SinfullyWicked (14 page)

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Authors: Tina Donahue

BOOK: SinfullyWicked
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He spoke casually, but Nikki heard the tension beneath his
words, the lust. She watched him and Felipe move to the room’s doorway,
discussing what props and lighting were necessary for the scene.

One of punishment, complete male domination.

Nikki’s skin tingled. She wondered what might happen during
it as he, she and Mitch were finally, blessedly, alone.

Chapter Eight


“What you want is going to take some time,” Felipe said.
“Maybe an hour for me and my crew to set up.”

Connor regarded Mitch. His arm shielded his eyes, his mouth
sagged open in sleep from what—his fourth, fifth, sixth orgasm today? How many
times had he and Nikki gone at it in the dressing room before Alex had located
them? Connor didn’t want to guess. “Not a problem. I don’t think my brother is
going to be available for quite a while.”

Felipe sighed. “Mitch is so beautiful. If only he was gay or
at least bisexual.”

Yeah, if only. They wouldn’t be here lusting after a woman
they were undoubtedly nuts to want.

Nikki was on all fours, watching him and Felipe, seemingly
unaware of the picture she created. She looked like a female in heat, her hair
in disarray, strands of it stuck to her cheek and throat, the collar a barbaric
reminder of what just occurred and would happen next in the punishment room.

Warmth flooded Connor’s body, centering in his rigid cock.
He couldn’t recall the last time he’d been so damn hard for so fucking long
with it getting worse by the second. Nikki’s position allowed her breasts to
hang free. They swayed gently as she adjusted her weight from one knee to the
other. The chain sparkled in the candlelight, inviting a man to use it,
bringing her closer, claiming her for whatever he wanted.

Felipe had said it’d be an hour before anything could move
forward. Connor debated whether to hide out in one of the mansion’s many rooms
and masturbate himself into unconsciousness or stay here and suffer.

“Hey, Connor,” George called out. He and the other extras
approached. “Me and the guys were wondering if we could ask some of the local
girls over tonight since we’re not going to be doing anything for the film.
That is what you said, right?”

A drop of perspiration ran down Nikki’s breast to her
nipple, clinging to the long tip. Connor imagined what its flavor and heat
might be like. “That’s right.” Only he, Nikki and Mitch would be upstairs. This
time there would be no prying eyes.

“Paul can start calling the girls now,” George said, then
added, “They’re all over twenty-one, by the way. Some of them have even been
extras here before. They know not to touch anything.”

“Or steal it,” James cut in. “We’ll behave. Promise.”

For the first time in a long time, Connor didn’t give a fuck
if they did as long as they didn’t bother him, Nikki and Mitch. “Everyone stays
down here,” he ordered. “Guest rooms are in the east wing on the ground floor.
The ladies have to clear out before sunrise.”

“No problemo,” James said, backing away. “We’ll set things
up now.”

“Wait.” Connor caught his arm. “Grab some food and drinks
from the kitchen and bring them in here for my stars.”

“Sure.” Regarding Nikki, James smiled. “What do you think
she likes to eat?”

Connor wasn’t about to say. “Bring a little bit of
everything, especially cheese and chocolate.” What every woman liked.

“Be right back.”

The others had already cleared out, making plans for the
rest of the day, leaving Connor alone with his brother and Nikki. He went to
the table and pulled out a chair, its sturdy weight causing the legs to squeal
briefly on the floor. Seated, Connor stretched his legs out, crossing them at
the ankles, and folded his hands on his belly. Nikki made no move to hide her
perusal of his fly. Denying that he had a monster erection would have been
foolish for them both. “I asked James to bring some food in here for you and

His brother continued to snore softly.

Nikki got comfortable, sitting cross-legged as she faced
Connor. He now had an excellent view of her rosy cunt and vaginal lips
glistening with the arousal Mitch had generated in her. It would’ve been an
easy matter for Connor to lean up and touch her pussy as he had when they’d
kissed. Nikki wouldn’t have fought him. She wanted it.

His shoulders hurt from pushing them into the chair, keeping
his distance for now. Upstairs was another matter entirely.

She glanced at Mitch’s legs jerking briefly in sleep.
Settled down, he continued to slumber. “Thanks,” she said.

“For what?” Connor asked, speaking as quietly as she had.

