myles was accompanied by a shaking head. “I knew, Guy. It was impossible not to know. I gave you a lot of grief when you first started dating Charlotte, because I was worried about both of you, but you were quick to set me straight.”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember the meeting you came to the day before Charlotte’s first chemo appointment?” When Guy nodded, Myles continued. “The way you held her hand the entire time, soaking up every single detail, focusing every thought on what she would need from you during treatment… I’d only ever seen you like that with one other person. Patricia.”

Guy looked away at the mention of her name, but Myles squeezed his shoulder, urging him to look up. When Guy did, Myles’ eyes were glassy, though there was a smile on his face. “You’re a good doctor, Guy. You put your heart and soul into your patients, but Patricia was different. She was the first person you truly felt responsible for, and it killed you every time they brought her back in because you loved her and it hurt you to see her like that.

“I saw that same thing in you at that first appointment with Charlotte, but even deeper than what you had with Patricia. It wasn’t just caring about a friend. Charlotte was a part of you already, and I knew you would do whatever it took to get her through this. There was no chance of you walking away from her, ever.”

“She and Warren are everything to me,” Guy said quietly. His heart ached at the thought of ever not having them in his life.

Myles smiled warmly. “I think the feeling is mutual for them.” He gave Guy’s shoulder one final squeeze before relinquishing him and heading back down the stairs.

Guy looked back at Charlotte’s door, wanting to risk Sabine’s wrath just to see his bride one more time, but his feet began carrying him down the stairs instead. He regretted having to leave Charlotte for even a minute, but his sister was right. Guy was stopped several more times on his way to the chapel behind the château by friends and family migrating from the house to the church to take their seats for the ceremony. More than one of them looked quite surprised to be there for the purpose of attending his wedding. Guy could only laugh at some of their comments. After all, they had known him his whole life, and he was as surprised as any of them to find himself in such a position.

“Warren, come back!” Guy’s mother called out shortly after he stepped into the crowded foyer of the church.

The shout drew Guy’s attention, but he only smiled as the excited little boy crashed into him. Warren was grinning from ear to ear as he announced, “Uncle Eli and Uncle Vance were telling jokes about you, saying you climbed out a window to run away!” He laughed hysterically at such an idea.

Guy chuckled as well. His friends knew there was no chance of him ever running from Charlotte, but they could still appreciate the levity of finding themselves at Guy’s wedding when he had spent the last ten years complaining about the futility of commitment and marriage.

Taking Warren’s hand, he led him over to where the rest of the wedding party was milling around. Eli, Vance, and Leo were off to the side, out of the way of guests who were coming through the foyer to take their seats, no doubt laughing at him still. Intending to thank his friends for telling such jokes in front of his son, Guy started toward them, but he was derailed by his mother bustling up to them looking somewhat frantic.

“Guy, where have you been? I told you to be down here half an hour ago.” Her expression was one he knew well. She expected an apology, but he could not muster up even a little regret for having snuck in to see his bride instead of arriving on time.

“Charlotte was too tempting to resist, but I am here now.”

She frowned at him, but there was a hint of a smile beneath. “Well, it is time for you to both take your places.” Her eyes pinned Warren to the spot. “You must stay right next to your
, yes? Once you walk up the aisle, do not sit back down until you are told. No running around during the ceremony.”

Warren nodded eagerly. He was bursting with excitement, but Guy knew he would take his role as Junior Best Man very seriously. Michael and Carmody were the actual Best Man and Matron of Honor, as well as the witnesses, but Guy had wanted to make Warren’s role special. He had begged to be able to hold the ring in his pocket, but didn’t want to be the ring bearer carrying
some silly pillow
, as he put it, so they settled on the title of Junior Best Man and let him carry Charlotte’s ring. Warren had been thrilled his request had been granted, but Guy thought it best to hold onto the ring until right before the ceremony.

Clearly, Warren knew it was time. “Where’s the ring? Do you have it? I need to put it in my pocket, please! Let me see the ring,

Guy chuckled at his enthusiasm as he took Charlotte’s ring from his breast pocket and held it out for Warren. The little boy grabbed for it excitedly, but Guy held it back. “Now, you must be very careful. Do not take it out of your pocket until you are told. Do it just as we practiced,

, I can do it. I won’t lose it, I promise.” When Guy finally allowed him to take the ring, Warren held it reverently and quickly slipped it into the little pocket on his suit coat. He kept his hand pressed against the opening of the pocket, clearly worried it might fall out.

“Guy! Guy! Guy!” Lily squealed as she ran through the doors to launch herself into Guy’s arms. She had also wanted to carry a ring, but Carmody paled at the idea of letting her be in charge of something so important. Charlotte had been the one to come up with the perfect solution.

Lifting the simple silver chain from the front of her dress, Guy dangled the platinum band back and forth. “You are taking good care of my ring,

Lily nodded frantically, her freshly styled curls bouncing all over the place. “Mommy said, don’t touch! I just wear it.”

“Good girl,” Guy said with a laugh.

Guy’s mother hurried up behind the two children and pulled them both into a warm hug. “It is time for you two to line up. Are you ready?” They both bobbed their heads up and down. “Good, good, then follow me, little dears.”

As Guy stood, he saw that the adults were being rounded up as well. Eli, Vance, Leo, and Michael trooped past him, all pulling him into a hug or clapping him on the back as they passed. The bridesmaids followed close behind. Carmody hurried ahead to help get Warren and Lily settled. Guy did not mind at all that they were holding hands and spinning in circles, but Carmody looked mortified. Stephanie and Leila walked together to meet Sabine, who had just arrived to usher them all into their proper places. She was quite efficient at lining up the bridesmaids and groomsmen with Michael and Carmody at the end of the line to serve as the two witnesses. The only ones not wrangled into place were the smallest members of the wedding party.

Guy could not help tearing up a bit when he saw Warren break free of Sabine and run over to hug Leila. He watched as his son pressed his face into Leila’s growing belly. Warren’s lips moved, talking to the baby he already referred to as his cousin. Warren had asked on more than one occasion when he would get to have his own baby. The answer was always the same. As soon as Mommy is better.

Pulled out of his thoughts by a hand landing firmly on his shoulder, Guy turned to face an old family friend. Guy had known the priest his entire life, and would not have wanted anyone else to officiate. Pulling the man into a hug, Guy said, “Thank you for being here, Father Deniau.”

Guy half expected a wry comment from the man, but instead, all he said was, “I am proud of you, Guy, and very happy to be here today.” He pulled Guy into a brief hug before Sabine ushered him up to the front of the processional line.

It seemed like ages before Charlotte and her parents finally arrived. As soon as they stepped into the church, Guy tried to approach his bride, but Sabine would not allow it. She pinned him with a glare that promised severe consequences, and pulled Charlotte away from him. She did not go far, though. When Guy’s parents stepped away from their duties as hosts, they each took one of his arms. Seeing his mother near tears when she took her place was not surprising, but seeing his father struggle with his emotions affected him deeply.

“I am very proud of you, my son,” his father said. “We are both so happy for you. You will be a wonderful husband and father.”

For a moment it was too difficult to speak. Guy’s emotions would not let him, so he pulled his father into a crushing embrace instead. When he finally released him, all he could say was, “Thank you,

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