Mimi’s story will continue…
Several wonderful people helped me bring this effort to fruition through their generosity of time and spirit. Without their help and support, this book would never see the light of day, and a dream of mine would remain unfulfilled. For this reason, my undying gratitude belongs to:
Chris Nelson for inspiring the design for the cover art for this book. His vision really captured exactly what I wanted.
John Grace, Meg Martin and Christina Patz for answering the call when I needed readers.
Polett Villalta, for being the honest voice I could rely upon without question, always knowing she would give it to me straight. Look Pol, no salad!
Vicki Lowe-Johnson, for making me feel like a rock-star while reading and giving me feedback. Your criticism, if I can even call it that, kept me editing like a fiend because I couldn’t wait to hear what you’d say next.
Nick Marsh, for being everything I needed and then some. Beta reader, editor, qualifier ninja, cheerleader, ego-booster, walrus slapper, Oreo thief, and the best friend I could ever have hoped to have.
Nickii Fowler, for being more to this book, and to me, than this page could ever possibly contain. Reader, editor, guide, assistant, inspiration, role-model, hero, and the best Aunt in the world, if even the old bat gets me lost every time we get in the car together.
My husband, Joe, for being my support, my love, my partner for nearly two decades (I guess I’ll be keeping you after all) and encouraging me through this process every step of the way.
The three most awesome and attractive children ever to grace the face of this planet. You make my life worthwhile every day. No matter how many times I threaten to sell you, I promise I never will.
@TheEnderBookshelf on Wattpad.com who is currently taking the fan fiction world by storm. Check out this amazing young author and give her a follow. She is on her way to big things. She may be young, but the quality of her descriptiveness inspires me to do better and to work harder.
Finally, I want to thank a certain group of women who have become my personal “Justice League” of Superhero authors: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff, Alice Clayton, Christina Lauren, Emma Chase, Chloe Neill and Darynda Jones. Each one has delighted and entertained me through some very dark times… and made me hope that maybe, just maybe I might someday be able to brush the hems of their capes (and in my wildest fantasies share a cocktail or six). Thank you from the bottom of the heart of one grateful and eternal fan.