She studied him before answering, her shoulders sagging a
bit as she did, betraying her indecision as to what she should say. “The food
James is bringing. I’m sure Mitch is starving.”

“He looks all right to me. How hungry are you, Nikki?”

The collar’s chain slipped from her fingers, its links
tapping the table. “More than I’ve been in a long time.”

He didn’t comment.

The sides of her mouth turned down in what appeared to be
disappointment that he hadn’t said something else provocative or made a move as
he had before. Her lips were red from his and Mitch’s randy kisses. Silver
glitter sparkled on the bridge of her nose, hiding her freckles. The feathers
fluttered each time she blinked.

In the candlelight, her eyes were an amazing blue-gray, a
perfect complement to her hair, the color of autumn leaves. He liked that she’d
kept it long all these years. It gave a man something to hold onto, keeping her
face lifted to his, making it impossible for her to turn away.

“How about you?” Nikki murmured.

She wasn’t asking about his hunger in the nutritional sense
any more than he’d been with her. So how was he supposed to answer? With the
truth—that the oppressive tension in his chest and his shaky legs were the only
things keeping him from leaving the chair and grabbing her? That and the pain
of what she’d done. Sure, they’d been kids, as Mitch had said, all of them
scared, but the reality didn’t make Connor hurt any less. Each time she’d
laughed at him, joining in and agreeing with the others, it tore away another
part of his soul. His confidence had been less than shit after she got through
with him, while his desire for her, the way she’d been during the summer,
remained intact.

Nikki had ruined him for other women. During college there’d
been a few who seemed to genuinely love him for the fucked-up, unpopular kid
he’d always been. Connor had allowed himself to indulge in their affection. It
hadn’t been enough. He never laughed with them as he once had with her. The
other girls’ motherly concern and fawning appreciation of all that he was did
nothing to feed his starving soul. He’d needed Nikki’s friendship and approval.

With her elbows on her thighs, she leaned closer to him,
awaiting his response.

Mitch choked on a snore, shook himself awake and stared at
them both. “What happened? What did I miss?”

“Nothing,” Nikki sighed, rubbing his shin.

Mitch frowned at Connor. He ignored it.

“Here we go,” Paul said. He placed a tray on the table, the
silver plate heaped with deli cheeses and meats, chocolate-covered
strawberries, grapes, wedges of pineapple and pears, sugar-crusted melon balls,
bite-sized pieces of Dove candy.

“We’re having lunch?” Mitch asked, taking a bottle of Coors
from Nikki.

“Connor suggested it.” She opened her beer and chugged a
fourth of it, then scrunched her nose as she belched. “’Scuse me. I thanked him
and said you were probably hungry. He asked me how hungry I was. I said more
than I’d been in years. Then I asked if he was hungry. He hasn’t told me as
yet.” She turned to him. “So are you hungry too, Connor?”

Mitch lowered his bottle, his mouth curling up in a smile.

Rather than answer her, Connor reached for the grapes.

“I’ll get them for you,” Nikki said. She eased his hand away
and scooted closer. Mitch pushed to a sitting position.

In the other room, the guys conversed, their party plans
interrupted by frequent whoops and laughter.

“Here,” Nikki murmured, bringing one of the grapes to
Connor’s mouth. A peace offering wrapped in a whole lot of complication he
didn’t need.

He wanted to yell at her, admitting he was still in pain. He
wanted to pull her across his lap, spanking her good and hard, then mount her
for the rest of the afternoon, telling her without words how much he would
always want her. After that, he had no plans.

“Want me to taste it first to see if it’s sweet?” she asked.

Connor wrapped his hand around her wrist to keep her from
withdrawing. He took the grape, chewing it slowly, his thumb running over the
back of her hand.

A pretty pink flush spread across her forehead and cheeks.
“Good?” she asked.

Better than the wet dreams he’d had as a teen. “More,” he

“Of course.” She smiled happily, as though his approval
mattered to her.

Connor wondered why it should. She already had Mitch on her

With the self-assurance of a man who knows he’s loved, Mitch
fed himself, popping several grapes into his mouth, not at all concerned that
Nikki’s attention was on his brother.

Connor accepted a pineapple wedge from her and then a melon
ball, licking stray sugar from her fingers. Nikki lowered her face. In the
candlelight, her lashes cast shadows on her cheeks. At this moment, she was
Eve…servile, prepared to please.

