Sidelined (40 page)

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Authors: Simon Henderson

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Claiborne, Jerry

Clark, Robert

Cleaver, Eldridge

Cobb, James

Cohodas, Nadine

college athletics crisis: as context for black athletic revolt

college football: as bulwark against school integration importance to southern identity integration of SEC teams

Colorado State University

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

Connolly, Hal

Connor, Bull

Cooper, Jay

Cosell, Howard

Crimson Tide

Cummins, Jack

Cunningham, Sam

Daley, Arthur

Daley, Robert

Dawson, Willie

Demas, Lane

Dennis, James

school integration

“Desperate Coach, The,”

Díaz Ordaz, Gustavo

Dickey, Doug

Dobler, Conrad

Dobroth, John

Dooley, Vince

double consciousness

Douglass, Frederick

Doyle, Andrew

DuBois, W. E. B.

Eaton, Lloyd

Edwards, Frank

Edwards, Harry: black athletic revolt and Black Power rhetoric of 1968 Olympic ban of South Africa and 1968 Olympic boycott and founding of OPHR NYAC boycott and as a polarizing figure on sport and racial politics; tactics and leadership style; on white supporters of OPHR. See also
Revolt of the Black Athlete, The

Edwards, Keith

Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

Evans, Lee

Farran, Pat

Farrior, James

Feliciano, José

female athletes

Flowers, Richmond, Jr.

Fons, Mike

Fosbury, Dick

Fox, Gary

freedom struggle.
black freedom struggle

Freeman, Ron

Gaither, Jake

Gatlin, Justin

Gaughan, T. J.

Gay, Tyson

Georgia Tech

Gitlin, Todd

Glazer, Nathan

Graves, Bibb

Green, Bill

Greene, Charlie

Grier, Bobby

Griffin, Arthur, Jr.

Griffin, Marvin

Grundy, Pamela

Guttman, Alan

Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd

Hallock, Wiles

Hamilton, Melvin

Hano, Arnold

Hansen, Thomas

Hartmann, Douglas

Harvard crew: support for OPHR

Hathaway, Stanley

Hayes, Elvin

Haynes, Abner

Hemery, David

Henderson, Russell

Henderson, Tom

Hendrix, Jimi

Herrerias, Rene

Higgins, David

Hill, Darryl

Hines, Jimmy

Hoffer, Richard

Hoffman, Paul: on attitudes of athletic administrators; on Harvard crew questionnaire 1968 Olympic protest and; on OPHR demands pre-protest opposition faced by

Holloway, Condredge

Holmes, Hamilton

Holmes, Richard

Hood, James

Humphrey, Hubert

Hundred-Yard War, The

Hunter, Charlayne

Hustad, Ken

school integration

International Olympic Committee (IOC)

interposition doctrine

interracial dating

Iversen, Allen

Jackson, Leroy

Jackson, Peter

Jackson, Wilbur

James, Larry

James, Ron

Janeway, Eliot

Jensen, James

Johnson, Gene

Johnson, Jack

Johnson, Magic

Johnson, Michael

Johnson, Rafer

Jordan, Michael

Jordan, Payton

Joseph, Peniel

Kellner, Douglas

Kemper, Kurt

Kennedy, Bobby

Kennedy, John F.

Kidd, Bruce

King, Horace

King, Leon

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Klarman, Michael

Langenkamp, James

Lanier, Bob

Lewis, George

“liberal individualism,”

Lipsitz, George

Lipsyte, Robert

Livingston, Cleve

Lomax, Louis

Los Angeles Sentinel

Los Angeles Times

Louis, Joe

Lucy, Autherine

Lyons, Thomas

MacAloon, John

Malcolm X

Malone, Vivian

Marquette University

Martin, Charles

Matthews, Vince

May, Don

Mays, Willie

McClain, Lester

McClellan, John

McDowell, Cleve

McGirr, Lisa

McGuire, Al

McKissick, Floyd

McLennan, Bob

McMullen, Jim

McVea, Warren

Memminger, Dean

Mendenhall, Rashard

Meredith, James

Mexico City Olympics.
Olympics (1968)

Michener, James

Middlesboro (Ky.) Daily News

Miller, Larry

Miller, Lennox

Milton, Fred

Miroff, Bruce

Mississippi State University

Mitchell, Bobby

Moore, Kenny

Morgan, Dave

Morgan, J. D.

Moye, Gus

Musso, Johnny

Nagel, Ray

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

National Basketball Association (NBA)

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

National Conference of Black Power

National Football League (NFL)

National Summer Youth Sports Program (NSYSP)

Newell, Pete

New Right

New South movement


Newton, Michael

New York Athletic Club (NYAC) boycott

New York Renaissance

New York Times

New York University

1968 Olympics.
Olympic boycott movement (1968); Olympic podium salute (1968); Olympics (1968).

Nixon, Richard

Noel, Kenneth

Norman, Peter

Northington, Nat

Oerter, Al

Ole Miss.
University of Mississippi

Olsen, Jack

Olympic boycott movement (1968): basketball boycott impact of South Africa ban origins and initial impact of views of black athletes on

Olympic Committee for Human Rights (OCHR)

Olympic Games: U.S. political agenda for

Olympic podium salute (1968): black freedom struggle complexities revealed by as complex expression of Black Power events of meanings ascribed by Tommie Smith and John Carlos; media response to USOC response to varied reactions of U.S. Olympic team

Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR): alternatives to boycott; basketball boycott and formation and goals of; NYAC boycott and South Africa ban and support from Harvard crew

Olympics (1968): concerns over potential protest at controversy over South Africa ban

