SinfullyWicked (21 page)

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Authors: Tina Donahue

BOOK: SinfullyWicked
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“I am now,” Connor said. With an ease that surprised Nikki,
he swept her into his arms and carried her to the room’s exit, following Mitch.

“Wait!” she said.

Connor didn’t. He brought her closer, his firm caress
proving he wasn’t about to let her go. Nikki’s body reacted before her mind
could. She slipped her arm around his shoulders and held tight. “Where are you
taking me?”

“Home,” Mitch said. “Right, Connor?”


“The room I’m renting?” she asked.

Both brothers stopped in the smoke-filled hall.

“No,” Connor said, giving her one of his don’t-mess-with-me
looks. “Home—our home. The one where all three of us will be living. What

She stopped running her finger beneath her nose. “You’re
taking me back to Atlanta? I’m going to be working at Wicked again?”

“No fucking way.” They’d spoken as one.

Connor added, “And you’re never going to be in another of my

Nikki frowned. “I was that bad?”

“You were that good,” Mitch mumbled.

Oh yeah? “Then why won’t I be in any more of them?”

“You will,” Connor said, carrying her down the hall to the
club’s exit, again following Mitch. “The private ones we make. No more public
ones for you.”

“Wait a sec. I have to work. I have to pay you guys back. I
have to prove to you that I’ve changed. I’m not the person who did all that bad

Mitch stopped at the door. “We know you’re not. That’s why
we’re here.”

“Is that true?” she asked Connor, wanting to hear it from

He sighed. “Mitch showed me the picture you took of us at
our graduation. Why in the hell didn’t you come over and talk to us then? Why’d
you waste so many years, Nikki?”

“I was stupid, okay?”

“We both were.” He pushed his face into hers until the tips
of their noses touched. “Don’t do it again.”

She loved when he was like this, pretending to be imperious
when beneath it she heard his entreaty that she never again hurt him or his
brother. “No, sir,” she breathed. “You’re the boss—director—whatever.”

“Try friend,” Mitch said. “And family.” He ran his knuckles
down her cheek.

Nikki kissed them and his palm.

Connor huffed, “The door, please? She’s not getting any

“Better you risk a hernia than me,” Mitch said.

Nikki mumbled, “I’m right here, guys. I can hear you.”

“Sorry.” Mitch’s smile said he wasn’t. He enjoyed teasing
her. The moment he opened the door, Connor carried her to the back parking lot
where a black limo waited. The Vegas sky was too bright from the casinos’
lights to allow many stars to shine through. Certainly not as many as she’d seen
from the mansion on Sea Island during her one and only starring role in an
erotic film. According to Mitch and Connor, there’d be no more of that or
working at the club.

That wasn’t right. She had to stop them. “Wait,” Nikki said
as Connor put her down.

“Nope.” He took Mitch’s offered jacket and draped it around
her shoulders, concealing her nudity from the limo driver who’d come around the
vehicle to open the back door. “Get in.”

“I have to work,” she insisted. “I have to pay you guys
back. Every cent. I sold my car and my hair to make the first couple of pay—”

“What?” they both said at once.

Connor grabbed a hunk of her wig, pulling it off. Mitch
gaped at her boyishly short hair, then complained, “Why in the fuck did you do

Well, duh. “For the money. Don’t worry, it’ll grow back.”

“Fucking A it will.” Connor growled, “Get. In. Now.”

Yes sir.

The moment she was sandwiched between them on the leather
seat, Mitch spoke to the driver. “Take us to the airport.”

“Right away, Mr. Wade.”

“Whoa, hold it, my things,” she said as the driver raised
the glass partition. “It’s not much, but it’s all I have. My purse and street
clothes are still inside the club.”

Connor eased her back against the seat and spoke softly. “A
staff member came with us tonight. He’s gathering your stuff here as we speak
and he’ll get the rest in your room and will bring it all back. Don’t worry,

Nikki wanted to say “sure” or even nod. All she could manage
were hitching sobs at how nice he was being.

“Oh shit, baby, don’t do that,” Connor begged. “Nothing
bad’s gonna happen, I swear.” He cupped her face and brushed his lips over

The scent of his clean breath, his strength and heat were
even better than Nikki recalled, bringing more tears.

“Forgive me,” he said, kissing the corners of her trembling
mouth, her damp cheeks and each lid. His actions were gentle, tender, filled
with respect and love. “I treated you so badly. I was such an idiot. A damn

“A prick,” Mitch offered.

“Stop it,” Nikki blubbered. “I don’t want you guys to fight
about me.”

“Love us both and we won’t have to,” Connor said.

“That’s right.” Mitch turned her face to his, giving her a
deep, impassioned kiss.

Connor removed the clips from her nipples, rubbing them with
great care, licking them as though he feared they might hurt.

Together, both brothers took turns kissing, touching,
comforting her, pulling moan after moan from Nikki.

Outside the limo, horns honked, music throbbed, Vegas’
visitors shouted and laughed.

“Come home with us,” Mitch murmured at last, speaking above
her breathy sighs. “Let us take care of you.”

She swallowed and regarded them both, so different, but
equally beautiful. “No.”

They exchanged stricken glances, then frowned. Mitch spoke
first. “All right, all right. You need to work and pay us back? Then you can do
so in the business end of the club, okay?”

“Yeah,” Connor said. “We’ll let you help us with loans from
banks and legal shit.”

“That’s right,” Mitch cut in. “You’ll work with us to make
Wicked even more of a success than it already is.”

Nikki made a face. “Don’t you already have someone on
payroll to do that?”

“We’ll give Fred a promotion,” Connor said. “He’s been
wanting one for a while. Right, Mitch?”

“You bet. We’ll make him executive VP to Nikki’s ordinary

“I don’t want charity,” she said.

“You’re not getting it,” Mitch growled. “You’ve never worked
under Connor and me before.”

She ran her thumb across his bottom lip. “You may have
forgotten about the film, but I haven’t.”

His mouth turned up in a smile. “In an office setting,” he

“I don’t want you guys taking care of me.”

“Why not?” Connor argued.

She cradled his handsome face, Mitch’s too, loving what she
saw, the men they’d become.

Her guys. Strong. Generous. Honorable. Loving. Sexy as
fucking hell.

Nikki dropped her hands to their groins. Her fingers snaked
over their stiffening cocks.

In a whisper, she said what had been in her heart for too
long, “I want us to take care of each other.”


The End

About the Author


Tina Donahue is an award-winning, bestselling novelist in
erotic romance, and an admitted chocoholic known to down semi-sweet candy bars
in grocery checkout lines. She lives with her family in Palm Springs,
California, where tires melt in the 120-degree summer heat and an occasional
earthquake puts everyone on notice to bolt things down. When she’s not writing
her steamy stories, trying to stay cool or crawling beneath her desk during a
trembler, she loves shopping, eating at her favorite Mexican restaurant and
meeting other authors. Before she wrote romance, Tina was the editor of an
award-winning Midwestern newspaper and worked in Story Direction for a
Hollywood production company.


Tina welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email address on her
author bio page





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Also by
Tina Donahue



Dark, Delicious

In His Arms

Velvet Nights

Sensual Stranger


Me Away


Print books by Tina Donahue





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