As far as Connor was concerned, she’d certainly get her

“What’s next?” Mitch asked, speaking around the prosciutto
in his mouth.

“The punishment scene,” Nikki answered before Connor could.

Mitch finished his chew and swallowed. He regarded the
collar around Nikki’s throat. “In here?”

“Upstairs,” Connor said. “The room at the top of the
third-floor stairway that we’ve been using for storage.”

“That crappy space?”

“It won’t be once Felipe gets done with it.” The snug room
would be a Dom’s playground where a maiden learned humility and obedience to
her masters.


Just past an arched doorway was the staircase leading to the
Punishment Room. A single ceiling fixture lit the long and curving flight of
steps, its electric candles not coming close to brightening the ominous gloom.

Mitch stood to the side with Nikki as Connor filmed the
ascending stairs. Something in his brother had changed since the scene in the
dining room. While Mitch ate, Connor stared openly at Nikki, no longer trying
to hide his desire. She’d responded with frank interest, brushing bits of sugar
from his lips, handing him a beer, trying to engage him in conversation.

For the most part, he kept the dialogue neutral even as the
heat between them grew. So, what did he have in mind once they were at the top
of those stairs? What would Nikki agree to?

Mitch knew what she wanted…Connor’s forgiveness. His brother
wasn’t quite there yet.

He walked backward up the steps, speaking to Mitch. “You’ll
carry Nikki over your shoulder, your arm around her thighs, holding her steady,
exposing her ass, the focus of her coming punishment.”

A noisy sigh escaped her. Mitch didn’t ask if Nikki still
wanted to do this. She practically glowed with excitement.

“Walk slowly,” Connor said. “Take your time. Make her and
the audience anticipate what’s going to come next.”

His cock was already rock hard from the thought of it.

“Let’s make a film,” Nikki breathed.

Mitch’s thoughts exactly. He slung her over his shoulder,
her ass facing the camera.

“That’s it,” Connor said. He propped his shoulder against
the stairwell’s beige wall and brought the camera to his eye. “Good.”

It was way better than that. Nikki’s hands were on the
crease between Mitch’s buttocks, her fingers traveling down it, sending a rush
of feeling to his scalp. His step faltered. He toddled to the right.

“No,” Connor complained, “I need you to be steady.”

Nikki chuckled.

Bad, bad girl. Time for some discipline. Mitch pinched her
thigh. Nikki jerked, then continued fondling his ass, as nervy as she’d been
when they were teens and he’d had to tickle her into submission. Unable to do
that now, he pinched her leg twice more before she gave up, her arms dangling

Up the stairs he went, following Connor, who offered a
mixture of directives and encouragement.

“Nice,” he said. “You look really grim.”

Nikki giggled.

Mitch wanted to smile but couldn’t quite manage it. Nikki
wasn’t heavy by any means, but her weight coupled with the climb and all his
orgasms made him feel a million years old. Never had he been happier to reach a

“Follow me,” Connor ordered, still filming as he backed into
the room.

Whoa. Mitch stopped in the center of it, hanging onto Nikki
as he turned a slow circle. The walls were black with the surface having a
slight shine. Although they hadn’t been painted today, the pungent odor
lingered. On one end of the room was an antique cheval mirror, the glass
scratched in the corners. It faced an old-fashioned table.

The wood was dented, its varnish having seen better days. On
top were two eyebolts with manacles attached to them for someone’s wrists.
Beyond that, on a pedestal, was what looked to be a phallus covered in black
leather. A variety of nasty-looking whips, riding crops and straps hung from
hooks on the wall. The candles in here were placed strategically so the bobbing
flames created long, menacing shadows.

“Put Nikki down,” Connor said.

She stared as Mitch had, focusing on something he’d just
noticed…a wide blackboard near the slanted ceiling. Written in white on it was
the word
Beneath that were vertical marks, the same as
in Connor’s book, recording moments when Eve had disobeyed. In the story,
twenty marks earned her a whipping.

Mitch counted twenty-five.

Connor put his camera on a stool and spoke to Nikki. “Bend
over the table.”

She regarded it, her lips parting, her shoulders rising with
each unsteady breath.

Another man might have figured Nikki was ready to bolt.
Mitch knew she was not. Even in the dim light, he saw her deepening color, the
sparkle in her eyes.

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