Only a Game

Oregon State University

Owens, Jesse

Owens, Jim

Owens, Terrell

Padgett, Jim

Page, Greg

Patterson, Floyd

Patton, George

Paul, Robert

Peeples, Nat

Perkowski, David

Peterson, Adrian

Pittsburgh Courier

Pitzer, Kenneth

Plant, Marcus

Poage, George

Pont, John

Pope, Clarence

Pope, Steven

Presley, Bob

professional sports

racial identity: as an issue in black athletic revolt at Berkeley shift in focus of athletic activism toward

Rafferty, Max

Ray, Clarence

Raynor, John

Reagan, Ronald

Reed, James

Respond (protest group)

Revolt of the Black Athlete, The

Richardson, Bill

Rieder, Jonathan

Robeson, Paul

Robinson, Earl

Robinson, Jackie

Roby, Douglas: action taken to stem Olympic boycott; on NBA poaching; reaction to Harvard crew support of OPHR warning against Olympic protest

Roche, John

Rodgers, Pepper

Rooney, Art, II

Rovell, Darren

Russell, Bill

Sally Minor Baseball League

Sample, Johnny

San Jose State College

Savannah Citizens

“Say it Loud—I'm Black and I'm Proud” (James Brown song)

Sayre, John

Schmeling, Max

school integration: college football as bulwark against history of relationship of sports to

Schuchman, Robert

Seagren, Bob

segregation: college football and the forces of in professional sports

Shanklin, Don

Sharpton, Al

Shinnick, Phil

Shropshire, Ken

Simmons, Blanton

Smith, Bobby

Smith, Pat

Smith, Tommie: cultural “rehabilitation” of image 1968 Olympic boycott movement and podium salute and post-Olympic career; reaction to Harry Edwards

South Africa: 1968 Olympic ban of

Southeastern Conference (SEC)

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

southern identity: relationship of black southerners to sport and

Southwest Conference

sport: continued racial prejudice in; historical place of black athletes in U.S. sports integration of limitations as a vehicle for black freedom struggle myth of racial progress and NCAA's response to racial problems in race relations and redefinition of sporting ideal in 1960s; relationship to school integration southern identity and white supremacy and

Sports Illustrated

Sports in America

Spurrier, Steve

Stanback, Haskel

“Star-Spangled Banner, The,”

Steketee, Scott

Student Disturbance Act

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

Students for a Democratic Society

Students United for Racial Equality (SURE)

Sullivan, John

Summer Youth Project

Swagerty, Jane

Tannenbaum, Robert

Taylor, Ike

team discipline

Texas Western College.
University of Texas at El Paso

Thomas, Duane

Thomas, Joe

Thomas, John

Thompson, George


(TV show)

Toomey, Bill

Topchik, Jack

Towler, Dan


Tyson, Mike

Tyson, Timothy

Tyus, Wyomia

University of California at Los Angeles

Underwood, John

United Amateur Athletes (UAA)

United States Olympic Committee (USOC): athletes' rights and response to podium salute stance against Olympic protest

University of Alabama

University of California, Berkeley

University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)

University of Georgia

University of Kansas

University of Kentucky

University of Maryland

University of Mississippi

University of Tennessee

University of Texas at El Paso

University of Wyoming

Unseld, Westley

Van Deburg, William

Vaught, Johnny

Vázquez, Pedro Ramirez

Virginia Baseball Association

Waddell, Tom

Walk, Neal

Walker, Fleetwood

Walker, Irvin

Wallace, Don

Wallace, George

Ward, Horace

Washington, Kenny

Washington Redskins

Weisenberg, Barry

White, Phil

white athletes: criticisms of podium salute Harvard crew support for OPHR responses to black athletic revolt on campus views of 1968 Olympic boycott movement and OPHR views of NYAC boycott

white backlash

White Citizens' Councils

“White Majority,”

white supremacy in sport

Whitfield, Mel

Wiggins, David

Wilkins, Roy

Williams, Ben

Williams, Joe

Williams, Robert

Wilson, James

Winter, Bud

Wolfe, Bob

Woods, Tiger

Wright, Stan

Young, A. S.

Young, George

Young, Larry

Young Americans for Freedom

Zang, David

Zerfoss, Alan

Zimmerman, Paul

Zirin, Dave



Steven F. Lawson, Rutgers University

Cynthia Griggs Fleming, University of Tennessee

Freedom's Main Line: The Journey of Reconciliation and the Freedom Rides

Derek Charles Catsam

Subversive Southerner: Anne Braden and the Struggle for Racial Justice in the Cold War South

Catherine Fosl

Constructing Affirmative Action: The Struggle for Equal Employment Opportunity

David Hamilton Golland

Sidelined: How American Sports Challenged the Black Freedom Struggle

Simon Henderson

Becoming King: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Making of a National Leader

Troy Jackson

Civil Rights in the Gateway to the South: Louisville, Kentucky, 1945–1980

Tracy E. K'Meyer

Democracy Rising: South Carolina and the Fight for Black Equality since 1865

Peter F. Lau

Civil Rights Crossroads: Nation, Community, and the Black Freedom Struggle

Steven F. Lawson

Freedom Rights: New Perspectives on the Civil Rights Movement

edited by Danielle L. McGuire and John Dittmer

This Little Light of Mine: The Life of Fannie Lou Hamer

Kay Mills

After the Dream: Black and White Southerners since 1965

Timothy J. Minchin and John A. Salmond

Fighting Jim Crow in the County of Kings: The Congress of Racial Equality in Brooklyn

Brian Purnell

Thunder of Freedom: Black Leadership and the Transformation of 1960s Mississippi

Sue [Lorenzi] Sojourner with Cheryl Reitan

For Jobs and Freedom: Race and Labor in America since 1865

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